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Cat Litter Training

You've just brought home a new kitten. Everything is great - he's wide-eyed, fluffy, and completely adorable. There's just this one problem... The little guy keeps doing his business all over the carpet, the hardwood floors, and even tabletops and shelves when he gets climbing. You start to realize that this just can't keep happening, no matter how cute he is. You've got to begin the process of cat litter training.

What's the good news? Cat litter training usually goes over fairly smoothly - it's certainly easier than housebreaking certain breeds of dogs. Some cats will tend to be more stubborn than others, but if you follow a few simple guidelines, the litter training becomes a much less daunting undertaking.

First of all, make sure you get a litter box that's size-appropriate for your new pet. If you buy a giant litter box for a tiny month-old kitten, he'll be too afraid to get in and use it. When you go into a pet store, don't be afraid to ask what size you should be looking for - the employees will be able to help you find exactly what you need.

Next, decide where in your house you're going to place the litter box and stick with it. If you continually move the litter box around, you'll only confuse and upset your cat. Cats, especially kittens, are very sensitive to changes in their environment, and if you don't keep the litter box in one place, they're liable to continue going to the bathroom all over your house.

Keep in mind that you may need to place your new kitten in the box at first, or scratch his paw in the litter to help him along. It can be beneficial to do this just after he's had something to eat or drink, since that's when he's going to need to use it. It may sound obvious, but it works.

Also know that a kitten isn't going to use a dirty litter box. After all, you wouldn't particularly enjoy using a filthy bathroom, would you? The same principle applies to cats, so make sure to change the litter on a regular basis. Cat litter training can be a hassle, but if you follow the basic guidelines laid out here, you shouldn't have too much trouble at all. Cats are one of the cleanest household pets you can have, and if you start litter training early - and in the proper way - they'll just about take care of themselves.

Gillian Aitken is a proud cat-lover who isn't afraid to admit that they can sometimes make for fickle pets. Are you interested in uncovering more tips and tricks on how to raise a healthy, happy cat? Visit Gill's site at

Cat Behavior Training

Cats make great pets. They're cute, they're clean, they're smart, and they have an independent streak that you just won't find in a dog. Unfortunately, cats can also exhibit notoriously difficult behavior. They may destroy furniture, constantly meow and whine, and even claim territory all over your house. If one or more of these things start happening, it might be in your best interest to start cat behavior training.

Contrary to popular belief - and what you yourself may have been told - cat behavior training is possible. Cats aren't so independent that they'll refuse any and all efforts to train them. In fact, they can be quite responsive, so long as you use the right techniques.

Keep in mind that cats aren't quite like any other animal, and they're certainly not the same as dogs. Some methods of behavior training that will work with other household pets will utterly fail with your cat.

What's the most important thing to keep in mind when training your cat? You absolutely need to know and accept that reacting physically won't help a thing. Cats don't respond to being swatted with a newspaper or having their noses rubbed in their own urine - on the contrary, they'll only resent you for it. They won't understand why you've done what you have, they'll only be frustrated and upset with you.

In fact, trying to train your cat through physical punishment can completely ruin your relationship with him. He won't trust you, he won't understand why you're punishing him, and his behavior certainly won't improve.

Training your cat requires you to talk to him, using positive words and tones combined with rewards of food or new toys when he's done something good, and the opposite when he's done something wrong.

You also need to maintain a stable environment, as cats are very sensitive to any and all changes going on around them. Have you moved recently? Have you introduced a new pet into your home? Have you moved your cat's litter box? Any of these things have the potential to negatively influence your cat's behavior.

Perhaps above all, you need patience. Cat behavior training is not exactly a walk in the park. It takes time, it takes effort, and it takes dedication. With some perseverance on your part, however, and the right techniques, there's no doubting the fact that you will be able to improve your cat's behavior, which makes for a better relationship between you and your pet.

Gillian Aitken is a proud cat-lover who isn't afraid to admit that they can sometimes make for fickle pets. Are you interested in uncovering more tips and tricks on how to raise a healthy, happy cat? Visit Gill's site at

How To Train Your Cat

There's no doubt that cats can be a handful. Unlike dogs, they retain an enormous amount of independence, they don't often aim to please, and they're not always the loving, cuddly balls of fur you might want them to be. If you're a new pet owner - or even an experienced one - you may well be wondering how to train your cat.

Make no mistake, it is possible to train your cat, but it takes a commitment on your part. You need patience, and you need to accept that training a cat is different from training most other household pets.

Whether you're just starting out with a new kitten or you've had an unruly cat for years, there are three key things that you should keep in mind when trying to figure out how to train your cat.

First of all, cats learn through experience. For instance, if you feed your cat every time he starts yowling and complaining, it becomes a learned behavior - he'll continue his yowling, thinking that it's the proper way to signal hunger. With this in mind, it's important to always punish the bad behavior and reward the good.

Second, always talk to your cat. You may feel a little silly at first, but there's no doubt that cats can recognize and register the sound of your voice, the emphasis, and even certain words. When you want to discourage bad behavior, pick a word or a sentence and keep repeating it to your cat. Your cat will eventually realize that he's done something wrong. Conversely, when you want to reward good behavior, pick another word and repeat it in the same manner.

Third, remember that cats can become agitated and aggressive in response to serious stress or changes in their environment. If your cat has suddenly become irritable when before he was agreeable and good-natured, it may be due to recent upheaval. This can be brought on by something as obvious as the introduction of a new pet or as simple as moving your cat's litter box.

It's true that cats can be extremely fickle. One minute they'll be lounging peacefully in your lap and the next they might be clawing at the furniture, meowing uncontrollably, or just causing havoc in general. But it's that same streak of independence that makes a cat-lover out of all cat-owners. If you begin with the three basic tips in this article, you'll be able to work through the ins-and-outs of how to train your cat faster than you may think.

Gillian Aitken is a proud cat-lover who isn't afraid to admit that they can sometimes make for fickle pets. Are you interested in uncovering more tips and tricks on how to raise a healthy, happy cat? Visit Gill's site at

Learn About Some Cat Domestic Health Problems

Cats are domesticated animals that do have some health problems from time to time. The cat domestic health problems arise sometimes because of no reason, and sometimes there is a specific reason. Every cat breed has different health concerns and if the pet goes outside, the health problem risks are higher. These small creatures need care and proper care to ensure a healthy and happy life.

Many Reasons for Cat Vomiting

Cats have bouts of vomiting due to hairballs, digestive tract ailments and because of consuming food to fast. If a cat has hairballs, you need to use some form of relief to help loosen the obstruction. Eating grass is one way to clear the obstruction, or a medication from the vet may be required. Cats have high stress in some cases and this causes vomiting and fatigue. The cat will show signs of depression if the health problem persists.

Some cats feel the need to eat fast, whether you have more than one cat or not, the cat may feel he needs to eat fast or not get enough. These types of cat domestic health problems usually require giving food that is readily available anytime so that cat realizes the food will always be available. When the cat eats fast, the food does not digest and comes back up soon after eating.

Cat Domestic Health Problems with Diarrhea

Cats sometimes have diarrhea, which can result from certain foods or another internal health problem. If a cat has the diarrhea for a couple days, no action is required. If the problem persists for longer, a vet needs to do some tests to determine the problem before the cat becomes dehydrated.

Sometimes changing the diet to a bland array of foods helps with the problem. Some cats might not like it or eat it, but you can try a little cooked rice mixed with cottage cheese or a potato that has been cooked and cooled. If you still have problems, it could be more serious.

Ear and Eye Cat Domestic Health Problems

Cats always stick there heads somewhere and they are prong to scratching their eyes with their own claws. If you see a problem with the eyes, you should seek out medical treatment to preserve the sight of the cat. Cats have allergies just as people do and sometimes need to have a prescribed medication to prevent watering and crusting around the eyes.

The ears are sensitive and need care in order to keep them free from parasites and infections. If cats have ear mites, they need to have a treatment to eliminate the parasite. Sometimes cat spend time outdoors, and in the cold weather, the ear tips can become frost bitten with over exposure to the freezing cold. This requires cutting the tips of ears off to protect the rest of the ear. Cat domestic health problems are minimal, but do exist in even the healthiest cat that receives love and proper care.

You can also find more information at Health Persian Cat Problem and Cat Stricture is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cat health.

The Siamese: 5 Reasons We Love Them

Siamese cats are one of the most popular and easily recognized breeds of cat in the world. What makes the Siamese such a hit with humans? There are many reasons as many reasons as there are owners. However, there are several reasons that Siamese stand out amongst the other breeds.

The first reason is the Siamese's distinctive coloring. The contrast of the light colored body and the distinctive color pattern that is just across the face, feet and tail is hard to resist. It's a striking pattern and easily remembered. While bi-colored cats may have a nice contrast, the placement of the Siamese coloring highlights their faces and their long elegant feet and tail.

The second reason is the vivid blue eyes of the Siamese. The dark patterned fur and the light blue eyes is often a startling contrast. Blue eyes are unusual in a cat, even more so staring out of a dark face. It is no doubt this contrast that makes the seal point the most popular of all the Siamese colors.

The third reason is the personality of the Siamese. Siamese have a wonderful, loyal personality. In many ways these cats bridge the gap between a canine and feline. They combine the loyalty and love of a dog with the independence of a cat. Like a dog, these cats often fetch without being taught and many will walk on a harness. However, Siamese only do this when they want to do these things, not when their owner expects them to be done.

The fourth reason is that Siamese talk. No one forgets the sound of a Siamese. While the loud meow is the most distinctive sound they make, Siamese are talkers and they vocalize their every thought. Once a person has gotten used to the sounds of a Siamese, they expect all cats to have the same forthrightness in their communication!

The final reason is the athleticism of these cats. Siamese move. These cats were born to play and be active and they show it regularly. Many people love watching them pounce on their favorite cat toys. Interactive toys are always a hit with Siamese. They enjoy time spent with their humans and these toys allow them to move their well-muscled bodies.

Siamese cats blend well into a number of different settings. People love the look, the sound and even the playful personality of the cat. Those people who want to go away for short periods of time, love having a cat who will take care of themselves. Those who want companionship, adore the loyalty. They are small enough to be able to run and exercise in the smaller spaces of a home or apartment, yet their personalities would fill a mansion.

Bonnie Koenig lives with her three cats. She and her Siamese maintain their website

Newborn Kittens, How To Care For Abandoned Kittens

Taking Care Of Newborn Kittens

Some Good Advice In Case Mom Cat Is Gone And You Need To Nurse Newborn Kittens.

Did you ever imagine that you would someday need to take care of newborn kittens? What would happen if the mother cat was missing or worse yet, found dead? Could "YOU" take care of these new babies? Would you have any idea at all what to do to help these tiny creatures? If your answer is no, please keep reading. These new kittens don't have to die.

So you have one or more kittens to tend to. Their lives depend on you. What should you do? First keep them warm. Babies cannot produce enough body heat on their own to keep them alive until they are 3 to 4 weeks old. Do this by putting them in a sturdy box or plastic tote. The plastic containers work nice as you can wash them up. Line this with a soft warm blanket or towel.

Fleece blankets works great. Do you have any old baby warming blankets around? Put a warm but not to heavy of a towel or light blanket over the top. You could place some warm water bottles in amongst them. Not too hot as these could burn their skin. Put the bottles under the blanket so the kitten isn't lying directly on or next to it. Maintain temperature at about 80 degrees.

Do not let the bottles get cold or it will really drop the temperature of the kittens fast and this could mean death. It might be a good idea to set a timer or alarm clock to help you remember when to change them. A heating pad could be used in place of the bottles if you have one. Set it on LOW under the blanket.

These newborns have to be feed from a special baby bottle. One with a very small nipple on it. They will need a special kitten formula to eat. This formula should be fed every two hours for the first week of life and every three to four hours thereafter. You can find these at your veterinary office or a pet store. Directions and amounts will be on the container of formula. Follow the manufactures directions. Each kitten will eat differently so use your judgment on amounts. Do not force feed to get the recommended amount into the animal. If it seems healthy and is growing then it will eat what it needs.

Before and after each feeding you will need to massage their tummies and genital area to encourage them to go potty. This stimulates the organs and is needed for survival. Do this with a cotton ball or pad or tissues moistened with warm water. Their mother would have licked them to stimulate this to happen. I bet you just thought mom was always cleaning them if you had ever seen a mother cat with her young.

If your kitten begins to aspirate formula into its lungs, immediately hold it upside down until the choking subsides. You can rub it on its back as you would with a child tapping lightly and frequently to help the milk expel from its lungs. If the kitten is not responding to this you can hold it firmly in both hands using your index fingers to support the neck, "sling" it downward several times. Please be very careful with this procedure as you could throw the kitten from your hands or break its neck. This method is used during a c-sections delivery to get the fluid out of their lungs until they cry and start breathing on their own.

The crying of a new born animal is truly a wonderful and rewarding sound.

I unexpectedly found myself mother to two baby raccoon. I picked up a few baby bottles from the local dollar store. The hole in the nipple was too large. The male coon would eat like crazy then choke. I had a few panicky moments while trying to save his life. It would not breath, it grew week and the eyes started this weird stair and seamed to start rolling back. (Or was this just my panicked imagination?) I held him upside down and began rubbing his body. When this wasn't working I stared the slinging method. This works with gravity and forces the fluid up and out of the lungs. I would Slink 2-3 times, rub like mad. Sling some more, rub, rub. Tears started in my eyes as I thought I was going to lose him. Finely, movement and breathing. Yes he's going to be alright. Then I notice myself trembling, tears streaming down my face. "Darn coon" I thought. What the heck am I doing? But I would do it all over again if they needed my help to survive. Alright, back to the kittens.

Kittens will cry when they are hungry or in some other distress. Be sure to listen for their cries. A much too quiet kitten could also be a sign of something wrong. Do not ignore this sign.

Take immediate action. Ask yourself,

  • Is it cold?
  • Has it been going potty?
  • Has it been eating enough?

Check the kitten over. Is it week and listless? If you're just not sure what's wrong or you're not able to fix what you might think it is call a veterinarian immediately. Get ready to go and keep baby warm on the way.

If a baby starts to get a bit listless you could give it a drop or two of Karo syrup to stimulate it to eat. Often times this bit of sugar can do the trick. If not, take it to the vet.

Keep your kittens clean and dry.This is a very important step for their health and well being. You'll need to change their blankets at least once a day. Mom's not there to wipe up all the little messes. It's up to you. Keep their eyes and faces wiped off every day. Just use a warm wet wash cloth or rag for this.

If your youngsters have been healthy till about four weeks with no trips to the vet you might want to start thinking about taking them in for a visit. Most vets will give a discount for a litter of kittens. You'll have to ask them what their policy is.

Vaccines and de-worming will be on the list of things for "your babies." You made it this far, don't make the mistake and ignore the future care of these wonderful playful companions. By this time they should be getting a lot easier to care for and you could even start litter training.

I wish you and your new babies the best of luck and health in your future years together.

For More Great Articles: Information Pet Planet USA []

So, You Found a Stray Kitty Cat - Now, What Do You Do?

Due to abuse, neglect and abandonment, there are many unfortunate stray dogs and cats just left outside to fend for themselves. If you run across one, what are you to do? Here are some thoughts on helping cats. All my life, my pets have been strays found on the street. I cannot take anymore pets now, as I reached my limit of three, but have researched the issue, in case I run across a stray and need to help it.

Avoid going to shelters, because they are overcrowded and the pet may be put to death quickly if it is not claimed. I know this firsthand, when I took a cat in, thinking I was helping it, but when calling a few days later, they said it had been put to sleep due to not being claimed. They said this was normal procedure. I was heartbroken. This happened fifteen years ago, and I still kick myself for that situation.
There are "no-kill" agencies, but use even those as an absolute last resort.

Try using the site, to find a foster home for the cat. It is a large site of many, many rescue agencies, who work hard to find homes for unwanted pets. I got a cat that way and the experience was pleasant. These people care about the well-being of animals and if they don't have room then ask them for referrals. A site you can also use is , which is a general cat lovers' site. They show peoples' pets on their own webpages, but also give you the opportunity to make a page for the pet, free of charge, to find it a home. It gives great publicity for the pet, just register (free) and make sure to check the box saying "This pet needs a home."

Call your local ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). Every city has one, and they can offer ideas. Ask them what to do, and they will give you expert advice. They are there to help you and there is no cost. They can help you to get vet help if the cat is sick. It's a useful organization who has a variety of services available for the asking.

Keep the pet outside if you cannot have it in your house for any reason, or put it in your garage to keep him safe and warm during cold months. Put out food and water. Dry food and a little canned is good. Put a cardboard box somewhere dry, where he can sit in it, cats love boxes as much as life itself, and readily sleep in them. Catnip is always a nice touch, too. Get him a flea collar, especially if you live in a warm climate, where fleas are everywhere. Read the package for directions on how to use it, and follow them to avoid using it wrong.

Put up flyers on bulletin boards in your grocery store, or online, at (big, free national bulletin board, just click on your city.) Include a photo and description, and a contact number. Tell friends and co-workers about the kitty's need for a home, maybe among them you will find a good home there. Keep trying. You are doing a big favor for a creature that cannot do it for himself.

Consider keeping the cat for yourself. I was diagnosed as being allergic to cats but that hasn't stopped me from having them my entire life. My body has built an immunity to the allergens in the cat dander. I no longer itch, sneeze or puff up. So, if you are allergic, do what I did and vacuum, brush the cat with a moist brush (to remove dander), and don't bury your nose in its fur unless you want a sneeze-fest afterward. Then, allow your immunity to grow as you give the scared kitty a desperately needed home. Be proud of yourself for being there for him. Don't give up, the love and happiness you receive will be worth it all in the end. And, if you do find a home for the kitty, he will grateful for your effort in his own way. Thanks for making a difference, and removing one more homeless pet from the street.

Carolyn McFann is a scientific and nature illustrator, who owns Two Purring Cats Design Studio, which can be seen at: Educated at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, Carolyn is a seasoned, well-traveled artist, writer and photographer. She has lived and worked in Cancun, Mexico, among other interesting professional assignments in other countries. Clients include nature parks, museums, scientists, corporations and private owners. She has been the subject of tv interviews, articles for newspapers and other popular media venues.

Cat's Health

A cat cannot tell its pet owner when it feels ill, so the only way to know is by owner's observation.This will reveal an illness in one of two ways. Either the cat will display clinical signs of a problem, or its behavior will not be normal. To appreciate the latter, we must be aware of what normality is for the cat in question. The greedy eater may suddenly show lack of interest in its food. The energetic cat will be less so. All ill cats will tend to seek quiet spots where they can lay down and sleep.

Clinical signs of ill health are any or all of the following:

1. A discharge from the eyes or nose.

2. Dull eyes, with the haw becoming very visible.

3. Dull and staring coat. A very dry coat.

4. A cat that constantly coughs or makes a wheezing sound when breathing. All cats cough now and again, but
this is different from the continual coughing of the ill cat.

5. Vomitting. Cats will often vomit after eating grass, eating a food that is too rich for their stomach, or simply
because they have eaten too much. This is totally different from the cat that is repeatedly sick, especially
a few times during any 24-hour period.

6. If the cat scratches a great deal, this too would indicate a problem- such as parasites. Yet again, it must
be appreciated that all cats like a good scratch every so often.

7. The bowel movements of a cat are normally reasonably firm in texture, so if they become loose, this would suggest
a minor tummy upset or the first signs of something more serious. If they became more liquid, and maybe
streaked with blood, this would definitely be abnormal.

8. If a cat suddenly starts to lose weight, something is not right.

9. If a cat suddenly starts to drink a lot of water, yet its diet has not changed, then there is a problem.

10. Bleeding. Any cat that bleeds from the mouth, the anus, the vulva, or the penis clearly has something
wrong with it.

There are a considerable number of diseases that a cat can suffer from, but only a limited number of ways
that many of the clinical signs can cover a number of diseases. There is no way that an unqualified person
can diagnose the problem-thus the treatment.

1st Cat Care is to provide information and guidance to pet cat lovers in taking care of their cats' health, cat toilet training, tips on using the cat litter box, vaccinations, pregnancy and more on pet cat and kitten care ....

Beds For Cats

Beds do not strike us as something essential for our pets sometimes, for some of us have the idea that they can sleep on any surface. However, for dogs, we tend to buy them a soft, warm basket or something that they can sleep in. Majority of the dogs will then claim the bed as a sleeping spot. On the other hands, cats do not really need a certain place to sleep. It will in fact, sleep at any place it feels like, anytime, anywhere.

Cats are hard to train to sleep in one specific spot. They will still end up sleeping in various places in your house. Furniture such as chairs, tables, sofas, or floor or any cozy nook they can curl up in and fall asleep without disturbance.

Although your pet cat likes sleeping on your couch or steps, it does not mean that it wouldn't appreciate a nice warm bed. You can still go ahead and get your cat a bed, and perhaps it will take interest in it and somehow, enjoy sleeping in it. Although it won't be sleeping in the bed every night, you'll still know that the bed will become one of the many sleeping places it will visit, and cats enjoy being territorial, and owning a new bed will bring them satisfaction.

If you have seen cat trees, it is your best choice of a cat bed for your pet. It is a tall stand with a perch built at the top, where your cat can climb up onto it and sleep while everyone is below it, such as dogs that cats naturally fear. You can even connect the perch to a window sill, and your cat can nap as well as look out the window at the activities that goes on outside.

Cats spend a lot of time sleeping, and according to research, they actually spend up to two thirds of their life sleeping!! Now, that is a sound reason to get your cat a comfortable bed, or make its favourite napping spots as comfortable as you can. Some choices include round and furry cuddle-type beds, or bouncy cushions that create a round circle where your cat can snuggle in.

Cleanliness and hygiene is again the most important thing to look out for when getting your cat a bed. No matter what bed you decided to get, make sure that it has a removable cover that you can take out and wash regularly. Cats, like dogs, will attract bugs such as fleas, and these pests can make a home out of any fabric, especially if your cat lies there often. So make sure you remember to wash your cat's bed often, and the other spots your cat sleep in as well to guarantee a flea-free home, one that you and your cat will both enjoy. See below for more information about Beds For Cats.

For more information on Cat Beds [] or visit [], a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks.

Cat Waking You Up in the Morning?

Does your cat wake you up too early in the morning? Do you just for once want to sleep in on the weekend without him or her waking you up? Well by doing some simple things you can help take back your morning routine.

Perhaps you just got a new cat, or perhaps the cat you have had for years has suddenly started to wake you up early in the morning. Many people don't realize how easy it is to change your cat's routine so it more closely matches your own.

Cats are notorious for sleeping throughout the day. Cats will spend almost three fourths of the day sleeping and taking naps, and just lounging around. With all this rest it is easy for cats to wake up early in the morning. But the problem is you don't have that much rest and you stayed up late last night watching TV.

Many people complain to me that their cats wake them up too early; well the simple solution is to make your cat more active during the evening. In the evening while you are doing laundry or doing dishes your cat is sleeping. During this period you need to make your cat more active to tire him or her out, so they need to sleep longer in the morning.

By playing with your cat in the evening before bed you are doing yourself the favor of a peaceful morning. Many people report that this simple change in activity for their cat has solved a big problem for them.

Don't just give your cat a bunch of toys, but play with your cat and make them run around and get active. Not only will this tire them out, but it will help keep them in top shape.

So what are you waiting for, stop watching your TV and play with your cat!

For more great and simple solutions to cat behavior problems, visit my cat behavior website: Solutions to Cat Behavior Problems.

Cat Urine Issues

Cat urine issues are aggravating to many cat owners. Often times a cat will have been using the litter box normally for years and then all of a sudden you find your bed and carpet soaked in cat urine. By reviewing some basic steps you can help get your cat urine issues under control.

The first step when dealing with cat urine issues is to rule out any medical problems. To do this take your cat to a veterinarian. They will need to rule out any hormonal problems or urinary tract infections that can lead to cats not using the litter box.

As a general rule of thumb you should have one more litter box in your house than you have number of cats. For instance, if you have three cats, you need to have four litter boxes. Always be sure to have the litter boxes cleaned on a regular basis with soap and water and putting down clean litter.

Often times the simplest things will cause a cat to stop using the litter box. One example is if you have recently changed the type of litter you are putting in the box, or have changed the location of the litter box to next to a noisy appliance like a washer or dryer.

Another possible cause of the cat not using the litter box is stress. If there has been a change in the house, like a new baby, or a visiting guest, this can cause enough of a problem for the cat to stop using the litter box.

To help resolve cat urine issues sooner, be sure to clean any messes on carpets and beds quickly. Cats have a very good sense of smell and even if you cleaned it; it is possible that the cats can still smell urine there. If they do smell urine there they will likely urinate in that spot again, so cleaning cat urine from carpeting is important.

Cat urine issues come in a lot of varieties. By reviewing some basic steps you can likely solve litter box issues on your own. Please remember to seek a veterinarians help if you think your cat is sick.

Click here for more great and easy tips to solve your cat urine issues.

Cats, Their Names, Health & More

A cat can touch your heart like no other animal. Unlike dogs, cats tend to be choosy. They love very selectively. Dogs like everyone, you need to earn a cat's trust. When you are loved by a cat you are loved. It doesn't matter the cat breed you may pick.There are so many to choose from, and each seems to have it's own temperamental characteristics as well as it's own look. Some of these breeds have names like York Chocolate Cat and Norwegian Forest Cat. Breeds are broken down by hair type. Longhair and semi-longhair and short hair. Then there are breeds "based on mutation" and "breeds derived from crosses with wild felids" that actually look like tigers and lions.

I personally like big cats and prefer breeds like Maine Coon cats and lovely long haired Persian cats. However, my heart belongs to a rescue classic orange Tabby cat named Norman, and to a beautiful black Sphinx-like cat named Hana.

Choosing the perfect cat name is a big responsibility too. Norman was named when we rescued him. Hana I brought back from the island of Anguilla in the Caribbean with help from the Anguilla Animal Rescue Fund. The word Malliouhana is Arawak for Anguilla. The Arawaks were the original Anguillians. I decided to name her Hana in honor of her birthplace. It also was a name that seemed to suit her. My friend and I tossed many different names back and forth before I chose Hana.

As a cat owner you have many responsibilities. Aside from the obvious of loving your pet and enjoying it's company, your cat's health comes first. As strong and nimble as your cat may appear he or she still has a very delicate chemical system that can be thrown out of wack very easily. One of the first ways you'll know your cat is feeling off is by a change in your cat's behavior.

One of the first ways a cat may say he or she isn't feeling well is by urinating in spots other than the litter box. If you car does this and there hasn't been a change in his environment then you should take you cat into the vet for a check up. If you cat does start urinating in your home this brings on another aspect of cat ownership, and an unfortunate one, learning how to clean cat urine. If you've a male cat you have a whole different problem. The smell of male cat urine is unmistakable and strong and although there are dozens of cat urine cleaning products on the market none of them work perfectly and you may never really get rid of the smell. If you've still a hint of male cat urine smell it can cause new males cats in your home to urinate in the same spot as a way to mark territory.

If you need any cat supplies you'll have more to choose from than you can imagine, and you have many places you can get them. From the pet "superstores" like PetSmart and Petco, and catalogs like Drs. FosterSmith you can get any cat supply you need from food to medicines, from bedding to toys and beyond.

Read about the real life adventures of an orange tabby cat named Norman at

Cats Don't Drool?

Earlier today as I was Googling something, I came across a book entitled, Waiting For Your Cat to Bark? and I wanted to shout to the empty room, "Yes! Yes I am!" The book is actually something about customers and marketing. But I just loved the title.

We have two cats in our home. We certainly are not the owners of those cats. If they could talk, they're probably say that they own us. In that regard, they are normal cats.

But I'm not so sure they are normal cats in every way. And as behaviors emerge from both of them, I wonder if it's something that we're doing that causes them to behave they way they do, or if they are learning from each other. I'm guessing that it's a combination of both.

Our older cat is about four years of age. She didn't begin life acting more dog-like than cat-like. We did have a dog in the house for about a year, though, so perhaps some of her behaviors were learned from him.

What does she do? Well, for one, she can't wait until the humans in the house are finished eating dinner so she can lick the plates or eat whatever scraps might be left. When it comes to cat foods, she's a normal finicky cat. But she loves finding scraps of people food on dinner plates. It doesn't have to be meat morsels, either. She loves macaroni, and even some veggies. Strange cat.

She also loves walking outside on her leash. She waits at the window for my hubby to arrive home from work, then starts meowing at him until he takes her for a long walk. When he's at work, she often sits near the leash and pokes and prods at it as she meows at me. Weird cat.

Our younger cat is in that state that isn't really kitten nor cat. She doesn't require a bunch of toys. Instead, she will entertain herself for hours on end by chasing around the plastic ring from a bottle of milk. Or the plastic milk bottle cap.

This kitty will choose one "toy" as her focus for the entire day and carry it from room to room. As I go about my daily routine, cleaning or putting laundry away, she'll follow me with her toy in her mouth. She'll jump on the bed with whatever plastic doo-daddy she has in her mouth, then proceed to toss it in the air and try to catch it. She'll try burying her toy under the bed covers, then attack it as she finds it. For her, playing does not require any help from humans or from her cat pal.

She's also interested in people food. She will watch intently as food goes from fork to mouth, then jump into your lap to smell your mouth while you're chewing. If it smells like something interesting, she'll jump back down onto the floor and sit there staring and purring. If you ignore her, she'll place her front paws on your leg and ease herself into a sitting-up position, just like a dog begging. More weird cat behavior, if you ask me.

Speaking of weird cat behavior, both cats are sitting by the mailbox at the front door. And meowing. And swishing their tails. I think the mail carrier just delivered something.

No, they're not wagging their tails. That's what dogs do, right? Cats don't wag their tails. And they don't drool. Or do they?

Marilyn Mackenzie has been writing about home, family, faith and nature for over 40 years.

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.PetLovers.Com/ which is a site for Pet Forums.

Practice The Adopting Benefit Cat Health Shelter Provides

Adopting benefit cat health shelter procedures help to protect your cat and provide for a safe environment to live and survive for your cat. Many animal shelters provide for cats, dogs, small pets and reptiles, but the shelter that nurtures the needs of the cat only, has a reputation for cat health procedures to ensure the health of the cat. Keeping cats inside will ensure they stay safe and do not encounter fights with outdoor cats that could cause injury and in some cases death.

Because quality care is important, the point of the adopting benefit cat health shelter procedures keeps your cat happy and healthy. Because every cat is an individual personality and health need, these shelters take time to know each of the needs of any given cat. These shelters protect the cats until somebody comes to adopt them.

Most shelters have a veterinary that visits the shelter regularly to check the health of the cats and this is another reason for adopting benefit cat health shelter procedures to ensure the health and welfare of your cat. Cat health problems arise from bacterial and viral sources and need to be monitored constantly.

Feeding and watering your cats are one important part of caring for the cat, but their health must remain at 100% in order to be a great companion. Other health concerns that leave the need for adopting benefit cat health shelter procedures are tumors, diabetes and abscesses to name a few. Some illnesses or injuries require surgery to correct, which can cost the owner quite a bit of money. Ensuring your cats health will remain perfect requires safety and proper care by their owners.

Viral diseases become fatal to cats if not properly cared for with medical treatments from a qualified vet. Vaccinations and boosters need to be given yearly to protect the health of your cat. Bacterial infections clear up rather easily with proper medication such as antibiotics. With a viral infection, your cat may need confinement away from other animals until treatments clear up the infection. One top viral infection is the feline distemper and leukemia, which in some cases requires the cat to live in confinement for months and can result in death.

Some concerns seen by cat owners are chocolates and food poisoning. Cats love to explore and get into everything, especially kittens. Adopting benefit cat health shelter procedures help you learn what will harm your pet and what to do in the case of an emergency. If your cat consumes chocolate, they likely will experience stomach upset with diarrhea and vomiting.

Keeping all the health issues in mind, you will see that adopting benefit cat health shelter procedures help you raise a healthy and happy cat. Once you know the needs of your cat and the health issues, you may need to get another kitten for them to play and run around together, this helps with exercising your cats. Try to follow adoption benefit cat health shelter procedures to protect your cat or kitten from harm and disease,

You can also find more information on Cat Claws. is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cat health.

Cat Litter Boxes

As the market for pets is expanding, there are more and more choices available for pet owners now, and instead of plain cardboard litter boxes, there are various selections one can choose from for his cat. Litter boxes now range from old dishpans to used cardboards, or some store-stocked expensive products that you may find interesting.

Here are some choices of litter box you may consider:

a) Cardboard boxes. These are easy to obtain, and they're disposable, which is inexpensive and ideal, although not a very reliable long-term solution. Cardboard litter boxes are popular with pet stores, animal shelters and breeders, but perhaps choosing something more lasting and sturdy would be a better idea.

b) Plastic pans. There are a large variety of plastic pans in ranges of shapes and sizes available that will be a better litter box for your cat. These pans are affordable and are easily obtained, as they can be bought in most household supply stores. There are shallow ones or deep ones, depending on your cat's needs. Be certain to choose a pan that scrubs off easily, as plastic pans are not supposed to be disposable. However, if you do not prefer to clean the pans, you may find cardboard boxes a better idea.

c) Covered Litter Box Pans. Although not the smartest option, this choice is also worth consideration. Covered pans manufacturers claim that having a lid on the litter box will prevent children and smaller pets from accessing the litter box as well as keep the house from stinking. Although it carries some truth, some pet owners are liable to forget to clean the box as often, as they cannot smell the cat's poop due to the lid of the pan. As a result, the cat will be forced to use a dirty and smelly litter box. Therefore, if a covered pan is your preferred choice of litter box for your cat, do remember to clean it more frequently than you would a non-covered litter box.

d) Self-cleaning litter box pans. Let's face it, the worse part about being a pet owner is to clean up after the pet after it answered nature's call. However, technology has allowed the invention of a "self-cleaning" litter box. Pet product manufacturers have found an almost hands-free solution. Some self-cleaning boxes come with inserts which you have to dispose of and replace with another. Others may have a rollover collector that captures the cat poop while the clean granules remain on the pan. The collector is then removed and disposed of while more granules are added if necessary. See below for more information about Siamese Cats.

For more information on Cat Litter Boxes [] or visit [], a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks.

You'd Like a Pet But Aren't Sure If You Have Enough Time? Adopt an Adult Cat They're Self-Cleaning

Shelters today are loaded with unwanted pets, waiting for someone to come and adopt them. This is a great place for busy professionals to find a wonderful pet, displaced by the death of a family member, abuse or other unfortunate means. By choosing an adult cat, busy people can rest assured that once acclimated to his new home, kitty will fit right into the family. What is needed from you is love, caring, food and to change his litter box. Working late into the night, don't be surprised if you have a furry friend curl up on your feet. Cats are very loving and affectionate, given kindness and caring. Even the most confirmed pet hater can usually be turned around once he or she gets to know a cat well.

When going to the pound or local Humane Society, ask to see the cats that are in most dire need of homes first. When pets go into these places, they either get adopted or, if nobody claims them, eventually euthanized (unless it is a "no-kill" agency.) Find out which pets have been there the longest from the organization, and see which one suits your needs. Do you like energetic, lively pets? Choose one who is personable, who comes to you quickly and is very friendly. Do you like a more laid-back, quiet pet who will seek you out on his own terms? Choose a more aloof cat, who will come to you if he feels like it. Like people, pets have different personalities. Like us, how they respond to us is a combination of how they were previously treated, natural personality and response to the current situation that they are in. If you are in a place, like the hospital, that you don't like, your personality may be a bit stressed. This is to be expected of a cat sitting in a cage, in a strange place he doesn't want to be in. Cats are creatures of habit. They like being in one place, and not being moved around. They like familiarity and routine.

Realize that in adopting a cat, you must provide for the kitty's health needs. Keeping the cat indoors is a good idea; to keep away extra problems, such as disease, fleas, injury by cars or dogs, and other hazards. My three cats live exclusively indoors, and they love it. Don't feel sorry for indoor pets; having a home, any home away from the barred cages of a shelter, or the unknown of being outside in the elements, is a good home. By adopting a pet from a shelter or off the street, you are saving a little life, as well as giving yourself companionship. Even if you are busy like I am, it is OK to let them entertain themselves.

I read somewhere that cats sleep 80% of each day. That is normal for them. They aren't lazy, it's just the way that they are genetically predisposed to be. Watching the different sleeping positions of my cats is just plain funny, as I work from home. I am a workaholic with limited time. My pets come and see me when I'm off the phone or not otherwise occupied. Somehow they do know when I'm not busy. It isn't unusual for one of them to come suntan under my desk lamp as I work. It is charming and comforting to reach out and pet a peaceful cat, smiling as he sun-worships. Watching this has a way of melting stress like you wouldn't believe.

To help yourself out, buy a few things that will make your life as a new pet owner easier. A great tool for busy pet owners is the LeBistro Pet Water or Food Dish. I have one of both, for my cats, so they can feed themselves as I work. At the end of the day, I feed them a can of cat food, but their tummies are full from being able to help themselves to dry food all day long. One of my cats takes ownership of the water dish, and will come from any part of the house to watch me clean it, to make sure it isn't being manhandled! Also, a laser pointer is a fun toy you can use from your desk as you work, to give kitty a little fun as you're hunched over your computer. A good catnip toy or mat is always a well-appreciated cat gift, too. Being a workaholic, I work hard but also spoil my cats rotten with a gift or two every month, just for fun. It's payback for their providing me with unlimited stress-relief as I work.

A kitty condo is a good investment for a new cat owner. Just put it next to a window, so kitty can watch birds. If your adult cat is older, make sure it has a ramp to climb up the condo with. There are different foam steps you can buy for older pets, so they don't have to wear themselves out jumping on higher surfaces like the upper levels of cat trees. Cats like to be up high, so cat trees that are tall make great cat hangouts. Cats know when that condo comes out of the box, that it is for them. Maybe it's instinct. Condos help keep cat hair off the furniture, since your cat will usually spend most of his time on top of it. Put a little catnip on it from the beginning, and he'll get the idea quickly that this piece of furniture is his.

Animals add so much to our lives. Cats make great pets because they are loving, don't cost much to feed and don't need to be walked every day. Consider adopting an adult cat today from your local pound and add some fun into your life. You'll be doing him, and yourself a big favor.

Carolyn McFann is a scientific and nature illustrator, who owns Two Purring Cats Design Studio, which can be seen at: Educated at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, Carolyn is a seasoned, well-traveled artist, writer and photographer. She has lived and worked in Cancun, Mexico, among other interesting professional assignments in other countries. Clients include nature parks, museums, scientists, corporations and private owners. She has been the subject of tv interviews, articles for newspapers and other popular media venues.

Cats Peeing Or Pooping Outside The Litter Box - 4 Steps To Stopping The Behavior

1) The very first thing you should always do when your cat has stopped using the litter box is get them checked for a urinary tract infection. I don't care how healthy you think your kitty is, before you try any other method for solving your cat's litter box problem - get your cat over to the vet and have the little furball checked out because UTI's are the #1 cause of litter box avoidance.

2) The next thing I would do, especially if your pet is peeing/pooping on a bed or other furniture, is go out and get something to cover and protect that furniture, that will also discourage the cat from wanting to spend time on it.


  • A large plastic drop cloth (very inexpensive - can be found at the hardware store or any other store that sells paint supplies.)
  • A fitted mattress cover, if it is a bed your cat is peeing/pooping on. (More expensive but a little better looking, less conspicuous.)
  • A sheet of heavy vinyl (can be purchased from the fabric department at Wal-Mart)
  • Or something similar. You can get creative with this. I think one person mentioned they had used a tablecloth!
The point is to protect the furniture during training, while also discouraging the cat from wanting to spend time there. (You can also use these suggestions to cover up a specific spot on the floor or rug if that is where your cat is eliminating.)

Even if it doesn't discourage the kitty from attempting to potty on it - believe me, after one time of peeing on it and ending up standing in a puddle of their own urine, your cat isn't going to do that again!

3) Keep the area covered whenever you aren't using it, and anytime the cat has unsupervised access to it. That means when you leave the house, either keep the doors shut or cover the furniture/rug/bed/etc.

It would be wise to take one extra step and cover other furniture as well, even furniture that the cat hasn't been using as a potty - just to be safe. Sometimes, simply doing this will solve the problem on it's own because the cat will have no other suitable potty option other than the litter box.

Think about it. If there are no soft beds or couches to pee on, and the only other option is the kitchen floor or something like that, it's almost certain they'll opt for the litter box.

No matter what other method you're using to retrain the cat, I would recommend doing this step because it will save your belongings and usually speed up the process at the same time.

4) Consider looking for a more absorbent litter. If you think about it, one of the reasons a cat would like peeing on a bed is because of how quickly the urine is absorbed. Perhaps your cat is upset at how slowly the litter she/he has is absorbing urine.

If your cat's paws are getting wet while urinating in the box, or their urine is splashing back on them, that obviously isn't a very pleasant situation. So they're bound to look for an alternative that's a little more neat and clean. (for them at least!) It may be a good idea to shop around for a litter that absorbs more quickly.

If you have a kitten, make sure the problem isn't just the fact that the kitten can't get off the bed. Sometimes people will be playing with the kitten on the bed, and being so high off the ground the kitten won't want to jump down to go to their litter box. So naturally they just eliminate right there. That's something to keep in mind if it is a small kitten (or older cat with joint problems).

As far as cleaning the blankets or other machine machine washable material - actually, any material that can be washed at all, you need to clean it very thoroughly with some type of enzyme cleaner. It's very important to get the urine scent out completely.

In some cases, the situation that caused the litter box problem will be resolved - yet the cat will continue the behavior either out of habit, or because their scent is still there. So it is crucial that all "evidence" of the accident be removed.

Liz is an expert on cat behavior, and can show you how to train your cat and stop cat problems starting today. You'll get more information at her site

Cat House Training Tricks

A kitten can be a wonderful addition to the right household, bringing with him an exuberant playfulness that resembles that of a young child. Depending on the situation, however, even the sweetest kitten can have some trouble with cat house training. Though most cats are extremely easy to house-train, there can be some real problems that leave you scratching your head, holding your nose and reaching for the household cleansers! While there are many reasons why a kitten or cat has trouble with house-training, there are some tips that can help with any problems.

Cats are creatures of habit, and their behavior can deteriorate badly if things that they relied upon have changed. Stress can play a part in house-training accidents, especially if the change is as significant as having been moved to a new home. There are several things you can do to mitigate this disruption. If at all possible, make sure that the move is the most stressful thing your cat has to deal with. Whether you have adopted a cat or kitten, it will be worthwhile to find out what sort of litter box set-up they were using before, if any. Keep their litter the same. In the case of a kitten, make sure that the litter-box is one with sides that are low enough that they can get in and out of it easily. For some kittens, house-training can be as easy as placing them in the litter-box a few times and making them aware of the texture of the litter.

To reinforce good litter-box behavior in a kitten, keep an eye on it, noting when it stops playing and start scratching at the floor or nosing around. When it does this, place it in the litter-box. When the kitten has behaved well, reward it with plenty of attention and praise.

There are a number of reasons why a kitten might balk at using its litter box. First look for any sources of change. Has the box been moved, or has the litter changed? If so, you may wish to change back, if at all possible. Another reason may be that the litter has not been changed recently enough. Cats can be quite sensitive to this condition and may reject the box until it has been thoroughly cleaned.

In the case of house-training problems, it may also be worth examining other members of the household, human or feline. Cats can bully each other sometimes, and the stress can result in all sorts of undesirable behavior. Similarly, if you have added someone new to the household, your cat can become annoyed or jealous. When steps have been taken to introduce and reconcile parties involved, it may also take care of the house training problems.

Keep in mind that using a litter box tends to come very naturally to cats, and if your cat has prolonged issues, it may be time to see a veterinarian. For the most part, however, if you keep these cat house training tips in mind, your kitten's arrival to your home will be sweet and trouble-free!

Learn The Incredible Secrets To Cat House Training [] That Lead To A Rewarding Relationship With Your Cat Than You Ever Thought Possible! Visit Out Site Now... []

There's Nothing Like A Cute Cat

There comes a time in everyone's home when it must be decided if it's going to be a home with a pet or a home without. This is an easier decision for some than it is for others; there are some of us who grew up in a home that was never without a dog or cat; there are others of us who did not have a pet growing up and are eager to fulfill this childhood dream in adulthood. Ultimately, pet ownership is a choice only your family can make, as is the type of pet you choose - for dog lovers, a friendly pooch; for feline lovers, a cute cat.

But let's face it; a cute cat is subjective. Cats come in a variety of breeds - in all sizes, colors, hair lengths, and personalities. A cute cat for one person may be a sparkly eyed Burmese; for another a sleek Siamese. When choosing a cute cat, it is most important to take into consideration your particular needs as a cat owner. If you are someone who enjoys company from your pet, then you may want to find a cute cat that's friendly and people-oriented. If you are a busy professional who is content to see your cat over a meal, then there are number of independent-minded cats that like their personal space.

When choosing a cute cat for your family it is also important to be mindful of the amount of grooming that each particular cat breed requires. Longer-haired cats need frequent grooming to keep their matting at bay; shorter-haired cats need far less grooming and may be best for busier households or for those who have allergies. Before purchasing any cat, however, it is important that you are prepared - not just for the grooming but for the space considerations, need for a litter box, diet and nutrition, and veterinary needs. It is essential that if you are going to be a cat owner that you are a responsible one.

Whether as a purchase for yourself or a wonderful gift for someone you love, a cute cat will brighten your world and change your home forever.

For easy to understand, in depth information about cute cat visit our ezGuide 2 Cats.

Heartworm Disease in Domestic Cats

Heartworm in cat is caused by Dirofilaria immitis is another vector borne helminthes infection of Zoonotic significance. The adults remain in the right ventricle, pulmonary artery and vena cava. Microfilaria can be detected in any tissue particularly blood, kidneys and lungs. Mortality due to heartworm disease is rare.


Dirofilariasis is widespread in tropical/subtropical countries and temperate areas, which favor rapid breeding of fly population. The heartworm in cats is noticeable among the 3-6 years old ones.


Dirlofilaria immitis is a long slender roundworm measuring about 300 mm in length, which can be readily recognized in right ventricle of heart, pulmonary artery and vena cava and occasionally in lungs in heavy infections.

Microfilaria measuring about 286-349 millimicrons in length can also be identified in both dry and wet blood smears in clinically affected animals. Periodicity of microfilaria particularly at nighttime has been reported.


The life cycle of heartworm in cat is indirect. In hot and humid climate, the disease is transmitted through bite of mosquitoes and lice where the microfilaria develops into infective stage.

Clinical Signs

No clinical have been reported during the life and the disease usually occurs as in apparent infection. Other signs include-

  • Occasional coughing
  • Asthma-like symptoms
  • Anorexia
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Increased respiratory effort


The parasites are generally noticed at necropsy as an incidental finding. Similarly microfilariae are also observed during routine screening of blood smears of felids having apparently normal health in endemic areas.

In heavy infection of heartworm disease, the pulmonary artery and vena cava may be occluded with parasites causing mechanical obstruction, passive hyperaemia and occasional initial damage.


The disease in the domestic cats is usually detected on necropsy examination. The disease can also be diagnosed by examination of blood smears and demonstration of characteristic microfilaria. Confirmative diagnosis can be performed with the help of X-rays. The heartworm disease in domestic cats should be differentiated from Feline asthma and other pulmonary diseases.


In endemic areas of heartworm disease, Diethyl carbamazine citrate (3mg/kg) may be tried after discussing with your vet. The effectiveness of acetarasamide for adulticidal action and levamisole and ivermectin (24 ug/kg) for antimicrobial action is yet to be assessed perfectly.

Prevention and control

Apart from vigorous fly and lice control measures, periodic treatment followed by serological monitoring and blood screening for microfilaria will be helpful in controlling heartworm in domestic cats in endemic areas.

Kadirvelu Senthilkumar is a regular contributor to Cat Health Care, a section of Cat Health Care Guide, a site focusing on conventional and natural treatments of feline health concerns.

Learning The Cat Language In 10 Easy Lessons

Ever wonder why your cat rubs against your leg? Cats speak to us mainly through body language. Each cat is different, but here are some basic cat body language signs and what they mean:

1. Eyes Half Closed - If you are talking to your cat and she looks back at you squinting her eyes, she is listening to you.

2. Tail Straight Up - This is a sign of a very happy cat.

3. Stiff Quick Upward Flick of the Tail - This is how cats say "hello" to both humans and other cats.

4. Lashing the Tail -You have a mad kitty on your hands!

5. Belly Up - This is a huge compliment from a cat, this means the cat trusts you completely.

6. Fur Standing Straight Up - This is a frightened cat, the fur standing on end is supposed to make the cat look larger and more tough.

7. Rubbing Against an Object - Cats have scent glands in their forehead, mouth and chin, they rub objects with their scent to mark it as theirs.

8. Flattened Ears - This is a sign of an annoyed cat or a frightened cat.

9. "Pawing" or "Kneading" At You- This is a sign of a very content happy kitty.

10. Clawing at Furniture or Cat scratching post- If your cat is de-clawed, she is leaving her scent on the object. If your cat has her claws, she is sharpening her claws. When this behavior is displayed in front of other cats, kitty is showing off and expressing self confidence.

If your cat is in a not so happy mood there are things you can do to snap her out of her funk. The first thing I like to try is giving her favorite cat toy. If this does not work then I will put her on her cat condo and let her get her frustration out. This usually does the trick.

Leigh Adams is an avid dog owner and trainer. She is a frequent contributor to this Online Pet Supply Store. When not outside with her dogs Mimmi and SoSo, she enjoys painting and raising Koi fish in her backyard pond.

The Wonders Of A Cat's Whiskers

Cats' whiskers are as interesting as a cat itself. The top and bottom rows of cats' whiskers move separately, helping them to use them as wind detectors and as aids in locating the source of odors. Whiskers are also part of a system that allows cats to detect atmospheric weather changes that mean a storm or even an earthquake is headed its way.

Cat's whiskers work like antennae, they help your kitty feel what she cannot see. Although cats see better than humans in the dark, it is a myth that cats have superior night vision. What truly is the case is that their whiskers help to guide them in the dark.

Cats whiskers also help keep a cat balanced. In addition, a cat uses it's whiskers with prey. A cat with a mouse in its mouth will touch the mouse with its whiskers, checking to see if it is safe to put the mouse down without it running away.

On top of all of this, your cat's whiskers speak to you! Cat's say a lot with their whiskers!

Here are a few of their meanings:

  1. Drooping Whiskers- Kitty is bored or unhappy, she may even feel sick
  2. Twitching Whiskers- Kitty is checking out her surroundings for food or another animal.
  3. Whiskers Extended Outward From Mouth And Spread Far Apart- Kitty is happy and calm.
  4. Whiskers Pulled Back Tight Along The Face- Kitty is either unhappy or feeling aggressive.
  5. Bunched Whiskers Flattened Toward The Face- Kitty is shy or frightened of something.

So the next time kitty is a little bored or needs some more excitement check out your favorite online pet supply store for a new cat toy. Your cat will really appreciate it.

Leigh Adams is an avid dog owner and pet trainer. She is a frequent contributor to this Online Pet Supply Store. When not outside with her dogs Mimmi and SoSo, she enjoys spending time with her ragdoll cat and raising Koi fish in her backyard pond.

Signs and Symptoms of a Stressed Out Cat

If you are a cat owner, you know that cats are emotional and sensitive creatures. Just like us, they can be lonely, stressed or depressed, but they do not express themselves the way we would.

When your cat sharpens her claws by attacking your sofa that may not seem like normal behavior to you but rest assured, it is perfectly normal. Cats have an innate need to sharpen their claws, even if they have been removed. A cat scratching post is a great way to deter kitty from your furniture. Scratching is also how cats mark their territory or anything they consider their property. If kitty kneads at your leg, consider it a compliment, she is marking you as hers.

Some signs that your cat may be in actual distress are; overeating, loss of appetite, excessive fearfulness or urinating outside of the cat liter box.

If any of these things are happening, take a look at your environment. Even a recent move can upset your feline friend. I had an incident last winter where my ten-year-old cat urinated outside of the litter box. In fact, he urinated right next to the box. In ten years, he had never urinated outside of the box! My first concern was that he had some sort of a bladder infection.

If a cat is having pain while urinating, he may associate that pain with the litter box and therefore go outside of the box. In order to rule this out, I took him to my vet immediately. (Actually, he went outside of the box one more time before I took him in). Thankfully, the vet found nothing wrong with him. She asked me if I had made any changes around my home or had any over-night visitors. I had not had any visitors, nor could I think of any recent changes. Then, it dawned on me...I made a cute Christmas bandana for him and placed it around his neck. Could he be so neurotic that this bandana upset him enough to urinate outside of his litter box?? Only one way to find out, I removed the bandana. Sure enough, after I removed the bandana he never went outside of the box again.

Other common stressors to cats are; any new addition to your family-furry or otherwise, a change in your work schedule, even loud noises such as fireworks. (My cats hate the 4th of July). If your cat is grooming more than usual, hiding more than usual, or attacking for no reason it may be stressed out. Pay attention to your cat, she will often let you know what is bothering her.

Ask your vet for additional advice on keeping your cat stress free.

Leigh Adams is an avid dog owner and pet trainer. She is a frequent contributor to this Online Pet Supply Store. She recommends that all cat owners who have the room get a cat condo especially if the cat will be alone during the day to help keep the cat active and relive stress.

House Cats - Should You Keep Your Pet Indoors?

Whether our feline pets should be house cats or allowed to wander outside is a subject people usually have a pre-formed opinion on. For some people, cats are allowed free reign, and can go outside night and day. For others, they are kept strictly indoors all the time. Still other pet owners let them out during the day or under supervision, and keep them in at night.

The question is, who is right? And what's in the best interests of your cat? To answer this, it's a good idea to distinguish between our domestic pets and their wild ancestors. Whilst wild cats lived and hunted outside, cats have been domesticated since ancient times. Not only that, many have been bred to create certain characteristics of color and style. Consequently, they are very different animals. Our domestication and interaction with them, as loving owners who feed, look after, cuddle, and pet them, has had an impact on their psychology, personality, and behaviour. Add to this mix the fact that the outside environment natural to them is now gone. In its' place is a world with automobiles, pet thieves, toxic chemicals, dense population, and other dangers.

In short, not only are our cats different, but the world we share with them is. As a result, it is generally recommended that cats be kept indoors at all times. House cats tend to live longer, they are less susceptible to catching diseases which could be deadly to them, and they avoid the dangers of getting into fights with neighboring felines over territory.

However, because cats often want to go out, many owners think they are depriving their cats of adventure. And perhaps they are, though cats that are provided with a lot of toys and cat trees, can still live happy lives. Many owners also get a second kitten as companionship, so their pets have someone to chase and play with, and so they aren't alone all day when their humans are at work. Ultimately, it comes down to weighing up the dangers with the benefits.

This is a topic that is hard to generalize, as we each live in such unique locations. Some will be in high rise apartments, or near busy roads, or simply in dangerous neighborhoods. In these situations, the choice becomes very clear - keep your cat in the house at all times. And play games with your cat when you get home. They love chasing hands under the doona, or pieces of string attached to a stick (to keep your own hands safe)! And if your house or apartment has some great windows, house cats can still bask in the sun and enjoy fresh air.

If you are fortunate enough to have a backyard, you could consider setting up an enclosed run or pen so your cat can go outside but still be safe. Some people have even erected them on the perimeters of buildings or through gardens so that they can really explore the world outside but not escape.

Some breeds are said to be better suited to being indoor cats. For example, tonkinese are considered to have poor road sense. Having said that, I let my tonkinese cat, as well as my 3 mixed breeds, out to play when I am at home during the day. I don't live on a busy street however, and I don't let them out the front. Plus, I keep an ear out for any sounds of fighting. They always come in before it gets dark, too. I think because they have each other to play with there, they are less likely to look for trouble out of boredom.

Whether your pet is a house-only cat is a matter of individual choice. The benefits to their health and lifespan have to be weighed against possible disadvantages like disease. Plus, your own individual circumstances should be factored in. One thing to keep in mind is that cats do roam at night. This is when a lot of fights happen, and is one of the reasons it is recommended they stay indoors then. One thing is for certain though - with a loving owner who makes sure their pets' needs for affection and play are still met, a house cat is still a happy cat.

Magazines are a great source of qualified information on our feline pets. We review cat fancy magazine here.

How to Break Up a Cat Fight

Here are some tips on how to do it without hurting you or your cat...

1. Avoid hitting the cats or getting your hands anywhere near their mouths. Hitting could make the situation worse and could cause the attack to be redirected toward you.

2. Spray the aggressor with a water hose. If this doesn't make a difference, aim for the nostrils.

3. Hold a broom between the cats to separate them.

4. Use a noisemaking device such as an air horn to drive the animals apart, and be prepared to move away quickly or defend yourself.

5. The quickest way to break up a cat fight is loud hissing, spitting, and a glass of water appropriately applied (aim for the face).

6. Put a magazine or a newspaper between the two cats to block their vision of each other. This works where the cats are in a frozen position, but not yet making contact. It allows the frightened one to run away (if it can) and you can pick up the dominant one if it is tame. Without blocking the sight of the other cat, picking up or even touching the aggressive cat can make the attack start. Usually the frightened cat is cornered and can't get away, so your only option may be to move the aggressor after blocking it's view.

Abscesses resulting from cat fights can pose serious health risks and are expensive to treat.

A cat can become infected with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) when it is bitten - such as in a cat fight. FIV will be transmitted only if the biting animal is carrying the virus.

There are some areas of the world that do not have FIV though it's far better to be on the safe side. Having a well trained cat that comes with called is the best preventative way of stopping cat fights. If the cats that are fighting are both your cats it's clearly a sign you need to make some changes to your household.

When cats are aggressive usually it's because they are stressed. If the cat fights are the result of a new cat being introduced into your house you need to gradually introduce the cats to each other over the course of a few days and do your best to reduce the stress level of both cats.

To reduce your cat's stress, provide lots of perches so she can get away from other cats, and ideally have separate areas of the house they can live in, until they start to accept the other cat.

Patting one cat just after you've patted the other cat is an easy way of having them start to associate the smell of the other cat with you. This is vital as they'll be relaxed and enjoy your company (if they don't you've got bigger problems, be sure to read our other articles). They'll then link the good feelings they have about you with the other cat.

Within a week or so you should have a happy multi cat household. The same method applies to introducing a dog into the house (or breaking up a cat and dog fight).

If your cat has been hurt you should get your Vet to check her over. With so many cats now living in urban environments, problems between cats of different owners are increasing. You may want to de claw your cat and keep her inside (or simply trim her nails every so often and supply scratching posts- this is cheaper and more humane for her).

Indoor cats have a much longer life span and you get to bond with her as she is around more often. A well trained cat can be allowed outside but tends to want to be close to you most of the time. Something you can do to help this occur is to tell your neighbors to not feed your cat, that way even if your cat wonders she'll most likely come home when she's hungry.

Find out much more about everything cat related with our free newsletter at We cover health issues, behavior and training, cat selection and even non verbal cat communication, cat massage and more.

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Kitty Cat Bad Breath May Be A Digestive Imbalance - Not Tooth Decay Or Disease!

I call it "Kitty Cat Breath." My cats eat medicated food mixed with homemade cooked turkey that I prepare for them (to be certain that they are provided with the proper nutritional balance). As a result sometimes they have bad cat breath.

Bad cat breath can be caused by dental problems, or disease, but this is not always the case. It may also be due to an imbalance of bacteria in the digestive area.

Cat bad breath is related to what you feed your pet. Most wet and dry cat foods have a strong odor to us, but not to our cats. So is it possible that the food may contribute to bad breath in the digestive tract? You bet it is.

When bad breath odor occurs it is an indication that the intestines and the stomach's good bacteria are out of balance, and the bad bacteria has grown out of proportion.

To restore inner digestive harmony, what has worked for my cats is a formulation of natural ingredients.

It is obvious when the proper balance has been restored, because the bad cat breath is completely gone.

Your cat may not eat medicated food, but its tummy flora may need balancing, hence you can tell by its breath.

If the natural formulation does not work, this means that your pet may have health problems, and should visit a vet.

Help your cat get rid of bad breath by restoring its digestive balance.

Visit for alternative views on cat health care. Which includes correct feeding, health problems, harmful cat litter, hairball resolution and cat lover gifts.

Sheri Davis Collins is a responsible pet owner for 20+ years, practicing holistic and homeopathic care. She is also the webmaster of The website for alternative views on cat health care. Which includes correct feeding, health problems, harmful cat litter, hairball resolution and cat lover gifts.

Health Problems Of The Bengal Cat

Asian countries have the endangered species the Asian leopards, which recently was taken off the list and now strives in the wilderness. The Bengal cat derives from breeding with the Asian leopards and has since entered the domestic cat breeds list. The Bengal cat although not a tiger, loves to play and lounge around on and in the water.

Bengal cats make a playful pet as they act more like a dog then they do a cat. The fact that they love water adds to the beauty of owning a Bengal cat. They use their paws as little hands and they hide their toys in order to protect them from other pets in the household. Like the Asian leopard, the Bengal cat is smart and sneaky. They love to play and have a keen sense of smell.

Bengal Cat Health Problems and Food Poisoning

One health problem for Bengal cats is food poisoning. These cats remain susceptible to food poisoning unlike other domesticated cats. Any foods that contain bacteria or fungus will cause the Bengal cat health problems.

The affects of human food poisoning also affect the Bengal cat with vomiting, diarrhea, weakness along with fever and stomach upset. The Bengal can die immediacy if the food poisoning is severe enough. In case of food poisoning, the cat needs to see the veterinarian immediacy for some form of treatment. The treatment may include IV fluids and/or stomach flushes. The cat needs close monitoring to recover from the food poisoning.

Bengal Cat Health Problems With Chocolate

As with dogs and many animals, Bengal cat will sub come to chocolate as the caffeine and obromine become toxic and can lead to death. Adult Bengal cats usually do not take to chocolate as much as the kittens. Kitten may consume a large amount of chocolate because of the new taste they experience. Because of the lower weight, the kitten may need serious care if they are not stopped before consuming to much chocolate.

If a cat consumes the chocolate, they may experience seizure, vomiting, hyperactive activity and weakness along with heavy breathing. In rare instances, the Bengal cat may sub come to death if the methylxanthines cause an adverse reaction. The cats need to be watched when around candy that contains chocolate or any other additives of chocolate; the holidays seem to have more cats as well as dogs going to the vet for chocolate consumption.

If you encounter the cat health problem with chocolate, you need to seek immediate medical attention to ensure the cat will survive with or without treatment. Always know the exact name of the chocolate your Bengal cat consumed to save time for the vet and his staff when caring for a cat that has ingested the chocolates. If you are unsure of the chocolate, take all the chocolates along so the vet can check for all of them to ensure your Bengal kitten or cat grows up healthy and happy.

You can also find more information at Diabetes Mellitus and Health Persian Cat Problem. is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cat health.

Loving Your Cat

If you really love your cat - what you certainly do, should learn more about cat health. It would require a little effort from your part.
Cats are very vulnerable creatures and do not have nine lives, contrary to what we common hear that a cat has nine lives.
If your cat is sick, then he or she could die from such illness and would never come back. There is not such thing as cats having nine lives so if you have cat, you should know about cat health and learn to take care of your cat.
If you really love your cat and would like to keep it healthy, you should spend some time learning how to take care of it.

Now, where does one find literatures and reading materials about cat health? There are many books about cats that you can easily find in the libraries and bookstores. Most of these books would give some practical ideas about your cat's needs.
You can also find many write-ups online on how to take care of your cat. There are even websites that are devoted solely on the topic of cats and how to take care of them. Most of these websites are really very informative and useful.

What are the things that you should focus on when learning about cat health? If you have the luxury of time to read and learn about cats, you can finish the whole book about cats but if you are pressed for time and would like to get back to work, you can just focus on the most important things that you should know about cats namely, their diet, their habits and their need for exercise.
You should make sure that you learn a lot about what cats should eat since good diet contributes much to the well-being of your cat. Learning about their habits could also help co-exist harmoniously with your cat.

Your Aging Siamese - Tips for Better Living

Siamese cats are recognized for living longer than the average cat. This means that owners must be prepared to deal with an elderly cat. Elderly Siamese have their own needs and desires. Here are some tips for meeting them.

Your elderly Siamese likes routine. Cats, particularly as they reach their geriatric years, dislike change. Changes that are mildly stressful in a young cat can be overwhelming to an older cat. It's best to try and maintain a routine for your elderly Siamese. Don't move the food dishes. Try and avoid rearranging the furniture. Keep to a routine schedule as much as possible.

Older cats often suffer from kidney failure. Siamese cats are no exception. Having plenty of fresh water available is important for all cats, but is particularly important for your older cat. The kidneys need to be flushed regularly and as they stop working as efficiently there is an increased need for water.

Water fountains are now made especially for cats and will often encourage your elderly Siamese to drink water. A good water filter can also be important. Whatever you use, make sure the water is fresh.

Many manufacturers make special diets for elderly cats. Your Siamese may appreciate this and the lower protein and phosphorous in these diets may slow the decline in kidney function. As cats age, their sense of smell decreases,so a diet for an older cat needs to smell strongly. Many older cats have lost teeth. They may find it easier to eat a wet food. In addition to being easier on an old kitty's mouth, wet food will increase the consumption of water as there is far more fluid in canned food than in dry.

As cats age, they may not see as well or hear as well. In some cases they may have some arthritis. This can make the elderly Siamese feel more vulnerable. It's helpful to be extra reassuring when something frightens your Siamese. Be aware that arthritic cats can't jump as easily and may need a little set of steps to reach a favored napping place. Watch out for their balance as well and avoid falls. A cat who doesn't see well may need a baby gate set up to avoid falling down a stairwell.

Elderly Siamese continue to love attention. An older cat provides a calm and contented joy that isn't available to a younger cat. It's a wonderful thing to be able to cuddle with an old friend where each understands the expectations of the other. A little bit of extra thought can make those years even better for your aging Siamese.

Bonnie Koenig lives with her three cats. She and her Siamese maintain their website

Inexpensive Cat Toys Your Cat Will Love To Play

Owning a cat does not just mean taking care of it and feeding it; it also means that you should get it some toys so that it can enjoy itself. Having toys is necessary for a cat, for if it has nothing to focus its attention on when it feels the need to bite or scratch, it will turn to your things such as your furniture. Watching a cat play brings great pleasure and satisfaction to yourself as an owner, so don’t hesitate when you see an adorable toy you think your cat will enjoy.

The demand for cats seems to be growing, as well as the market that caters to cats and cat owners. Therefore you don’t have to worry about not being able to find your cat a suitable toy, for there are thousands of selections for you to choose from. There are simple toys, cheap toys, and expensive toys and so on. There are battery operated toys that move around and it is very fun to watch your cats chase after them.

If you do not think you can afford a good toy for your cat, don’t despair, for there are plenty of toys you can still obtain without breaking your wallet. An example would be fishing poles for cats, made out of lightweight flexible poles that dangle an object at the end of a string. You can sit and move the pole around while your cat tries its best to get hold of the object dangling around. This can entertain you and your cat for a very long time.

It is in a cat’s nature to chase after mice. You can buy your cat a nice toy mouse made out of fur that is not very expensive. Your cat can then pounces on them and throw them into the air. It is great fun for the cat as well. Toys that have bells attached to them will bring a lot of enjoyment to your cat for cats love the sound that it makes and will consider the toy a prey and chase it around. Squeaky toys are not quite suitable for cats, as a cat do not have enough strength to squeeze the toy for the sound. See below for more information on Siamese Cats.

For more information on Cheap Cat Toys [] or visit [], a popular website that offers information on Cats, Cats Breeding, and Cats Behavior. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks

How to Stop Your Cat from Chewing on Electrical Cords and Other Objects

Chewing on electrical cords can burn or shock your cat causing respiratory problems, cardiac arrest and even death. Cats' sharp teeth and their inquisitive nature can put your cat at high risk. This is especially an issue with kittens.

Here's what to do to:

1. Tape cords to the wall with electrical tape to help prevent your pet from gaining access to them.

2. Stow excess lengths of cord behind furniture or appliances, hidden from your cat's view. Cats are attracted to dangling cords and may think they are toys.

3. Block access to visible cords by wrapping flexible safety cable (available at hardware stores) around them. Tin foil works well too, or even a thicker model or extension cord (that is too big for a cat to chew on)

4. Place contact paper, sticky side up, in the general area of electrical cords to discourage your pet from approaching them.

5. Apply unpleasant-tasting substances to exposed cords. These could include bitter apple spray, menthol, toothpaste, mouthwash or lemon juice. Experiment with different flavors, since cats' taste aversions vary. You can also use Crittercord... It's a cord cover with a deterrent infused in it. Be sure to use a product for Cats though- similar products are available for killing rats so be careful what you buy!

6. Have favorite toys available to distract your pet from the cords, and rotate toys every few days to prevent boredom.

7. Keep your pet out of any room with exposed electrical cords until your furry friend loses interest in chewing on them.

My favorite solution is rubbing the cords with a bar of soap.

Moisten the soap, it makes application easier. The soap will last longer than the Bitter Apple sprays and is more effective than hot sauce (even habanero, which incidentally can get in the cat's eyes and be really painful). This works so well that you will probably see a reluctance to even reach for untreated cords, like a mouse or keyboard cord, where the same cat consistently would bite these before.

You need to understand that cats are smart creatures though they are also creatures of instinct. If you have something dangling around, such as a cord for a fan, your cat will naturally want to swat at it. She may even chew on it as it moves (literally moving your cat around like in old cartoons, just a bit slower).

Every interaction with your cat trains her. If she does something you don't like, and you pick her up and tell her she's naughty and put her in another room etc she's actually learning that if she does that bad behavior, she'll get attention from you! Which means she'll do the bad behavior more and more.

It's far better to ignore bad behavior and reward good behavior. To stop bad behavior interrupt her pattern with a squirt of water or use the above methods to make the experience not as pleasant as she thought it would be. (For example, chewing on cords might look like fun, but if they taste terrible, she'll soon learn that it's better to chew other things).

You should also know that problem behavior in cats is often a sign of stress, boredom or bad socializing when they were a kitten. To deal with stress and boredom provide lots toys, perches and places she can get away and relax and remember that love is the best medicine so give her plenty of attention.

If your cat is out of control due to bad socializing when she was a kitten, you can fix her behavior, though it may take longer. For example, giving her attention needs to be on HER may only be able to pat her for a small amount of time in one go, though over a few months she'll gradually allow you to pat her more and more as she gets used to it.

It's better to give her some attention and leave her wanting more then over doing it and only stopping when she scratches you and runs away.

Cats are amazing creatures, and once you understand their psychology, you'll get along with them like never before, enjoying perfect behavior from them and an even deeper bond.

Find out much more about everything cat related with our free newsletter at We cover health issues, behavior and training, cat selection and even non verbal cat communication, cat massage and more.

How To Keep Your Cat Purring Into Advanced Old Age

Cats can live longer than many people think... 18 to 20 years is common.

Here's how to keep your cat purring into advanced old age.


1. Take your cat to the veterinarian at least once a year for a complete physical exam, and follow your veterinarian's advice regarding preventive health-care measures. Preventing disease and maintaining optimum health are the first steps toward a long, healthy life.

2. Spay or neuter your cat as soon as possible. Having kittens, especially repeated litters, is stressful and will contribute to premature aging.

3. Keep your cat inside at all times to reduce the risk of accidents, injuries from fights or disease. (Some research suggests inside cats live twice as long as outdoor cats!)

4. Feed your cat high-quality food designed to meet the specific nutritional requirements during all stages of his life.

5. Prevent obesity at all costs by controlling your cat's diet and engaging him in play activities.

6. Talk to your veterinarian about adding vitamin and mineral supplements, antioxidants and extra fiber to your cat's diet.

7. Have your cat's teeth cleaned professionally. Good dental health will add years to his life.

8. Groom your cat daily, checking for abnormalities, and seek medical help promptly when you discover anything suspicious

9. Make sure no harmful chemicals such as pesticides or household cleaners find their way onto your cat's fur, since cats groom themselves with their tongues constantly. Even small amounts of harmful chemicals on their bodies can have adverse effects if consumed over many years.

10. Protect your cat from environmental dangers such as household cleaners and secondhand smoke.

11. Help your cat avoid the stress of harassment from other animals by providing a quiet place for undisturbed catnaps.

12. Provide your older cat with a heat source such as a heating pad set on low, since cats more than 12 years old require extra heat. You'll notice a difference in his attitude and activity level.

13. Give your cat daily full-body massages and lots of love. Despite their aloof demeanor, cats thrive on affection.

14. Protect your cat from dangerous plants such as cactus and poinsettia.

Find a veterinarian with a special interest in aging who keeps abreast of advancements in this rapidly developing area of pet care.

Be sure to call your veterinarian before giving your cat any product not specifically approved for cats. Some products, such as acetaminophen, commonly consumed safely by people or dogs, are poisonous to cats.

Here's a quick way to treat your cat...Instead of a heating pad, fold up your down comforter on the end of the bed. Your aging cat will sink into its own warm cocoon for all its naps.

Remember cats are like people... when they feel loved and happy their health is affected. So be sure to give your cat as much attention as you can.

Find out much more about everything cat related with our free newsletter at We cover health issues, behavior and training, cat selection and even non verbal cat communication, cat massage and more. Sign up for free now at