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What Are the Symptoms of a Blockage in Cats?

Mucus, struvite crystals and bladder stones can bunch together to form an actual plug in the narrow urethra of the male cat. The opening is so small that it does not take a lot to completely or even partially obstruct urine flow.

It is sometimes hard to tell what the symptoms of a blockage are because the symptoms mimic other illnesses.  Look for; Pain while urinating, frequent urination, small amounts or no urine, excessive grooming of genitals, and blood in the urine. If urination becomes painful your cat will start associating the litter box with pain and will stop using her litter box and urinate outside of it. 

The toxins from a cat urinary blockage will cause vomiting, nausea, and appetite loss.  If the blockage lasts more than three days, the toxins build up and the result is death.  Symptoms of a blockage in cat from bladder stones cause severe inflammation of the bladder, leading to blood in the urine, pain, and chronic infections.

The veterinarian will feel the bladder in the abdomen and attempt to push the urine from the bladder.  Sometimes this gentle pressure will expel the obstruction, but usually the cat will require other methods to remove the blockage, possibly surgery. 

Cat urinary blockage is mainly a problem of male cats. This is because the female urethra is shorter and broader, therefore it is much more difficult for an obstruction to form with smaller crystals or bladder stones. When urinary blockage becomes recurrent in a male cat, it is time to consider surgical reconstruction of the genitalia to create a new urinary opening which is wider so that no obstructions can occur.

There are two main causes for this disease;

1.  Pets fed a diet with low quality nutrients and over processed pet food.

2.  Overfeeding.

Struvite crystals, bladder stones and urinary disease syndromes are examples of nutritionally influenced disease conditions.  Wild felines eat a meat based, raw diet with vitamins, minerals and enzymes.  You can either feed a raw diet or treat cat urinary blockage through a prescription diet which stabilizes the urine pH.  Bladder stones which are small can be treated with a prescription diet.  Large stones will have to be removed surgically and afterward a raw or prescription diet to prevent the stones from returning.

There are other options to keep your cat free of cat urinary blockage.  Natural alternative products can be added to the diet to promote an environment in the bladder which boosts the immune response, maintain urinary tract and bladder health.  Homeopathic bladder infection treatments exist for your cat if you do not want to submit them to dangerous side effects of prescription drugs.

Discover Natural ways to prevent cat urinary blockage in cats. I have researched the best homeopathic remedies which can prevent and keep your cat healthy. Visit Natural Pet Cures to find out more.

Choosing a Cat Breed - Which Cat Breed is Right For You?

There are so many cat breeds to choose from that it can be difficult to decide which one is best for you. The best cat breed for you will depend on what you are looking for in your new companion.

One main consideration is whether you want a cat to have in your home as a pet or one that you let go outside. Furthermore, cat temperament differs from breed to breed. You'll need to ask yourself what personality and mannerism you are looking for in your new cat.

According to the international Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance, there are over 70 different cat breeds. However, the most popular cat breeds are: Siamese, Abyssinian, Burmese, Egyptian Mau, and Persian.

Siamese Cats
Siamese cats are without a doubt the most popular short haired cat and among the top 5 in the entire breed of cats. Siamese cats are generally believed to be highly intelligent cats.
The body of the Siamese is a light color and the face, tail, paws, and ears are darker. Siamese cats are short haired, so if you are looking for a feline companion that doesn't require an enormous amount of grooming, the Siamese might just be what you are looking for.

Abyssinian cats
Abyssinian cats are named as such because they were first imported into Europe from an African country known as Abyssinia which later became Ethiopia. Abyssinian cats are very extrovert in nature. If you want a lap cat that will lie quietly and that you can pamper at will, then the Abyssinian is probably not for you. Abyssinian cats are very quiet but playful, friendly, active and curious.

Burmese cats
If you are looking for more of an affectionate cat, a Burmese might be just what you are looking for. The Burmese is of medium size with quite a muscular body.
Burmese cats are generally inside cats as they don't seem to have any instincts to protect themselves from predators. Burmese cat are great with kids due to their quiet and easy going nature.

Egyptian Mau cats
If you are looking for a spotted cat, the Egyptian Mau cat is the way to go. They are the only natural breed that has spots. Egyptian Mau cats are very beautiful and graceful felines that are also extremely muscular. They have beautiful coats that are of medium length and can be found in various beautiful colors. The Egyptian Mau is a very smart cat that is quite active, and extremely loyal to their owners. They are a medium-sized short-haired type of cat.

Persian cats
Persian cats love to sit around and laze away the day with their owner. They are gentle, sweet tempered, and trusting. They need the attention of their owner, but they aren't obsessive about it. Persian Cats are tremendously responsive and a joy to have them around.

So which cat breed is right for me? It all depends on what you expect from your new pet. Choosing a cat breed can be a difficult task unless you know what to expect with each breed. Before picking your new kitten, make sure you know what you are looking for in your new pet.

Cat Health Care Tips

Taking care of a cat to insure proper health care for your cat is very important. You don't want to inadvertently do something that will make your cat sick or ill. Some well intentioned things that cat owners might do can actually be damaging to cat health.

One of the important things to consider in Cat Health Care is the proper feeding of your cat. The best foods for your cat are the commercially prepared foods, as home prepared diets, especially vegetarian diets, are not properly balanced for cats and can contain too much or too little of the nutrients necessary for cats, leading to illness. For proper care you should be sure that you don't give your cat chocolate or onions. Treats like fish and liver can be given on special occasions. Carbohydrates like rice, pasta, and potatoes can be mixed into your cat's food for variety. However, the majority of your cat's diet should consist of commercially prepared hard cat food since this will help keep the cat's teeth and body as healthy as possible.

It is not healthy for cat's to get too fat, so you need to try to prevent this as part of your Cat Health Care regimen. Feed your cat small amounts a few times during the day, and try to feed it at the same times every day. Also, try to ensure that your cat gets some exercise. Play with your cat and provide your cat with balls and other toys that it can bat around and chase after in order to get exercise. If your cat does happen to get overweight, you should cut out all extra treats and try to get the cat moving around a bit more. However, you don't want to cause the cat to lose weight too quickly or it could be at risk for a liver disease.

Cleaning your cat's teeth is another part of the cat's care. You want to get a special toothbrush from the dentist, as well as toothpaste made for cats. You don't ever want to use toothpaste made for people, as this can make your cat sick. It might be easier to get started brushing your cat's teeth if you start by dabbing a bit of toothpaste on the cat's lips so the cat can get used to the taste.

As a part of Cat Health Care you should also try to keep your cat clean. If your cat's hair should happen to get dirty or tangled, a little bit of talcum powder brushed through the hair should help to take care of this problem.

Trevor Kassulke owns and operates []

Cat Health Care Tips []

The Benefits of Catnip

It's a well known fact that cats love catnip, right? Actually, not all cats do. Some of the research on this feline favorite recreational "drug" shows that not all cats are sensitive to it. Also, it appears that kittens can't detect it until they are at least three months old, and senior cats have either lost or never had an interest in it.

Catnip is not a drug, of course, but is an herb, a plant in the mint family. Also known as catmint, it can be enjoyed by humans as a tea, though we aren't affected the same way. Some people feel it has a relaxing quality, but then, that is typical of most herbal mint teas.

Clearly, though, it doesn't relax most cats! For those of us who have dissolved into quivering lumps of laughter watching our cats go berserk with a dose of it, we have to wonder just what is going on there. Catnip does have a pleasing, mild fragrance that relaxes us but gives most cats a real buzz.

Apparently, this aroma is picked up by different olfactory receptors than ordinary scents and acts similarly to pheromones, so some feel it elicits a "psycho-sexual" response. The way many cats react seems to verify that idea, as they may roll around on the floor, rub up against everything, groan, growl, purr, or "trill."

Here is what we know about it so far:

1. It won't hurt the cat. It's not a drug, but an herb, so it is quite safe. So don't worry... you can't give them too much.
2. However, if you do offer it too often, cats will become desensitized. This means they won't get crazy anymore and will ignore it. In fact, it loses its appeal in about 10-15 minutes, but most cats can find it interesting again in a couple of hours. Still, if offered on a daily basis, the desensitization could become permanent.
3. The active ingredient is the plant's essential oil, called nepetalactone.
4. Kittens and older cats seem not to notice it, and only about two thirds of adult cats enjoy it.
5. Catnip sensitivity appears to be genetic. Most cats in Australia, for example, are not interested in it, since they are mostly from a closed genetic ancestral pool, and the "detector gene" doesn't show up very often. Don't worry if your cat isn't interested... she probably just doesn't have that gene.
6. While sniffing is the most common way cats "consume" it, they also may eat or lick it. Since it's not toxic, don't worry about that, either. If they eat a lot, they may vomit, as they might after eating grass.

Other than amusing ourselves, does catnip have any benefits to the cat? Since there seem to be no detrimental side effects, then it can only mean one thing: Yes!

Here are some good reasons to offer catnip to your kitty:

  • Helps to relieve boredom.
  • Motivates an indoor cat to get some exercise.
  • Helps a shy or fearful cat to feel less inhibited, especially in a new home.
  • Gives a cat under stress a chance to run off some energy so it doesn't become neurotic.

Another plant that has similar effects on cats is valerian, which is a relaxant for humans, as the mints are, but is excitatory for cats.

Dr. R.J. Peters enjoys writing about cats on the Internet. See more information at

Getting Your New Cat

In the first couple of days that the cat comes to the new home is a really happy time. For you, the cat owner, it's a great chance to start to see and learn what makes your cat special to your family. The cat will also be going through changes as well. There are new things to discover and things to play with and of course new things that they must adjust to as well. There are new surroundings, new household friends and playmates and of course new house rules.

When you plan to pick up your cat, try to set aside time with the new pet. A Friday evening when you will have the whole week end is a great time. Maybe when you are starting a vacation and will be at home would be great as well. You will need to help the cat to adjust to the new home, and as such spending quality time these first few days will get it off on the right foot. The cat will learn to understand you, and you as well will get to know them. Note: Please don't try to over do it with excitement at first.

When the new kitten first arrives in your home, you might want to keep the noise down low till he gets himself adjusted. During this time, if you have children, I would highly recommend trying to keep them from running after and/or even trying to grab the kitten. Children screaming are also to be avoided if possible. Keep in mind the new kitten is just a baby and will scare very easily. I think it is best to just let the kitten explore at his own pace when he wants to nap just let him nap. Cats are very quick learners and you will see that you kitten will adapt very quickly.

Make it easy as possible for the cat to get his food, water, and of course his littler box. You may want to keep the kitten in one room for a start until he gets used to the new house. Then he can explore a little at a time. With patience, love, and understanding, the transition to its new home and family will be a wonderful experience.

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.

Best House Cat Care

Owner's Guide to Asthma in Cats

Asthma in cats occurs when the airways swell up and restrict airflow. It is very similar to the condition that occurs in humans. Male cats are much less likely to develop asthma when compared to their female counterparts. You may be wondering what could cause your cat's airways to become inflamed and swell up.


Many different things can cause cat asthma. Allergens such as pollen, smoke, and dust are commonly to blame. There are also certain parasites that can cause your cat to develop this condition. Cold, moist air, chemicals, and certain types of cat litter can also cause asthma.


Coughing is the most prominent sign of asthma in cats. Some cats only cough occasionally, while others will do so excessively. Cats that develop severe coughing episodes usually vomit after a coughing fit. Since felines may have a hard time breathing, they may stop breathing through their nose and instead breathe through their open mouth.


This condition can sometimes be hard to diagnose initially because various other disease can cause some of the same symptoms. This means that your veterinarian will have to rule out all other causes before determining that your cat definitely has asthma. Once tests have been done to check for the presence of parasites, your cat will likely have a chest x-ray done. This will allow the vet to check for inflamed bronchioles in the lungs and other signs of asthma.


You should be aware that asthma in cats can't be cured. Although treatment won't cure the condition, it will allow your cat to live a normal life. Bronchodilators are usually used to treat mild cases of asthma. If your cat has a moderate to severe case, he will need to be treated with corticosteroids. This will help reduce inflammation in the airways.

Asthma is just one of many diseases that can affect your cat. There are many others such as feline bladder cancer and feline infectious peritonitis. Fortunately, provides all the information you need to learn about various conditions that can affect your precious pet. So, stop by today!

Kitty Deserves Good Cat Furniture

If you like cats you know what incredibly wonderful creatures they are and how much joy they bring into our lives. I've had cats for over 40 years and cannot imagine life without feline companions. I have three right now, each with a totally different personality and different likes and dislikes. Watching them play and interact is tons of fun, even though they drag their toys all over the house and occasionally make a big mess. Between the cat furniture and all their playthings, it sometimes seems like the cats own the place (which they undoubtedly think they do).

I consider myself lucky because my cats are all "good" cats. They get along most of the time and they are not big scratchers. I've seen homes shredded to pieces and ribbons, and consider myself lucky in that regard. They do scratch some (they're cats, after all) but mostly my old area rugs that seem immune to scratching, and their cat furniture. The latter can really make a difference, as my cats love their cat trees and cat condos. Two of them sleep in them most nights, and all three seem to love being able to climb up and down without being yelled at (as happens when they try to climb the curtains).

Whoever thought up cat trees and cat condos must have been a genius as they can really make a difference in how cats behave. Over the years I've been using Armarkat, Molly and Friends, and Savvy Tabby trees because they have so many models to choose from, and they seem to last forever (sometimes I wonder why a kitty condo can take such abuse whereas a sofa looks mauled after a little kitten gets through with it). Another thing I like about Armarkat and Molly and Friends models is that their cat furniture comes in so many different materials and colors. The same goes for Pussicat cat furniture (recommended by my adept climbers!) As much as I love cats, I don't want for my house to look like a zoo, and being able to pick cat furniture that fits into my décor is a big plus.

Other than making sure it nicely fits into my home, what else do I look out for in cat furniture? Premium quality is one thing. A time or two I tried to cut corners and bought some cheap stuff that promptly fell apart. Not good. I learned my lesson and have been buying quality stuff ever since. The price difference isn't large and I'd rather pay a bit more for quality that lasts. Good design is another. The cats and I differ in what we consider exemplary design, but all of us agree that cat furniture must be designed so it doesn't topple over. That isn't much of a problem with my two 7/8-scale micro-cats Buddy and Holly, but Stitch, my big Blue Russian, weighs 22 pounds and packs quite a bit of momentum when he jumps up there!

Whatever you pick, rest assured that cats love to have their own furniture that is designed to fit the needs of cats. Cats love to snuggle and jump and climb and scratch, and they feel safe when they can hide in their own cubby high above the ground. Cat furniture should be just as much part of a cat's home as cat toys and treats. Cats bring so much joy to our lives that it's only fair to make them feel as comfortable as possible.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Kitty Deserves Good Cat Furniture.

Thanksgiving and the Cat

Here we are about to enter into the holiday season and with it being a holiday time, we want to include our pets in our holiday celebrations. After all, they are one of the family arent they? But we also want to keep our cats safe from all the potentially toxic (for them) foods and candy that come into our home during the holiday season. There are a few things that need to be said about "I wonder if the cat can eat that?" There are some things that can be dangerous for your cat that you may not be aware of.

After having a large Thanksgiving dinner, offering a small piece of boneless, thoroughly cooked turkey, plain mashed potatoes and a smidge of pumpkin pie is not likely to be a harmful treat for your cat. Just be sure to avoid giving foods with large amounts of onion or garlic or any treats sweetened with artificial sweeteners. Because this can lower the blood sugar of both your dogs and your cats, this could lead to life threatening things such as seizures and liver failure.

There are some spices that are potentially dangerous for your pet. Sage is considered to be edible and should be safe if given in small amounts. However, sage, as well as many other herbs, contains essential resins and oils that can cause gastrointestinal upset. In some cases it can cause nervous system depression if the cat gets too much of it. Cats are sensitive to the effects of essential oils, so for safety's sake, I suggest you break the bad news to kitty and keep him away from the sage you are cooking with this Thanksgiving. Because cats can be very sensitive to the effects of essential oils, it is a good idea to discourage your cat from chewing on the needles of your beautiful Christmas tree as well.

Another thing that humans love, but pets should not be given, is chocolate which can be a problem for cats just as it for dogs. Since cats tend to be smaller than most dogs, it doesn't take as much chocolate to be a problem. Also, the type of chocolate your pet eats can make a difference. The darker the chocolate the more dangerous, so bittersweet or dark chocolate will be a lot worse than milk chocolate. Even though milk chocolate is not as bad as the dark chocolate, there is still another possible problem with it and that is the toxins that are in milk chocolate are excreted through the kidneys. It is not recommended that you let your cat have chocolate of any kind if it has kidney issues. With kidney problems, they would not be able to eliminate the toxins very well. But it is safer to eliminate any possible problems and just don't give them chocolate.

We hope this information has been helpful to you and will help keep you from "killing with kindness". We hope that both you, your family and your pets have a safe holiday.

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.

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What to Get Your Cat For the Holidays

The Holidays are fast approaching and just as the pitter patter of young hearts jumps with expectation and delight, the shopping list grows for all our loved ones. For those with beloved felines at home, we have taken a few moments to go over some basic ideas for gifts for your cat.

Just like toy trains, race tracks, and stuffed animals for children, never underestimate the classics when it comes to picking out gifts for your purrrrfect companion. If you have never had one, or haven't bought one in a long time, consider a scratching post. If you have several cats, one of the multi-tiered scratching posts is another great idea. If that's not in the budget, you can also give the old one a good rug shampooing and be sure to sprinkle with some cat nip for true delight.

The common squeaky toy or jingly ball are two more great toys to surprise your cat with over the holidays. Anyone who has had them in the past can vouch that they don't necessarily stand up to the test of time, but that is why they are also usually sold in multi-packs and for a low price. If you care to step it up a notch, there are a handful of items out there designed to make your life easier and give your feline friend a high tech boost. Consider a self-cleaning cat litter box.

There are battery operated mice you can buy for your cat for the holidays. Since it is the holidays, though, why not help you cat get into the spirit. There are holiday inspired and styled hats and stockings you can buy for the cat-sure to look great for family photos or just for fun. No holiday would be complete with all those great treats, though. Don't leave your cat out of the fun, but don't put them in harm's way either, by giving them unhealthy people food. Splurge a little and buy your cat some extra treats for the holidays. From hard and soft pieces, if you're not sure what to get your cat, look online or visit a local pet store. Your cat's veterinarian may also have some good suggestions on what treats or toys are best for you cat this holiday season, based on the cat's age, normal diet, and any special health considerations.

The holidays are meant to be shared among loved ones, and that includes the four-legged members of our families. If at all possible, take them with you on your visits or have someone who will take care of your pet while you are gone for the holidays.

Make sure to visit the spoiled pet for all your cat [] training needs this holiday season!

Are You Causing Your Cat's Litter Box Problems?

While most cats and kittens are naturally inclined to use the litter box... there are some that need a little extra help in this department. Unfortunately, many litter box problems can be caused by human error. Here are some helpful troubleshooting tips to help you keep litter problems away.

**If your cat has suddenly started having issues and you have not made any changes to her litter pan area then you must have a veterinarian evaluate her immediately for any life threatening urinary tract illnesses that can quickly become fatal. **

With that said, here are some top causes of litter problems. Be sure to go through each one to find out if any of these apply.

* Dirty Litter Box

If you don't keep your cat's litter pan fresh and clean then she may just look for another place to go! This is not what you want. Just think about this for a second... you would be absolutely disgusted to enter a dirty, smelly bathroom where there was poop and urine everywhere wouldn't you?

Maybe you'd opt to hold it or go somewhere else? Your cat feels the same way about her litter box. She doesn't want to step on her own urine and feces just like you don't!

And for Pete's sake, do not leave this responsibility up to your child! Your poor cat should not have to suffer with a dirty box because little Timmy or Tina is not in the mood to change the litter pan.

It is recommended to clean your cat's litter pan a minimum of twice a day. Stick to this rule and your cat should be happy. If you cannot even do this... then you should add an extra litter box or two. So if one is dirty, she has another "fresher" choice.

* Litter pan is hard to reach

If you are bringing in a new kitten or cat into your home you should be sure her litter pan is easy to reach. She should not have to jump through hoops and hurdles to use the bathroom. If you have a two story home, you'll need a box on each level as well.

If you have adopted a new cat, she might be a little afraid of her new environment, smells, sounds and everything else she's being exposed to. It's much safer to slowly introduce her into the household little by little. In other words, when she's first introduced, don't put her litter pan in the far away corner of the house. Put it close to her in her little home base area.

If she's scared, timid, shy or anything else.. she's less likely to muster up the courage to venture out into this big new home to go searching for her litter pan.

To make things simple for her, you can start by simply keeping her quarantined to just one room where she has access to her food, water and comfy sleeping spot and her litter box. As soon as she's used to her environment you can give her more space.

Note: Never put her litter box close to her food and water source. Why? Well, answer this... would you like to eat a delicious, gourmet meal right next to your toilet?

There's your answer!

* Constantly switching her litter

Your cat can only take so much of this little game... so be sure to stick with a brand you trust and if you do decide to switch, do so gradually. This way, it isn't such a shock to her when she steps into her litter pan to find a whole new texture and scent.

Many cats have been known to outright reject their new litter! Be sure to observe the changes you've made and how she reacts to it. If it doesn't work out, you can switch her back to her old, familiar litter.

* Harsh fragrances are being used

Your cat has a sense a smell that's much sharper than yours. Try to remember this when you are picking out litters and especially deodorizers.

A cat litter or deodorizer that smells "nice" to you may seem overpowering to your little friend. "So how does this affect her litter habits?" Simply put, if it's too overwhelming she may just skip on using the litter box!

Opt for non scented litters and also skip on harsh smelling deodorizers. If you keep a regular cleaning schedule then you won't need them.

Find more cat litter training tips and ideas as well as more information on cat litter and box reviews.

This article is free to use with all links active.

Origin and History of the House Cat

Formerly, it was carelessly thought that our house cats were simply the progeny of tamed pairs of the European wildcats; but anatomy has denied the probability of this and historical investigation shows that they came from another source. Historical evidence, which includes innumerable mummies, shows that the cat was domesticated by the Egyptians before the time of the oldest monuments of their civilization.

Moreover, the characteristic specific markings of the caffrc cat (still wild as well as tame in the Nile Valley) reappear unmistakably in our common house cats in spite of the fact that interbreeding with other species has intervened. A well-marked variety of this cat, known as the Mediterranean cat, was and is found in ancient times as well as now in Syria and eastward. It is established that many centuries before the Christian era the Egyptians, Cretans, Phoenicians and other men of the Levant were constantly voyaging all over the Mediterranean Sea. They were busy founding trading-posts on both its shores, where finally arose and spread the extensive civilizations of Greece and Rome on the north, and of Carthage on the south.

With these colonists undoubtedly went their friendly and useful mousers. That they then were crossed somewhat with the native wildcat seems to be shown by the appearance of the peculiar form we call "tabby" cats. In brief, this is the history of the common European house cat and also those of America and most of the civilized world because of immigration. However, in the remote and isolated East exists races of domesticated cats of more local origin. Prof. G. Martorelli, of Milan, Italy, made a special study of this whole subject and he has concluded that the ordinary domestic cat of India has descended from the Indian desert cat.

From it, he says, are derived their common spotted breed, while the fulvous breed seen in India has been produced by a cross with the native jungle cat. Both these have interbred with the imported western cats in recent years. The Persian or ''Angora" long-haired breeds may probably have come from the Pallas' cat of central Asia; and the curious Siamese cat is regarded as derived from the golden cat. Whether accidentally or by the design of breeders, intermingling of these various species and races has produced the bewildering variety of forms now seen.

NOTE: This article is for information only. See your veterinarian for medical advice.

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.

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Are You Feeding Your Cat Safe Cat Food?

You probably think that since your cat's food has not been recalled that it is safe for your cat to eat. This is not necessarily true. Many store bought cat foods are so bad for your cat that they are actually hurting him.

The majority of store bought cat foods have no nutritional value in them at all. What's worse is that they may actually contain poison. You don't want your cat to eat poison? Well one of the many meat sources for cat food is dogs and cats that have been put down at the pound. The problem with this is (other then the obvious that your cat is not a cannibal) is that the poison they use to put the animals down does not cook out when they cook the meat.

Not only do they use poisoned animals, but any flea collars they might have on or collars with metal id tags that are on the animal get ground up as well. They also use any road kill that can't be buried as a meat source. When they process meat at processing plant any parts of the cow that are not edible for humans goes in a big barrel. This includes any parts of meat with puss, cancer, or other disease's.

So that leaves us with dead, dying, or diseased animals for the meat source and the meat by products are even worse. It's no wonder that most cats don't even live half of their natural life expectancy.

The more I looked into the ingredients of store bought cat food the more appalled I became, to the point that I did not even want to touch my cats food to feed it to him.

In order to give your cat a safe diet that will allow him to get the nutrition he needs to grow strong and healthy a combination of homemade cat food and safe commercial cat food is recommended.

Cat Food Secrets will give you a safe, easy way to combine homemade food and commercial food, show you what commercial food is good for your cat, and help you to help your cat live his life to the fullest potential. Don't let your cat be a victim to commercial cat food learn more about Safe Cat Food.

The Proper Kitten Diet

Kittens need an average of fifteen percent more protein to get the proper muscle development. The proper muscle development is important because that includes their heart.

Kittens also need about twenty percent more fat in their diet. If you are feeding your kitten homemade food (this is advisable) make sure that the fat they are getting is uncooked. Cats can not digest cooked fat and in fact it can cause problems in the future.

Almost all cats are lactose intolerant so keep your cheeses and dairy to a minimum. If you have a recipe that calls for a lot of dairy try using lactose free milk. My cats love lactose free milk. Lactose intolerant means that an enzyme in their stomach is missing so they can not properly break down the sugar (lactose) in regular milk.

Cats are mainly meat eaters but adding some vegetables to their diet is recommended. Just be careful what vegetables you add. Stay away from garlic, onions, and cherry tomatoes. Foods from those food groups are poison to cats. Another one to avoid is bell peppers.

Cats, like out in the wild, need raw food without preservatives to get the proper nutrition. For the most part if you feed your cat homemade food, use raw everything. The exception is potatoes and eggs. Both of those need to be slightly cooked.

The average store bought food does not contain the proper nutrition that cats need. When my cat was about three years old he got crystals in his urinary track (this can be deadly if not caught in time). My vet told me that the food I was feeding him was the cause. Now this confused me because I was using an expensive name brand food. My vet told me that most of the store bought food was the equivalent, nutrition wise, of Twinkies.

The more I looked into the ingredients of store bought cat food the more appalled I became, to the point that I did not even want to touch my cats food to feed it to him.

In order to give your kitten a diet that will allow him to get the nutrition he needs to grow strong and healthy a combination of homemade kitten food and safe store bought food is recommended.

Cat food secrets will give you a safe, easy way to combine homemade food and commercial food, show you what commercial food is good for your cat, and help you to help your cat live his life to the fullest potential. Don't let your cat be a victim to bad commercial cat food learn more about a kitten's diet.

Is Holistic Kitten Food Good For Your Kitten?

A holistic kitten food is a kitten food without any unnatural ingredients in it. That means that it has no preservative, food coloring, or synthetic nutrients. It also means that it probably costs more and when you buy top of the line cat food you get a great nutritious food, right?

Well that is not necessarily true. The majority of meat that goes into feline food is such a low grade that it actually does your cat harm. My own vet said that the majority of the store bought food for cats is equivalent to eating junk food (no nutritional value at all).

What's worse is that there is also poison in the meat. Euthanized pound animals are sold for meat to the cat food companies and the poison does not cook out even at high temperatures.

Holistic kitten food companies claim that there are no preservatives in their cat food. If there are no preservatives in the food how can they keep meat on the shelves for extended periods of time without it rotting?

By law, the cat food manufacturers do not have to claim anything in their cat food that they themselves do not put in it. So if before the meat gets to their processing plant some preservatives are put in it they can still claim that it is preservative free. It's a built in ability to lie to consumers about what they are buying.

When you use homemade kitten food you know exactly what your kitten is getting because you put it in there.

Cat food secrets will give you a good easy way to combine homemade food and commercial food, show you what commercial food is good for your cat, and help you to help your cat to live his life to the fullest potential. Don't let your cat be a victim to commercial cat food learn more about Holistic kitten food.

The Pros and Cons of Homemade Kitten Food

Lets start with the cons first and then go to the pros.

Making homemade kitten food can be time consuming. Lets face it; there is nothing easier then opening a bag or can and pouring it into a bowl. When you make your own kitten food you will have to set some time aside every two to three days to prepare the food.

On the flip side, the more your make your kittens food the less time it will take you and its been shown that cats can live a much longer time when feed a diet that closely resembles what they would eat out in the wild.

In the beginning, making your own kitten food can be more costly. A kittens diet consists of raw meat and vegetables.

In the long run it as actually cheaper to feed your kitten homemade food. Because they are getting the nutrition they need there immune system is strong so you will spend much less on vet bills. That's not to say you won't have to get them their necessary shots but you will be running to the vet with a sick cat much less often.

You also need to make sure you do your homework. Cats have allergies to some of our food and some of are food is even poison to them.

Garlic, onions, and tomatoes are poison. Cats should not eat any thing that is in the same food group as onions and garlic. Kittens are also lactose intolerant and where as it won't kill them it will make them sick and that would defeat the purpose of feeding your cat homemade food.

Just like anything else, after you learn the rules and follow them, they become second nature so you won't even have to think about them.

Cat food secrets will give you a good easy way to safely combine homemade food and commercial food, show you what commercial food is good for your cat, and help you to help your cat to live his life to the fullest potential. Don't let your cat be a victim to commercial cat food, learn more about homemade kitten food.

A Kitten Whose Diet Consists of Natural Kitten Food Will Live a Longer and Healthier Life

The closer your cat's diet is to what would be found out in nature the stronger his immune system will be. On average a cat should live to be twenty five to thirty years. Most cats only live to be seven to ten years. The reason for this is that commercially bought food does not provide your cat with the nutrition that he needs.

Cats need raw meat in there diets. Raw meat will provide them with taurine, which is crucial to a cats whole system. A cat deficient in taurine will lose his sight in less than two years. Once his sight is gone it's gone. Taurine is also critical to the brain and heart. For a cats brain and heart to function properly taurine must be present but unlike a cats eyesight if your cat is deficient in taurine and then he receives what he needs the heart will return to normal.

You can also give your kitten cooked meat but know that cats cannot digest cooked fat. If you are going to cook chicken for your cat then remove the skin before you cook the chicken and then feed the raw skin to your cat. Stay away from pork altogether when feeding your cats. The best food you can give your cat is raw meat because that is how they eat it in the wild.

Another thing a cat needs in his diet is vegetables. You must be careful about the vegetables your cat receives because chives, tomato's, garlic, and onions are highly toxic to cats. Also stay away from the bell pepper family.

Cat food secrets will give you a good easy way to combine homemade food and commercial food, show you what commercial food is good for your cat, and help you to help your cat live his life to the fullest potential. Don't let your cat be a victim to commercial cat food, get more information on natural kitten food.

Cat Urinating Problems-Want to Stop It?

Having your cat urinating all over your house can be extremely troublesome. Your not alone when it comes to dealing with cat urinating problems. Especially when it occurs after you thought you had successfully litter trained your cat. Instead of getting angry, it may be more suitable for you to be worried. You should strongly consider taking your cat for a check-up at your vet. There are a number of diseases which can cause your cat to suddenly start urinating non stop. One of these diseases is a urinary tract infection which could be highly fatal for your cat if left untreated. You should always consider taking your cat to the vet's if you notice, any sudden change in kitty's behavior.

There are many reasons why your cat will urinate in unsuitable places in your house. Both males and females cats whether neutered or not and all breeds and age groups may spray urine as part of their cat urinating problems they may have. Spraying appears to be more common in households with more then 1 cat. Male cats that live with a female cat are more likely to spray than those living with another male cat. It is important to make a distinction between urine marking from inappropriate urination.(spraying) and cats which are not neutered. Both male and female cats will spray to mark their area.

Has this ever had this happen? You're a cat owner, your cat is using the litter box just fine, then one day you come home and find a giant urine spot in the living room carpet and your bed has been peed on. This is a definite sign that you'll having cat urinating problems. What happened? What went wrong? It isn't normal for a cat to use her litter box devotedly, then one day decide to stop using the litter box. There's always a reason why a cat stops using the litter box. Always!

If this happens to you, stay calm, don't panic! The sooner you realize your cat isn't using the litter box, the sooner you can stop this problem cold. By careful examination, you can figure out what's going on, and if you need it ,some help to get your cat using the litter box again.

Removing nasty pet odors like cat urine, and cat spray can seem like an impossible task. Is the smell of cat urine driving you crazy? Discover these 7 amazing steps that will help stop cat urinating problems in your home. Sign up for a free mini course on getting rid of cat urine odor. Learn how to eliminate your cat's urine problems as well as find out what the cause may be at: CatUrinatingProblems.

Cat Arthritis - Owner's Guide to Arthritis in Cats

Cat arthritis is a condition in which there is joint inflammation. It can become very painful to your cat. Any feline is at risk for developing this condition, but athletic cats are more susceptible. So, what exactly causes arthritis in cats?


There are various things that can cause feline arthritis. One of the leading causes is trauma as the result of an accident. Examples include getting hit by a car or falling from a great height. Your cat's bones, joints, and ligaments also wear down naturally over time. Some of the other common causes include immune system disorders, infections, or developmental disorders.


The main sign of arthritis in cats is the presence of swollen joints. The joint may become so swollen that your cat develops limping or lameness in the affected limb. It's also common for your feline to be stiff. This will be very noticeable just after he gets up from resting.

Severe cases of cat arthritis may also cause personality changes. Two of the most common changes are aggression and depression. Like in humans, cold and damp weather can worsen the symptoms of this condition.


If your cat is showing any of these symptoms, a veterinarian will need to check him out. The vet will monitor your cat while resting and moving around. Fluid may also be extracted from one of the swollen joints to help confirm a case of arthritis. X-rays also prove to be useful diagnostic tools in some cases.


Treatment of arthritis in cats depends on the cause and severity of the condition. In cases caused by a traumatic injury, your cat will benefit from anti-inflammatory medications and rest. Some cats need to wear supportive dressings until they improve. Surgery is also necessary sometimes.

In addition to arthritis, there are many other illnesses that can affect your cat such as feline kidney stones. Luckily, provides all of the information you need to learn about these illnesses. So, stop by today to read up on common conditions like feline diabetes.

Cat Carriers - They Keep You and Your Pet Safe While Traveling

Whenever you have to take your kitty to the vet, it always ends up being a struggle. Like, you have to find your cat, hold on to her, get her into the car, and then drive the both of you to the vet with her running all around the car. This is not only not safe for your furry companion, but you as well because what if she jumps on the steering wheel or something? So, to avoid an accident, turn to cat carriers. One would be a great investment.

Cat carriers offer you a safe way to travel with your feline since they provide you with a safe place to put her when you are both on the go. How so? Well, it is because of their design as one will feature an enclosed area where your cat can stand, sit, or lie down. It will come with a door that can be latched or locked so your little gal cannot get loose or run away.

With cat carriers you might be thinking that you do not have a lot of options when it comes to what you could purchase for your pet. The thing is, that simply is not true since there are in fact a plethora of selections to pick from. First off, they come in all sorts of sizes from those that are small to others that are extra large that other animals like dogs can even travel in. Plus, they can be crafted from all sorts of materials too. For example, you can purchase traditional ones that are made from hard plastic and metal, featuring a hard plastic cage like area and a wire metal front door. Or, if you want something that is a little more trendy, you can get ones that are actually designed to look like fashion handbags and are made from soft materials, plush materials with mesh fabric netting so your cat has enough fresh air when kept inside of it. And, there are even options made from nylon, mesh, and plastic tubing that can collapse and fold up for easy storage when it is not in use.

You might think that the options would stop there when it comes to cat carriers, well, think again because this is just the beginning when it comes to the many choices that are out there. For instance, another classic options are those selections that are made entirely of metal. If you do not believe that there are that many choices, then simply do a key word search while online of "cat carriers." After you press the search button, a slew of alternatives will be strewn about right before your very eyes. This is a great way to shop for the one that you want to because you can easily find what you want at the best deals and when you buy it, it will be shipped right to your home.

Ultimately, if you want to be safe when driving with your cat to the vet, or anywhere for that matter, turn to cat carriers. It is one must have pet item.

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of many niche online stores that provide online consumers not only with products, but information relating to furnishing and decorating indoor or outdoor living areas. She also offers advice about how to make your new furry companion feel at home. Today, she gives insight when purchasing items for your pet including dependable cat furniture and or those necessary pet supplies.

Cat Health Basics - How the Experts Provide at Home Care When Their Cats Are Sick

When your cat is ill, the most important thing you can do is keep him warm, quiet, well fed and watered. Cats dislike noise and bright lights and seek secluded areas when they are sick. For the indoor cat, set up a retreat in a room not used by members of your family or other pets.

A soft towel lining a cardboard box and placed on the floor of a closet is ideal. With the door slightly ajar, the cat has darkness and solitude. For the outdoor cat, line a tire with an old blanket in the garage, making sure there are no drafts.

To keep your cat warm, heating pads and hot water bottles (not too hot) may be effective, or you can cut the food off a sock and make a sweater to keep him warm. In addition to administering any medication prescribed by your veterinarian, you need to supply your cat with plenty of fluids.

If your cat is not drinking and does not seem his normal self, contact your veterinarian. You may be advised to force fluids into his mouth with an eye dropper or plastic syringe, but be careful because the fluid can be forced into the lungs and result in pneumonia.

If he clamps his teeth down firmly on the dropper and will not open his mouth, insert the tip through the side of his mouth. You will find an opening there and can squirt in the water.

Clear chicken broth and the juices from cooked meat can also be used as fluids. These have the advantage of making your cat thirsty, prompting him to drink on his own. If he is dehydrated, your veterinarian may need to administer fluids under the cat's skin or into a vein. There will be other signs of illness in such a case.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Capstar Flea Control [] and Cat Window Perch []

Cat Health Tips - How the Experts Provide Basic Health Care to Their Cats

You may be able to tell if your cat is sick by watching his body language and noticing any variation in his everyday routine. Observant owners can often detect signs of illness at a very early stage and take the cat to the veterinarian before the situation becomes too serious.

There are many signs that indicate your cat is unwell. If he is listless and does not greet you normally, if he stops eating his favorite food or if his normally sleek and shiny coat is dull and open, he is probably distress.

Other symptoms may include a change in his normal behavior or a change in the third eyelid, or haw. Some changes in behavior are more subtle and harder to spot unless we pay careful attention.

Does your normally outgoing female cat start hissing when you pet her? This could be a sign of a uterine infection or a bladder problem. Does your shy and retiring older cat suddenly start attacking other cats even when not provoked? This, too, is a sign that something is wrong.

The causes may range from nothing more than an infected tooth to a tumor. And what about your three month old kitten? Has he stopped chasing his tail or pouncing on your toes? Has his appetite declined?

If so, you should see these as alarm signals alerting you to take him to the veterinarian. In a three month old it may be nothing more than normal teething, but it is best to have your veterinarian check him.

When a cat is feeling well, he eats his food, uses his litter pan and follows a fairly routine schedule of playing and sleeping. Any major change in this routine could signal a health problem.

The third eyelid, or haw, consists of a membrane in the corner of the eye nearest the nose. It is not usually visible in a healthy cat, but may appear when your cat is sick, partially covering the eye. It is either white or pink in color.

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Cat Travel Tips - How the Experts Handle Their Cats While Doing Rail and Air Travel

If you are shipping cats by rail or air, first check with the carriers and find out their rules for health certificates and suitable shipping containers. It is not advisable to give cats tranquilizers. Some cats can become very aggressive on this type of medication while others become sick.

If heavily tranquilized, their vomiting can cause them to drown in their own fluids. Line the bottom of the shipping container with a good thickness of newspaper and tear up strips of newspaper, filling the container about halfway to the top.

This makes an excellent insulator for heat and cold and your cat can burrow into it for security. Should she have to go to the bathroom, she can cover her waste with the strips of paper.

Always make a definite reservation for her with the airline or train carrier and have a back up plan in mind. Always try for a direct flight with no change of plane or train. Most airlines will not carry pets if the ground temperature at either departure or destination is below 45 degree Fahrenheit or above 80 degree Fahrenheit, but you will need to check on this with the airline when you book.

Some boarding kennels have areas that allow cat's outdoor access. Always check out a new kennel with a visit before your cat's stay. If you cannot leave your cat at home, a boarding kennel is another option.

A kitten will generally take up using a litter pan naturally. However, if she uses a rug or bedding as a litter pan, deter her from repeating the offense by lightly spraying the area with cologne. Most cats like to lick perfume and will not soil where they lick.

To prevent your cat from digging up the soil in a flower pot or using it as a litter pan, cover the earth with small stones. If she persists, you should consider hanging the plant well out of her reach. Never use mothballs as a deterrent as they could be fatal to her if eaten.

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Kitten Care Part 2

After the first few days your kitten is settling in and will soon forget about its other family. You have become its parent now so it will depend on you for its basic needs. Please do not skimp on the food that it needs for good health and longevity.

Many think that kittens can survive on junk. Well they can for a while but then the problems set in and what you did not spend on good food and care you might end up spending ten times more on vets or the alternative you might loose your loving pet to disease.

A GOOD STABLE DIET is essential for adjustment. NO JUNK FOOD

FRESH FOOD IS best although some canned material, such as fish like 'pilchards/whiting' or 'ocean fish platter' is OK. Do not feed human fish food from cans as it contains salts and things that will harm your cat. Most canned food is junk and creates digestive problems which may go unnoticed for months or even years. Don't loose your loving pet from food related stress. Onions and garlic can kill cats so don't feed the animal from the table or with left overs off your plate.

DRIED FOOD with exception of Science Diet (Vets and pet shops) may create stones in urethra or kidneys which KILLS painfully. Your kitten should start of with fresh chicken breasts and legs and it will chew on the bone - good for teething; Gradually increase its intake of science diet kitten, which should be given for the first 12 months of life with gradual weaning from soft food by around 3 to 4 months.

Fresh or frozen rabbit is OK. Fresh fish occasionally and from 4 months a fresh (uncooked) chicken wing weekly is essential for a healthy mouth and fresh breath. Lamb off cuts (uncooked with bone) are excellent but remove excess fat. Most pet food have a high fat content that will harm your pet. Not everything sold as pet food is fit for animal consumption. Do not give animals cooked bones. They splinter in the gut and are dangerous.

DON'T FORGET THE WATER. Kittens do not readily adapt to water while with mums. Put small amount of water on finger and feed (do not force). Show kitten where the source is and tap the water. In a day or so it finds its own level of liquid intake.

WARMTH IS ESSENTIAL; even though you may not be cold the kitten will be if sleeping alone, especially while young and in a new environment. Inside is generally a lot colder than outside. Please supply a hot water bottle, carefully wrapped and tested, for the first month or so unless days and nights are hot. This will help stress management.

INSECT BITES AND STRIKES; Blowflies are especially dangerous to small kittens. Mothers wash kitten's bottom regularly and clean up excreta immediately. Your kitten may not be able to do this for some time although nature provides it with some protection. Please wipe anal area with clean wet cloth every day or more if needed. This care will protect it. Keep flies at bay by changing litter regularly.

VACCINATION is risky and can cause death. If carefully reared and healthy your animal should not require vaccination as it has natural immunity to disease. Slight sniffles are normal from time to time but if worried see vet. If eyes water and the cat sneezes you could see a vet or treat it with colloidal silver (Health shop). Alternative medicines work well here.

COLLOIDAL SILVER (CS) is a natural antibiotic and kills internal parasites. Your kitten has received this since birth in the milk. It keeps cat healthy and free of disease. A small amount in water or a 50/50 concentrate when necessary. CS can be used for abrasions, eczema and in place of antibiotics etc. - even in the eye (diluted).

FEMALE KITTENS show so much love and joy at the event that I recommend you let them have a littler before desexing. This develops essential hormones. Kittens should be sold and money will pay for desexing. NEVER GIVE KITTENS AWAY it encourages irresponsibility and feral cats. Make sure they go to good homes. If the cost cannot be afforded the chances are it will be neglected or abused.

SKIN CANCER; Be alert for signs of cancer. Freckles are not cancer but may need checking out if the cat spends long periods outdoors. Skin cancer is treatable if caught early. For scratches and most abscess's CS is good and the abscess will burst on its own..

WORMING; Worms and fleas go together as part of the cycle. Parasites are kept at bay with herbs grown in the garden. Tansy prevents fleas. Your kitten can be wormed with colloidal silver, a natural worming solution. A 50/50 teaspoonful once a week for health.

Kittens are companion animals and a second kitten doubles the pleasure and increases their security. Keeping two cats is often easier than keeping one and controls roaming and stress. It also provides them with extra comfort and contentment.

Author publisher and internet marketer Norma has been on line since early 90's and built her first web site in 1995. She has studied the ins and out of web marketing and read just about every thing that any successful marketer has written. She is now helping others to get online and earn an income from home doing what they love to do. She also studies the human mind and why people believe things and act the way they do. She believes success comes from a clear mind and positive thinking. She has reared and sold kittens for over 20 years and considers herself somewhat of an expert in the field. In between kittens she concentrates on her Internet marketing on her latest sites and

Cat Health Tips - How Do the Experts Protect Their Cats From FeLV, FIP and Rabies?

Cats can also be vaccinated against feline leukemia virus (FeLV), a complex and often fatal virus that can attack the bone marrow and can cause cancer, and feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a disease that causes the chest or abdominal cavity to fill up with fluid. These vaccinations may not be necessary for isolated indoor cats, which are unlikely to be exposed to these diseases. Although the chance of exposure of indoor cats to rabies is very small, all cats should be vaccinated against the disease.

Rabies is essentially always fatal to cats and humans. By vaccinating their pets, responsible pet owners are protecting their animals, their neighbors and themselves. It is also best to consult with your veterinarian as to the best course of vaccinations for your particular cat or cats and the unique conditions in your household.

For example, if you have a cat with a short nose and flat face, such as a Persian or an Exotic, who, due to reduced nasal capacity can be more prone to respiratory problems, your veterinarian may choose to vaccinate earlier or more frequently.

And the breeding queen, the male stud and the cat exhibited at shows may require more frequent boosters because they have a higher exposure to many diseases. On the other hand, the single cat living totally indoors may not require the same vaccinations as an outdoor cat or a cat from a multiple cat household.

If you did not receive a complete health and vaccination record when you acquired your adult cat, your veterinarian will help prepare a record for you, which will be the cat's medical history throughout his life.

On your kitten's first visit, your veterinarian will start his medical record. Vaccinations are carried out by your veterinarian. Although they are normally given by injection, some may also be given in the form of nose drops.

Always ensure that you take your cat to the veterinarian for his annual checkup. Not only will he be given any vaccinations or booster shots necessary, but your veterinarian will also check that the cat is not suffering from any other diseases or ailments.

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Cat Health Tips - How Do the Experts Provide Vaccinations to Their Cats?

Many serious, even potentially fatal, illnesses can be prevented by vaccination. Some inoculations are compulsory while some are optional, but it is essential that you check with your veterinarian for the best course of preventive medicine.

It is essential that you visit the veterinarian and get a complete check up for your new cat, including the vaccinations and preventive medical procedures described by your veterinarian.

All cats are susceptible to, and must be immunized against, several serious vital and bacterial diseases. These are feline infectious enteritis (FIE), also known as panleukopenia, an often fatal infection of the intestines, causing loss of appetite, fever, vomiting and diarrhea; feline calicivirus (FCV), an infection that causes respiratory tract disease similar to a human cold; andfeline rhinotracheitis (FVR), also known as cat flu.

It is highly recommended that the initial vaccinations for these be given at 8 and 12 weeks of age, preferably using the modified live vaccine, available in either injection form or nose drops.

Exceptions to the above schedule are when you have an orphan kitten who is not building up immunities from his mother's milk, or if you have a large colony of cats and want them to be protected earlier.

After your kitten has been vaccinated twice against FIE, FCV, FVR and Chlamydia, a highly contagious bacterial disease, he will not require another booster of these vaccines until he is a year old.

It is compulsory for all cats to be immunized against a number of diseases. If you are acquiring a cat, be sure to check that, as with the Ocicat, all vaccinations are in order. Although there are some vaccinations that are compulsory for all cats, it is important that you talk to your veterinarian about any others your cat may require, depending on his breed, whether he is an indoor or an outdoor cat and the environment to which he is exposed.

Want More Information And Discounts On Wholesale Pet Supplies? All You Have To Do Is Go To Right Now which is an educational website all about Pet such as Dog, Cat, Fish, Horse, etc!

What to Do If You See a Stray Cat and Want to Take it to a Shelter

Every town has them... stray cats, wandering around back yards, alleys, walking down the road, robbing trash receptacles or other yard-pets' bowls in order to survive.

While most people tend to look past these lost souls, assuming they either live with someone or don't deserve a moment's thought because they are pests, there are others who feel differently. Some people understand that stray cats aren't being stray on purpose just to irritate humans. They have been abandoned, perhaps, or were born to a stray that was abandoned.

The reasons for their existence vary, but it's probably safe to say their fate has been created by humans. Therefore, it should be up to us to remedy the situation and to tend to the needs of these cats.

For those who sympathize with these homeless ones, it can be heart wrenching to watch them suffer. Many sensitive, caring people want to help, but may not know how to do it.

The first consideration has to be your own safety. Often, even if a cat started out as a loved family companion, it can still transform into a fearful or aggressive animal who must go into "survival mode" to live in a hostile world. You may not be able to simply reach down and pick the cat up. Why would a cat that has been treated badly trust you? How would it understand that you mean it no harm when everyone else has been cruel or abusive? Such a cat might not be friendly and you must take precautions.

If you are willing to follow through with a rescue, there must be some careful and thoughtful planning.

1. Obtain a humane trap. If your community has a shelter, humane society, animal control department, or a veterinarian who works with rescues, you might be able to borrow one. This is the preferred way to capture a cat you don't know, even if it seems friendly.

2. If the cat actually comes to you, and allows you to touch it, you might get lucky and be able to place it carefully into a pet taxi, or pet carrier.

However, if the cat freaks out and scrambles away, you may never get another chance to try again. You might also suffer a scratch or a bite at this point. This must be avoided. If you don't know whether the cat has been vaccinated, you will have to endure a rabies vaccination series, and local authorities will have to trap the cat and have it tested. Since a rabies test cannot be done on a live animal, it means sacrificing its life to learn if rabies is present.

3. Once captured, you should take the cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible for a wellness check and to obtain any health care needed, along with some basic vaccinations.

4. If you take the cat to a shelter immediately, they will have to handle the expense of this step... if they have the money. Sadly, many rescue organizations and shelters have little funding and some exist on donations alone. If there is nothing in the budget for this care, the cat most likely will have to be euthanized. If you don't plan to keep the cat yourself, perhaps the kindest thing you can do is to donate enough to help the shelter provide the cat's initial care. Depending on where you live, the cost to get a cat "fully vetted" (shelter lingo for obtaining veterinary and other care to be sure the cat is healthy and adoptable), can amount to $100 - $200.

5. If you are not prepared to take responsibility for rescuing a stray cat, you may be able to help it by alerting a local rescue group to its plight. They may be able to trap and care for the cat if they can afford it and have the personnel, or, perhaps include it in a managed feral cat colony to be sure it has food and health care.

The most important thing people of any community can do to help stray cats, and to prevent more of them, is to get them spayed and neutered.

If your community does not have a Trap Neuter Release program or a low cost spay/neuter clinic, form or join a group to request these services be provided. Remember, your government exists to serve you, not to push you around.

For more information on how to help cats in your community, visit

Cat Food For Urinary Tract Health and an Infection-Free Kitty

Boy, did I learn a valuable lesson. I used to give my cat lots of commercial dry food. I didn't link her diet with the recurrence of her urinary tract infections until I saw a holistic veterinarian. The holistic veterinarian suggested that I stop giving her commercial foods altogether and put her on a diet of raw, unprocessed cat food for urinary tract health. In addition, he gave me a homeopathic remedy to give her. You wouldn't believe how much happier and healthier she has been since then!

When it comes to urinary tract health cat food made commercially is detrimental. Commercial cat food is grainy and its mineral content is too high. It will alter the pH of your cat's urine drastically thus make it easier for bacteria to flourish and lead to fatty liver disease.

If you want to give your cat food for urinary tract health that has just the right amount of vitamins and minerals, give her only raw, unprocessed food, organic commercial cat food, or home cooked food. For urinary tract health, it's important to give your cat food that is free of artificial colorings, preservatives, and other synthetic fillers.

For tract health and to prevent a fatty liver and liver disease, try making your cat food by using ingredients in your kitchen cupboard such as fish like tuna and salmon, vegetables, clams, chicken, and broth. When it comes to urinary tract health cat food has to be made of various types of ingredients but with one thing in mind: nutrition. Commercial cat food is severely lacking in nutrients. You have to make sure that your cat is getting enough of the amino acid taurine in her diet and the right balance of minerals so her urinary pH stays at a healthy level.

Cat food for urinary tract health should contain plenty of meat. The problem with commercial food like Purina is that it is mostly grain-based and packed with too many carbohydrates. Why? It's because carbohydrate-rich grains are cheap. If you want to prevent your cat from having urinary problems, give her natural food. Even supplements and nutritional formulas are not necessary if your cat has a good diet. A healthy diet is the backbone of good health in cats just as in humans.

It's important to feed your cat healthy food but it's also important to give her plenty of fresh water to drink. When it comes to urinary tract health cat food in the mainstream is simply too dry. Dehydration is also one of the most common causes of urinary problems in cats. To hydrate your cat, prevent disease, and promote an overall healthy lifestyle and good nutrition, give your cat plenty of fresh, filtered water to drink. Avoid tap water because it is contaminated with harsh chemicals.

In addition to feeding your cat food for urinary tract health and giving her plenty of fresh water to drink, give her a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic remedies are very beneficial for pet health because they help prevent and treat infections, struvite crystals, and other problems of the urinary tract. Cats of any age, young or old, can benefit from homeopathy because it is 100% safe and helps to maintain bladder health, urinary tract health, a healthy flow of urine, and a strong immune system.

In conclusion, don't just give your cat healthy food when you notice the symptoms of a feline urinary tract infection. Give your cat food for urinary tract health all the time instead of waiting till a problem arises. Diets based on commercial cat food will cause digestive problems and many other health issues so instead of putting your cat at risk, give her a good diet and a homeopathic remedy. By doing so, you can help your cat maintain optimum health and stay UTI-free.

5 Surefire Cat Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms to Keep an Eye Out For

Ever wondered how to figure out if your cat has a urinary tract infection? It can be difficult at first to figure out when your cat is suffering from a UTI since cats are highly tolerant to pain. However, there are some cat urinary tract infections symptoms that are serious red flags. The 5 symptoms listed are surefire signs that your cat is suffering from a UTI or urethral obstruction so keep an eye out for them.

1. Of all cat urinary symptoms, urinating in inappropriate places and urinating outside of the litter box are the most common. Sometimes age can be a factor since older cats often suffer from urinary incontinence but it's safe to say that if you notice your cat urinating outside of his litter box frequently, a bladder infection is the cause. This happens because your cat associates the pain of urination with the litter box. An obstruction of the urethra can cause this symptom as well. It's important that you help your cat heal and return to normal through a healthy diet, lifestyle, and homeopathic treatment.

2. Other cat urinary tract infection symptoms to watch out for include foul-smelling urine. Cats that have foul smelling urine probably have a pH imbalance and bacteria in their urinary tract. Bacteria infect the urinary tract and cause urine to smell bad. If not treated quickly, the condition could have serious consequences for your cat's health. Make sure your cat drinks enough fresh, filtered water to flush out harmful bacteria.

3. If your cat's abdomen is tender and you notice other fishy cat urinary symptoms, you can be almost sure that your cat is suffering from a UTI. Inflammation of the bladder can occur in both male and female cats. The best way to alleviate this painful symptom is through administering a homeopathic remedy. Also make sure your cat has a healthy diet and stress free lifestyle so the symptoms aren't aggravated.

4. Blood in the urine is a definite sign that your cat is suffering from a serious infection, crystals in the urinary tract, or a disease such as fatty liver disease. It will cause your cat pain to pee and the condition can be especially life-threatening for old cats. Make sure to take your cat to the veterinarian if you notice bloody urine. If you aren't sure, have your cat pee on a light-colored surface so you can spot traces of blood. Cat urinary tract infection symptoms such as this need immediate attention.

5. Is your cat crying more than usually? Is he or she licking his genitals often? These cat urinary symptoms could be a sign that she is in pain and trying to soothe the pain. Infections, urethral obstruction, or inflammation could cause this type of pain.

In conclusion, there are many different cat urinary tract infection symptoms you need to look out for in order to make sure your cat stays healthy and safe. Quick treatment is ideal but it's also important to prevent the problem by giving your cat healthy food, plenty of water, and a homeopathic remedy. By doing so, you can help your cat achieve permanent healing and optimum health.

America's Interest in Cats

American interest in the cat is often said to have originated within the 20th century, since the advent of exhibitions and the taking up of the cat-cult by the public. This impression is not borne out by facts. The first cat-shows were held in Maine between 1860 and 1870, even before the great exhibition instituted in London in 1871 by the well-known animal painter, Harrison Weir. But cat-shows in America were not known outside of Maine until one was held in the Madison Square Garden, New York, in 1895.

The exhibitions in England have gone on from Mr. Weir's first show up to the present time, so that the marking epochs in modern cat history may be dated from the Crystal Palace show in 1871, and the New York show in April 1895. From these shows has arisen what may be described as a cult, or in some ways an industry. Numbers of individuals, principally women, have taken up the cat as a partial means of livelihood, selling those they rear by exhibiting them to the public. The outcome of these ventures has been the production of different colors, strains and families. Clubs have arisen for the care and maintenance of exhibitions and registries and stud-books have been started.

The varieties or breeds recognized in shows are the Persian, Siamese, Abyssinian and ordinary domestic short-haired cats. The Persian and Angora may be said to be the same cat, though distinctions were drawn in old days; but these were very indefinite. At the present time we draw up rules and regulations for two large groups which are the long-haired cats and the short-haired cats. These are judged by points and classified by color distinctions. Angora is a small place, and comparatively few cats could have come from there, but many have come from other parts of Asia.

Taking the long-haired division first, because commercially it is the most prominent, the judge requires that the cat shall be short in body with a short tail and short legs, the latter shorter in front than behind. The chest should be wide, the loin square and firm, the bones of the legs well developed and the frame sturdy. The head that corresponds with this formation and is required is a broad, round head with short, wide nose, eyes large and round and set well apart. The ears, a most important feature, should be as small as possible and placed on the side of the head, the base of the ear being narrow, not gaping wide open, with a tuft of hair at the apex. This standard is more or less based upon original imported specimens from Asia.

The colors most valuable and most approved are the light silvers, smokes, blues (or slate color) white, black, orange, cream and tortoise-shells; and the tabbies of different colors are also favorites. The tabby cat is a cat that has a light ground-color and is spotted, barred or striped with darker color, and the word "tabby" has no reference to the sex of the animal.

The great feature required in tabby cats is that the ground-color should afford as distinct a contrast to the stripes, bars or spots as possible; the colors should be vivid and the marks very plain. There are spotted tabbies, and in these the spots must be round, clear and distinct; but we seldom see a good one of this variety unless it come from India, the home of the best spotted tabbies. The solid-colored cats are the whites, blues, blacks and smokes; although recently the silvers, creams and oranges have in a few instances almost attained perfection in being without marks or foreign color.

The color of eyes required may be briefly summed up as blue (as deep as possible) for a white cat; emerald-green for light silver or chinchillas, as they have been called; and yellow to orange, as deep as possible, for all other varieties. The color and beauty of the cat's eyes vary according to the state of health, the light and the time of day.

NOTE: This article is for information only. See your veterinarian for medical advise.

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.

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5 Simple Steps You Can Take to Help Your Cat Overcome Urinary Tract Blockage

Ever wondered if there is anything you can do to treat and prevent cat urinary tract blockage at home? Like other types of feline lower urinary tract disease, a urinary blockage can be life threatening so it's important to get a professional opinion before proceeding with any home treatment. However, it's also important to remember that the lower feline urinary tract is very susceptible to urinary tract disease if not taken care of quickly at home before visiting the vet. Here are 5 simple steps you can take to help alleviate the symptoms and help your cat achieve permanent recovery.

1. Like many feline lower urinary problems, a urinary tract blockage can be deadly if not treated promptly. Your first step should be to take your cat to a vet and get a proper diagnosis. Often times the cause of a blockage is calcium oxalate crystals or calcium oxalate stones.

Such problems in cat urinary health can be treated effectively with a proper diet and homeopathy. Your vet may want to prescribe drugs to treat the problem. If it is severe, drugs can be helpful but they should be considered a last resort because of their dangerous side effects.

2. The next step you should take when you notice a cat urinary tract blockage is give your cat a healthy diet that consists of raw, unprocessed foods or home cooked foods. Avoid giving your cat grainy commercial cat food, which can worsen urinary tract blockages. Cat food prepared at home is also beneficial because it is completely free of harmful preservatives and colorings. Artificial ingredients in commercial cat food can lead to urinary tract disease and urethral obstruction with calcium oxalate accumulation.

3. Oxalate crystals are most likely the cause of your cat's tract blockage. In order to prevent future blockages and clear the current one, make sure your cat has access to plenty of fresh, clean water. Sufficient intake of fresh, filtered water can prevent the formation of struvite crystals and urinary blockage. Filtered water is important to cat urinary health because it helps your cat detoxify and flush out harmful bacteria.

4. Whether the cause of your cat's problems is bacterial infection of the urinary tract or bladder stones, it's important to help him achieve permanent recovery and optimum cat urinary health. Giving your cat drugs may alleviate the symptoms but it won't help your cat get rid of the problem once and for all.

You need to give your cat a homeopathic remedy in order to prevent cat urinary tract blockage. Cats of any age can benefit from homeopathy because it is highly effective and 100% safe. It soothes and supports the urinary tract, promotes a healthy flow of urine, balances the pH level of your cat's urine, supports healthy bladder functioning, and strengthens your cat's immune system.

5. On top of making sure your cat has a healthy diet and giving her a homeopathic remedy, it's important to make sure to remove the stressors from your cat's life. Stress can aggravate the symptoms of your cat's urinary problems. A crystal may obstruct your cat's urethra but even removing it won't necessarily keep it from coming back if stress levels continue to compromise cat urinary health.

Remove the stress that caused the crystal to get there in the first place. Your vet may be able to remove the stone or crystals that are causing the blockage but he cannot prevent the disease from recurring. Your job as a pet owner is to make sure your feline has a stress-free life by giving your cat personal space, spending quality time with her, playing games with her, and avoiding the use of strong perfumes, to name a few.

Make no mistake about it. You can help your cat overcome a cat urinary tract blockage quickly and easily if you follow these simple steps. Conventional treatment aims at removing the obvious cause of the problem, which is the urethral obstruction, but it will not help your cat achieve permanent recovery and an optimum health condition. If you want to help your cat get well and stay well, make the necessary changes to her lifestyle and give her a homeopathic remedy.

Cat Beds - Perfect For Helping You, and Your Cat, Get a Good Night's Rest

You love your cat. You love your cat so much that when it started to jump on your bed and sleep next to you at night when it was young, you thought it was cute and just let the little guy continue doing it. However, now your kitty is full grown and actually takes up quite a bit of your bed space when he is catching his z's. So much so that sometimes you cannot get comfortable enough to get a good night sleep. Well, you can avoid feeling guilty about kicking him off the bed and providing him a cat bed that will give him his own special place to sleep.

That is right, a cat bed offers your feline friend his very own place to get some shut-eye. What is great about them is how there are a slew of different options to pick from, making it a synch to find the perfect one for your pet's size and sleeping style. For example, you can get a larger one if your cat really likes to sprawl out when he sleeps, like those that look like flat mats, but are still very plush thanks to the thick, soft foam that they are crafted from. Or, maybe your cat really needs to feel secure when he is resting and likes to cuddle up right next to something. Then, what would be great for your companion is one that has high bumper sides. There are those that feature horseshoe shapes and have bumper sides and a back, but are open in the front and there are others that are a donut shape and have bumper sides all around it.

Think that this is where the options end when it comes a cat bed, well think again because there are actually hundreds more to pick from as well. So many, that there just is not enough time to go into them all. However, you can easily check them all out yourself just by simply doing a product search on the Internet. Just type in the word "cat beds" in the search bar and press enter. In just seconds a slew of different options will be strewn out right in front of you on your computer screen, making it easy to buy just the right one for your cuddly companion.

Now, maybe a cat bed just is not good enough for your furry companion and you want to get him something that is more luxurious for him to sleep in. Well, what you could do then is invest in a cat house or condo for him. This cat furnishing is a cylinder like structure that sits off the ground that features enclosures where your cat can crawl into and snooze. Typically, they are crafted out of wood and then covered in a posh fabric like carpeting.

When it comes down to it a cat bed, or cat condo, simply offers you feline a nice place to sleep. So, if you want to reclaim your bed, one is definitely something that you should invest in.

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of many niche online stores like that provide online consumers not only with products, but information relating to furnishing and decorating indoor or outdoor living areas. Plus, she offers advice about how to make your home more comfortable for your furry companion. Today, she gives insight when purchasing necessary items like cat supplies or puppy supplies. Both are a must have for your dog or cat.

Helpful Tips About Cats - Is Your Cat in Heat?

Have you recently adopted a female cat that is keeping you awake at night? Is she displaying some really odd behavior? Such as excessive howling or calling, or does she seem agitated. It may even seem like she has an excessive amount of energy. Or she may be rubbing her body on the floor or walls, in a way that is different than her normal behavior. Or she may be licking herself more often than usual.

These are all likely symptoms that your female feline friend is coming into "heat" or medically know as oestrus. Although she's likely keeping you awake at night, you can rest assured it's totally natural. Okay, I know what you're thinking, natural or not, you need to sleep and you want her to calm down! Not to mention what do the neighbors think, especially if you live in an apartment like we do.

Rest assured there a few simple things you can do to help her. The only permanent way to prevent her from coming into "heat" is to have your veterinarian spay or fix her. This is a good idea for a variety of health related reasons. But in the meantime there are some simple techniques to calm her down, that may work for you and your cat.

One technique that worked for us, was to simply keep her busy, by playing with her more. String and rolled tin-foil balls never seemed so helpful! (even if it was at 2:00 in the morning) It just seemed like it took her mind off her loud meowing. Another technique that might work for you is, to brush her a lot. She may not normally like this, but most cats in heat seem to love it. Perhaps it helps to scratch that unscratch-able itch. The important lesson in all of this, is to get to know your cat and to understand your cat's behavior.

The more you understand about your cat, the more you'll enjoy each other. My advise to you is to read as much as you can about cat behavior, and find yourselves a good friendly veterinarian that you both like. Find out right now some other helpful information about cat behavior that will help you enjoy your feline friend more.

Keep Your Cat Safe From Accidents With Cat Diapers

Many people treat their pets like their very own babies. They dress their pets, play with them, groom and feed their pets only the best pet food. A cat is one of the cutest pets that you can ever have. They can provide you with years and years of loving companionship without demanding time and maintenance like dogs would. This is why it's a crushing experience when your cat experiences a health problem. Urinary and bowel problems are some of the common health disorders that felines go through. Fortunately, you can use cat diapers while you are in the middle of seeking treatment for your cat. If your cat has recently undergone surgery and still has not regained complete control over her bowels or bladder, then a diaper might also come in handy.

Kitties as babies

Cat diapers may sound like a bizarre idea but they are actually real, and very necessary. Basically, they resemble normal diapers except for a few features that make them feline-friendly. For instance, a feline diaper has a hole that is especially cut out for the tail. A feline diaper also features non-stick fasteners so you don't have to worry about ripping out your cat's fur when you put on and take off the diaper. If you have a cat that is on the pudgy side then you might also want to get a diaper that has a stretchable or adjustable waist band. You may also choose to shell out a few extra bucks if you want other features like a deodorizing feature, etc.

Make life easier for you and your cat

Buying cat diapers for your bladder control-challenged pet can certainly make life easier for you and her. Without a diaper, you will risk the possibility that your cat may pee or poo in your polished floors or lush carpets.

Important information

Complete information on cat diapers is available at PickyGuide, the authority in free consumer advice. Access top-ranked, best-reviewed, and most competitively priced diapers in PickyGuide's recommended products section.

Cat Training Tips - How to Train Your Cat So That it Does Not Scratch Your Furniture

It is not practical to allow your cat access to one chair and forbid access to another. She will not understand the difference between the two chairs and you will end up with a nervous and unhappy cat. However, if you do not want her to scratch your furniture, there are several methods of training.

If you are in the room, keep a water gun or spray bottle full of water at hand and squirt her the moment she starts to scratch. If she likes the water (yes, some cats do) then throw a rolled up newspaper or a bunch of keys in the floor near her.

The loud sound of the magazine or keys landing, as well as the surprise, should stop her scratching. Be sure your aim is good, and remember, the objective is to frighten her away, not to injure her.

These methods are good as long as you are awake and in the room. For those other times, try confining her to a room or pen so she cannot scratch the furniture. If this does not appeal to you, then tape orange peel to those areas where she likes to scratch.

Or cover her favorite scratching areas with clear heavy plastic, available at pet stores. Another suggestion is to attach a small scratching post to either end of the couch or chair. Do not try the trick of inflating rubber balloons and taping them to furniture to make certain areas off limits to her.

The balloons are dangerous and even fatal, when punctured and the remnants inhaled by her. To discourage your cat from scratching the furniture, attach orange peel to it, she will hate the smell and quickly back away.

Although a cat flap is a good way to allow your cat access, it is also an invitation to neighboring cats. To avoid this, you can buy an electronic or magnetized cat flap than can be activated only by a special collar worn by your cat.

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Cat Training Tips - How the Experts Train Their Cats to Obey Household Safety

Behavioral training is the best form of training you can give your cat. Although some people do performance train their cats, it is time consuming and there is no guarantee of success. Do not try to turn your cat into a dog.

If you want a pet to sit, roll over or come on command, a cat is not for you. You can train her to come for meals (all of the time) and when you call (most of the time), success will depend entirely on her mood.

The most important things to train your cat for are activities that might endanger either her or your belongings. You do not want her making the stovetop her habitat as too often she may be burned.

And your guests might take a dim view of sharing your supper when it is been prepared with the help of the cat. Begin training your cat as soon as she is old enough to try and jump up on the stove.

A squirt with a spray bottle is effective, but only if you can stand guard in the kitchen 24 hours a day. For those other times, cover the surface of the stove top with metal pots and pans. Not only will it be difficult for her to find a place to squat, but the noise they make when she jumps up should send her scampering.

Cats hate nose and quickly learn to avoid making any. As a matter of course, you might cover the top of your stove, refrigerator and microwave with pots to discourage her from making them her lairs.

You can entice your cat to come dangling a toy or offering her favorite food, but this does not mean she will obey every time. If you are unable to keep your cat from your stove, cover the top with syrup or another sticky substance. Cats, such as the Siamese, hate anything sticky on them and it will not take long for her to decide the area is off limits.

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