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Blood in Cat Stool - Causes and Treatment

The sight of blood in cat stool can be extremely upsetting, especially if it's your cat. The first thought that comes to mind is what is causing this and is my cat dying. You never saw blood in cat stool before and you want to do something fast. Before you grab your cat to take her to the vet, here are some things you should know.

In addition to the blood, your cat seems to have a hard time defecating. It is almost like she is constipated causing her to strain while trying.

Your cat seems to have an ever-lasting thirst and the water bowl is the most important thing to her. Excess drinking is part of the problem coupled with a loss of appetite for food.

Due to the large amount of water intake, frequent visits to the litter box takes place to urinate and for bowl movements.

You will notice that your cat is not her usual self. She doesn't have any energy to play and acts listless or lethargic. Her lack of appetite causes weight loss. You must pass these other symptoms on to the vet.

What is the cause of blood in cat stool and all the other symptoms that go with it? The first thought comes to mind is that your cat might have fallen from a high place causing an internal injury. Although not likely, this is a possibility.

Your cat's blood may have a slow clotting time disorder. Just a little bump or bruise can cause bleeding seen in her stool.

Your cat might have gotten into the garbage and ate something she is allergic too that irritated her intestines causing inflammation and bleeding. This condition is called colitis.

Your cat might have ingested poison the exterminator put down for mice or rats. Some of these poisons are designed to cause internal bleeding when eaten by mice.

Bleeding or blood in cat stool is definitely caused by hook worms that in-bed themselves in the walls of the intestines or tumors in the colon or rectum. Lastly, a bacteria infection can be the cause.

The best remedies for blood in cat stool are:

Start feeding a high fiber low fat diet with quality protein. Discontinue feeding processed food and canned foods containing chemical preservatives. No table scraps. If her stool test shows worms of any kind especially hook worms, have her wormed.

If infection is found that has caused blood to be present in your cat's stool, the convention way to treat an infection is with a 7 to 10 day course of antibiotic. The problem with treating your cat with antibiotics is that they have side effects and can actually worsen your cat's symptoms and increase your pet's chance of having recurring problems.

It's important to understand that antibiotic suppress the symptoms but do not cure them. This is why pet owners are turning to natural remedies. Natural remedies work at the cellular level to heal blood in cat stool and they are safe and effective without the dangerous side effects that are present with the use of antibiotics plus that, natural remedies can be used for preventative measures all year round.

When choosing natural remedies make certain you get the ones with proven long time history of effective ingredients such as uva ursi, berberis, cantharis and staphysagris.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

Cat Giving Birth - What You Should Really Do After the Cat is Post Birth?

Some veterinarians advise giving your queen a shot of oxytocin within 12 hours of giving birth. This shot may be dispensed for you to administer at home, or you may need to take your queen to the veterinarian for it.

This shot is given to make sure that no remnants of the placenta are left in the uterus where they might cause infection. It is also helpful in inducing the milk supply. Your veterinarian may also recommend that the queen be put on an antibiotic for seven to ten days after the kittens are born to help ward off any minor infections the kittens might catch while nursing.

Provide your queen with clean bedding, and make sure she and the kittens is house in dim lighting, away from any drafts and the hustle and bustle of the household. The room temperature should be kept at 70 F or 21 Celsius.

If this is not possible and the room is too cold, then an infrared heating lighting or a heating pad placed under the toweling is recommended. If, on the other hand, the room is too hot, the queen will separate herself from the kittens to cool them down.

Always place her food, water and litter pan within easy reach as the queen will not want to leave her kittens. Lactating queens have high nutrients needs, so give her all she will eat of a high quality cat food.

You can determine the sex of each kitten by simply lifting up its tail and checking against the drawings. The queen will always pick up her very small kittens by the scruff on their neck but they grow up quickly and soon she will not be able to lift them this way.

Between seven and ten days, the kittens will start to open their eyes. At three weeks they will be more alert and ready to eat semi solid food, and they will start using the litter pan. By six weeks, they will become more playful and by 11 weeks they should be well on their way to settling into their new homes.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Igloo Dog House [] and Purses And Handbags

Cat Health - How To Diagnose If Your Cat Is Sick

When you are diagnosing your cat you need to be close to your cat and observe what there normal habits are such as how much they eat and when they sleep. It is important that you know if your cat gets out of its regular routine because this can be a sign that there is something wrong.

If you have a cat that is very playful and has a lot of energy and then one day they are quiet and do not feel like playing then you can be assured something is going on with your cat. In most cases cats have feelings and can get stomach aches just as we can but it is most important that when you see something that seems out of the norm then you take action to find out what is going on.

You should know the symptoms of what can cause issues with your cat and if you cat is vomiting and losing weight then these can be signs of diabetes in your cat. So it is important that you get them to the vet so they can be treated. Also you want to watch them in the litter box and if they are having issues going then you know something is not right.

Remember that it is important that you know how your cat acts because if they change from this you know that they are not felling well and may be sick. It is important that you contact your vet and get help at the first sign that something is wrong.

Get Free : Cat Health Tips

Cat Urinary Tract Blockage Symptoms Are Serious

Cat urinary tract blockage occurs more often in male cats mainly because they do not have a wide urethra similar to a female. The female's urethra is comparatively wider than a male cat.

If you notice your cat urinary health is becoming compromised the following symptoms are something you should look for with cat urinary tract blockage; crying in pain to pass the urine because it is very painful. They will squat and strain to pass urine usually with no luck and if they do pass any it will be a minuscule amount. Also, they might try to urinate outside the litter box

If you feel your cat's tummy they may cry out in pain as their abdomen is tender and swollen. They might feel very warm on their head because of a fever. If your cat is acting lethargic and just doesn't seem like their normal self, not eating or playing, take them to the veterinarian. A cat can become very distressed, the bladder will rupture they can die within two days if not capable of passing urine.

There are a couple of causes contributing to cat urinary health. Over feeding a processed dry diet with not enough liquids is the main problem. Make sure they always have plenty of fresh water and a high quality food. Homeopathic pet remedies can help the cat's immune system maintain cat urinary health and help to reduce the chances of cat urinary tract blockage happening in the future, as there seems to be a higher possibility once a cat has had a problem with cat urinary tract blockage.

Discover Natural ways to prevent cat urinary blockage in cats. I have researched the best homeopathic remedies which can prevent and keep your cat healthy.

World's Smallest Kitten - The Teacup Kitten is Tiny

Teacup Kittens are the smallest and cutest in the world and they can come in many different breeds. It is important that when you are shopping for a miniature cat that you do not just look at the weight because many breeders will tell you a runt cat is a teacup but in reality it is just undersized. An average cat will weight about 10-12 pounds and a miniature will be about 3-6 pounds. So make sure that you do not get fooled when looking for this type of cat because there are breeders that will try to pass of a small cat as a miniature.

Most Teacup kittens are made when there is inbreeding with the smaller kittens. By using this method of breeding you create dwarf cats and this is how they become teacup kittens. The persian and the exotic breeds of cat are the most common when it comes to teacup kittens. Primordial dwarves are known as MiniPers and these cats are small but there bodies are proportionate in every way. The MiniPaws have short legs and in many cases they can be deformed because of this. Napoleon is a new teacup bread and they have long beautiful coats and big eyes. They are a mix of a Persian and a Munchkin and are very beautiful.

When looking for this type of cat it is important to now that they are cute and small but they will become cats. With cats they will not act like a kitten forever so make sure that this is the type of cat you would like to own before making the commitment.

Get Free : Teacup Kitten Tips

Cat Sitting Services - What Do They Provide For Your Cat?

Cat sitting services provide many benefits for people who need to go on vacation or even people who just want to provide love for their cat during the day. Most cat sitting services provide the same basic services, but are able to provide customer specific services concerning your home or cat needs. This article will address the basic and not so basic pet services provided by your local cat sitter.

Most cat sitting services provide the following basic services:

  • Visit your kitten during the day or night
  • Pet your kitty or even do basic grooming
  • Feed your pet and provide fresh water
  • Give your pet medicine or apply topical medications
  • Let your pet out if this is something you normally would do for your cat
  • Play with your kitten
  • Take your pet to the veterinarian
  • Clean the litter box

Some of the other services that a pet sitting service will provide are more specific to taking care of your home during the day or while you are on vacation. Examples of other services are:

  • Bring the mail or newspaper into the house
  • Turn lights on and off to make your home look occupied
  • Water your plants or yard
  • Let repair men in or provide access to your home for others
  • Take care of your other animals, such as your fish.

There are many benefits to using a cat sitting service, and the cost is normally inexpensive. A typical visit for basic services will cost in the range of $17 to $25 dollars. Compared to a veterinarian stay or boarding kennel this is fairly reasonable.

Interested in cat sitting services then visit where you will find a cat sitter in your area and information on what to ask a cat sitter before handing over the keys.

10 Tips For Your Automatic Litter Box

1. Keep the unit clean. Use baking soda or carpet cleaner to keep them fresh.

2. The rakes need to be cleaned periodically. If the clumps are not fully dried after 10 minutes. The litter needs to be redistributed away from the collection box several times each week as a result of the rakes getting filled with wet clumps.

3. It is very important to keep the litter level low so the rake doesn't have to constantly move back and forth because it's jammed. If you consistently over fill the motor will burn out quickly . It can't get through that much litter!

4. The rakes need to be cleaned periodically. If the clumps are not fully dried after 10 minutes. The litter needs to be redistributed away from the collection box several times each week as a result of the rakes getting filled with wet clumps.

5. The plastic rake works so much better than the metal one, the litter doesn't spill through and the used litter actually goes into the receptacle instead of smearing across the bottom of the litter box. Sometimes the original is the best.

6. To prevent sticking, you can use a light coating of heavy duty silicone spray,furniture wax or spray oil.

7. If the motor jams there is a reset that many user may not know about and this may be a reason for so many returns.

8. Wipe the wires down with mild cleanser regularly.

9. Reuse the waste receptacles to save money.

10. Mix a corn-based litter that keeps it from sticking to the bottom with a good hard-clumping litter that makes it clump well.

Article provided by Kent Johansson. For information on cat automatic products, for cats and smaller pets, please visit


Did you find those tips on automatic litter boxes useful? You can learn a lot more about how Automatic Litter Boxes, Automatic Feeders, Automatic Fountains and more. please visit []

Cat Care - Bringing a Kitten Home

One of the most exciting times in a person's life is the moment when a new kitten becomes a part of that individual's home. If you are bringing a new kitten into your life, it is important that you understand the basics of cat care. Through this article you are provided an overview of cat care, particular the care that is needed for a kitten that is now joining your family.

The first factor that you need to keep in mind is the confusion and fear that your new little friend will experience when he or she enters into your home for the first time. Even if the kitten has had some time away from his or her mother, relocating to a new environment can be very difficult for a kitten. Therefore, perhaps the most important cat care tip and pointer that you need to keep in mind when bringing a kitten home is the need for you to spend time with the little guy or gal. (The kitten needs to get to know you as well!)

The next pointer to bear in mind when it comes to cat care and your new kitten is to make sure that he or she understands where the litter box is located. (Obviously, this is for the benefit of the kitten - and for you.) In this regard, you will want to place the litter box in a location at which the cat can have some privacy when he or she is tending to business. Moreover, you want to make sure that the litter box is at a location in which your kitten will not feel trapped when attending to his or her personal matters.

Finally, you will want to make sure that you have appropriate food for your kitten and plenty of water as part of your initial cat care efforts for your new kitten. You will want to select quality food for your new friend that specifically is designed for a kitten.

To find out more about cat care [] tips and information on how you can bring a cat home, visit: []

How to Control Your Cat Fleas

Fleas are a fact that every pet owner has to deal with, they jump onto your pets and burrow into its fur, they feed on the animal and often lay eggs on the body of the pet, these eggs can then fall from the dog or cat on to your carpets.

The cat fleas are most likely to be the fleas that your pets bring into your home, even the fleas that come in on the back of your dog are likely to be cat fleas, these fleas are parasites that need hosts such as your pets to live, they burrow into the pets fur and bite the cats to feed.

The advantage flea control system is a great way of ensuring that any fleas that have hitched a ride into your home on the back of your dog or cat are killed off, the advantage flea medication infects the fleas that feed on your pets and stops them breading, this breaks the fleas life cycle and will in turn reduce the number of fleas that are in your home.

Borax flea control also known sometimes as borax soap is a way of ridding your carpets of fleas and the flea eggs they lay. You need to mix it with water and wash your carpet, the borax flea control chemicals are toxic and so you need to be careful when and how you use it, avoid using the chemicals if you have young children in the house as they often put their fingers in their mouths after touching the cleaned carpets.

To keep the cat fleas under control and stopping your home becoming infested with fleas you could use a combination of the Advantage flea control system and borax soap, but remember the health risks involved especially for young children.

Fleas are a part of every pet owners life advantage flea control and Borax flea control are two very effective ways of keeping the flea population in your home under control.

Preventing Feline UTI - Your "I'm Not an Idiot" Guide to Preventing Feline Urinary Tract Infections

A lot of cat owners do not know how to prevent cat urinary tract problems because of a simple reason. They do not know what causes the problem. Really, it is the only reason. As a cat owner, if you knew what could keep your cat healthy and happy, you would do it without thinking twice, right? You need to know what causes the problem and you need to do what it takes to prevent it.

1. A good diet is the most important thing when it comes to preventing feline urinary tract infections. Give strong consideration to feeding your cat raw meat with some natural supplements. Commercial processed pet food is full of carbohydrates, starch, and artificial ingredients that tend to make your cat's urine alkaline, alter its pH levels, and make her immune system weaker. A weaker immune system leads to all kinds of sickness.

2. Help your cat drink water. Dehydration is one of the important reasons behind urinary tract infections. If possible, give her clean, filtered water to drink as tap water is easily contaminated with bacteria that can be harmful to your cat's health.

3. Regular exercise is also an important thing in preventing feline urinary tract infections. Physical exercise keeps your cat both fit and happy. It also relieves stress - which is linked to bladder infections. So, play with your cat as often as you can and engage it in some sort of physical activity to keep it stress free.

4. Make access to the litter boxes easy and free of intruders. This is an important step in preventing feline urinary tract infections. Never confine her to an area that doesn't have a litter box (and fresh water.) Holding urine in for a long time can lead to bladder problems. Go ahead and visit the litter box right now to scrape out the latest deposits. You don't like to visit a full potty either do you?

5. Last but certainly not the least, give your cat a good homeopathic supplement regularly. Herbs like berberis vulgaris, arctostaphylos uva ursi, and staphysagris are extremely effective at treating urinary tract infections and bladder stones as well.

Not only that, they are also capable of strengthening the immune system of your cat and preventing these problems altogether. So, by giving a daily dosage of these herbal remedies, you can keep your cat in good health. Since they are completely natural, you do not have to worry about side effects and other such problems.

Now that you know how to prevent cat urinary tract problems, do what you need to do today. Give your cat the right food, plenty of water, the right medications, and, most importantly, keep her stress free and happy. The results will really surprise you.

Kate Rieger is partnered with the Kentucky SNIP clinic and together they provide affordable spay/neuter services to pet owners. She also shows pet owners how using natural alternatives for pet care can reduce vet bills and keep pets out of the sick room. Visit Kate's site today to find more options for preventing feline urinary tract infections.

Handling Cat Emergencies

When you are at home and a cat emergency should arise there are thing to do, first and foremost you must try and keep a cool head, and in control as well, then you can take quick action, you will want to get your cat to your vet as soon as possible. You will want to call your Vet to let them know that you have an emergency, and what it is about. The vet will give you advice as to what the correct things to do for your cat; it just might save your cats life in the long run. Here are some are something's you will want to know about taking care of injured cat.

Car injury: Vary carefully lift the cat, putting one hand behind the neck and chest and the other behind his hips. Very carefully place the cat into a carrier or a cardboard box large enough for the cat to lie as comfortable as possible on his side. You will want to pad the carrier with newspaper or even with a towel or maybe a blanket to keep him warm and fight off shock as well. Contact your Vet and explain what has happened, and carefully get your cat to the Vet as quickly as possible.

Cat Burns: with a burn locate the injury exactly then you will want to apply cold water or even an ice pack to the infected area, be very careful and try to avoid coming in contact with the burn. The area will be very sensitive to touch. Contact the Vet and let them know what has happened and you are on your way to the office with your cat.

Cuts and abrasions: You can use a clean wash cloth or a towel or maybe even a handkerchief to cover the wound and press lightly but firmly to help with the bleeding, contact your Vet for instructions for caring for the abrasion and transport your cat to Vet office quickly as possible.

Cat Choking: The cat could have already swallowed that which is making him chock. Open the cat's mouth by pressing on both sides of the jaw and see if the obstruction is still visible. NOTE: Be sure not to tilt the cats head back, because this will cause him to swallow and could be lost deeper in the cat throat .If you see the obstruction use a pair of needle nose pliers and remove the object, if you can. You may even try to hold the cat upside down and press on his chest firmly with both of your hands. Even if you not able to see the object, or remove the blockage check around the cat throat for damage. Again contact Vet let them know what happen and transport to clinic as soon as possible

We hope that these directions just might help you in a serious condition, but as always first control, and then contact your Vet for complete direction on care of the cat.

NOTE: This article is for information only. See your veterinarian for medical advice.

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.

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A Cat Bladder Can Become Infected - What Are the Signs and What to Do

A cat bladder is part of the system evolved in expelling urine from your cat's body. If a cat bladder malfunctions or become infected, it usually does so in cadence with your cat's urinary tract which normally becomes infected first. A cat bladder, once infected, has the tendency to develop bladder stones due to the infection. With this in mind, the question is: What are the signs that my cat may have a urinary tract infection that involves my cat's bladder.

Signs of feline Urinary Tract and Bladder Infection:

Your cat, after being litter box trained for a number of years, is avoiding it and urinating in every other area of the house except the litter box. The theory behind this is that your cat is in great pain due to a urinary tract infection and even more pain when urinating.

Your cat associates the painful experience of urinating with her litter box, so she decides to relieve herself elsewhere.

Your cat seems to be grooming her genitals constantly due to the discomfort in that region of her body

You will see your cat straining to urinate only to have a few drops come out while experiencing a lot of pain in the process. You may also hear her wine or whimper because of the pain. Your cat will try to urinate often only to have a few drops come out.

It would not be unusual to see blood appear in the urine.

At this point it is time to take your cat to the vet. If you're vet determines your cat has a bladder infection, you will need to decide on a method of treatment. Most often your vet will treat your cat with antibiotic for 7 to 10 day that usually works effectively although this manner of treatment may carry some dangerous side effects.

Homeopathic vets choose the natural way to treat your cat that has proven to be very effective also with no dangerous side effects associated with this kind of treatment. Both types of treatment will work and in some cases both treatments are used in conjunction with each other.

A cat bladder and a cat urinary tract are sensitive to infection so when you see the signs, take you cat to the vet immediately.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

My Cat is Urinating Often - What Shall I Do?

Almost every other cat owner I know of has asked me this question at some point of time: 'My cat is urinating often, what should I do?' The answer to the question is twofold. You first need to find out the reason why he's doing this and then treat it accordingly.

One of the most common reasons for cat frequent urination is urinary tract infection. If your cat's bladder is infected, you should treat it immediately. If left untreated for a long time, the situation could become very serious.

How do you find out if your cat is having urinary tract problems? You should look out for the following symptoms.

1. His urine smells bad
2. His urine tends to be cloudy and bloody
3. Your cat seems to be in pain and often depressed

If you notice these symptoms in your cat, you can be fairly certain that he is suffering from a cat urinary tract infection. Now, to answer the question: 'My cat is urinating often, what could be the reason?' let us take a look at another possibility.

As a cat owner, you should know a little about FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease); a disease which is often caused by bacterial infection, viral infection, or a bad diet. This disease is also one of the most common reasons for cat frequent urination. To find out if your cat is indeed suffering from FLUTD, you should look out for the following symptoms.

- Does he lick its genitals often?
- Does he urinate frequently, but only a few drops at a time?
- Does he tend to avoid the litter box and urinate elsewhere?
- Does he say no to food?

For both these problems, you can find very effective homeopathic medications that are both affordable and safe. Look for herbs like arctostaphylos uva ursi, berberis vulgaris, cantharis, and staphysagris while choosing a good homeopathic medication. These herbs have amazing medicinal properties and can treat both urinary tract infections and feline urinary tract diseases very effectively. The best part about treating cat frequent urination with natural remedies is that there are no side effects at all.

When you start giving your cat a regular dose of these medications, you will find considerable improvement in just about a week or two. However, you should continue giving these medications regularly to keep your cat in good health. These herbs can strengthen the immune system and prevent inflammations as well. So, you could make these medications a part of your cat's diet to get long term benefits.

So, the answer to the question 'My cat is urinating often, what should I do?' is simpler than you expected, right? Now that you know a lot of information about these problems and the right treatment methods, put it to good use. Give your cat the right natural remedies and take control of his health.

Kate Rieger is partnered with the Kentucky S.N.I.P clinic and together they provide affordable natural alternatives for treating pets in the region. While she would like to extend simple, natural care to every pet in the neighborhood she takes it one pet at a time. Visit Kate's site today to find more options for treating pet ailments like cat frequent urination. Start protecting your best 4-legged friend and naturalize your pet health care today at

Feline Cancer - Preventing the Spread of Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) In Foster Cat Homes

The feline cancer Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) weakens the immune system, causes anemia and the growth of tumors in cats. The lifespan of a FeLV cat is short as about 85% of infected cats die within 3 1/2 years of infection. If you are a foster cat care giver, there are steps you can take to prevent the spread of the disease to the non-infected cats in your home.

If you've decided to help improve the lives of lost or unwanted cats and kittens by being a foster caregiver, you need to take steps to prevent the spread of a feline cancer like FeLV and other communicable diseases to your own healthy cats. The FeLV cat virus is carried in the saliva of an infected cat. Cats can catch FeLV when there is cat-to-cat direct contact by licking.

Kittens are particularly susceptible as the virus can cross the placenta to the unborn kitten of a FeLV cat mother. Young kittens under 4 months are also vulnerable. They need time to build up immunity and if they are introduced to a number of infected cats, then their resistance to the disease is weakened.

FeLV cat symptoms take several months or years make an appearance. So, in the early stages of fostering a cat or kitten you may never know that the animal carries the virus unless you have him tested. It is possible to test for the infection and the general recommendation is to test for the FeLV cat virus twice about 12 weeks apart.

Here's some tips to keep you own cats from becoming infected with the feline cancer virus (FeLV).

1. Don't allow your own cats to mix with the foster cat or kitten.
2. Have your own cats tested for FeLV and consider a cat health insurance plan to pay for unexpected diseases or accidents.
3. You may opt for a FeLV vaccination for you cats, but understand that no vaccine is 100% effective. Some cat health insurance plans help pay for these vaccinations.
4. Keep the fostered cats in isolation or in pairs in isolation - especially if they were already mixing.
5. Don't introduce new fostered cats into your home until the preceding fostered cats have new homes.
6. Provide separate litter boxes and feeding bowls for the fostered cats. Disinfect the bowls daily and the litter boxes at least twice a week.
7. Don't re-home a foster cat that is a positive FeLV cat without notifying and educating the adopting caregiver.

There you have it. It is possible to prevent the deadly FeLV cat virus from infecting your non-foster cats. Testing your own cats for the FeLV virus is a must and you should talk to your vet about the vaccine options. If your home cat does contract feline leukemia, you should do everything you can to limit direct contact with other cats in your household.

As a foster cat caregiver, you take on a bit more risk of spreading feline cancer to your own cats. Prevention and early protection is always the most cost effective approach, so why not protect your own cats and your finances with a cat health insurance plan before they contract any feline cancer or illness. Standard health care is costly and when your cat needs advanced care the cost quickly becomes unaffordable without a pet insurance plan.

Kate Rieger is partnered with the Kentucky S.N.I.P clinic and together they provide affordable spay/neuter services to pet owners. She also shows pet owners how using pet insurance pays for the rising costs of vet bills. Visit Kate's site today to find the best pet insurance programs to pay for feline cancer [] treatment or routine pet care. Start protecting your best 4-legged friend today at [].

Blood in Cat Urine - Sign of a Feline Urinary Tract Infection

Your cat in perfectly trained to use the litter box as she has been for many years. Over a period of a couple of days you notice your cat is not using the litter box , but instead is urinating every where else in the house except in the litter box. In addition to this, if your cat shows signs of straining when attempting to urinate and you find traces of blood in your cats urine, your cat surely has a problem.

Seeing blood in cat urine is very serious and indicates that your cat has a feline urinary tract infection. These feline urinary problems need immediate attention. Your next stop is at the vet clinic to get a diagnoses as to what is causing these feline urinary problems and how to remedy them. Seeing blood in cat urine can be frightening.

Here some of the ways to help determine wether your cat sick with a feline urinary tract infection:

1-The frequency in which your cat urinates wether it be more or less often indicates a sign of trouble.

2-The fact that your cat is not using the litter box. There is a reason behind this and it has to do with associating pain with the use of the litter box. When feline urinary tract problems exist in the form of a UTI, it is very painful to urinate. Your cat thinks the litter box is causing the pain and chooses other places to relieve herself.

3-If your cat strains to urinate and make sounds like she is in pain is a sure telling sign of a feline urinary tract infection. At this point, traces of blood are commonly visible in the urine and as I mentioned previously, blood in cat urine means immediate attention is necessary.

4- Blockage may occur with a feline urinary tract infection whereas your cat is having problems urinating at all. This sign needs immediate attention at your vet's clinic or it could be fatal.

5-When a cat constantly grooms his or her genital more often than usual, this is another sign to beware of for detecting a feline urinary tract infection.

Your pet cat is part of your family and depends on you for all it's necessities and care. It is especially important to be aware of your pets medical problems and treat them accordingly swiftly and accurately.

A feline urinary tract infection should not be taken lightly. It is a condition that occurs frequently in both cats and dogs and has to be treated as quickly as possible in order to avoid extended problems of the bladder and kidneys.

Most vets choose to use an antibiotic to treat the infection while homeopathic vets choose natural remedies to fix the problem. Some vet use both in that they use antibiotic to help cure the feline urinary tract infection and natural remedies to assure that they won't have to deal with recurring infections. Whatever the treatment you choose, make sure your cat gets the treatment it needs to cure your cats urinary problems.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

Aggressive Cat

An aggressive cat can be dangerous, so attempting to resolve a chronic cat aggression problem often requires assistance from a professional who is knowledgeable about cat behavior.

Types of Aggression in cats

Play motivated aggressive behaviors are commonly observed in young, active cats less than two years of age and who live in one-cat households. Most aggressive cat problems stem from a traumatic experience that the cat has previously had. For example, perhaps as a kitten your cat was hurt by another person?

The environmental and behavior modification techniques will be the most effective when the causes of the problem can be determined. For example, after moving, providing a new secure territory including an area for elimination, food, and resting is most effective. If you notice anything strange about your cat, it could be a sign of unhappiness and stress, which could very well lead to aggressive behavior. Aggression, Anxiety, and Mental Health are three behaviors that are effectively treated by the natural and herbal remedies.

"Play behavior aggression" is considered a rehearsal of adult roles and is helpful, though not absolutely necessary, for kittens' future development. During the process of rough and tumble play, kittens exercise just about every sense and muscle in their bodies, helping to prepare the youngsters for the life that lies ahead.

If sudden introductions lead to aggression, this can set the stage for future battles and may not go well for the future. The way to circumvent this problem is to gradually introduce unfamiliar cats to each other across a closed door. Be very careful of picking up strays and feral, not only because of potential diseases (which you could spread to your other pets, if you have them) but to avoid future problems. It is sad, but a feral cat does best being feral, as long as it is safe. Try restoring cat friendships damaged in this way using the same techniques used for inter-cat aggression, reintroducing the cats to one another by mixing facial pheromones or using wire mesh pens. An individual may control

Redirected cat aggression by following two steps:
1. the strange cat must be kept out of the yard
2. Defensive, territorial, redirected and idiopathic (meaning the cause is unknown) forms of cat aggression can be quite serious and usually require professional help to resolve. You should never attempt to handle a fearful or aggressive cat.

A way to deal with Aggression in cats is to take control of all rewards. Teach your cat that an obedient behavior is the way to get the reward. Territorial aggressive cats can be exhibited with addition on a new cat to the family, some change in the environment or an already established pecking order. If a new cat is to be added to the family, the introduction process should be gradual and may take 2-3 weeks. However, there are other causes of cat aggression and they include over excitement and illness.

"Fear aggression," is a defensive behavior towards unfamiliar people, animals, noises and even new places. Unpleasant experiences, like a trip to the veterinarians office, may also trigger fear aggression in your cat. We hope that this will help you to understand why the behavior occurs, what you are dealing with, and how to correct it. In order to correct this behavior, you need to redirect your kittens aggressive behavior onto acceptable objects. Drag a toy along the floor to encourage your kitten to pounce on it, or throw a toy away from your kitten to give her even more exercise by chasing the

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.

Best House Cat Care To visit our blog.

Cat Pregnancy - The Important Information That You Should Know Right After Your Cat Gives Birth

After giving birth, most queens will immediately open the sacs over the kittens' faces so that they can take their first breath. If this is your queen's first litter and she is struggling, or if she does not do this straight away, you should tear open the sacs for her with your nails.

Then place each kitten near the queen's mouth so that she can stimulate the kittens' breathing by licking them. If any of the kittens appear to be in distress, you should dry them and keep them warm.

You should consult your veterinarian if the kitten does not nurse. Most queens will chew off the umbilical cord and then eat the placenta. Give her 15 minutes or so to perform this chore. If she still has not cut the cord by this time, then you can do so by tying a piece of string around the umbilical cord about 1 inch or 2.5cm from the kitten's stomach.

Then, using sterilized scissors cut the cord on the outside of the string, farthest from the kitten's stomach. Or, using your fingernails, clamp the cord tightly, and using a scissor motion, cut back and forth, until the cord has been severed.

Then with sterilized scissors, cut the cord, again about one inch or 2.5cm from the kitten's abdomen. The queen will generally eat the placenta and excess umbilical cord. She has an instinctive fear that predators will be attracted by them and will harm the newborn kittens.

Even the completely domesticated queen has these instincts, passed down to her through generations of ancestors who lived in the wild. The queen will them wash her kittens, and at this stage you may want to weigh the newborn kittens.

The queen will nurse her kittens until they are about three weeks of age. At this time they will start eating semi solid and solid foods, but may still nurse occasionally for several weeks. Closely inspect the newborn kittens to check that they are properly formed. Be very careful not to cause them any unnecessary harm or anxiety.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Igloo Dog House and Purses And Handbags

Choosing an Automatic Litter Box

The automatic litter box is a match made in heaven for cat owners who want as little contact as possible with the litter box. Or perhaps, you're the proud owner of multiple cats and you are tired of scooping the litter box all day long....

Whatever your reason may be, you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed with all the litter box choices. "Which is the best, the least expensive, will it last?"... are some questions that might concern you.

They certainly are valid since the average self cleaning litter box costs around $80-100! Yikes.... So how do you choose one that your cats will like?

First, you'll need to decide a few things:

  • Do you want the freedom to use your favorite litter or change it whenever you find a sale?
  • Is your cat picky about using a particular type of litter?
  • Are you okay with buying refill cartridges every month?
  • Are you aware that even though the boxes are automatic they still need routine maintenance such as cleaning or replacing cartridges?

If you'd like something more traditional looking, there are boxes with rakes such as the Littermaid that are designed like a typical litter box. They have built in sensors to detect when your cat exits the box.
The sensors will then set off the cleaning cycle 10 minutes after your cat leaves the box. Some boxes, such as the ScoopFree Ultra have a timer that can be pre-set by you.

Because chances are... if there's something smelly in the litter box, you won't want to wait 10 whole minutes to be rid of it!

With the ScoopFree, you are limited to a certain type of litter (Fresh Step Crystals recommended) so if you like to bargain hunt for the cheapest litter this may pose a problem. Of course, you'll also need to keep your furry friend's needs in mind... she may not like using crystal litter!

The ScoopFree, has received some very good reviews with only minor complaints about purchasing refill cartridges frequently.

However, the great benefit of the disposable cartridge is that you can change out the litter easily by covering the cartridge and disposing it in the garbage. You simply replace it with another, no washing required.

For best results, the disposable cartridge needs to be replaced every 20-30 days for one cat and more frequently for multiples.

The ScoopFree Ultra, is an upgraded version which allows you to set the timer to 5, 10 or 20 minutes after your cat leaves the box, it also comes with a hood for privacy and a "health counter" which tracks your cats litter box visits.

There are some self cleaning boxes that have a unique design such as the Litter Robot which takes the shape of a round globe with an entryway for your cat. Once your cat enters, the built in sensor will count down from 7 minutes and start the cleaning cycle and rotate the globe upside down to then sift the litter and dispose of any dirty litter in the storage compartment below.

It also has a weight sensor to detect if another cat has entered the box and if they do, the timer then resets itself, so you won't have to worry about your cat being trapped.

With the Litter Robot, you have the freedom to use the litter of your choice. There are no other extra refill cartridges to purchase, however, it is not the least expensive box available if not one of the most expensive.

This self cleaning box has also been raved as a good investment and some owners claim it has lasted them many years.

Before making an investment in a self cleaning litter box, be sure to research the user reviews on each one and be mindful of complaints that warrant attention. It is also important to find out the return policy of the manufacturer and what you should do if you have a box malfunction.

Read more automatic litter box reviews from cat lovers (and their cats).
Please also visit Cat Litter Critic for more cat litter and box reviews.
This article is free to publish with resource box, all links must remain live.

The Truth About Cat Stress and Idiopathic Cystitis in Cats

Are you frustrated with constant bouts of cystitis in cats in your feline companion? Has your vet diagnosed him with idiopathic cystitis in cats? Have you wondered if cat stress has something to do with the recurring episodes of FLUTD? Read on for answers to your questions.

What Is Feline Idiopathic Cystitis?

Your cat shows all the symptoms of cystitis in cats. He strains to urinate, but doesn't pass much urine. His urine may be bloody. He's obviously in pain when he's using the litter box. And he may be urinating in places other than his litter box.

But when your vet examines him and runs a urinalysis and a urine culture, there's no sign of a bladder infection. There's no bacteria in his urine, and bladder stones, tumors, and even an anatomical defect have all been ruled out.

Feline idiopathic cystitis is the diagnosis when there doesn't seem to be any reason for feline urinary problems. It's very difficult to watch your cat suffer with FLUTD symptoms when there doesn't appear to be any reason for these cat urinary problems. The worst thing is that this condition is becoming more common in cats as time goes on.

Is Cat Stress Related To Idiopathic Cystitis In Cats?

Research is showing that this condition in cats is very similar to interstitial cystitis in people. In both cats and people, some sort of stressful event often happens just before the cat or person suffers another bout of cystitis.

Sometimes we don't realize how much stress our cats face. It may be hard to believe, but being an indoor cat is stressful for felines. We keep them inside for their own safety, but this is an unnatural environment for felines. They do like to prowl around, especially at night. Hunting for food provides lots of exercise that keeps them in shape.

We also feed them the wrong type of diet, which is another stressor. Most dry cat foods are made mostly from corn, which is very high in carbohydrates. Too much of the wrong type of food leads to obesity, feline diabetes, and other health issues.

Something that many cat owners don't consider is that the moisture level in dry cat food is extremely low. Cats are meant to get most of their water from their diet, which should be mostly meat-based. A cat who is always fed dry food is more than likely chronically dehydrated. Even if a cat who is fed dry food does drink water, it's hard for him to drink enough.

The problem with a dehydrated cat is that water doesn't pass through his body often enough to flush out toxins. His urine is also concentrated. Urine is caustic, and if it's too concentrated, it can irritate the bladder, which leads to cystitis. Concentrated urine also has high mineral levels, which can result in cat bladder stones, and urinary blockage in cats.

This type of stress is low-level, but it can lead to problems over time.

Your cat may be facing other types of stress. Cats are very set in their ways, and any kind of change can be upsetting for them. Moving to a new home, remodeling, adding another person or pet to the household, even a change in the weather, can all be stressful for your cat. Your cat may be having problems with another cat in the home, too, especially if the other pet is more aggressive and seems to bother him a lot.

Reducing Cat Stress

It's been shown that reducing stress in cats does reduce the frequency of cystitis in cats. It's also important to feed your cat a diet more naturally suited for felines to reduce stress on his body.

You may also want to consider trying a natural remedy for cat bladder infection. The incidence of feline urinary problems can often reduced by giving your kitty a cat uti remedy that contains herbs and homeopathic remedies known to cure bladder problems.

By taking these steps to help your furball, you can solve the problem of idiopathic cystitis in cats.

Darlene Norris has combined her long-time interest in natural healing with her experience working at a vet clinic to bring you her new website, Natural Pet Urinary Health. Learn how to prevent idiopathic cystitis in cats, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies at

Has Your Cat Been Diagnosed With Feline Idiopathic Cystitis?

If your furball has been diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis in cats, you probably have a lot of questions. Read on to learn more about this condition, and how you can help your cat with natural remedies for pets.

What Is Feline Idiopathic Cystitis?

"Idiopathic" is a fancy word that means "we don't know what's causing it." When it comes to feline lower urinary tract disease, this can be very frustrating. Cystitis in cats is a very common condition, unfortunately. And an even more unfortunate fact is that in nearly half of the cats diagnosed with FLUTD, there doesn't seem to be a cause.

Some vets refer to this condition as "feline interstitial cystitis" because it's very similar to interstitial cystitis in humans.

How Feline Idiopathic Cystitis Resembles Interstitial Cystitis In People

Comparing these conditions in both cats and humans show some interesting results.

  • People with interstitial cystitis have more sensory nerves in their bladders. Many cats who have FLUTD do, too.
  • Often a person with interstitial cystitis doesn't have the mucus lining in their bladders that protects the bladder from becoming irritated by urine. This is true of cats with idiopathic cystitis in cats, also.
  • Recurring bladder infections are a problem in both humans and cats.
  • Stress seems to be a precipitating factor for cystitis both in cats and in humans.

There are studies going on to find out if both people and cats are suffering from the same condition. If so, human treatments may be helpful for kitties, as well.

Drug Treatments For Idiopathic Cystitis In Cats

If your cat is having a lot of severe episodes, your vet may prescribe amitriptyline. It relieves the pain and inflammation associated with cystitis in cats. Side effects can include sleepiness, weight gain, bladder stones, and urine retention. Your cat may not groom himself as much, either.

Steroids may be given to reduce bladder inflammation. Glucosamine has been found to repair the mucus lining of the bladder, so your vet may want to try that.

What Can You Do At Home To Help A Cat With FLUTD?

Diet is very important for these cats. There has always been an emphasis on reducing the acidity of the urine, along with decreasing the amount of magnesium and calcium in the urine. But the latest research shows that the rate of water turnover is the most important.

What this means is that you need to increase your cat's water intake. This will keep his urine dilute to keep the acidity lower, and prevent high mineral levels.

If you feed your cat dry food, it's very important to switch him over to canned food. Dry food has moisture levels below ten percent. Why is this a problem? Because cats are made to get most of their water from their food. In a natural setting, cats eat mice and other animals, which are 98% water. They don't need to drink much water.

Canned food is has a 75% moisture level, which is certainly better than the moisture level in dry food. It can be difficult to switch a cat who has always eaten dry food over to canned food, but patience and persistence over several months often pays off in better health for your kitty.

Reducing your cat's stress levels is important, too. Many cats will have episodes of feline lower urinary tract disease after a stressful event like moving. Some cats are even affected by weather changes.

Natural Remedies For Pets Can Help

Many cat owners have had great success with treating their cats with a natural remedy made especially for pets. This cat uti remedy contains uva ursi and barberry, two herbs with a long history of use in treating human bladder problems. It also contains the homeopathic remedies Cantharis and Staphysagria. This remedy is safe for long-term use in cats, and is very effective for preventing cat urinary problems.

Put this to the test right away, and see how well this remedy works on your cat with feline idiopathic cystitis.

Darlene Norris has combined her long-time interest in natural healing with her experience working at a vet clinic to bring you her new website, Natural Pet Urinary Health. Learn how to prevent feline idiopathic cystitis, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies at

Cat Towers & Gyms - Providing Your Feline With a Great Place to Have Fun

Does your feline like to run all over the house jumping on and off your furniture in the process? You know why she is doing it right? She is not doing it to irritate you, but she is doing it to play and have a good time. So, if you want to keep your furniture from taking a beating and getting ruined by her claws, you need to give her a nice place to play and cat towers and gyms would be a perfect spot for her to do just that.

Not quite sure what cat towers and gyms are? Well, they are these large structures that are filled with different juxtaposing limbs, perches, ramps, tunnels, and curved areas where your cat can jump, play, and even swing to her heart's content. One will give your feline an awesome place to expel some of her energy all while doing it in a safe way since these structures are covered in a soft, yet durable fabric with carpeting being the most often used material option. That plush fabric also provides your kitty with a nice place to take a nap if she wants to too. So, if she is really worn down after jumping and running around, she could just curl up in the tunnel or on one of the perches.

Some cat towers and gyms will have toys built right into them too. Like you can get ones with hanging toys, providing your kitty with something fun to swat and paw at. And, there are other options that will have sisal rope scratching posts providing your feline with a nice place to scratch, something that will also keep her paws in check as well.

Okay, so maybe you do not have enough room in your home for cat towers and gyms, yet still need a way for your furry companion to play and have a good time. Well, there are still some options that you can take advantage of. For instance, you could just get a small scratching post for her to scratch on. One would be just the right size for putting in a corner. Or you could get her a ton of toys too. For example, there are interactive puzzle toys or others zip around on the floor and do not forget about the catnip toy options.

Sold on the idea of cat towers and gyms and purchasing one for your feline friend? If you answered yes to that question, then head over to your computer to do some online shopping to find the perfect one for her. Yes, online shopping is the way to go since you do not have to get in the car to drive anywhere to do it. Plus, when you do decide on something, you can compare the price of it on different sites to find it at the best prices possible.

When it comes down it, cat towers and gyms are just a great way for your kitty to have a good time so make sure to get one for her today.

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of a wide variety of online specialty shops including that offer both items and information on pets. Whether it is pet supplies for your family companion, or even cat furniture for your cat, there are many tips you can use to help you make your home a better place for your pet. Click today and indulge your pet's senses.

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease - Will Your Cat Be a Victim?

Are you concerned about feline lower urinary tract disease? All cat owners should be aware of cat urinary health issues to prevent their cats from becoming victims of this common feline problem.

What Cat Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms Should You Be Aware Of?

Sometimes the most obvious symptom is that your cat is urinating outside the litter box. As wonderful as cats are, they don't have advanced powers of reasoning. If your cat is hurting every time he uses the litter pan, he thinks that somehow the litter pan is causing his pain. In his little kitty mind, if he urinates someplace else, it won't hurt when he goes.

Of course, we humans know it doesn't work that way. But if your cat suddenly stops using his litter box, it may not be a behavior issue. It could be one of several cat urinary tract infection symptoms.

If you use clumping cat litter, be observant of the size of the clumps when you scoop or change his litter. You should see a few large clumps. A whole bunch of little clumps indicates that he can't pass much urine at one time. This is another symptom of feline urinary problems.

Bloody urine is another clue to watch for. It's a little harder to see in cats than it is in dogs. However, if your cat is urinating outside his box, you may be more apt to notice it.

Be aware of your cat's behavior in his litter box. Is he crying out in pain when he tries to urinate? Is he straining to pass urine? Often cat owners mistake this for constipation.

Your cat should be using his litter box several times a day. If he is urinating less and less, or stops completely, he may have a cat urinary blockage, which is a veterinary emergency.

Treatments For FLUTD

In order to treat feline lower urinary tract disease, your vet will need to run several tests to find out what's going on with your cat. A urinalysis is necessary to determine if your cat has a bladder infection, or if he has feline bladder stones. A cat urine culture will tell your vet which bacteria are causing the problem, and a sensitivity test indicates which antibiotic will work best.

If your cat has a feline bladder infection, antibiotics are the usual course of treatment. Bladder stones in cats are a common problem, too. Your cat may have to eat a special diet so the stones can dissolve. If your cat is blocked, he may need to be catheterized.

Can FLUTD Be Prevented?

You can prevent your cat from becoming a statistic by taking these easy steps.

First, feed your cat a high-quality canned food. In the wild, cats are meant to get their water from their food, which is why cats don't seem to drink much water. When we take our cats out of a natural situation and feed them an unnatural diet of dry food with an extremely low moisture content, we're setting them up for urinary tract infection symptoms.

Canned cat food has a moisture level of about 75%, which is much closer to a cat's natural diet. If your cat has always been fed dry food, he may resist a change in his diet. Cats are notoriously resistant to change, but with patience, time, and persistence, you can switch him over to canned food.

A steady supply of clean, fresh water is a must, too.

Consider giving your feline friend a natural cat UTI remedy that supports bladder health. Look for a remedy that's made especially for cats. You'll want to deal only with a company with a sterling reputation for producing only the highest quality pet remedies.

Don't let your cat become a victim of FLUTD. Start taking steps now to protect your cat from feline lower urinary tract disease.

Darlene Norris has combined her long-time interest in natural healing with her experience working at a vet clinic to bring you her new website, Natural Pet Urinary Health. Learn how you can prevent feline lower urinary tract disease, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies at

Cat Toys - Perfect For Giving Your Feline Something Fun to Play With

If you do not give your furry feline something fun to play with, then he or she will take it upon his or herself to find something to pass the time. So, if you want your shoes to be ruined or remote control to be wrecked, then do not provide the little guy or gal something to have fun with. But, if you do care about your belongings, then make sure to purchase some cat toys for him or her.

Cat toys offer your companion a great way to stay occupied and what is nice about them is that there are actually a slew of different options to pick from. For example, you can get interactive puzzle ones that have treats inside them. When your cat plays with it, he or she has to figure out how to get the treat out of it, offering him or her hours and hours of fun. There are also hanging options that you can hang from a doorknob or on a nail off the wall, giving your furball something fun to paw at. There are also options that wind up and run all over the floor, like those that are in the shape of mice. You can even get remote control options like this one too. And, do not forget about those cat nip selections, which are a great way to tire out your cat to help them calm down.

If you do not think that cat toys are enough to keep your feline occupied, there are a number of cat furniture options that you can pick from that will offer your companion an awesome place to play. For instance, you can get your feline a kitty gym that has different juxtaposing limbs, perches, and tunnels where you kitty can jump around and play on. There are also cat scratching posts perfect for letting your kitty scratch away and get his or her aggression out and you can even get larger cat towers that have multiple levels.

For a fast and effortless way to look into all the cat toys and cat furniture selections that you could get for your furry companion, the thing to do is to jump on the Internet for some online shopping. Seriously, it is the route that you should take because for one, you do not have to go anywhere to do it since you can just sit in front of your computer and browse through the many online retailers and their offerings in no time at all. This is a great way to find what you want at the best possible prices too, plus, what you buy will be shipped right to you so no having to worry about spending any time or money driving anywhere.

In the end, if you want to keep your cat from ruining the things around your home, make sure that you purchase some cat toys for your little guy or gal. There are many options to choose from, all of which will be sure to please.

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of a wide variety of online specialty shops including that offer both items and information on pets. Whether it is puppy supplies [] for your family companion, or even cat supplies for your kitten, there are many tips you can use to help you make your home a better place for your pet. Click today and indulge your pet's senses.

Is This Cat Suitable For Your Lifestyle?

Do you think every cat is the same, well think again, each cat, like humans have their own distinct personality and breed specific traits. From a domestic cat to a pedigreed cat the differences vary in numerous ways.

Prior to choosing your new cat, especially if you are looking at purchasing a particular breed, it's imperative that you know something about their temperament. You should never purchase a breed just because you like their looks, but one that's also suitable to your lifestyle.

If you have a hectic lifestyle, you want a breed that is going to be low maintenance and independent. If you're looking for a cat for companionship, you want a breed that is affectionate and loving, not one that is aloof and standoffish. If you have children, you want to ensure that the breed you pick is laidback, gentle and tolerant not one that is skittish or aggressive in nature. Remember, you are the one making the choice not the cat! If you pick a breed that isn't suitable to your lifestyle the cat is the one that pays the price, 9 time out of 10 it's through the loss of their life.

Another thing to take into consideration, when people see a pedigree cat in a shelter, they automatically believe that there is something wrong with the cat. Why would someone pay "big bucks" for a pedigree cat and put the cat in a shelter if there wasn't? When people have this mindset, the possibilities of the cat in question being adopted are severely limited. Would you put your baby up for adoption because he or she didn't meet your expectations? Cats are living creatures that deserve the right to live a long and happy life and should never be treated as a disposable item, simply because you made the wrong choice.

Animal shelters are already overloaded not only with strays, but with a number of pedigrees as well. We're seeing more and more pedigree cats in shelters each day, through no fault of their own, but due to the fact, the person purchasing them didn't educate himself or herself on the breed first. Unfortunately, with shelters being overcrowded, the majority of these cats won't have an opportunity to find a forever loving home.

Most shelters require Government assistance, but in order to receive Government assistance, they have a number of restrictions that they must abide by or they lose their funding. Regrettably, one of these restrictions is the length of time they may remain in the shelter, prior to being put down. Unless the shelter is self-funded, they have no say in the matter. As much as they would love to keep the cat, they don't have that option. They do everything within their powers to try to find the cat a home, but when time is limited and there are so many pets in shelters, it's simply not possible.

Please don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution! You can and will make a difference if you take the time to learn about the breed you're interested in prior to purchasing that cute little kitty. Ethical breeders are more than willing to discuss the personality of the breed. In fact, ethical breeders will question you to ensure that their kittens are going to a good home. Most breeders are not in the business to make money, but for the betterment of the breed and their love of animals.

Ethical breeders rarely sell their cats to pet stores, thus if you are purchasing a kitten from a pet store you are most likely receiving a kitten from a Kitty Mill.

Kitty Mill breeders don't care about the welfare of their cats their in it strictly for the money. They breed indiscriminately, without any sound knowledge of genetics. The end results are serious health issues and shorter life spans for the kittens involved. You can help put an end to Kitty Mills by NOT purchasing your cat from a pet store find a reputable breeder. If they don't have a kitten available, they can usually provide you with the name and number of a breeder that can. Please, keep in mind, if a breeder if over eager to sell you a cat without asking you any questions, chances are you are dealing with a Kitty Mill.

Cilantro and Tarragon

Cat Tales by Cilantro and Tarragon, Inc.


Feline Urinary Problems - What Every Cat Owner Should Know

Did you know that up to 1.5 percent of all cats in the US are plagued with feline urinary problems? That's a lot of cats.

These problems can range from an uncomfortable cat bladder infection to a life-threatening cat urinary blockage. An an informed cat owner, you should always be on the lookout for cat urinary problems.

What's The Difference Between FUS And FLUTD?

Many cat owners are confused, and rightfully so, over the terms used to describe cat urinary problems. FLUTD is an acronym that stands for Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease. FLUTD used to be known as FUS, or Feline Urologic Syndrome. Feline Urologic Syndrome has been renamed as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease to reflect that most of the urinary problems in cats happen in the lower urinary tract, which includes the bladder and urethra.

Overview Of Feline Urinary Disease

There are many different aspects to feline urinary problems. Here's a quick overview of a few different conditions that can affect your cat's urinary tract.

  • Cystitis is an inflammation of your cat's bladder.
  • If your cat's urethra is inflamed, he has urethritis.
  • Idiopathic cystitis means that the cause of the bladder inflammation is not known.
  • Bladder stones in cats often occur as a result of feline urinary crystals.
  • A tumor in your cat's bladder may cause problems, too.

You can see that it's important to pinpoint what's causing your cat's urinary tract problems in order to treat his condition successfully.

Symptoms of Cat Urinary Problems

No matter what's causing the feline urinary tract problems, your cat will show these symptoms:

  • Bloody urine
  • Urinating in places other than his litter box
  • Urinating often, but passing only small amounts of urine
  • Straining to urinate, or not being able to pass urine at all
  • Crying out in pain in the litter box

Any of these symptoms should be enough for you to take your cat to the vet for a check-up.

What Your Vet Will Do

Your vet will examine your cat and feel his bladder to see how full it is. The vet will also want to do a urinalysis to check for infection or feline urinary crystals, and may want to do a cat urine culture to see if bacteria are present. If your cat's bladder is distended, that indicates a cat urinary blockage, and your vet may want to take x-rays or do an ultrasound to look for cat bladder stones.

What Can You Do To Prevent Feline Urinary Disease?

There are many steps cat owners can take to prevent their cats from developing feline urinary tract problems. The most important thing you can do is to feed a high-quality canned food. Cats are supposed to get most of their water from their food.

A cat who eats only dry food is usually chronically dehydrated, which leads to his urine becoming concentrated. And concentrated urine can lead to cat bladder stones, and a whole host of problems that goes along with them.

Be sure your cat always has access to plenty of clean, fresh water, too.

You may want to consider giving your cat a natural remedy for pets that supports bladder health in felines. This remedy should contain herbal extracts of barberry and uva ursi, along with the homeopathic remedies Cantharis and Staphysagria. These natural treatments have stood the test of time for bladder infections in humans, and they have been proven to work very well in cats.

Your goal now? To make sure your cat doesn't become a statistic suffering from feline urinary problems.

Darlene Norris has combined her long-time interest in natural healing with her experience working at a vet clinic to bring you her new website, Natural Pet Urinary Health. Learn how to prevent feline urinary problems, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies at

Cat Giving Birth - What You Should Really Know When it is Time For Labor

You will usually see a mucus discharge from the vaginal opening, which indicates that birth is imminent. You should be on hand to comfort her but do not be too hasty about stepping in to help.

You may do more harm than good. The queen should deliver the first kitten within 15 minutes of her first beginning to crouch, strain and cry, and she will purr throughout the entire delivery.

The remaining kittens will be delivered at intervals of between 5 and 30 minutes. If the kitten is delivered head first, the queen should need no help. If it is delivered hind feet first or breech birth and it does not arrive for five minutes or so, you will need to assist.

Make sure your hands are clean, wrap a soft towel around the kitten's body and gently manipulate him, trying to coordinate with the mother's contractions, if possible. Do not pull on the tail or the legs or they may come off in your hands.

Do not squeeze the abdomen either. If labor continues and no kittens appear for more than an hour, or if a kitten or two have been born and labor goes on for another hour or so without another kitten appearing, then you should call the veterinarian.

He will instruct you as to the best course of action; this might involve taking your queen into his office so that he can assist. If you allow labor to go on too long without kittens appearing, you risk not only having the kittens die but also possibly losing your queen.

When preparing for a home birth, make sure that you have the following items on hand:

- hand towels
- kitchen towels
- sterilized scissors
- heating pad or hot water bottle
- clean bedding
- garbage bags

The queen delivers her first kitten within about 15 minutes of the onset of labor. Depending on the number of kittens, labor will last for up to two or three hours. Soon after being born, the kittens will shakily make their way around their mother's nipples and start feeding.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Cat Pet Supplies [] and Reader Sunglasses []

Electrocution and Drowning - Information That You Should Know When it Happens to Your Cat

Many cats, especially kittens, will chew on wires. Some even like to chew on wire coat hangers. With today's electrical equipment, it may be almost impossible to wire proof your house.

If your cat has been electrocuted, do not touch him until you have turned off the power and removed the plug from the socket. Check for his heartbeat by feeling the lower part of his chest just behind the left foreleg.

If he is unconscious, you may need to rush him to the veterinarian for treatment. Never attempt to resuscitate him yourself. If the shock is not sufficient to render him senseless, it can still inflict a serious burn on his tongue or in his mouth.

Take him to the veterinarian as soon as you can to avoid any possibility of gangrene. To protect your cat from any further shocks, remember to unplug appliances when you are not using them and to keep cords out of reach.

What about drowning? Although they may be very good swimmers, cats, just like people, can drown, particularly if they fall into a swimming pool. Even a toilet bowl can be hazardous to a kitten.

If your cat is drowning, remove him from the water as quickly as possible. Then, holding him by his hind legs, swing him gently between your legs until all the water has been expelled. If he has problems breathing or acts abnormally, contact your veterinarian.

Cats have no concept of the danger of the roads. Because cars do not smell like predators, cats cannot understand that they can be harmed by them. So if you live on a bust road, it is best to keep your cat indoors.

To revive your cat if he is drowning, swing him between your legs. Continue to do so until the water in his lungs gushes outward, and it has all been expelled.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Cat Pet Supplies [] and Reader Sunglasses []