You love your cat, you also happen to love your furniture. The trouble is, you cat loves to scratch your furniture. This can cause a few problems, especially if you furniture is nice and new and expensive.
The real trick to stopping your cat from continuing its scratching and general mayhem when your not around and more than likely even when you are. Is redirecting its excess energy. It is a matter of forming new habits and behaviour patterns that your cat will adhere to for a long time to come.
One of the most positive ways of stopping bad cat behaviour is to find the hazard area, the area of your home that seems to get the most attack from your cat's claws and place an item or items that offer your cat incentive to take its aggressions out in another way. Placing a scratching post right next to the area most vulnerable to attack is a good way to associate a new habit for your cat. After a while it will most likely use the post instead of the corner of your couch or bed corner. There will usually be certain routine times of the day that your cat will decide to play havoc with areas of your home so by either catching him in the act or placing items, namely scratching posts or soft toys, at the site most likely to be brutalized. Then hopefully you will implement change in your cat's behaviour. You must try to stay one step ahead of him at all times.
Bad cat behaviour will always stay the same if you do not aim for improvement in your pet's habits. Free tips on training your cat will start you in the right direction.
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