Tapeworms in cats are long, flat parasites that dwell in the intestines. They attach to the wall of the small intestines using hook-like mouths. Each one can grow up to a few inches long upon reaching full maturity. You may be wondering how in the world your cat can get infected with these worms.
Cats can be infected with these worms in one of two ways. Eating an infected flea is the most common way that the worms can be transmitted. This is why you really have to be careful if you live in an area with a large population of fleas. The second transmission method involves eating an infected rodent.
Tapeworms in cats cause their host to exhibit a few symptoms. As their segments break off and travel out of the body, you may notice them in your cat's stool. These segments may even be moving around on the surface of the feces. If the worms travel from the intestines to the stomach, your cat will likely experience episodes of vomiting.
These parasites are dealt with using deworming medication. If you wish, your veterinarian can give the medication to your cat by injection. You can also give your cat his medication at home if you want. You won't need to give your cat injections as the medication is also available in tablet form.
Fleas play a vital role in the life cycle of tapeworms. So, if you can successfully control the flea population, you can control the worms. There are a range of medications you can give your cat to help fight fleas. You should also use a simple flea collar.
Besides an infestation of tapeworms, there are various other conditions that can affect your cat such as feline cystitis. You should want to know as much as possible about these conditions so you can get your cat treated quickly if he's affected. Luckily, common-cat-diseases.com provides just what you need. So, stop by today to learn all about about a wide range of common cat diseases.
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