When you are at home and a cat emergency should arise there are thing to do, first and foremost you must try and keep a cool head, and in control as well, then you can take quick action, you will want to get your cat to your vet as soon as possible. You will want to call your Vet to let them know that you have an emergency, and what it is about. The vet will give you advice as to what the correct things to do for your cat; it just might save your cats life in the long run. Here are some are something's you will want to know about taking care of injured cat.
Car injury: Vary carefully lift the cat, putting one hand behind the neck and chest and the other behind his hips. Very carefully place the cat into a carrier or a cardboard box large enough for the cat to lie as comfortable as possible on his side. You will want to pad the carrier with newspaper or even with a towel or maybe a blanket to keep him warm and fight off shock as well. Contact your Vet and explain what has happened, and carefully get your cat to the Vet as quickly as possible.
Cat Burns: with a burn locate the injury exactly then you will want to apply cold water or even an ice pack to the infected area, be very careful and try to avoid coming in contact with the burn. The area will be very sensitive to touch. Contact the Vet and let them know what has happened and you are on your way to the office with your cat.
Cuts and abrasions: You can use a clean wash cloth or a towel or maybe even a handkerchief to cover the wound and press lightly but firmly to help with the bleeding, contact your Vet for instructions for caring for the abrasion and transport your cat to Vet office quickly as possible.
Cat Choking: The cat could have already swallowed that which is making him chock. Open the cat's mouth by pressing on both sides of the jaw and see if the obstruction is still visible. NOTE: Be sure not to tilt the cats head back, because this will cause him to swallow and could be lost deeper in the cat throat .If you see the obstruction use a pair of needle nose pliers and remove the object, if you can. You may even try to hold the cat upside down and press on his chest firmly with both of your hands. Even if you not able to see the object, or remove the blockage check around the cat throat for damage. Again contact Vet let them know what happen and transport to clinic as soon as possible
We hope that these directions just might help you in a serious condition, but as always first control, and then contact your Vet for complete direction on care of the cat.
NOTE: This article is for information only. See your veterinarian for medical advice.
We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.
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