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Discipline - A Necessary Element in Caring For Kittens

You give your little kittens regular baths. You give them plenty of treats. You take the time to stroke their fur. In fact, you love your little feline friends so much you accommodate their whims as much as you can. But is that the only thing you should do when caring for kittens? Would you be an uncaring and unkind master if you refused them something? Will you be a mean companion if you teach them No means no. The answer is NO.

While it is good to dote on your pets (and there are those who claim doing so has a therapeutic effect), you have to be careful how you go about it. Pets, your precious little kittens included, can easily be spoiled by too much love. Sound very human-like, doesn't it? You bet! We are all animals, after all, and when it comes to kittens, humans can be more doting than these kittens' biological parents. I should know because I used to spoil my little kitty rotten. The operative word here is "should" because the moment I realized this treatment is turning my kitty into a monster, I stopped right away. So my point is this: you do not have to spoil kittens when caring for kittens. In fact, you shouldn't.

As much as you love your kittens, you need to learn how to discipline them. Your kitten may be your best friend but is it everyone else's? If your kitten claws at every couch it sees or sprays every doorway it walks on, you and your pet can easily become social pariahs! So yes, if you want what's best for your kittens, train them. Teach them to respect commands. There is no need to pay a professional trainer to do this. You can do it yourself with Paula Robb's 'Complete Cat Training: Cat Training To Stop Your Cat's Behavior Problems!' as your guide. The manual is an illustrated and practical guide to caring for kittens by balancing the need to spoil with the need to discipline. Try it and see how the strategies work with your pet.

Worried about toilet training cats []? Cindy Rowe can help! She runs the popular blog PetHealthAndTrainingTips.Com [] as a resource center for those who want to know more about caring for kittens and more. Visit her site today!

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