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Remedies For Feline UTI - Conventional and Natural Remedies

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are not as common in cats as in canine pets, but once identified, the issues in resolving the problem successfully so as to prevent a recurrence of it can prove to be challenging. While struggling with their pet's discomfort and pain, owners may find themselves beset on all sides, when treatments do not work, or exacerbate the situation.

Veterinary medicine has long leaned on the administration of synthetic chemicals or manmade antibiotics to provide succor to suffering animals. However, it has been observed that even extended treatment with costly pet antibiotics do not ensure a complete recovery for the concerned animal.

Feline UTIs are conditions that cannot be ignored for long because they can seriously affect a cat's health, and entail increasing expenditure on pet care. Alternative therapies such as pet herbal supplements are now gaining in popularity with pet owners and veterinarians alike, as conventional therapies do not always succeed in controlling infections.

Here's a quick overview of the conventional and alternative remedies for Feline UTI.

Conventional treatments would involve urinalysis of the pet's urine sample for bacteria by a laboratory, which if found to be positive is followed by a course of prescribed antibiotics which has to be administered over a period of three weeks. In some cases, catheterisation or surgery may be advised in order to ease the animal's suffering.

However, antibiotics do not always suit the pet, and nor do they invariably banish the harmful bacteria. Moreover, antibiotics kill a lot of the good bacteria in a cat's digestive tract and impair its digestive processes. The immune system can be compromised as well and often the unfortunate animal may end up as a chronic sufferer of UTI.

Alternative therapies look at cure as well as prevention of the problem.

Part of the belief in this system of treatment is that the diet and care must suit the physiology and needs of the cat. Commercially prepared pet foods are far from ideal foods for cats (which eat only raw protein foods in the wild), while simple things like clean water and a regularly cleaned litter box go a long way in keeping your beloved kitty happy and healthy.

Alternative therapies therefore concentrate on holistic methods, wherein natural or herbal treatment is used to relieve the problem and restore the health of the feline urinary system, as well prevent an infection from happening again. These remedies seek to reflect the natural biochemic systems in a cat's body, which sustain the animal's health in the wild and protect it from changes in food and weather,

A number of herbal pet food supplements are now available for those going the way of alternative treatments. Natural antibiotics bearberry and barberry are among the herbal supplements that can be used for tackling feline UTIs.

Another well-known restorative agent for the feline urinary tract is the herb Cantharis. These and other standardized natural food supplements will bolster the pet's defences against unwanted and troublesome infections and help support the overall health of an animal's urinary tract. (507 words).

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

How to Potty Train Your Cat in 4 Easy Steps

I know it sounds crazy, but it can be done! We all know that it is very easy to train a cat to use a litter box, but some of us hate having to clean those smelly litter boxes every few days. There is another alternative for your cat that will not stink up your house and is fairly easy to teach.

Here is how you do it:

Step One: Make sure your cat is fully trained on using its litter box. The litter box should be in a spot in your house or apartment where the cat knows exactly where it is. Figuratively speaking, your cat should be able to find its litter box with its eyes closed. If you have recently moved or relocated the litter box, give the cat plenty of time to get comfortable with its location before attempting to try this method.

Step Two: Begin the move the litter box closer and closer to your bathroom. Do this very slowly. Do not move the box more than once a day, and move the box slightly. Because cats are not susceptible to change you should be patient with your cat.

Step Three: Once the box is right next to the toilet and your cat is successfully using the litter box in its new location, attempt to put the box on top of the toilet seat. If your cat does not like this, put it back next to the toilet and try again another day. Also, during the moving of the litter box up to this point, use less and less litter in the box. This will help your cat get used to the smooth feeling of the toilet bowl rather than the grainy texture of cat litter.

Step Four: After the cat is successfully using the litter box on top of the toilet, attempt removing the box all together. If your cat gets confused, put the box back and try again another time. Be extremely patient with your cat and this method will work for you both.

This slow process should actually train your cat to use the toilet as its litter box and make both your lives easier; however, you must take the time and effort to work with your cat.

Mary Hickman is the owner of and offers pet sitting Plano, TX []. Visit [] for all of your pet sitting needs.

How to Get Your Cat to Stop Clawing the Furniture in 3 Easy Steps

Cats claw things because it is instinct. Unfortunately for you, your cat may claw YOUR things. Don't expect your cat to be trained to never claw anything because the cat needs to shed its nails, which is why it has the urge to claw. This does not mean you have to de-claw your cat I personally believe that de-clawing cats is cruel and unnatural. It affects their personality and is very traumatic. I can, however, provide some easy tips on how to keep your cat from ruining your furniture. Here are three easy steps to keep your cat from scratching up your things and give you peace of mind.

Step One: Provide plenty of things that your cat is allowed to scratch. You may try different types of scratch pads and posts to see which ones your cat prefers. You can find such items at your local pet supply store and prices vary, however, most scratch pads are fairly inexpensive. To help coax your cat to the new scratch post, you may try sprinkling some cat nip on the pad or post to entice your cat to rub its scent on it. This will lure your cat back to the scratch pad or post over and over again.

Step Two: Use double-sided tape on your furniture. Your cat may like its new scratching toy; however, it may find itself still interested in a piece of your furniture. If this is the case, try putting some double-sided tape in the places the cat likes to scratch and once the cat puts one paw on the tape it will quickly try to get away. Cats don't like sticky stuff, so they won't try to paw at the tape more than once. Pet stores carry large pieces of double-sided tape specifically for training cats not to scratch your furniture. The tape does not have to stick around permanently. After attempting to claw at the taped furniture your cat will likely not return again. I suggest keeping the tape on the furniture for about a week.

Step Three: Keep your cat's nails trimmed. Because cats needs to shed their nails, they find that scratching things helps to remove the loose layers of nail, hence why your cat claws at furniture or other items in your house. Your local pet supply store sells clippers and nail files that can be used safely to trim your cat's nails to help with the shedding process. Your cat may not like it at first, but if you keep it up on a weekly basis your cat will eventually get used to the process. I suggest giving your cat a treat or a good petting after clipping its nails. Because your cat's nails are trimmed your cat will be less interested in clawing at things to shed its nails. The difference is noticeable. A cat with long un-trimmed nails will constantly claw at things to help the shedding of its claws, but if you keep the trimming up, you'll see how much less often your cat will have the need to claw or scratch on surfaces.

Mary Hickman is the owner of and offers pet sitting [] Allen TX. Visit [] for all of your pet sitting needs.

5 Around-The-House Toys Your Cat Will Love

We all know that cats can be more finicky than dogs and it is sometimes difficult to find out which toys your kitty likes the best, which may end up costing you time and money for nothing. Like children, cats usually end up being more interested in the packaging of its toy rather than the toy itself. That is why I have compiled a list of around-the-house toys your cat will love just as much as those store-bought toys.

1. Bread Tie

I figured out after many torn up loaves of bread that my cat loves bread ties. After my family finishes a loaf of bread, I make sure to save the bread tie for our cat. Cats love to toss it around the floor and throw it up in the air. It's light and flexible, which makes the perfect cat toy! Who knew such a simple item would go over so well with your cat.

2. Milk Jug Ring

This is another simple item that is favored by cats. After you finish your jug of milk, remove the ring and toss it on the floor for your cat to play with. They enjoy sliding it around on tile or any other hard floor surface. Again, it's light and easy to play with. The ring moves fast, which makes this game exciting for your cat.

3. Plastic Bag

Cats love the sound of plastic bags! Place a plastic bag on the floor and show your cat how it moves and makes noise and he will be attacking it in no time. You might even put another toy inside the bag to make the game even that more fun. Just be sure to watch your cat while he plays with bags because they can be a suffocation hazard.

4. Box

Cats love to explore, which is why giving them a large empty box will delight their curiosity. Not only does the box offer a place to lounge, it combines well with the toys listed above. Toss a bread tie or a milk jug ring in a box and your cat will play for hours. Another idea is to cut holes in the box for your cat to peek through. The box provides as a safe haven and a great clubhouse to play in.

5. Laser Pointer

I consider this an around-the-house item because a laser pointer is more associated with giving presentations rather than playing with your pets; however, you may actually buy this item at a pet store. Cats and dogs both go crazy over this item. It will definitely tire out your cat in a hurry. It's a good toy to use as an exercise device. If your cat is starting to get overweight or too lazy, using a laser pointer during play time should give your cat plenty of calorie-burning exercise to help maintain a healthy weight. Because the pointer cannot actually be caught by your cat, I choose to give my cat a treat after playing with his laser pointer.

Mary Hickman is the owner of and offers pet sitting Plano, TX []. Visit [] for all of your pet sitting needs.

4 Ways to Bond With Your Kitty

Just as if you brought home a new puppy, bringing home a new cat or kitten requires just as much patience. Your new kitty will need your undivided attention to help him/her get used to his/her new surroundings. Cats are wary of change, so it is important to make the process of welcoming a cat home slow and calm. There are many ways for you to connect with your new pet. During this crucial time, here are some ways you can bond with your new cat and continue to have a loving relationship with your kitty.

1. Lots of petting. A cat loves to be petted and is shown by its steady purring. Be sure to pet your cat everyday to show your affection and bond with your kitty. Talk to your cat while giving him/her a good petting. Speak calmly and give your cat lots of praise. If your cat wants you to stop, he/she will let you know usually by giving you a little nibble on the hand. Petting is great, but you don't want to over-stimulate your cat.

2. Daily brushings. Just like with dogs, daily brushings will help keep your cat's skin and coat looking healthy, especially the longer haired breeds. Find a brush that works best for your cat's coat. This will also keep the shedding to a minimum and reduce the pet hair in your house. Brushing your cat will likely be a very enjoyable time for your cat and can be combined with petting, which will help grow your relationship with your kitty.

3. Feeding time and treats. Make feeding time special for your new cat. Be sure to be consistent and have a set schedule for feedings. Cats like consistency and try to avoid change. It won't take long before your cat knows the feeding schedule and anticipates his/her owner giving him/her food. Your cat will probably remind you of feeding time before you even have a chance to do it on your own. Take this time to pet and talk to your cat while feeding him/her. This will make your kitty feel special. Do this while giving treats as well. Announce treat time as a rewarding time of the day. Before too long, treat time will be one of your cat's favorite times of the day!

4. Play time. Even though cats sleep most of the day, they do require exercise to maintain a healthy weight and healthy behavior. Once you find out your cat's favorite toys, take time out once a day to have play time with your kitty. Hint: you have plenty of around-the-house items that your cat will love to play with. Such as, rubber bands, boxes, plastic bags, string, etc. Play time with your cat will strengthen your bond with your cat even more while exerting your cat's excess energy.

You'd be surprised how social a cat can be, so it is important that you give him/her the attention he/she needs. Do this and watch how your cat's personality changes. These four tips will create a stronger bond between you and your cat that will continue for many years to come!

Mary Hickman is the owner of and offers pet sitting Frisco, TX []. Visit [] for all of your pet sitting needs.

Feline Urinary Tract Disease

Feline urinary tract disease is a common reason for a cats visit to the veterinarian. It is a disease that can be serious if not treated before it grows out of control. You are probably tired of frequent trips to the vet for treatment and tired of the side effects that the antibiotics will cause. Prevention is the way to start. You can treat early stages at home before the infection grows out of control.

Painful urination, crying while urinating, missing the litter box, blood in the urine, and possibly fever, are some warning signs if feline urinary tract disorder. Cats have a high tolerance to pain so your pet may be purring and loving you like its not sick and all the while it is enduring the painful burning and itching of feline UTI.

Conventional methods of treatment for feline urinary tract disease are formulated to cure the current outbreak of the symptoms but it does nothing to prevent recurring symptoms. Veterinarians usually prescribe antibiotics. These have serious side effects. Pet owners are turning to alternative treatment methods.

Alternative treatments methods will alleviate current symptoms, prevent recurring symptoms, and build you pets urinary tract. Alternative methods can be used to ease the side effects caused by conventional treatment.

Some commercial cat foods are packed with chemical ingredients. These ingredients can aggravate the urinary tract and cause recurring feline urinary tract disease symptoms. For treating and preventing feline UTI, a diet rich in raw, unprocessed foods and plenty of fresh, clean water.

The use of natural homeopathic remedies will help to maintain bladder health, and a strong immune system to fight off diseases and infections. These remedies are highly effective, 100% safe for long term use, and have no side effects.

Simple lifestyle changes and the incorporation of homeopathic remedies into your pet's diet can make the world of difference. Conventional medicine may only suppress symptoms. If you want to heal you kitty, and get to the under lying cause of the feline urinary tract infection then you should research the use of natural remedies in maintaining cat health and its long term results.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

Feline Urinary Tract Infection - 7 Signs

Is your pet frequently urinating, grooming its genitalia, and urinating in improper places? These are some of the early signs of feline urinary tract infection. If you recognize any symptoms you should immediately seek a veterinarians' care. Early diagnosis is important because feline UTI can be deadly to your pets' health. Here are 7 warning signs to watch for in your pet.

1. Is your pet whining more than usual? A sign that your pet is in pain is whining and crying. Cats have a high tolerance to pain so if your pet is whining and crying more often than usual, seek diagnosis and treatment from your vet.

2. You may notice one of the first signs of feline UTI if your pet is urinating more or less often. If less often there could even be a blockage.

3. Has your pet stopped urinating altogether? A blockage can be fatal for your pet. Go to the veterinarian immediately.

4. Constantly dripping urine is also a sign of feline urinary tract infection. Feline UTI causes frequent urination and incontinence.

5. Blood in the urine is a sure sign of feline UTI. If you notice blood in your pet's litter box, call the vet.

6. Is your cat licking and licking and licking its genitalia? Excessive licking or grooming of the genitalia and crying or whining is a sign that your pet is trying to soothe its itching burning lower tract.

7. Feline UTI will cause kitty to urinate in improper places. If you notice "puddles" in the floor, your pet may associate the pain of urination with the litter box so it urinates elsewhere.

Owning a cat is a large responsibility. Learning your pets litter box habits will be useful in helping you determine if something is wrong. Keep the litter box clean. Preventive treatment can be obtained through natural remedies. Natural remedies can also cure infection. If you notice any of these warning signs in your pets urinating habits, seek veterinarian treatment as soon as possible.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

Cat Bathing Tips and Tricks

It is no secret that cats do not like water, so bathing your cat can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences to go through. There are a few things you can do to minimize the damage and make sure your feline friend has the most pleasurable experience possible.

Usually there is no need to bathe your cat because they do a good job of keeping themselves up to appearance. Cats are made to have their full length of hair because it keeps their body temperature up to par as well it protects sensitive skin. Sometimes it is necessary to clean them especially if you have an outdoor cat who can easily attract fleas and other outdoor debris.

Prepare Your Bathroom: Your cat will make every effort to claw his way out of the bath so it is good to have your bathroom in order to prepare for the battle. I always have my cat friendly shampoo bottle open and waiting as well two or three towels laid on the ground around the tub. As soon as you're done with him or her, they'll most likely b-line it for the closest available hiding space. Since cats temperatures drop rapidly you're going to want to wrap them in a towel as soon as they get out, and get them dried off and warm quickly.

The Bathing Process: If you have a somewhat mild tempered cat you'll find that he or she will calm down a little bit once they're in the water. It is best to work your way from the tail to the head which gives him more time to adjust before you get to his most sensitive spot. It is best to have someone else help you out with this process to hold your cat down so you can get the job done as quickly as possible. Make sure to test the water temperature before you rinse off the cat or you might get a claw stuck in your hand!

Drying your Cat: Once you're cleaning near his head, this makes for a good time to start draining the water. This gives you some extra time for your cat to dry off before you pull him/her out and wrap them up in the towel. It is good practice to give your cat a lot of attention and a few treats right after so they know their is a reward after this horrendous process.

For more information about cat tips check out my blog on pet tips.

How to Identify a Feline Illness

It's difficult when you know your cat isn't feeling well because she can't tell you her symptoms or exactly how she's feeling. Instead it's up to you to pay close attention and monitor any changes in behavior or changes in routine so you can identify any possible signs of feline illness.

It's important to know your cat's regular habits including regular activity level, regular eating and drinking habits and regular litter box or "bathroom" habits. Also remember that with certain feline illnesses a cat may not exhibit many symptoms or she may only show very mild symptoms. It's important to pay close attention to any changes in your cat's behavior and even take notes on the changes in behavior or habits.

Gathering more information about your cat's symptoms can help you and the veterinarian know where to start when working on a diagnosis for the feline illness. Sometimes the diagnosis for cat health problems is determined quickly, but other times it can be complicated and any additional information from you can be helpful.

The earlier you discover your cat has a feline illness the better. The sooner you start treatment the fewer problems you're likely to have and you're also likely to have a better success rate. Plus some feline illnesses can cause cat behavior problems like going to the bathroom outside of the litter box. This can turn into a difficult cycle of problems so avoiding this cat behavior as much as possible is obviously best for both you and your cat.

How do you know if your cat has a cat health problem?

As mentioned earlier changes in your cat's behavior can be a sign that something may be wrong with your cat. But there are also some specific feline illness symptoms to watch for:

  • Constipation (including lack of feces in the litter box)
  • Diarrhea
  • Urinating or defecating outside of the litter box
  • Straining in the litter box
  • Changes in appetite
  • Increased thirst
  • Changes in energy level
  • Change in weight
  • Vomiting (other than hairballs)
  • Excessive scratching
  • Depression or lethargy

These are just a few possible symptoms, but anything out of the ordinary should be monitored and discussed with your veterinarian. Never try to self-diagnose a feline illness -- diagnosing needs to be done by your veterinarian. Feline health problems can be complex and may require lab tests so it's best left to the professionals.

Preventing Feline Illness

Prevention is the best medicine. Of course it's not possible to completely prevent a health condition but you can at least help reduce the chances of your cat contracting a feline illness.

Nutrition is the foundation of your cat's health. To keep your cat's immune system strong it's important to feed a healthy, species-appropriate diet and make sure she has access to clean water at all times. Cats require a high percentage of protein and it's best if their diet includes moist food. Buying your cat a high quality cat food can actually save you money and headache in the long run.

Keeping your cat mostly indoors can help prevent illness too so she isn't exposed to carriers of feline diseases or parasites. And don't forget the routine vet visits.

Heather adores cats and takes great care to better her understanding of their well-being and behavior. Please visit her site so she can share with you all the knowledge and wisdom she's gained while studying and caring for a lifetime of kitties:

How to Go About Litter Training Cats

Does your adorable little friend embarrass you at time? You've got a houseful of guests for dinner. You're serving coffee now after a sumptuous meal. Your little friend has kept to himself. You hadn't seen him since the guests filed in. You smile at the thought. He's really become a well-behaved little creature. Or so you thought. As your guests were leaving for the night, helping them retrieve their coats from your hallway closet turned out to be an achingly embarrassing experience. One of your guests' expensive Armani trench coat had cat poop on it. And there, sitting right on it inside the half-opened walk-in closet door, is your cute, little, well-behaved feline companion. So much for one happy thought.

Before you go ballistic and throw you cat out from sheer frustration, think for a moment. Where's your cat's litter box located at? Or did you even get him one? Litter training cats is as important as training them to be obedient. If you care about their manners, you should care about their natural body processes as well.

There's one thing you have to understand about cats: Your little feline friend is a very shy toiletter. If you put his litter box in a place where people often go to, he'd likely look for a secluded, private spot to relieve himself. Understanding that helps you in litter training cats. Consideration for this peculiar, human-like behavior is important for a well-behaved cat. Paula Robb's Complete Cat Training shows you how to do that effectively and gives you suggestions and tips as to where to best put your cat's litter box.

Litter training cats is not an impossible feat. Understanding your cat's behavior and learning to communicate effectively is the key. So, take the time to train your own pet. Don't forget to enjoy the experience and bond with him.

Cindy Rowe is the director of popular blog PetHealthAndTrainingTips.Com []. She provides honest, reliable advice on cats spraying [], litter training cats, and more. Check out her blog for more info!

Discipline - A Necessary Element in Caring For Kittens

You give your little kittens regular baths. You give them plenty of treats. You take the time to stroke their fur. In fact, you love your little feline friends so much you accommodate their whims as much as you can. But is that the only thing you should do when caring for kittens? Would you be an uncaring and unkind master if you refused them something? Will you be a mean companion if you teach them No means no. The answer is NO.

While it is good to dote on your pets (and there are those who claim doing so has a therapeutic effect), you have to be careful how you go about it. Pets, your precious little kittens included, can easily be spoiled by too much love. Sound very human-like, doesn't it? You bet! We are all animals, after all, and when it comes to kittens, humans can be more doting than these kittens' biological parents. I should know because I used to spoil my little kitty rotten. The operative word here is "should" because the moment I realized this treatment is turning my kitty into a monster, I stopped right away. So my point is this: you do not have to spoil kittens when caring for kittens. In fact, you shouldn't.

As much as you love your kittens, you need to learn how to discipline them. Your kitten may be your best friend but is it everyone else's? If your kitten claws at every couch it sees or sprays every doorway it walks on, you and your pet can easily become social pariahs! So yes, if you want what's best for your kittens, train them. Teach them to respect commands. There is no need to pay a professional trainer to do this. You can do it yourself with Paula Robb's 'Complete Cat Training: Cat Training To Stop Your Cat's Behavior Problems!' as your guide. The manual is an illustrated and practical guide to caring for kittens by balancing the need to spoil with the need to discipline. Try it and see how the strategies work with your pet.

Worried about toilet training cats []? Cindy Rowe can help! She runs the popular blog PetHealthAndTrainingTips.Com [] as a resource center for those who want to know more about caring for kittens and more. Visit her site today!

Training Kittens For a Well-Behaved Feline Friend

You just adopted a stray little kitten. You had not intended to. It looked so pitifully cute when you found it at your door one morning so you fed it. It came the next morning so you fed again and three mornings thereafter. When no one came knocking at your door demanding its return, you decided it could stay with you.

Kittens are cute and adorable but left on their own, they can grow to be nasty, annoying creatures who can aggressively pounce on their masters, scratch and claw at expensive furniture, pee and poop all over your house and a host of other behavioral problems. Training kittens as early as possible saves you a lot of headaches and frustration. You don't need to hire a professional cat trainer to do that for you. You can actually train your little kitten yourself. You don't even have to be an expert at it. Complete Cat training by Paula Robb is a comprehensive, illustrated cat training book that teaches you how to train your cat in a logical, step-by-step manner.

Training kittens is actually a rewarding experience you can share with your pet. It helps you bond with your feline friend. It helps him understand you better so he becomes more responsive and respective of your wishes. The shared experience builds a strong pet-master connection that saves you the headaches and frustration of common cat behavior problems. What's true of humans is true of animals as well. Training kittens as early as possible makes for a well-behaved, better adjusted and more loving adult cat.

Don't wait for frustrating cat behavior problems to surface. Be proactive, not reactive. Take the time to understand your kitten's temperament and learn to communicate with him effectively. There's no better time to do it but now.

Cindy Rowe is the director of popular blog PetHealthAndTrainingTips.Com []. She is an expert on pet care and her blog contains stacks of information on kitten training [], cats spraying, and more. Check out her blog for more info!

Complete Cat Training Solves Cat Behavior Problems

Do you ever feel like strangling your cat sometimes? Of course, you're a pet lover. You do love your cat dearly and you do advocate humane treatment to animals. But despite all that, you do feel just a tad bit frustrated enough to want to choke him a bit to make her obey you at times, don't you? Cat behavior problems can be very annoying or embarrassing especially if you have guests and he claws at them or scratches their feet. Worse, he poops just about anywhere you least expect him to, one of your house guests accidentally steps on cat poop. That is just so embarrassing.

Stop the frustration and the complaints. Take action. Train your cat to be obedient to you and to behave well. Yes, cat behavior problems can be effective addressed with 'Complete Cat Training: Cat Training To Stop Your Cat's Behavior Problems!' Believe it or not, you do not need professional cat trainers to teach your cat good manners. You can actually train your little feline companion yourself. You don't need to be an expert in animal training. You can use Paula Robb's cat training manual and build a stronger bond with your pet as you go along.

Training your cat yourself helps you understand your little companion more and puts you in a better position to deal with his problems. You are, after all, his master. Don't pit your will against your cat's. That's just frustrating for you both. Don't take out your frustrations on him as he does his to you. That accomplishes nothing. Instead, coax obedience from him. Learning how to communicate with your cat usually does great things to make him an obedient, faithful little bundle. So, take control and be proactive. Address your cat behavior problems by training your pet. That's your only way out. It also happens to be the best solution.

Cindy Rowe is the director of popular blog PetHealthAndTrainingTips.Com []. She is an expert on pet care and her blog contains stacks of information on kitten behavior [], cat behavior problems, and much more. Check out her blog for more info!

How to Better Understand Your Pet Cat

Cats have been around since the beginning of recorded history. In some early cultures they were idolized and in some they were feared. In medieval times they believed cats were godlike due to the way their eyes glowed at night.

Cats will communicate with their owners in many different ways. They purr when they are happy and content. They meow loudly when they are hungry. When a cat is not happy or on the defense they will give a low pitched growl or a hiss. Cats can communicate other ways besides verbally. They use body language, posture and ear and tail movements to communicate their feelings or emotions. When a cat feels challenged they will flick their tail starting at the tip and whip it around so it becomes more pronounced. The front of their body is flat to the ground and their hind end is higher. They mean business if they are in this stance and their ears are plastered back.

Unusual Cat Facts

  • Cats have thirty-two muscles in each ear which allows them to rotate their ears in many directions.
  • The reason a cat usually lands on their feet is because they have a tiny chamber in their ear that keeps their head level in relationship to the ground when they fall or jump.
  • Cats use their whiskers as feelers. Besides having about twelve whiskers on each side of their face they also have whiskers or "feelers" above their eyes and on the back of their legs which comes in very handy in the dark.
  • When a cat rubs its head on any object whether it be your leg or a piece of furniture this is not a sign of affection. They are actually marking their territory. They have glands in their cheeks which leave their smell on people and objects to tell other cats that this is theirs.
  • A cat uses its claws for climbing and marking their territory.
  • A cat's nose pad is unique to them just like a fingerprint is to a human.
  • The reason a cat has such good nocturnal vision is because of crystal like mirrors that are located in the back of their eyes.

You have probably noticed that cats love to sun themselves. Sunning themselves makes them a happy cat. The sun is also a good source of Vitamin D which they need. Usually a stretched out cat is a warm one and one that is curled in a ball is usually cold or chilly.

You can learn a lot about your kitten or cat by just watching them. They use all parts of their bodies to communicate with you. If your cat's pupils are wide that means they are excited or scared. Cats do not like to be stared at and consider this to be a challenge. If you watch two cats together they will usually try to avoid staring at each other and will turn their bodies away if they are not trying to be aggressive.

Most cats are very independent and don't like to take orders or play on command. That is one of the things that sets them apart from other pets; they like to do things on their own terms. Training them to not to run out an open door or to stay off counters can be tricky, if not impossible! However, there are some tricks that have been successful. Fill a can with some pennies and shake it when they jump somewhere they don't belong, or use a spray bottle filled with water. Cats do not like surprises, especially loud noises or water in their face and this will help deter them from going where they are not supposed to.

Cats and kittens love to have fun and play, especially with their owners. You can make many toys for your cat with items you have around the house. They like to play with wads of paper or an aluminum foil ball. Any type of string with something on the end for them to chase is also a favorite. Cats like to play with light weight, colorful, and noisy toys, especially ones with bells in them.

The average lifespan of an indoor cat is 15 years. You might want to consider getting pet insurance on your cat or kitten for there may be unforeseen medical expenses in the years to come. Just like health insurance on the rest of your family, buying cat insurance for your feline friend will give you peace of mind that you could cover the cost of veterinary treatment should the worst happen.

So please visit us to see how we can help protect your pet - you can buy online easily too at Pet Insurance by Animal Friends or simply call our friendly staff if you prefer on 0844 55 70 300; the policies won't cost you more and you won't be disappointed!

How to Raise Abandoned Kittens to Make Great Pets

Stray Cats, Abandoned Kittens...There is hope for the underdog!

It all started 3 years ago when I moved into my house. It all started with 1 stray cat, probably left by an owner that moved...he was friendly, a little beaten up but so loving. He would come to get his ears scratched a little, even before going to get the food I put out for him. Because of his rough and tumble appearance, his square build and the occasional scratch on the nose, I called him Rocky!!! In the last few years about 30 cats have come and gone in my backyard, and I raised 12 kittens myself, 4 of whom I kept...This article is about how I fed them, some tricks and some results.

I took some of the original group in because their mother could not care for them. As is often the case with feral cats, the strong will survive but some are left behind. My first group of 5, some of which I have kept, are old enough to eat by themselves and starving enough to lick my finger when I introduced canned food. Some of the others had to be bottle feed and that even worked out quite well. Although there are commercial formulas on the market, my kittens never cared for them very much. Here is the recipe that helped my dozen kittens to thrive, it was given to me by a vet:

4 oz. of evaporated milk (Carnation)
4 oz. of boiled water
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. vegetable oil
1 tbsp. corn syrup

They certainly never minded the taste and my own 4 boys are now over 2 years old, healthy and very smart!!! Never feed cow's milk or whole eggs as kittens cannot digest those properly and lead to deficiencies later on. The milk formula should be made fresh in small quantities and refrigerated between meals. You can warm it up a touch for feeding. Small bottles are available at pet store.
Minor health problems can include eye infections as they are common with stray kittens and unless they are a sign of feline herpes they are very treatable and not recurring as the cat ages. You can gently clean the eyes and in a short time the problem should go away. A visit to your vet is recommended to check ears, eyes and general health of your kitten.

Handling young kittens

The first kittens I found were in my basement and left behind when the mother went elsewhere, I believe she originally had 6 kittens. I heard them crying for a day or so, before I realized that the mother would not come back for them. They were small and dehydrated and they would be known as Puffy, Spot and Penny...I also quickly realized that Penny was a male and she/he got renamed Benny!!! They were old enough to eat can food, slightly warmed up with a touch of that formula milk to make it easier for them to take. I gave them a small corner and lots of blankets so they could keep warm. They quickly thrived. From that spring to late fall I found some more, starting to believe that my neighbours were bringing me strays to look after!!!

When looking after the very young kitten you have to take over some of the essential and lifesaving care that a mother cat would provide. The kitten will not urinate by itself until it is old enough, in the mean time you have to take a wet tissue and wash over his behind to stimulate the urination. If this is not done the kitten could have serious health problems. With small kittens you might need to use a plastic syringe to give the initial introduction to the milk, it is smaller for them to handle and will at least give them some nourishment. The litter training will come somewhat latter in the exercise but given the proper size of the litter box it seems to come very naturally to them.

Ginette Guy

Preventing Feline Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS - Can it Be Done?

You may be wondering how cat sickness can effect us if we don't own a cat.

When we look at a common problem from a new angle we may see problems we hadn't noticed previously. Cats can and should have a standard regular diet. This will make it easier to find the foods and habits that irritate the bowels. This may help us examine our own foods and habits.

Of course we don't know exactly what causes the disease but we can determine what makes it worse for the feline or the individual. Since we have so much control over our cats environment we can evaluate and make changes to make feline irritable bowel syndrome better to live with.

One combination to be avoided is proteins, fats, and proteins combined for our cats as well as ourselves. This combination is very difficult for the digestive system to process. Canned cat foods seem to help with digestion for most cats.

The cat food we think is so good for our feline may be causing most of the problems. Those problem may include a strong odor and bowel movements that are uncontrollable due to abnormal contractions in the digestive system. These contractions also cause mucus and more toxins to be released in the intestines that cause inflammation.

Most cats have difficulty digesting dairy products. Some cat foods may contain some dairy so be aware that your cat may be receiving these ingredients in much greater quantities than you originally thought.

We also try to give our cats variety when we should be giving them consistency. When change flavors of cat foods to try to keep our cats interested in the food we create a problem for the stomach and intestines. To many of us our cats are part of our family. Which means we want to share our lives with them. This can lead to table food scraps for the feline that can create further digestive problems.

The right food and eating habits is also the most boring. Small amounts of the same food everyday at the same time in the same small amounts. No wonder none of us eat properly. We think we are not treating our pet well if we limit the amount and variety of their food.

Are you aware of how much stress is in our cats life? Our busy lives add stress to our feline friends lives. The changes may seem insignificant to you, but it looks very different to your cat when changes happen. If your cat starts having flare ups with irritated bowels replay the last few days. Have they been very busy or have changes been made to the house hold? If so they could be the cause of the anxiety in your cat.

Your cat has individual needs that only you can determine. So do your best. Does your life have unnecessary stress and complications? Can they be removed? At least try! No risk involved in that.

The Symptoms of ulcerative colitis can be devastating. Discover the causes and relief for ulcerative colitis

The Best Cat Foods

Cats are carnivores, not "cornivores." Why, then, are most commercial, dry cat foods so full of corn? (Look for yourself at the ingredient list on the bag.)

The immediate, "easy" answer could be cost. It's certainly cheaper to use corn meal as the primary ingredient.

It's also easier to work with, for a number of reasons. It can be baked, formed into any shape or size as a "kibble bit." Corn meal can also be mixed with other ingredients as simply as sprinkling salt into a bowlful of batter. Then, as a batch of bits tumbles in a drum, they are sprayed with flavoring agents, called palatants, which are usually in an oil suspension.

It's cleaner than dealing with animal parts, where the potential is much higher for bacterial activity.

So, we have lower cost, lower risk of bacteria, and greater convenience, as it's easier to obtain, transport and process corn.

But the protein requirement for cats is much higher than for dogs. In the wild, cats eat meat, and pretty much only meat. They may appear to snack on grass and mint leaves (the reasons still have not been made entirely clear), and they may obtain some vegetable matter as they consume the digestive tracts of their prey. But they are what's known as "obligate carnivores."

Thus, to satisfy the cat's absolute need for protein, some must actually be present in their food. You can't make a cat into a vegetarian. A dog might manage it, with proper dietary combinations, but not a cat.

Where does the added protein come from? Why, meat byproducts, of course. The source of such byproducts is seldom specified clearly. Most ingredient lists simply say "poultry" or "meat" byproducts, but there is nothing specific about that.

What can you do?

  • If you can afford it, buy the premium cat foods now available that are made from meat sources by companies that are proud to say so.
  • Look for a protein "rating" of at least 50 percent. Most corn-based cat foods are much less than that, usually in the 21 to 33 percent range.
  • If you can't afford premium products, at least supplement Kitty's meals with the real thing now and then... say, a few ounces of raw meat daily.
  • Check out the pet food supplements (think vitamin pills) offered by some of the premium food companies.
  • Feed a raw diet. This requires a bit of homework, as you need to fully understand your cat's needs. There are web sites, blogs, forums and groups online that can help you. Search on "raw feeding pets."
  • Prepare your own cat food. This, too, requires some homework, not to mention the time it takes to do it.

Simply pouring dry food bits from a bag every day may keep your cat alive, but may not provide a fully balanced diet for Fluffy. Many owners feel it's worth the extra effort and cost to go the extra mile, as their cats are healthier and require far fewer visits to the vet.

To find more articles about cats, visit

7 Symptoms of Cat Urinary Tract Infection and What You Can Do About It

Ever wondered how to spot early cat urinary tract infection symptoms? Cat urinary problems are known as silent killers because cats have a high tolerance for pain and often don't even show that they have a problem until it's too late. It pays off to be able to detect the symptoms of infection so you can spot the condition early and treat it at home before it spirals out of control. Here are 7 symptoms to look out for.

1. Is your cat urinating more or less frequently than usual? A change in urination patterns is often one of the earliest symptoms. It helps to know how your cat normally behaves in order to spot a change in urination patterns.

2. Common urinary tract infection symptoms include straining to urinate. If your cat tries to urinate often and only drops of urine come out at a time, it is likely that he is suffering from a UTI.

3. Other cat urinary symptoms include foul-smelling urine. If the urine looks cloudy and smells bad, you can suspect that UTI is the cause.

4. Is your cat urinating outside of his or her litter box? If you notice it urinating in strange places such as the kitchen sink, UTI may be the cause. Because UTIs are painful, your cat probably associates the litter box with the pain and tries to avoid it at all costs.

5. Is your cat grooming his or her genitals often? Frequent grooming of the genitals could mean that it is suffering from swollen, painful genitals from a urinary infection. Bacterial infections will cause its genitals to get inflamed. You should be especially suspicious if your cat is crying while grooming as if he or she were in pain.

6. Surefire cat urinary tract infection symptoms include urine in the blood. Get it to urinate on a light-colored surface if you suspect UTI. If you see traces of blood, take it to the vet as soon as possible.

7. Cat urinary symptoms that you should be concerned about include fever and a swollen, tender abdomen. Furthermore, if your cat is acting lethargic, it's a sign that it may be in the late stages of UTI. Get your cat treated as soon as you can.

So there you have it. These are common cat urinary tract infection symptoms that you should look out for. If you notice any of them, make sure to give your cat a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic remedies are very helpful in healing infections and preventing recurrence. They will help your cat maintain a healthy bladder, urinary tract, and strong immune system. Remember to keep these symptoms in mind and if you spot even one of them, give your cat a homeopathic remedy. Better yet, give your cat a homeopathic remedy to prevent them occurring altogether.

Mark Lunardi is a pet health enthusiast who has been researching natural remedies to promote pets health. To learn more about his researches, visit his website at

Moving - With a Cat

Although this can be difficult, it doesn't have to be. It just takes some forethought and planning. I have heard numerous stories of people pulling into the driveway of their new home, opening the car door for the cat and never seeing the cat again. So sad.

The first thing to consider is how to reduce the stress on the cat. If the cat has been an outdoor cat or indoor/outdoor cat, you should keep the cat in for a few days to a week before moving. To prevent the cat from running away, extra care should be given to keeping the cat confined to a private room while movers are loading household items, preferably with a companion person or other friendly pet. Make sure the cat has the necessary water, food and litter box and that the door is kept closed. Place a large note on the door saying "Do Not Open" to remind the movers and family members.

When it comes time to physically move the cat, transport the cat in a familiar pet carrier. If you have to buy a pet carrier, buy it a week or two before the move. Leave the carrier open in a place the cat normally spends time. Inside the carrier, place some familiar things like toys, a cushion, etc. The cat(s) will get used to seeing it and should go in and out, familiarizing itself with it and not associating it with anything negative.

Prior to the movers arriving at the new house, you should have set up a room with the cat's familiar surroundings, such as a condo/tree, cat bed, litter box, food and water bowls and toys. Again, a large note should be taped to the outside of the door of this room, stating "Do Not Enter", to remind family members as well as the movers. Then, after all of the movers have left, open the door and let the cat roam around it's new home. It won't take long, maybe a day or two, for the cat(s) to accept their new home.

Outside access should only be given with supervision until you are sure the cat has accepted the move and it's new surroundings and won't try to run back to the old house. Even if your move is hundreds of miles from the old house, the cat doesn't know that and may try to find it's way back. This is, most often, the reason people lose their cats after a move.

Consider making them "house cats". Outside cats typically live 1 to 5 years because of all of the dangers inherent to the outdoors. A house cat typically lives 12 to 18 years. Keep your precious companion beside you as long as you can.

The author Pat Lemmons aka Miss Kitty has owned cats for 10 years, knows cats and operates a retail web site for cat products. Our Product prices are discounted for maximum savings. The site features the latest technological products such as unique automatic litter boxes, the best quality cat & kitty beds, pet doors, litter box furniture covers, pet carriers, crates and containment, unique artist t-shirts, sweatshirts & nightshirts, and a large selection of kitty condos, trees, scratching posts, cat toys and treats. Nothing but the best for your pampered feline.

How to Take Your Adopted Shelter Cat Home

Animals make lots of people happy. They give love, comfort, companionship, and company to their owners. Anyone who has any kind of pet knows how important they are to the family. You should spend time deciding on the right pet for you and your family, and when you decide to adopt a cat or kitten, remember that how you bring it home is just as important as the food and litter you choose to take care of it.

Adopted cats and kittens often need extra care. Because many of them were abandoned or abused (and sometimes both), they're afraid of anything outside their kennels, and anyone outside the shelter workers they know and trust. So when you bring home an adopted cat or kitten, special care has to be taken to make sure they're made comfortable and eased into a new environment. Before you bring your cat or kitten home, make sure you've already set up the litter pan and food and water dishes. That way, when your little one is brought into your home, it can find its food and litter right away, instead of waiting until you've set it up.

It's also a good idea to have a few toys out and available for the cat or kitten before it's brought home. This will give the pet options for play right away, discouraging it from getting into something that may cause trouble, such as electric cords. When you bring home the cat or kitten, let it explore your home. Don't force it to play with you or sit on your lap. Though you're familiar with your home, your new pet isn't, and it needs to check things out and make sure it's safe before it feels comfortable enough to play.

Some cats or kittens may hide under the furniture for a while, and that's okay. Just be patient, and your new kitty will get used to you and your home, and will soon come out for attention. It's important to keep in mind your pet's background, if you know it. If your cat or kitten was abused, it may be afraid of people, so you need to be extra gentle when handling it, and use a soft voice when speaking to it, so as not to startle your cat or kitten. Try not to make any sudden movements, and let your pet adjust to you in its own time. If you don't know the background of your cat or kitten, you should err on the side of caution.

Every cat is different, so you shouldn't rush your pet into cuddling with you or playing with you. Let it adjust to being in a new place at its own pace, and before you know it, your pet will be following you around your home, begging for attention! Bringing home an adopted cat or kitten is an exciting experience, and as long as you know what to do to help make the transition smooth for you and your new pet, it can be a great memory!

For more information about pets and animals, be sure to check out [] Videos and posts are updated every day.

The Best Cat Scratching Posts

The most important piece of cat furniture should be a good, strong scratching post. Cats need to scratch and cannot be trained not to do it. But the best way to protect your furniture is to provide an adequate alternative.

If the post you have is too small, too wobbly or poorly built, your cat will quickly decide to leave it alone and go back to the couch.

A good scratching post doesn't even have to be a post at all. It could be a board, a box or a cat tree. As long as there is a good surface to stretch up on and exercise the toes and legs, anything you have will do. (This could be why they love the sofa!)

Here are some pointers to consider when choosing or building a scratching device:

1. Shape. If you choose a post, be sure it is tall enough for the cat to reach as far as he can stretch. If you want to "think like a cat," imagine being in the wild, in Nature. Cats scratch on trees, as a rule. They do this to leave claw marks, along with their scent, reaching as high up as they can, presumably to notify others in the area that the cat who made these marks is one big dude, so watch out.

They also scratch as a means of exercising their toes, feet and legs. It's not, as some think, to sharpen their claws. The claws do need to shed an outer layer every so often, so scratching helps the growth process, too. The result may be the appearance of the new, sharper claw, though this is not the sole purpose of the activity.

2. Surface. Probably because it is attractive to humans, most scratching posts are covered with carpeting. However, you will not find any carpet-covered trees outside. Thus, most cats prefer to scratch on bare wood. This is why some cat owners have complained of their cats clawing the woodwork around doors, or the legs of tables. A good scratching post is one made of natural wood, then. Or, a clever do-it-yourselfer may wish to construct one out of two by fours.

If you insist on using carpeting as a scratching surface, don't be upset when kitty wants to scratch on the carpet in the living room.

Another option is to wrap a post with sisal twine or rope. Be prepared to replace the rope every year, because it will get shredded. If you have a supply of carpet samples for this use, try wrapping them around the post or board with the jute side out, and the nice looking carpet on the inside. Again, be prepared to replace these from time to time as well.

3. Construction. Most scratching posts are created vertically. This is fine, but cats at my shelter have always preferred the ones made on a slant. Again, in the wild, cats also enjoy scratching branches, which can be in any position. Slants seem to be popular. However, a "quickie" scratching board I once made was simply a two by six, 3 feet long, with a carpet sample wrapped around and stapled to it, then left on the floor. They enjoy the horizontal scratching also.

The most important part of the construction, though, is strength. If the post is not strong enough to support the weight of at least one cat, it will begin to come apart and will soon be wobbly. Cats will avoid anything that feels unsteady. Also, if a post topples over even once, some cats may never visit it again.

4. Location. If you are trying to keep the cat from destroying a particular piece of furniture, it may work to place the scratching post next to it, to distract them from, say, the sofa, or a table, or even the door jamb. Once they are happily using the new post, try moving it away from the furniture a little bit every day, until it is in another location. Or, if that is not an issue, leave it next to the couch.

One last thing to consider is the cat's claws. It's one thing to use a scratching post, but if kitty likes to stretch up onto your leg while extending his claws, you will do well to keep his claws trimmed. There are also nail caps you can use to cover them, but I have found these to be more trouble than it's worth to apply them.

With close attention to your cat's need to scratch, you don't need to resign yourself to living in a home full of shredded furniture and drapes.

For more information about cat furniture, visit - but to learn more about cat behavior, go to

Healthier Food For Your Cats

Cats are very special animals and need very healthy food. Since cats are obligate carnivores which means they are meat eaters they do not have the ability to process corn or wheat as food.

If you think about what a cat would eat in the wild if they had to provide their own food, they would be catching birds, mice or other small prey. If in this search they ran through a corn field, would they stop to eat some corn? Have you ever thought about this? About the only food other than meats and bone that they would find would be the food in the stomach of the prey that they have caught. Thus when feeding our cats, we would want to closely emulate their chosen diet.

When feeding dry food or kibble, read the listed ingredients. The first ingredient listed is of course the largest amount of the ingredient in the container. Meal is the name of the meat or other substance that is included in the package. Chicken Meal is chicken that has been cooked to a meal so that it can be processed into kibble. If the ingredients listed contain corn or wheat you do not want to feed this to an obligate carnivore. Potatoes are not a food that is used by the cat nor are vegetables in larger amounts. Remember when you think about the prey that they hunt a minimal amount of these substances are in the stomach and can be handled by the cat as nutrition. Food color is very needless in cat food as are garlic, yucca, salt and pepper. The more items that you read that you do not understand and have a hard time pronouncing are useless in your cat food. A little brown rice is much more digestible.

In recent years it has come to the attention of the public that cat foods with ingredients coming from China carry an ingredient called wheat gluten which has been found to be a contamination that has caused death in numbers of pets being fed foods that were thought to be safe and in essence have caused kidney failure and death. Recently this same ingredient has been found in baby milk formula in China and has sickened or killed some children. How horrible! This ingredient, Melamin, is used to boost the protein content and is deadly. Reading the labels of the foods you feed your cats is essential to their future health and life.

Preservatives are another ingredient that needs to be looked at closely. If you have used a cat food recommended by your vet and made by the Hills Company, it quite possibly contains two ingredients that have been removed from the human food sources. They are BHA and BHT. Why on earth would that be included by a company that makes food for animals that have a need for very specialized foods when it is a known killer of humans? Why would a Veterinarian knowingly prescribe this for a pet that is sick or in need of special food? Most veterinarians have very little training in the feeding of healthy cats and dogs. As a breeder of a very special cat, the RagaMuffin, I have done much research in the care and feeding of cats. I want the best for the cats I place in homes where they are loved and cared for as very special family members.

My recommended food, if you are feeding a dry or kibble type of food is one made by a company in Florida by the name of Trilogy. This food is the safest and healthiest that I have found for pets. It is produced and shipped directly to your door so there is no warehouse storage for long periods of time. It does not go to a retailer that must then put it into storage in their warehouses prior to it's being sent to the retail store for sale to the public. You will not find wheat mites from lengthy warehouse storage. Since it does not contain any corn or wheat it is totally usable by the cat so it is nutrient dense. Your cat does not have to eat a large amount in order to satisfy its nutritional requirements. This also prevents overly used litter boxes which is a wonderful thing.

Just a reminder, cats are a sensitive animal and many can be affected by ingredients that are harmful so use care and caution in feeding your feline companion.

Sharon is a Cat Breeder with a great deal of experience in raising RagaMuffin Cats and Kittens She is a representative of the Trilogy Company a pet foods company and highly educated in this field. Her kittens and cats are Grand Champions and from the original lines. Her kittens can be found all around the U.S as well as in Europe. LuvNMuffin is a Cattery of Distinction and registers their cats and kittens in the American Cat Fanciers Association as well as the Cat Fanciers Association. She is on the Board of Directors of The RagaMuffin Associated Group. Visit her web site at

The Truth About Home Treatment to Relieve Cat's UTI

Ever wondered if there is a quick home remedy for cat's UTI? It might sound too good to be true to be able to treat your cat's UTI with a homemade remedy and I have news for you: it is totally possible to treat your cat's UTI at home.

That said, your cat's situation can be deadly if not treated properly. First, confirm that your cat has a bladder infection and not a feline urinary tract blockage. A blockage quickly leads to a excruciating death for your cat. You don't want to mess around with a home remedy for cat's UTI when he may actually need surgery. Forget the homemade remedies if your cat is suffering from a feline urinary blockage.

If your vet tells you that your cat has a bladder infection, she may also want to treat it with an antibiotic. The problem with using antibiotics is that they negatively impact other systems that are working fine in your cat. They can actually aggravate bladder infections.

On the other hand, you don't want to try a home treatment to relieve your cat's UTI that it is not clinically proven to work. If you want to keep your cat safe and help him get over his infection quickly, you should give him a proven homeopathic remedy.

Commercially prepared homeopathic remedies are the best quick home remedy for cat's UTI. They are highly effective and proven to work. They come in a convenient granular form that you can sprinkle on your cat's tongue or food.

Unlike a home treatment to relieve cat's UTI, commercially prepared homeopathic remedies are rigorously tested and made with the highest quality ingredients. Sure, you can try experimenting at home with homemade herbal remedies and concoctions but why would you want to experiment? Treat him with a remedy that has a track record of success.

You may have heard that cranberry juice is a quick home remedy for cat's UTI. While it's true that cranberry juice and Vitamin C can help you overcome a UTI, they are not effective treatments for cats. In fact, you will really struggle to get your cat to sip some cranberry juice.

Prepared homeopathic remedies are the best because they are 100% safe, gentle, and side effect free. You can give them to your cat every single day without fear of harmful side effects like the ones associated with drugs. They work very well as a quick home remedy for cat's UTI and can be used to prevent recurrent UTIs.

So there you have it. If you want to get rid of your cat's UTI and prevent it from returning without subjecting your dear cat to any harmful side effects, start him on a homeopathic remedy. A homeopathic remedy as a quick home remedy for cat's UTI that is far more effective than drugs or any homemade concoction. You probably mean well by mixing up a home remedy for your cat's UTI but if your cat's health is important to you, leave it to the professionals and buy a homeopathic remedy for your cat.

Kate Rieger has been owned by 15+ cats and is a champion of spay and release for her feral cat neighbors. She is partnered with the Kentucky S.N.I.P clinic and together through adoptions, education programs and spay/neuter efforts, they provide affordable solutions to reducing the pet overpopulation crisis in the Kentuckiana region. While she would like to extend the concept of spay/neuter to some of the human population, she swears she's only into altering cats. Never one to be short on opinion, she is on good behavior during her speaking engagements at organizations spreading the word about natural alternatives to pet ailments. If you are interested in starting up a homeopathic program to for a safe and quick home remedy for cat's UTI, drop by Kate's website at

Three Tips to Stop Cat's Scratching Habit

The cats use their claws for scratching for a variety of reason. They may be scratching objects for communication or marking territory. The cats show the tendency to scratch in the same area for a period of time. Scratching of cats have nothing unusual to it and is quite natural. Scratching also has some benefits for the cat; it helps to keep the nails healthy and removes the old layers of nail present on the nails of the cat.

The suitable method to stop cat scratching is providing a scratching post and teaching him how to use it. Scratching is instinctive to cats and is difficult to stop it completely. But providing a scratching post makes it possible to provide satisfaction for the cat as well as will not damage any valuable items in the house. Scratching valuable items like furniture or carpets in the house is that causes frustration to the cat. If the cat is directed to scratching this unacceptable scratching stops. The aim of the owner must not be stopping scratching but to stop scratching on everything that the cat see around.

There is certain taste in scratching for the cat. Some cats like to scratch in soft things while some prefers hard items. Some cats need to scratch on things of certain type at certain type. So the likes of the cat must be considered before designing the scratching post. The post must be chosen such a way that it will not get damaged after some scratching. Scratching posts made of wood will not get damaged quite easily and most cats like scratching it.

The scratch post must have the enough for the cat to stretch out fully when using it. This will give an opportunity exercise the muscles of the cat. The cat should be made aware that the post is only place that it should scratch.

Looking for quality tips on training your cat, visit []. If you are looking for the most recommended online course on training your cat, you should read this review of Stop Cat's Scratching [].

How to Train Your Cat at Home

The process of training a cat is considered to be impossible by many people. But most of the cats are naturally trained in the home and that makes the training easier for the pet. Cats can naturally remain very clean and should be always kept in a clean environment.

When you own the kitten for the first time try to keep it confined in a small room. This gives you an opportunity look after them easily. The bed to sleep, dishes for food and water should be cleaned and placed in the room. A quite environment is need of the cat to overcome it fear and get accustomed to the surroundings. Initially you will have to clean the litter yourself. But gradually the kitten must be trained for using the litter pan. Let the cat to roam freely after a few days.

The cat can be kept inside the house itself if you can put some butter on its paws and allow it to walk around. This kitten will not be able go far with butter in the paws and can study the surroundings and not being able to run away from the home. Spend some time very day top take the cat for walk. Leash can be used when you are taking the cat for a walk. But some cat will find it difficult with a leash. If the cat can walk along with you allow it to do so, otherwise it will be better to give leash training to the cat.

The choice of the litter must be done carefully. You should not use litter that contains deodorants. During the initial period of litter training use some soiled litter mixed with fresh litter. This will act as a powerful stimulus for using the fresh litter. Always take care to clean the litter pan frequently.

Looking for quality tips on training your cat, visit []. If you are looking for the most recommended online course on training your cat, you should read this review of Cat Training Online [].

Does Your Cat Attack Your Feet For No Reason?

Sometimes, your cat attacks your feet when you sit down for a rest. Or he may bite and scratch your feet as you walk around the house. Does your cat hate you? On the contrary, he is playing with you, and showing that he loves you. Nevertheless, all this biting and scratching can hurt, and is not fun for you.

There are several reasons why your cat will attack your feet and legs (besides the fact that he is short and can't reach your face when he swipes those claws of his). First of all, when he stalks and pounces on your feet, he is just playing - enacting a hunting game. He is pretending that your feet are his prey, like a mouse or bird. He is just following his natural instincts. If you have ever seen a litter of kittens play with each other, you will understand. They tumble around, roughhousing. But there will also be one or two of them who will be stalking their playmates, bellies low to the ground, ready to jump and pounce on their target.

This leads to the second reason - kitty is just playing and wants the attention of his favorite human being - YOU! He has excess energy, and wants you to play with him. Although your little tiger is just doing all this to show you his affection, you want him to stop biting and clawing your feet and legs. After all, it hurts. But you also don't want to punish him. After all, he is just doing this because he loves you.

The first thing you can do is to play with kitty regularly. You should do this two or three times everyday. Depending on how active your cat is, ten or twenty minutes of playtime in the morning and at night should keep him happy and satisfied. This will bleed off his excess energy and at the same time show him that he is Number One in your life. If he bites or scratches too hard, you may want to play with him using cat toys. A toy mouse which squeaks when your little tiger pounces on it will work well. Just drag the rubber mouse along the ground for him to chase.

Another thing you can do is to put a collar with a bell on your cat. This will help to give you a few moments warning when kitty pounces on you from ambush. At the very least, it will keep you from being surprised and tripping over him. If you carry a spray bottle of water, you can squirt him with a little bit of cold water just as he leaps on your feet. This won't hurt him, but will surprise him and he won't like it. You want to catch him in the act to discourage him, so do not spray him after he finishes pouncing on you. Remember: Only squirt him with water as he is pouncing on your feet!

Your cat attacks your feet because he is playing out his natural instincts as a hunter. He is also playing with you, just as he played with his litter mates as a small kitten. You can never really stop this behavior, but you can keep in under control. Regular scheduled playtimes, using cat toys instead of your hands and feet - these are just some of the ways you can use.

Does kitty chase after your feet, bite you or scratch you? Visit to learn more about cat behavior problems and how to stop your cat biting/scratching you.

Symptoms of the Cat Scratch Disease

Close to 90% of people can contract cat scratch disease. This disease is a bacterial infection that can cause swelling of the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are round organs of the immune system. This disease is caused by the bacterium known as bartonella henselae - which is found in most parts of the world. A cat will usually be infected by the bacterium through fleas. The cat will then spread it to humans through licking, scratching, or biting.

In the United States close to 22,000 cases of cat scratch disease are diagnosed annually. Most patients are under the age of 21. This is because younger children have a higher risk of being bitten or scratched by cats because of the way that they play with them.

Cat Scratch Fever Symptoms

After a few days of being scratched, licked, or bitten by a cat a small bump or blister will form called an inoculation lesion. Most people will mistake this for a bug bite. They will usually appear on the hands, arms, head, or scalp. These lesions are usually not painful.

Within a couple of weeks the scratch or one of the lymph nodes close to the area where the lesion is will begin to swell and become tender to the touch. If the lesion is on the arm then the lymph nodes in the elbow or the armpit will begin to swell.

The swollen lymph nodes will begin to show more often in neck. However, if the lesion is on the leg it is more likely that the nodes located in the groin will swell. The skin around the swollen lymph nodes will turn red and become warm and may begin to drain pus after some time.

Swollen lymph nodes are the most common symptoms - but some people may experience other more general symptoms along with this. One third of people infect with cat scratch disease will experience fatigue, fever, headache, loss of appetite, rash, and sore throat. There are also certain people who will experience atypical cases of the disease. In these rare cases they will experience infections in the bones, liver, lungs, spleen, and joints.

Cat Scratch Disease affects about 22,000 people on an annual basis in the United States. Pain Relief For Cats will help you to recognize other Cat Diseases and how to treat them.

Cats and Human Food

Many articles have been written about what not to feed dogs in regard to human foods, but I have not come across very many articles containing information regarding cats and human foods. So with the help of the Internet and some outside research I have come up with some interesting information.

As most of us know, cats have different nutritional needs than dogs and their humans. They require twice the protein, so which human foods are healthy for cats and which ones should be avoided?

In all honesty treats do not have to be nutritional, as treats are really meant to help in the bonding experience between a human and their cat. However, treats should not exceed more than 10 percent of a cat's daily caloric intake.

To begin we will start with the no-no foods.

  • Chocolate: As with dogs, chocolate is a no-no for cats also. Seriously though most cats do not like chocolate or for that matter even have a sweet tooth. Cats in that respect are definitely not like dogs, which will eat most anything. However, for your information, chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, it is a bittersweet alkaloid that acts as a stimulant to the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. The amount of theobromine found in chocolate depends on the type of chocolate, unsweetened Baker's chocolate contains eight to ten times more than milk chocolate. Should your cat consume any chocolate, call you vet at once, giving them the weight of your cat and the type of chocolate that was eaten and how long ago it was consumed. Your vet can then decide whether you can induce vomiting at home or if there is a need to bring your cat to the office.
  • Onions/Chives/Garlic: Generally cats will not eat either of these things if offered by themselves, however when they are mixed with something they like, it is another story. An accidental amount mixed in with a piece of meat more than likely will not cause a problem as it is below the toxic amount. However, if you have your cat on a baby food diet for some reason, be careful and read the labels as onion powder is added to most baby foods for flavor. Onion powder, as well as the other two, are part of the allium family and can affect red blood cells and cause a blood disorder known as Heinz body anemia. Symptoms of this condition are vomiting, diarrhea, discolored urine and a loss of appetite.
  • Alcohol: It amuses some people to see cats and dogs intoxicated, unfortunately it is a stupid thing to do. In cats, alcohol can suppress the nervous system and cause respiratory failure. Lucky for us, cats usually do not drink alcohol like some dogs do.
  • Chicken Bones: Cooked chicken bones and even raw ones can splinter and cause serious problems inside a cat. They can lodge in a cat's throat, splinter inside and cause damage to the intestinal tract and other internal organs. Make certain your chicken scraps are in a safe secure garbage pail.
  • Coffee and caffeinated teas: Again this seems like a silly topic to mention when talking about cats, but there is always that one cat, who will try anything once. These beverages stimulate the central nervous and cardiac systems and within several hours can cause vomiting and heart palpitations in cats. Call your vet should your cat drink any of these substances at once.
  • Xylitol: Along with the coffee and teas, this sweetener can cause problems by dropping the cat's blood pressure and causing a seizure. It is also found in diet candies so be careful with your cats and dogs, as it can be very toxic.
  • Mushrooms: Most cats will not touch a mushroom on a bet, but again, there is that one cat who is adventurous and will try anything edible or not. Mushrooms contain toxins that affect multiple systems in cats. A tiny bite mixed in gravy, more than likely will not hurt the cat, as most cats would not touch it.
  • Raw egg whites: Cooked eggs are a great treat for cats, my guys love an egg now and then, however raw egg whites contain an enzyme that destroys biotin, a essential B family vitamin.
  • Grapes, raisins, salt: Grapes and raisins contain an unknown toxin that may cause kidney damage to cats and salt in large quantities can lead to electrolyte imbalances.

So what can you feed your cat as treats, other than the established cat treats? Well, I feed my cats small pieces of raw beef (usually stew beef, cut in small pieces.) Cooked liver is an excellent source of vitamin A, however too much liver can cause a vitamin A toxicity, which means a poor appetite, dull coat and a possible deformity of vertebrae in the neck. A little liver goes a long way. Do not feed raw liver or cooked liver as a regular mealtime food.

Canned tuna (the human kind) is a great treat in moderation roughly about one tablespoon day. My cats love to drink the tuna water that I pour from the can more than they like the tuna itself. Do not feed your cat human tuna as a regular diet as it lacks the proper nutritional needs for your cat.

Milk is another things some cats cannot tolerate, as the sugar in the cow's milk cannot be broken down in the cat's digestive system. Yogurt and lactose free milk is a better suggestion.

Starchy snacks are okay to feed your cat in small amounts. Things such as cheese, corn, potatoes, cereal, rice in small amounts is fine. Cats do not need carbohydrates and most cats prefer meat or fish treats to people food anyway. Most veggies are too hard for a cat to digest; their systems were designed for mice and small prey.

Home cooking for your cat should be discouraged. It is next to impossible to come up with a nutritional diet that is perfect for your cat.

I personally had a cat that would not under any circumstances eat anything but raw beef, not knowing what I do now; he nearly died from the lack of proper vitamins.

It was necessary for me to supplement his diet with vitamins and minerals concocted in a kitten bottle with kitten food and water, everyday of his life in order to keep him alive. He lived to be 10 years old and I hand fed him every day of his life, his kitten bottle of nutrients.

So the answer is feed your cat, food made for cats and you will have a much simpler life and a healthier cat.

If this article has been of benefit, please visit my web site and blog at

Tips on Preventing Feline Urinary Tract Infections

Are you plain fed up with taking your cat to the vet for urinary tract infections? Preventing feline urinary tract infections is actually quite simple if you take the necessary precautions at home. Diet and lifestyle often play an important role in the cause and prevention of feline urinary tract infections so they are the first factors that need to be addressed when treating cat UTI.

If you want to know how to prevent cat urinary tract problems at home, avoid giving your cat commercial cat food. Commercial cat food is grainy and rich in carbohydrates thus alters the pH level of your cat's urine and makes it easier for bacteria to flourish. Another problem is that commercial cat food often contains too much protein and causes mineral imbalances in the urine.

Another important step to take in preventing feline urinary tract infections is to make sure your cat always has plenty of fresh, clean water to drink. Dehydration can cause urinary problems and lead to a higher susceptibility to infection. Give your cat only filtered water because tap water contains too many contaminants.

If you want to know how to prevent cat urinary tract problems, also make sure your cat has a stress free lifestyle. Make sure you spend at least two hours of interactive time with your cat each day and leave toys around for him to play with. Loneliness and boredom can stress out your cat and make him more susceptible to infections and urinary problems.

One of the best things you can do to prevent your cat from having urinary problems is to give him a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic remedies are easy to administer and affordable too. Preventing feline urinary tract infections is made simple and easy with homeopathic remedies because they help your dog maintain a healthy bladder, healthy urinary tract, and strong immune system.

The problem with conventional treatments is that they don't address the underlying causes of the problem. If you want to know how to prevent cat urinary tract problems, you have to avoid conventional treatments altogether because they are expensive, have negative side effects, and only suppress the symptoms of the illness. Cats that have problems with recurring urinary infections would do well with a daily dose of homeopathic treatment.

Your goal? Take this information and start planning preventive treatment for your cat. Believe me. You will see bigger and better results with the use of homeopathic remedies and the implementation of lifestyle change. These natural treatments will help in preventing feline urinary tract infections and assist your cat in reaching an optimum state of health.

Mark Lunardi is a pet health enthusiast who has been researching natural remedies to promote pets health. To learn more about his researches, visit his website at

Feline Urinary Tract Infection - Antibiotics or Natural Treatment

Feline urinary tract infection can be dangerous for you cat if not treated. Your cat will experience pain in the abdomen, pain when urinating, itching, burning, and fever. Without proper treatment, the infection can progress to chronic status and cause veterinarian bills to stack up. Learning the types of treatment and prevention available will save you and kitty a lot of pain and suffering.

Alternative Feline UTI Treatments

Alternative feline UTI treatments employ the use of natural and herbal remedies. This holistic approach is now available for your cat in a standardized herbal supplement made to prevent, treat, and promote overall health of your feline's urinary tract system. The supplement, PetAlive UTI-Free, uses Barberry and Bearberry (natural antibiotics) and the restorative Cantharis. By holistic methods, feline UTI symptoms are relieved, the urinary tract system of your pet is reinforced, and frequent recurrence is prevented.

Conventional Feline UTI Treatments

Conventional feline UTI treatments begin with preventive hygienic practices; from a fresh water supply to a clean, accessible litter box. For nutritional support of your pet's urinary tract infection, it is recommended to feed commercial cat food that is packed with essential nutrients. Veterinarians would most likely prescribe kitty antibiotics designed for feline urinary tract infection. However, these generally do not successfully control the disease.

Your cat can experience a recurrence of the feline UTI, even after extensive treatment. Most medications are bad about impairing the biochemic processes sustaining cat health, compromising immune system defenses and promoting recurrent infections or other diseases. There are severe side effects of veterinary medicine in long term treatment. You might even consider treating the side effects naturally. For chronic feline urinary tract infection, catheterization or surgery may be recommended.

Whether you choose to treat your pet for feline urinary tract infection by alternative or conventional treatments, you must begin treatment as soon as you notice the signs that your pet is sick. Don't hesitate to take your pet to the vet and begin treatment, it could be the difference life or death for kitty.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

5 Signs of Feline Urinary Tract Infection

A feline urinary tract infection, or feline UTI, is commonly mistaken as a feline behavioral problem. Is your cat missing the litter box, urinating in odd places, or licking its genitals a lot? These are red flags for feline urinary tract infection. If you have noticed this behavior in your pet, seek veterinarian attention.

Here are 5 definite signs of feline urinary tract infection:

1. He/she misses the litter box more frequently than usual. Since your pet may be experiencing a burning sensation during urination. The cat instinctually stops urination to reposition or lick its genitals before resuming its potty. Thereby missing the litter box again.

2. He/she licks and licks the genital area. The feline UTI causes burning and itching in the lower tract. All kitty can do is lick to sooth its discomfort.

3. He/she becomes withdrawn and is not active. While enduring the feline UTI, your pet feels really bad. When the itching seems to be soothed, it is nervous about moving about and starting it to itch again. So kitty may not want to play no matter how much you try to entice it to play.

4. He/she begins biting, chewing, or gnawing its rear end or crotch. A human wants to scratch when experiencing a human UTI. This is the way that your pet scratches its itching, burning genitalia.

5. He/she "takes off' in spastic episodes. Though hard to explain, this will be easily recognized.

Statistically, dogs experience UTIs more often than cats. Due to the size of its urethra, a male cat more commonly experiences feline urinary tract disorders, including feline UTI. The urethra tube is smaller making it more susceptible to blockage.

A feline suffering a UTI needs human attention and intervention. Just as humans treat their UTI with natural remedies like cranberry juice and apple cider, there are herbal treatments available that can cure even the most toxic feline UTI. Talk to your veterinarian about these natural remedies as opposed to synthetic chemicals. By taking action at the first signs of feline urinary tract infection, you could be saving your pets life. Remember that kitty feels sick and needs your tender loving care.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

How Do I Know If My Cat Has a Feline Urinary Tract Infection?

Does this describe your cat's behavior: frequent urination, no urine at all, urine with a foul odor, or blood in the urine? These are common, even life threatening, symptoms and signs of cat urinary tract infection. Immediately take your kitty to the vet if you have noticed any of these signs. The difference between life and death for your pet depends on your ability to recognize the symptoms early and get treatment.

It is important to know your cat's normal urinating patterns. If your cat is using the litter box more or less often than usual, this is a sign that there could be an infection. There is a test you can do at home to check for a feline UTI. You can do a simple pH test before the cat feels the pain. You'll save time, money, and be helping to determine if your kitty needs veterinarian care. Kitty won't have to experience the sometimes traumatic visit to the vet.

Begin checking your cat's pH by placing either a little aquarium gravel or some non-absorbent kitty litter into a clean litter box. Only enough for kitty to scratch around is necessary and will keep kitty content.

Next, confine your pet with this litter box in a quiet room, so kitty feels secure. You should do this close to your cat's elimination schedule. For more accurate results, check the sample as soon as the cat urinates.

As soon as kitty has used the litter box, dip a urine pH strip into the specimen. Gently shake off excess, then read and compare the test strip to the chart that accompanied the strips. A level of 6.6 to 6.8 means you pet is healthy. If the results are higher or lower, consult your veterinarian immediately.

BEWARE: This type of test if greatly affected by when your cat last ate. For this reason, retesting might be necessary. For best results, check you cat's pH soon after it has eaten. A later test may read high. If the test strip reads normal, then you have no worries. If there is a difference, take kitty to the vet quickly.

This is a simple, cost effective, and kitty sensitive way to check for feline urinary tract infection. Though this process is simple, the possibility of infection is a serious matter to handle quickly for the safety of your feline companion.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

Feline UTI - Warning Signs and Remedies

Feline urinary tract infection, or feline UTI, is very painful for kitty to endure and dangerous to your pet's life. Without proper treatment, the infection can progress to chronic status and cause veterinarian bills to stack up. Learning the types of treatment and prevention available will save you and kitty a lot of pain and suffering.

Even though UTIs occur less often in cats than in dogs, they are often more serious. It is important to know your pets litter box behavior so that changes in its behavior will be easier to spot. A feline UTI is often mistaken for a behavioral problem. There are three common symptoms and more than one remedy.

Cat UTI warning signs

· Crying, whining, and/or howling during urination due to pain and burning in the lower tract.

· Blood in the urine might be noticed when cleaning the litter box. Keep litter box clean for less chance of infection.

· Your cat misses the litter box. Since your pet may be experiencing a burning sensation during urination. The cat instinctually stops urination to reposition or lick its genitals before resuming its potty. Thereby missing the litter box.


If any symptoms are recognizable, take kitty to the veterinarian. The vet will most likely prescribe an antibiotic. Antibiotics are known to cause side effects. They treat the current infection but do nothing to prevent recurring infections. There are natural remedies available as well. These have no side effects, prevent frequent infections, and promote the health of you cat's urinary tract.

Side effects of antibiotics may also be treated with natural remedies. One natural supplement in granular form uses natural ingredients such as Arctostaphylos uva ursi which creates proper pH balance in the bladder. It is sprinkled into the mouth and it melts on contact with the saliva. It is easy to administer and it costs less than conventional methods.

It is important that before you administer any treatment, a veterinarian is consulted. If natural remedies are chosen for the treatment of you cat's UTI, do your research. There is more than one remedy available.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.