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Stop Your Cat Scratching and Save Your Furniture!

I used to have a real problem with my cat scratching. My couch ended up totally shredded and looked just like something from the reject store. My carpets were looking decidedly threadbare in places, but no matter what I tried, I just couldn't get her to stop. I bought one of those special cat scratching posts, but she just ignored it whilst she walked past on her way to the couch!

I was at my wits end... until I decided to get smart and learn the secrets to stopping this destructive behavior.

First of all, you have to realize that scratching it perfectly normal behavior for cats. They use it as a way of marking their territory, removing the dead outer layer of their claws and keeping muscles in shape. So you have to accept that your cat is still going to scratch whatever you do. Your job is to teach her that it's more pleasurable to scratch the things you choose rather than your brand new couch.

When a cat is outside, they are more likely to choose a handy tree to scratch, and whilst this might not be the most useful thing to have in the house, you can provide her with the next best thing to shred. The commercial scratching posts covered in Sisal rope are ideal, as this provides a satisfyingly rough surface for her claws. You will need to make sure that the post is tall enough for her to extend her body fully, and it must be stable. If it topples while she uses it, she won't trust it again.

So- how do you persuade her to use the scratching post rather than your furniture? You need to get smart here and make using the post her preferred option. Start by placing the post near to the places where she usually goes to scratch. The next stage is to help her to connect the scratching post with pleasurable experiences; play with her and give her plenty of fuss and attention near the post. Try rubbing cat nip into it, or hanging dangling toys from it. This will encourage her to 'attack' them and dig her claws into the post.

Don't be tempted to hold her paws and try to show her how to scratch- this will feel threatening to her and will put her off going near it. If you see her use it, make sure you give her plenty of fuss or a treat, and she will soon learn to repeat this. In time, she will hopefully regard the scratching post as her own- by scratching it she will mark it with her scent. In the meantime, there are things you can do to put her off scratching where she shouldn't, such as using citrus oil, which cats hate, and covering unwanted scratching areas with foil.

Once she has got used to using the scratching post, it may be an idea to get more than one and place them in the main areas you cat frequents. Don't be tempted to throw the post out when it gets shredded- in your cat's eyes it will have only just been broken in!

Are you having problems with your cat shredding your furniture? Are behavior problems becoming a real headache? Drop by our blog for tips and resources on how to deal with the most common cat training issues, and get your free e-course on common toileting problems.

Litter Box Training - Are You Making These Common Mistakes?

Are you having problems with your cat going to the toilet where she shouldn't, even though you have provided her with a perfectly good litter box? Fed up with the resulting mess and smell?

I was at a total loss when my cat suddenly stopped using her box and started to use my bathroom carpet instead! No matter what I tried, nothing seemed to work, and every morning there would be a fresh pool of urine by the bathroom door. I couldn't get rid of the smell, and even considered getting rid of my cat! But what I hadn't realized was that I was putting her off using it without even being aware. Here are five of the most common mistakes people make when trying to train their cats to use the litter box;

1. They buy a box that is too small. Your cat must have enough room to turn around in it comfortably, as cats will often circle before 'doing their business'. If it is too cramped, she will be put off using it.

2. They place the box in a busy area; if your cat is constantly disturbed when using her litter box, this will also put her off. Place the box in a quiet area, not where people or other pets will be constantly walking by. Placing the box in front of a household appliance which could make a sudden noise, such as a washing machine, could also put her off.

3. They use the wrong cat litter. Cats have preferences like we do, and if your cat does not use the box, it could be that she doesn't like the litter you are using. Try changing it for a different type.

4. They don't clean the box often enough. Cats like to be clean, and won't use a litter box that is too dirty. She is more likely to want to use it if you keep it clean and fresh.

5. They don't provide enough litter boxes for the cats in their household. One litter box is not enough for more than one cat; the other cats in the household may feel intimidated when trying to use the box, and it is more difficult to keep the box clean. The best rule of thumb is to provide at least one litter box for each cat.

If you are making one or more of these mistakes, hopefully it should only take a couple of changes for your cat to start using her litter box. I changed the position of mine, tried new cat litter and she's been using it ever since!

Are you having problems training your cat? Is litter training becoming a real headache? Drop by our blog to find out how to deal with the most common cat training problems. Also visit to discover the one thing you must never do when training your cat.

Cat Care During Cold Weather

In spite of the fact that a cat has an external covering of fur coat which is supposed to keep it warm, the fur coat may provides little protection during the cold winter. Have you ever experienced the coldness during very cold weather even with your winter coat on? If yes, you should be able to understand how freezing cold your cat could feel if you leave it unprotected for some time. This is not something that can be taken lightly as the coldness may leads to hypothermia, and when such medical condition get worst, it can be life threatening.

It is important for you to be aware where your feline is during very cold winter. If your cat has the habit of answering to the call of nature outdoor, make sure it is back in the house within minutes. Kittens, cats suffering from any illness or cats with thin covering of fur coat should be restricted from getting out of the house. Try using litter box in the house during cold days. Make sure your feline's fur coat stays dry during this period, and if for whatever reasons it get itself drenched, make sure you dry it immediately even it happened indoor.

It is the best option to keep your pet indoor during cold days. Make sure it cannot find its way out to the cold world because if it gets too far and the visibility is down to a few meters due to heavy snowing, your pet would stand a high chance of losing its way home. And if it is out in such freezing environment for too long, the risk of capturing hypothermia will definitely be high.

So what exactly is hypothermia? Well it is a medical condition resulted from extreme coldness which could lead to malfunction of organs in the body. If your cat is exposed to extremely cold temperature, frostbite might occur as its body needs to warm up the important organs by shutting down less important body parts. Observe your cat carefully and if its movement starts to slow down, body begins to shiver and breathing becomes shallower, it most probably suffering from hypothermia. Do what it takes to gently warm your pet up or else, it would eventually pass out and die.

To make your cat warm will be good for it but it is best advice not to do it too quickly like putting directly into warm water. A quick sudden increase in temperature will only do more harm. Warm your feline's body slowly by covering its body with warm blanket and providing it with warmer environment. You may also use a hairdryer, but make sure you turn the setting to a lower mode and do not get too near to avoid burning its body. Ensure that your cat has really warm up and that you have covered its body with enough protection from cold before you take it out of the house to visit the vet.

You may have ensured that all doors and windows are closed, but cats being cats still stand a chance of getting out of the house. Remember to check out your pet cat frequently and observe its behavior to see if it is shivering from the coldness. If your feline is showing any symptom of being cold, warm its body slowly by using the tips as mentioned. This advice is crucial to the life of your pet.

Any responsible cat owner will provide the best care for his or her feline. Learn more about the caring [] of pet cats from the experts at []

Cats and Cat Toys For Our Feline Friends

They say that the world divides into cat people and dog people. While that may be so for some, I believe it's more a matter of loving animals in general and wanting them in your life. Whether it's a cat or a dog, or some other critter for that matter, what counts is having animal companions.

That said, I freely admit that I am a cat person who's been enchanted with feline friends for many decades. As far as I am concerned, there isn't a more perfect creature on the face of this earth. I currently have three cats and I never tire watching them play and do their thing. Each has a different personality and style. Each has their own cat toys, and each has little quirks, likes and dislikes.

What's interesting about cats is that unlike humans, they never seem to get tired of playing. One of my cats is three and the other two, siblings, are seven or eight. You'd think the three-year-old kitty is still a teenager and playful whereas the other two are adults, but they all seem to enjoy playing equally. And no matter how many times I put their cat toys in the basket where they belong, the cats think differently and drag them all over the house.

Sometimes it seems that cats love to play with just about anything. Socks, wads of paper, cardboard boxes, string and, of course, anything they can bat and roll around. I also buy them presents and so there's a whole bunch of cat toys all over the house. My two older cats are small and you'd swear they were still kittens. They absolutely love to run after balls, and so they have an assortment of colored balls, some with feathers on them, and some with bells and other noisy things inside them.

Stitch, my three-year-old cat, is a large Russian Blue (or at least he looks like one) who's aloof and aristocratic. You'd swear he were the elder statesman of the house, and not the baby. His one weakness is catnip mice and other fluffy little cat toys that he can chase around. They almost inevitably end up under a sofa or behind the fridge, and then he tries for hours to reach them.

All three absolutely love to chase after a laser pointer. When they first came out, laser pointers cost a fortune, but today you can get them for a few dollars in cat toy stores. If there's one toy cats never seem to tire of, it must be a laser pointer. A close second are what I call "cat teasers." That's the fishing rod kind of toys that have feathers and fur balls attached. My cats just love to go after them. When Stitch was a kitten, he used to do back flips trying to get at the feathers.

Another category of cat toys is cat scratchers and gyms. If your kitty is a scratcher, there's no better investment than an assortment of things where he can sharpen his claws on instead of shredding the sofa!

Cats are wonderfully entertaining creatures to begin with, but watching them play with toys is even more fun. I make sure they always have something new and challenging to play with. Cat toys don't cost a lot, so reward and challenge your feline companion(s) with something new to play!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Cats and Cat Toys.

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder, FLUTD and Respiratory Ailments - A Beginner's Guide

If your cat is having trouble urinating, if you see him straining in a squatting position or if there is blood in his urine, take him to the veterinarian at once. He could have Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder or FLUTD.

Other signs include not using the litter pan, incontinence and frequent licking of the genital area. If your cat's urinary tract is blocked, he will die without immediate treatment.

It is not known what causes FLUTD, or why episodes recur. Urinary stones are one cause and cystitis, a urethral plug or a tumor may be others. Although we do not know yet how to prevent it, increasing the water intake, and decreasing stress, may help.

Most importantly, feeding a cat food that results in acidic urine and is low in magnesium can help to maintain urinary tract health.

Respiratory Ailments

Cats are prone to respiratory problems. Although you have already protected your cat against the serious cat flu, or FVR, he is still susceptible to other infections. Early signs of respiratory ailments include watery eyes, sneezing and coughing.

You should take your cat to the veterinarian as soon as these signs appear or nose and chest congestion develop. Your veterinarian may prescribe a course of antibiotics (be sure to finish the entire course, no stopping just because the signs seem to have gone away).

The cat may also need eye drops or nose drops. If he is severely congested, you may be advised to try a bulb type aspirator. Although the veterinarian will give the medication that is best for your cat's illness, it is up to you to provide the tender loving care.

You may need to coax the cat to eat and he will usually recover far more quickly at home that in the hospital. Be sure to follow the general care recommendations.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Cat Pet Supplies [] and Trampolines For Sale []

Blood in Cat Urine - Ideas For Helping Your Cat

Blood in cat urine can be caused by many different things. Veterinarians will tell you that cat urine with blood in it can either be "gross", meaning you can see it with the naked eye, or it may be microscopic, meaning you cannot see it except under a microscope. The medical name for the presence of blood in cat urine is hematuria.

Causes of Blood in Cat Urine

As mentioned above, there can be many reasons for hematuria in your pet. Some of them include:

* Various types of urinary tract infections

* Bladder infections

* Vaginitis in females

* Some forms of urinary cancer

* Urinary tract stones

* Poisoning (especially from rat poison products)

* Accidents or injury

As you can see, cat urine with blood in it can be caused by some very serious conditions, all of which need to be treated by a professionally qualified veterinarian. In some cases, blood in cat urine can indicate a life-threatening condition, and getting your pet to the vet quickly can save its life.

Other Symptoms Associated with Blood in Cat Urine

In addition to seeing cat urine with blood discharges, you may also notice some other signs and symptoms. For instance, you may notice your pet is experiencing pain when urinating. You may also notice that your pet has become weak or is unable to move. There may be pain in the abdominal area, and you may also notice that your pet urinates more often than usual. All of these, along with cat urine with blood in it, are signs of a problem.

Treatment of Blood in Cat urine

Treatment for cat urine with blood depends on the cause. Your vet may need to do several tests to rule out possible causes. This might include anything from urine test to X-rays. Once the underlying cause has been identified, treatment can begin such as making sure your cat is properly hydrated (drinking enough) or if urinary or bladder stones are blocking the path of the urine.

In many cases the reason for blood in cat urine can be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics will take care of most bacterial infections that lead to cat urine with blood in it. In some cases, you may need to change your pet's diet to help reduce the presence of cat bladder stones. More often than not, blood in cat urine will require increased levels of hydration. And if poisoning is suspected, additional levels of Vitamin K may be required.

The key to remember is that blood in cat urine is not normal and should be reported to your vet as soon as possible. Once the underlying reason for the cat urine with blood is known, treatments can begin and recovery can start.

Preventing Cat Urine and Feline Urinary Tract Problems

Your cat's urinary tract leads to the outside of the body so that your cat can urinate. While this allows urine to exit the body, it also provides a path for bacteria to enter. The body uses the chemical makeup of urine (high concentrations of urea) to cleanse the tract and kill organisms such as bacteria to prevent infection. The key to health then is frequent urination which has the effect of "cleansing all the organs in the urinary pathway including the ureters, bladder and kidneys and preventing other problems such as cat bladder infections which leads to problems such as cat urine with blood. You should also make sure your cat's liter box is clean so bacteria that resides on feces isn't entering the body.

Cat's by nature may not drink enough water as they tend to get the moisture they need through their food. Dietary change from dry kibble to canned food may be something to try if your cat is subject to feline urinary tract infections or has minor cases of blood in cat urine. You might also try natural remedies which help the urine and urinary tract maintain the PH necessary for the urine to properly cleanse the system. Ingredients such as Arctostaphylos uva ursi, Berberis vulgaris, Cantharis and Staphysagris are known to safely help maintain and possibly have a positive impact on the bladder and urinary tract. Discuss this option with your veterinarian if blood in cat urine is a continuing concern.

Jeff Grill ihas written hundreds of articles on cat health problems. See this site for more information on Blood in Cat Urine treatment options.

Vaccinations - Does My Cat Need Them?

In this article we will be talking about the notion that if my cat never goes outside then why do they need the vaccinations? Do they really need these shots? It is very important that take your pet to your vet, he will explain the why to you.

Vaccines will protect your cat from different infectious diseases, which include distemper and rabies. Also they can even get what is called upper respiratory disorders infections. Since these infections can be difficult or maybe even impossible to treat sometimes, preventive vaccinations are by far the best medicine. Your Vet can give you all the information about vaccinations and when it is best to get them.

All cats should be vaccinated, especially those cats indoor cats that never set foot indoors. Cats that will never go outside, over a period in time will lose their own natural immunity, and when this happens it will make your cat very vulnerable to different kinds of diseases every time you even open a door, or if he ventures outside somehow. Some of the viruses your cat has to deal with are air born, and there are even others viruses that can even be brought into the house from outside on the bottom of your shoes and even off clothing as well.

There is also the risk that an outside cat can wonder into your cat's space and he or she will come in contact with your cat, and by doing that it will lead to possibly contaminating your cat with a virus. Vaccine works by introducing a milder version of a particular disease into the cat's body. This will cause the cat's immune system to begin to swing into action, and produce antibodies to fight the virus. This way if he should come in contact with this particular virus, the cat's body will call on the immune system to fight off the infection and the virus.

Vaccines don't assure that your pet will have a lifetime of immunity; however for this reason your cat will need a "booster" shot so to speak, and this way his body will stay protected form these viruses. One you have a new kitten they will receive the antibodies from their mothers milk during the first twenty four hours. This will provide him with what is called"passive immunity". The only thing here is that after he is weaned from mom, about week 6 to week 12, the cat become venerable to viruses.

The problem here is that Vet are not sure exactly when the passive immunity will last in the kitten. So as you can see if the passive immunity should wears off before your kitten has a chance to build up his own immunity he can become sick vary easily. When the kitten receives his 'shots' this will insure that his immune system gets a good jump start on life. So to insure he get the full protection your kitten should be re-vaccinated until his immune system takes over and protects him.

NOTE: This article is for information only, contact for vet for medical questions.

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun. Visit our website for products your cat may enjoy and our blog

Tips on Finding a Medication For a Cat Bladder Infection

If you suspect your cat has bladder problems, you need to take him to the vet immediately for treatment. Your vet will probably prescribe a medication for cat bladder infections if bacteria are detected in his urine. However, it's up to you as the owner to decide what treatment route you will take.

As a remedy for cat bladder infection, antibiotics are the treatment of choice. The problem with antibiotics is that they are hard to administer and can actually aggravate your cat's urinary problems because they have to be given in such high doses.

If you want to alleviate your cat's bladder problem but you are worried about the side effects of conventional medication for cat bladder infection, try a natural remedy. Natural remedies can be very helpful and they are better than antibiotics because they are safe and easy to administer.

Not all natural remedies are created equal however. Don't try to concoct your own remedy for cat bladder infection unless you really know what you are doing. For optimal results, look for a homeopathic formula that has been rigorously tested and manufactured in a registered facility.

Herbal medication for cat bladder infection can be just as dangerous as conventional medication. Some herbs interact dangerously with conventional meds and some herbs have dangerous side effects if not used carefully.

Homeopathy is different however. It is an effective remedy for cat bladder infection as well as an effective preventive treatment because it can be safely taken every single day. Homeopathy prevents bladder problems because it maintains a healthy urinary tract, urine flow, and bladder. It also strengthens the immune system.

Homeopathy doesn't cause side effects because it only contains minute amounts of natural ingredients. These minute amounts are effective because they operate on the "like treats like" principle, which means that they aid the body's natural healing process.

Homeopathic medication for cat bladder infection is also easy to administer. You don't have to worry about trying to make your cat swallow a big pill or syrup with a horrible taste. Homeopathic remedies come in a convenient granular form with a palatable taste that can be sprinkled on your cat's tongue or in his food.

So instead of giving your cat medication for cat bladder infections that has questionable side effects, why not give him a homeopathic remedy?

Homeopathic remedies are safe, effective, and easy to administer. They don't only suppress symptoms; they actually cure your cat's urinary problems so he can achieve overall good health and optimal bladder functioning.

John Paduchak is a pet enthusiast and webmaster of and Throughout his life, John grew up on a 140 acre farm in upstate NY and had pet friends of many varieties. Now he currently has 3 cats, freshwater tropical fish, & 4 hermit crabs that he shares with his daughter, Marie. A strong supporter of naturopathy for pets he publishes articles on their care and training.

How to Prevent Cat Bladder Stones

Cat bladder stones, or uroliths, are rock-like accumulations of minerals in your cat's bladder or urinary tract. They can irritate your cat's bladder and cause bleeding. They can also lead to a complete blockage of your cat's urine flow. If left untreated, bladder stones can be fatal for your cat.

A cat bladder stone is usually caused by a bad diet or infection. Both of these issues can be easily prevented at home. While there is no home treatment for dissolving bladder stones, you can prevent them from recurring by making some changes to your cat's lifestyle and habits.

Before you resort to these preventive treatments for cat bladder stones however, make sure your cat gets taken to a vet for prompt treatment. Even going 2-3 days without urinating will cause your cat's bladder to burst and could kill him.

The symptoms of a cat bladder stone include blood in the urine and straining to urinate. Your vet will make the diagnosis by doing X-rays. The stones will be dissolved or removed either through surgery, manipulation, or a special diet.

To prevent the formation of cat bladder stones, you should ask your vet to analyze the stones removed for their chemical composition. By doing so, your vet can determine if a special diet can help prevent them.

For example, many stones are made up of magnesium. The obvious step you can take is to give your dog food that is low in magnesium. If a bacterial infection caused the formation of a cat bladder stone, give your cat natural food.

Food that is high in carbohydrates and minerals can alter the pH level of your cat's urine. When the pH level of your cat's urine is not balanced, it can make it easier for bacteria to flourish and stones to form. That's why it's important to give your cat natural food that is high in protein.

Most commercial cat food is grain-based because grains are cheap. Your cat will pay the price however. In addition to giving your cat healthy, natural food, give her plenty of fresh, filtered water. Water prevents the urine from thickening thus makes it harder for bacteria to flourish and stones to form.

Cat bladder stones can also be prevented with the regular administration of a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathy is completely safe and side effect free. Look for a commercially prepared formula that contains ingredients like uva ursi, berberis vulgaris, and cantharis.

Uva ursi is a well-known urinary tonic that helps to maintain normal pH levels in the urinary tract. Berberis vulgaris has a restorative effect on the bladder and urinary tract while cantharis maintains a healthy flow of urine and soothes the bladder.

In order to prevent cat bladder stones, follow these simple tips. By making these easy lifestyle changes, your cat won't have to suffer unnecessarily and you will save a lot on medical bills.

John Paduchak is a pet enthusiast and webmaster of and Throughout his life, John grew up on a 140 acre farm in upstate NY and had pet friends of many varieties. Now he currently has 3 cats, freshwater tropical fish, & 4 hermit crabs that he shares with his daughter, Marie. A strong supporter of naturopathy for pets he publishes articles on their care and training.

5 Common Myths About Cat Bladder Disease

Cat bladder disease is a common problem so it's no surprise that many false myths abound about its nature as well as its treatment and prevention. If you want to get rid of bladder disease in your cat and keep it from coming back, you need to learn the right from wrong.

When it comes to feline bladder disease, keep the following 5 myths in mind so you can effectively treat and prevent the condition in your cat. The wrong information could cost you your cat's life.

1. There is no way to prevent cat bladder disease. There may be some people who adhere to conventional medicine and think that there is absolutely no way to prevent bladder disease in cats. The truth about bladder problems in cats is that they are very common and usually become chronic.

In order to keep them from becoming a chronic problem in your cat, you need to be versed in preventive treatment. Some underlying causes of bladder problems in cats that can be alleviated through preventive remedies include diet, water intake, and lifestyle. Homeopathic remedies can also be very helpful in keeping urinary problems at bay.

2. Feline bladder disease can only be alleviated with antibiotics. Antibiotics may be necessary in severe cases but in general they can actually aggravate it in cats.

Instead of resorting to antibiotics immediately, try using natural remedies that are proven to cure bladder disease in cats. Some effective natural treatments include homeopathic remedies that contain cantharis and uva ursi.

3. You can wait a few days to see if cat bladder disease resolves on its own. The truth is that bladder disease can become fatal even after just a couple of days! If you notice any unusual symptoms, you need to take your cat to the vet immediately. Don't wait around because it could cost your cat his life.

4. Nothing can trigger feline bladder disease; it is a normal part of being a cat. It is NOT normal in cats. Your cat could have a serious disease that is the underlying problem or there could be triggers in his life that have caused his bladder disease.

Stressful events such as moving, severe weather, a new family member, or the loss of a family member can even cause bladder disease. To prevent it, try to minimize stressful events in your cat's life and make sure your cat leads a healthy lifestyle.

5. Herbs can be helpful in treating cat bladder disease. You might be tempted to try home herbal remedies for curing your cat's bladder problems but you need to realize that herbs can often be just as dangerous as conventional medication.

Herbs are very powerful and herbal supplements are often manufactured in unregulated facilities. If you want to give your cat a safe, effective remedy that is proven to be side effect free, use a homeopathic remedy.

Unlike herbs, homeopathic remedies only contain minute amounts of natural ingredients so they are very safe. They work because they awaken your cat's inherent healing abilities.

In order to effectively get rid of cat bladder disease once and for all, keep these myths in mind. It's easy to be misled by all of the misinformation out there. For this reason so many pet owners lose their cats to such a treatable illness.

In order to keep your cat healthy and disease free, don't fall for all of the lies and myths. Stay informed and make sure you take the proper steps towards diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

John Paduchak is a pet enthusiast and webmaster of and Throughout his life, John grew up on a 140 acre farm in upstate NY and had pet friends of many varieties. Now he currently has 3 cats, freshwater tropical fish, & 4 hermit crabs that he shares with his daughter, Marie. A strong supporter of naturopathy for pets he publishes articles on their care and training.

5 Things to Do When You Suspect That Your Cat Has Bladder Stones

Feline bladder stones are up there with some of the most uncomfortable, painful, and life-threatening illnesses that can plague cats. Even leaving bladder stones untreated for a couple of days can kill your cat. They don't call the illness a silent killer for nothing.

Whether it's preventing cat bladder stones or calling your vet, there are simple some things that you must do if you even have a minute suspicion that your cat is suffering from the condition. Here are 5 steps to take as soon as you suspect that bladder stones may be bugging your cat.

1. Call your vet. Do not take a wait-and-see approach if you think your cat may have feline bladder stones. If you recognize symptoms such as straining to urinate, blood in the urine, and frequent urination, take your cat to the vet immediately.

2. Decide on a treatment plan. Preventing cat bladder stones is important but you have to address treatment first. Effective treatments of cat bladder stones include removal through surgery or manipulation and dissolving them through diet. Your vet will have all of the information you need regarding treatment.

If your cat has an accompanying bacterial infection, your vet will probably prescribe antibiotics. However, it is up to you if you want to give your cat antibiotics or not. Often a natural remedy like homeopathy will do the trick.

3. Give your cat plenty of water to drink. Meanwhile, make it harder for any more feline bladder stones to form and promote optimal urine flow by giving your cat lots of water. Cat water fountain bowls are very helpful in this regard. Don't give your cat tap water because it can contain harmful toxins. Give him filtered water instead.

4. Reduce stressors in your cat's life. To keep your cat healthy and to help in preventing cat bladder stones, make sure he leads a stress free lifestyle. Some things that can increase stress in your cat's life include moving to a new house, moving furniture around, sharing space with many other cats, and spending a lot of time at home alone.

To reduce stress in your cat's life, try to spend quality time with him each day and designate a certain area of the house as his territory so he feels like he has his own space. If you do have to leave your cat home alone, leave the TV on and leave him with toys to play with.

5. Give your cat a homeopathic remedy. Feline bladder stones are recurrent in nature. If your cat has had them once, he is very likely to have them again. In order to prevent them from recurring, you need to make preventive treatment a part of his lifestyle.

The most effective preventive remedy to date is homeopathy. It is completely natural and safe so you can give it to your cat every day without worrying about it causing side effects. Look for a commercially prepared formula that contains ingredients such as uva ursi and cantharis.

These herbal ingredients are highly effective in maintaining a healthy bladder, urine flow, and urinary tract. They also keep your cat's immune system strong to prevent the formation of bladder stones. For optimal results, give your cat a homeopathic remedy twice a day, every day.

When you even slightly suspect that your cat is suffering from feline bladder stones, take these 5 simple steps. By doing so, you can avoid further complications and unnecessary suffering. Your cat's bladder stones will only come back unless you make preventive treatment a priority.

It's important to get treated quickly but if you only take your cat to the vet for treatment and then forget about the problem until it comes back, you won't be able to assist your cat in healing permanently.

John Paduchak is a pet enthusiast and webmaster of and Throughout his life, John grew up on a 140 acre farm in upstate NY and had pet friends of many varieties. Now he currently has 3 cats, freshwater tropical fish, & 4 hermit crabs that he shares with his daughter, Marie. A strong supporter of naturopathy for pets he publishes articles on their care and training.

5 Ways to Treat Cat Bladder Infection at Home

They say that having a pet is like having a child and sometimes that really does ring true. Take cat bladder infection for example. If you let the infection spiral out of control and you rush your cat to the pet hospital at the last moment, you will probably be slapped with a bill of hundreds to thousands of dollars.

If you want to save yourself the money and the trouble, you should learn about home treatments and remedies for feline bladder infection. Here are 5 effective ways that you can treat the problem at home so a visit to the vet is unnecessary.

1. A cat bladder infection can be treated with the proper diet. Too many cats are being fed grain-based diets. Commercial cat food may be cheap but the sticker shock you'll feel after taking your cat to the vet for treatment of bladder infection won't make those initial savings worth it.

Give your cat protein-packed meals. Think about it. In the wild, cats eat mice and other little animals, not grains. Make sure your cat's diet is the closest to natural as possible by feeding him raw, unprocessed food.

2. Feline bladder infection can be treated at home simply by ensuring that your cat is drinking enough water. Sufficient water intake is essential in treating bladder problems because without water, your cat's urine will thicken and make it easier for bacteria to multiply. Help your cat detoxify and flush out bacteria by giving him enough water.

3. To treat cat bladder infection at home, reduce stress in your cat's life. It might sound unusual but in the case of home treatment, it is essential to address all aspects of your cat's lifestyle to aid in the healing process.

Stress can come from being left at home for too long, having too many cats living in the same household, or moving. Make your cat feel relaxed by designating an area of the house as his territory and spending quality time with him each day.

4. Give your cat cranberry juice. Just like with humans, cranberry juice is very helpful for urinary tract infections in cats because it prevents bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder and it acidifies the urine. Don't give your cat the sugary cranberry juice that contains artificial ingredients. Make sure it is the 100% natural kind.

5. For home treatment of cat bladder infection and prevention of its recurrence, give your cat a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathy is very good because it actually helps your cat's immune system fight off infection.

Bladder infections happen because your cat's immune system is overtaken by bacteria. Homeopathic remedies contain gentle ingredients that strengthen your cat's immunity. They also help to maintain a healthy bladder and urinary tract while promoting optimal urine flow.

Look for homeopathic remedies that contain ingredients like cantharis, uva ursi, and berberis vulgaris. They are known urinary tonics that are very efficient in promoting optimal bladder functioning.

In conclusion, follow these simple tips if you notice your cat suffering from the symptoms of a cat bladder infection. Better yet, make these simple treatments a part of your cat's regular routine. By doing so, you can prevent him from suffering from urinary problems altogether and you won't have to worry about those expensive visits to the vet anymore.

John Paduchak is a pet enthusiast and webmaster of and Throughout his life, John grew up on a 140 acre farm in upstate NY and had pet friends of many varieties. Now he currently has 3 cats, freshwater tropical fish, & 4 hermit crabs that he shares with his daughter, Marie. A strong supporter of naturopathy for pets he publishes articles on their care and training.

Causes of Blood in Cat Urine

Some reasons for blood in cat urine can be from the following causes:

o One of the most common reasons for cat urine with blood is a urinary tract infection. This type of infection could be in the bladder, or urethra or kidneys. This requires immediate veterinarian care so the kidneys are not damaged further.

o Another cause of blood in cat urine could be kidney disease which is serious. Symptoms are similar to urinary tract infections and can vary from and include; increased urination, urinating less than usual, thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures or no appetite.

o Urinary stones sometimes form in the urinary tract which can scrape the urethra causing blood in cat urine. Causes of stones can be mineral crystals in the urine, bacteria, diseases, some medications, pH imbalance of urine.

o Has your cat eaten something harmful such as poison? Rat or mouse poison causes internal bleeding and dehydration which can cause cat urine with blood.

o Blood in cat urine needs to be differentiated from blood in urine due to a female cat in estrus stage. When the cat comes into heat the urine may become reddish and resemble blood mixed with urine. This is normal and nothing to be concerned with.

The urinary tract is an amazing system which removes waste, controls fluid and mineral levels. To keep your cat in good shape, once they no longer have symptoms, start a routine of alternative supplements which can help support your cat's urinary tract so it stays on balance making them less prone to infections.

Rebecca Shelly has been studying alternative health conditions for pets for many years. She is a regular contributor to a site discussing some of the most promising natural treatments for pet health on the market today. If you're looking for an alternative to harsh medications for your pet, visit the site to learn more.

Cat Bladder Infection - Guide to Symptoms and Treatment Options

Cat bladder infection can form in any part of your cat's urinary tract (UTI). Infection can be caused by bacteria (28%, viruses (.4%) or fungus. Approximately 1% of cats that visit a veterinarian have a urinary tract infection with the most common type of bacteria being E. coli. Other names for the condition depend on the location of the disease including LUTD or lower Urinary Tract Disease or in the upper urinary tract. Once one part becomes infected, usually it spreads to another part. Because of this it is sometimes difficult to diagnose the exact location of the infection.

Cats tend to contract the infection through the urethra, which is the part of the cat that allows urine to leave the body. For example if this opening comes in contact with a dirty litter box, then bacteria can enter the body and spread up the tract, eventually leading to the bladder causing feline bladder infection. Normal urination can usually keep the urinary tract clean since it is an excellent antimicrobial (bacteria killer), however, if your cat is having bladder problems or is urinating less than usual, then the immune system becomes overwhelmed with the bacteria.

Feline cats that are older than 10 years are at a higher risk to get an infection. It is rare to see the problem in younger cats. Female cats that have been spayed have the highest incidence. Cats that have feline diabetes mellitus are also at risk.

Symptoms of Cat Bladder Infection and UTI

Symptoms of cat urinary infection include blood in the urine (haematuria), excessive frequent urination (pollakiuria), slow and painful urination (stranguria) and urination in inappropriate places such as outside of the litter box (periuria).

Diagnosis of Cat Bladder Infection

The urine will be tested for the presence of an unusual number of white blood cells, the cells which help the body fight infection.

Treatment of Cat Bladder Infection

Antibiotics are used to kill any bacteria associated with the feline bladder infection. The type of antibiotic selected will be based on the specific bacteria causing the infection. Treatment is of a short duration. Some cats may have bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics. In this case different antibiotics and longer term treatment may be required.

The body naturally kills bacteria as urine passes through the urinary tract. Some owners like to supplement the prescription medications with natural remedies which are associated with restoring balance to the entire urinary system and possible a change in diet. Ingredients such as Arctostaphylos uva ursi help maintain the proper PH in the urinary tract so your cat's body can naturally fight infection. Check with your veterinarian on how to combine prescription and natural choices. If your cat eat dry cat food, consider a switch to canned which will provide your cat with more moisture and in turn cleanse the urinary tract due to more frequent urination.

Your cat will be retested several weeks after treatment to ensure that the feline bladder infection is gone.

Prognosis of Cats with Feline Bladder Infection

Treatment in effective in 85% of cats with no additional recurrence. If it is a continuing problem for your cat consider options such as diet and using natural supplements to ensure that your cat's body has the nutrients needed for long term urinary health and the proper PH balance.

Jeff Grill is an editor of the Cat Health Guide and has written on many feline health problems. See this site for more information on Cat Bladder Infection treatment options.

How to Maintain Your Cat Urinary Health to Prevent Cat Urinary Tract Blockage

Cat urinary tract blockage mainly comes from a) cats fed an unhealthy over-processed diet and b) feeding too much food.

The risk factors are;

1. Cats two to five years old have a higher incidence of a cat urinary tract blockage
2. Male and neutered male cats
3. Diet of dry food with not enough liquid or moisture
4. Obesity

These risk factors do not affect all cats the same. In general cats can tolerate dry diets with no urinary problems. However, most urinary problems can be traced to nutritional issues with the cat's diet. Felines ages ago only ate raw meat and grasses in the wild obtaining all the vitamins and nutrients they needed. Today's diet much like our human diet is composed of over processed cereal fillers not meant to be digested by a domesticated cat.

The result of this over processed diet is cat urinary tract blockage which is a direct result of unbalanced urine pH. Widely available through pet supply stores are raw meat diets and prescription diet products which help stabilize urine pH. Only small bladder stones can be treated with a diet; larger stones have to be surgically removed and then introduce the correct diet in hopes of preventing any further stones from forming.

Another option to promote cat urinary health is the use of homeopathic products specifically designed to protect and promote cat urinary health. These alternative products can be added on a daily basis which can help the immune system fight any formation of stones and keep the urinary system at optimum health.

Discover Natural ways to prevent cat urinary tract blockage in cats. I have researched the best homeopathic remedies which can prevent and keep your cat healthy. Visit Natural Pet Cures to find out more information.

What is the Life Expectancy of Cats? - Help Your Cat Live a Long Healthy Life

They say a cat has nine lives. While that isn't exactly true, many pet owners wander exactly how long there cat is going to be around.

Today the average cat is living longer then ever. 20 years ago the life expectancy of a cat was only 4-6 years, however today the number has risen to over 15 years. There are a few factors that can contribute to how long a cat will live. The most common is weather or not your pet is an indoor or outdoor cat.


The lives of outdoor cats are usually cut short by traumatic events like being hit by a car or fighting. Cats that live outdoors still only live 4-5 years. Outdoor pets are also more at risk of catching deadly diseases, which are usually spread by fighting.


The good news is that the life expectancy goes up dramatically for cats that live indoors. These animals usually live between 12-18 years; however it's not uncommon for indoor pets to live well into there 20s. The oldest cat on record lived to the ripe old age of 28!

Of course these aren't the only factors that go to into how long your cat can live. It's also import to take good care of your pet. Make sure you feed it a proper diet as well as regular visits to the vet. Your cat may not like getting its shots, but in the long run it will be worth it. Pet's can be your best friend. Help yours live as long as possible.

If you want your cat to live a long healthy life, you need to read: Long Term Cat Care [] as soon as possible. This is an excellent article that will give you more information on caring for your cat. [] is dedicated to helping people take care of their cats.

Blood in Cat Stool May Not Be Serious

Did you find cat blood in stool and are worried that there might be something terribly wrong?  Sometimes you may see bright red blood in cat stool if their bowel movements are very hard or dry which could be from lack of water or moist foods. 

Kittens will sometimes strain because of constipation to have a bowel movement which irritates the tissue causing it to bleed.  Sometimes, the tissue will remain out of the rectum for awhile and since it is a reddish color it seems like the cat is bleeding.  Straining during a bowel movement can also be from worms, bowel disease, or inflammation which should be checked by a vet.

Intestinal parasites, such as worms can lead to blood in cat stool.  Usually kittens will have cat blood in stool because of a parasitic nature, one of which is coccidiosis.  If this is the case a vet will need to get a stool sample to see if coccidia are present.

Cats with bacterial infections that cause colitis may have normal appearing stools, but you may also see bright red blood on the stool or around the cat's rectum.  A vet will take a fecal smear to examine, or the stool may need to be cultured, so that other bacterial infections such Salmonella or E.coli are ruled out.

If your cat does not have any parasites, bowel disease or inflammation try changing their meals to a low fat and high fiber diet which will help with constipation making their bowel movement much easier.

Some cats for whatever reason or another may have blood in cat stool but the cat does not seem to be affected by the problem.  If you feel unconvertible about the situation have your veterinarian continue to check out your cat for further problems.  You might also want to supplement your cat's daily diet with natural remedies that work with their body to heal and improve immunity to fight off any infections and to create a healthy intestinal environment.

Rebecca Shelly has been studying alternative health conditions for pets for many years. She is a regular contributor to a site discussing some of the most promising natural treatments for pet health on the market today. If you're looking for an alternative to harsh medications for your pet, visit the site to learn more.

Tips to Reduce Feline Urinary Tract Infection

UTI or as it is now called, (IFUTD) idiopathic feline lower urinary tract disease occurs quite often in cats.  Feline urinary tract infection affects the bladder and usually the urethra which is the tube carrying urine from the bladder.

An infection of the bladder can be quite uncomfortable for your cat.  If you notice your cat licking their genital area more often or trying to urinate with no result or very little urine, it might be from an IFUTD.

Causes of a feline urinary tract infection may be the result of bacteria, fungus, parasitic, viral, urinary stones, obstructions, cancer or even diet.  Over half of all the cases of urinary problems for cats are not fully known as to what causes cat urinary tract infection.  Most cases of IFLUTD get better by themselves even if no treatment is given.  But if you cat looks like it is distressed do not wait for medical treatment because this type of infection can progress to the kidneys making it life threatening.

Stress has been noted in some studies with humans that a weather change or moving to new surroundings, particularly if the weather is a different climate, can cause cystitis which is a bladder condition in humans.  Vets have noticed this coincidence in regards to cat urinary tract infection with animals as well and suggest limiting stress in the home.

Perhaps the best alternative for your cat's urinary tract health is to feed them only once or twice per day.  Cats that eat throughout the day (free fed) seem to produces a urinary environment conducive to stones and infections.  Making sure your cat has fresh water and a clean litter box to encourage frequent urination can result in lower concentrations of mineral deposits which discourages stone formation.

Most commercial available food is designed to promote a balance in the urine to prevent problems with feline urinary tract infection.  Specially compounded supplements that enhance the urinary tract to provide bladder health are also available for your pet and you may want to consider these in addition to a healthy diet for added support.

Discover Natural ways to prevent cat urinary tract infections. I have researched the best homeopathic remedies which can prevent and keep your cat healthy. Visit Natural Pet Cures to find out more.

Pyometra and Well Germs - What Other People Are Not Telling You About This Common Cat Health Problem

It is inevitable that your cat will, over the course of his life, become sick. Although most ailments are easily treated, some can be fatal, so it is important to be alert to any signs of disease.

Pyometra is an infection of the uterus that attacks unaltered female cats. Signs may include listlessness, lack of appetite, great thirst and frequent urination, as well as an odorous discharge from the vagina that is thick and creamy.

However, some females exhibit no signs at all, her coat maybe shiny, her eyes clear and her appetite and behavior normal. And, since cats are so clean, you have to keep a close watch for any signs of vaginal discharge before she clean it away.

However, there are signs to alert you to the increased possibility of pyometra. If your cat has frequent seasons, or if her seasons are few and far between, she will be more susceptible to pyometra.

Or if she has mated, you may think she is pregnant when it is really the infection in the uterus causing her abdomen to appear plump with kittens. The instant you spot the discharge take her to the veterinarian.

She can die if not treated immediately, as the infection can cause the uterus to burst. The most effective treatment for pyometra is overiohysterectomy, the removal of both uterus and ovaries.

When you introduce a new kitten or cat to your home, and you already have one or more cats, you should be aware that the new addition may not be immune to the well germs carried by your present cats.

Even though your other cats have received all of their shots and are in good health, they have become accustomed to the germs in their environment and have built up immunity to them. Having come from another environment, your new cat may not be immune to these germs and may come down with a respiratory infection or some other ailment within a week or two.

Your other cats, in turn, may not be immune to the well germs of your new cats, so you may see minor illnesses in all your cats as they adjust.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Cat Pet Supplies [] and Trampolines For Sale []

Ear Mites, Ticks, Mites and Mange - What Others Are Not Telling You About These External Parasites

If you notice a dark brown waxy substance in your cat's ears, or if he torments himself by repeatedly scratching his ears, he may have ear mites. These are microscopic parasites that live in the ear canal and feed on skin and debris therein.

To make absolutely sure that ear mites are the problem, take your cat to the veterinarian for examination and treatment. Your veterinarian can recommend the application of medication to eradicate them. You may need to repeat the treatment several times as mites are persistent.

Alternatively, if you have a multiple cat household or are caring for stray or feral cats and cannot reasonably take them all to the veterinarian, you may be able to treat the mites at home. Simply dip a cotton swab into boric acid powder, and gently clean the visible part of the inside of the ear only.

The advantage of the dry powder is that it suffocates the mites and kills them without leaving a messy oil in your cat's ears that could make him even more miserable. It should also protect against other mites entering his ears.

Ticks, Mites And Mange

Ticks and mites are not often found on the indoor cat. If your indoor cat does have signs of any of these parasites, they have probably been carries in on dogs or human clothing. Outdoor and sick cats are most susceptible because they are more likely to be in contact with infected cats.

If you detect a tick on your cat, do not attempt to burn it off or pluck it out. A simple remedy is to cover it with petroleum jelly and leave it. The tick will usually die and fall off within a day or two.

Mites are parasites that are not usually seen with the naked eye. Mite infestation causes mange, which may include itchiness, dandruff and bald patches all over the cat's body. These signs may also be indicative of al allergic reaction or a hormonal change.

If your cat has these signs, you should take him to the veterinarian who can prescribe treatment. Treatment for mange usually involves medicated dips or baths at home. Although not a common problem among cats, cats from multiple cat environments often continue to be reinfected.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Cat Pet Supplies [] and Trampolines For Sale []

Fleas and Flea Control - How the Experts Define Them and Try to Avoid Them

External parasites live on the skin of your cat and feed on both his skin and blood, causing discomfort and, in some cases, sickness. They are a common problem for cats, particularly those that go outdoors, but your cat is easily treated and will recover quickly.


Many cats are highly sensitive to fleas. Some cats will react to the presence of a single flea not only by scratching vigorously but also by losing great patches of hair. Fleas tend to be more prevalent around the eyes, ears and anus, and a cat will scratch, suffer hair loss and be thoroughly miserable.

When combating fleas and it is combat, you will need to treat your cat repeatedly as well as ridding his quarters and/or your living quarters of fleas. You must fumigate the area again within 10 to 14 days after the first treatment as that is when the eggs hatch and a new crop of fleas emerges.

Some of the newer flea remedies include monthly pills or skin drops that are available only through your veterinarian. Other remedies include flea collars, powders, sprays and baths. Always ask your veterinarian about the advisability of combining flea remedies, or you might poison your cat.

If you have indoor cats and a dog that goes outdoors into an enclosed yard, you can either hire a professional flea exterminator to spray your yard monthly, or you can purchase the equipment and do it yourself. If there are no fleas in the yard, the dog cannot bring them into the house.

While it is difficult to rid your indoor pet and your house of fleas, it may be impossible to rid and outdoor cat of them. Fleas not only carry tapeworms but may give your cat feline infectious anemia (FIA), a disease that can result in anemia and a very sick cat.

Symptoms include pale gums and a high temperature, but your veterinarian will take a blood test to make a definite diagnosis, and will then prescribe the necessary treatment for your cat.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Cat Pet Supplies [] and Trampolines For Sale []

Living Nine Lives

Cats throughout the ages have been both feared and worshiped. They have been associated with goddesses, witches, the devil, and today are the most popular household pet worldwide. However they have been perceived; cats have always been associated with magic and power. Their aloof, enigmatic behaviour has intrigued humans for generations, and as a result, they have been the inspiration for many artists, writers, and poets.

History of the Cat

The highest regard for cats was during the Egyptian era, from about 1000 BC. The main threats to Egyptian households were snakes and rodents, which attacked local food supplies. It has been suggested that the admiration for cats began at this time, as stray cats would hunt these creatures. As the relationship between cat and human increased the Egyptians began using them as hunting companions to catch fish and birds, as well as for vermin control. This was the beginning of domestication for the cat. Furthermore, it has been suggested that the domestic moggy in our lives today, is descended from the Egyptian cat. A common sight in many ancient tomb paintings depicts a typical Egyptian family with a cat seated under a woman's chair. This appears to show that the cat had become an integral part of family life.

Ancient Egyptians worshiped several feline goddesses. The most famous of these being Bast or Bastet; she is typically depicted as a woman with a cat's head. Bast was the goddess of fertility, motherhood, and beauty. Her associations included music, joy, and dance. Bast became so popular with the Egyptians that later she also became protector of the household, women, and children. Cats were bred in thousands as they were thought to be manifestations of the goddess Bast. In fact, cats became so highly regarded that the penalty for killing a cat - even accidentally - was death. Other cat goddesses of this era included the first Egyptian cat goddess Mafdet, and the lion-headed goddess Sekhmet. Sekhmet was the "opposite" of Bast. She represented the destructive force of the cat goddess and was associated with war and pestilence.

Due to their aura of mystery, cats have always been associated with things we don't understand. It is no real surprise then that cats were heavily associated with the occult. During the witch-hunts in the 1600s, cats were almost wiped out across Europe due to fear that they were witches in disguise.

Cats are traditionally associated with witches; and even today they are regarded highly in the wiccan community. The popular wiccan goddess Diana once assumed the form of a cat, and cats are said to be under her protection. In addition, the chariot associated with the Celtic goddess Freya, was pulled by cats.

In the past, cat hairs and bones were used in spells and charms, and even today it is believed that a few stray cat hairs added to a spell can increase its power.

Myths and Legends

Myths about the cat are common; do you believe that black cats are lucky or unlucky? Or have you heard the saying 'a cat has nine lives? The latter is considered to refer to a cats almost life saving agility, and ability to survive - this was especially evident during the witchcraft trials. In Greek times people were fascinated with the way cats eyes dilated and shrunk with the surrounding light intensity. They believed cats' eyes enlarged and shrunk in accordance with the phases of the moon. This view has even been a source of inspiration for architects. For example, the Portal of Saint Michael de Lescure church in Rome, depicts 24 cat heads incorporated into a cosmic calendar design of alternating suns and moons. This is supposed to represent the 24 hours in a day, as well as the alternation of night and day.

There are several legends connected to the cat that involve money, and coming into fortune. This can be seen in the European fairytale - Puss in Boots, and the popular beckoning Japanese lucky cat - Maneki Neko. The latter, also known as the lucky or welcoming cat, is believed to attract good luck to its' owner.

Sixth Sense

Even in modern times the cat still intrigues us. Today cats have gained a reputation for being psychic. How many times have you seen your cat staring intently at nothing? Or how often have you come home upset, after a bad day, and your cat has instantly jumped onto your lap to comfort you? There is a belief among cat owners that there is an unspoken bond between a person and their pet; that cats are able to sense emotions and so comfort you when needed.

For a long period of time, people have believed that cats have natural healing abilities. In recent years this has also been backed up by scientific evidence. Even just stroking a cat has been found to lower blood pressure; they are often used in hospitals and retirement

homes as therapy animals. There are not many things more relaxing than stroking your cat, whilst it's nestling comfortably in your lap and purring.

Today more cats are kept as pets in western households than any other pet. Adored as companions and valued as rodent catchers, the cat is still an integral part of family life.

I am a recent graduate in Animal Behaviour and Welfare and I am currently taking a home writers course provided by the Writers Bureau. I have written several articles across a broad range of topics during my course. From a young age I have loved to write and I enjoy being able to integrate my other passions into my writing, and to have the opportunity to create awareness to the general public of issues I care about.

Your Cat Needs a Diet, But Why Did it Get So Fat?

If your cat is significantly overweight, it is a good idea to help him slim down. There are many causes of excess weight in cats. Factors like his breed, genes, age, and whether or not he is spayed or neutered may all play a role. Though less common, a fat cat may sometimes have low thyroid function. Though it may seem obvious, the most common reason for feline obesity is because of overindulgence in too many high calorie treats from doting cat owners.

Health Risks for Fat Cats

The health risks of cat obesity can cut short your cat's life, and can result in costly vet bills. Some of these risks include diabetes and liver disease, which may require expensive prescription medications. Obesity in cats can also cause skin problems, mobility problems, and decreased longevity and enjoyment of life.

What You Can Do

There are some simple steps that you can take to help your fat cat lose weight, and increase his overall health and longevity.

1. Talk to your vet.

Your vet can design a diet plan that is right for your cat, and can provide you with a healthy target weight for your cat. A typical range is 8 to 12 pounds, depending on your cat's build. Though you may have to spend some money on this vet visit, it is well worth it in the long run in order to avoid more costly bills resulting from chronic illness. If you have pet insurance, the visit may be partially or fully covered.

2. Put your fat cat on a diet.

Your cat should be eating at least half of his calories in the form of lean protein. Protein should be a staple of your cat's diet, since cats are naturally carnivores. Make sure he does not exceed his recommended daily caloric intake. Reduce fat and increase fiber in his diet. You will want to do this under the supervision of your vet, since too much fiber can decrease the absorption of certain nutrients. Too little fat can also result in dry skin and other problems. Supplementing your cat's diet with fish oil can help combat these skin problems.

3. Feed him frequent, small meals.

Instead of one or two large meals every day, try spacing his food intake over 4 to 6 small meals. This will help him feel more satisfied, since he won't have to wait as long between meals. Just like in humans, this "grazing" type of diet helps keep his blood sugar steady.

4. Help him get some exercise.

While it can be tough to walk a cat, you can play with him for 5 to 10 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. Use toys that encourage his natural hunting instincts, like those with dangling feathers, or toys that you can slither down stairs in snake-like fashion.

It is in your cat's best interest to keep him healthy and disease free. By helping your overweight cat trim down to an appropriate weight, you significantly decrease the risk of certain chronic illnesses and early death. While your concern for your cat is your primary motivation, you will also save yourself hundreds of dollars in vet bills by addressing your cat's obesity problem now.

For more information on how to make sure that your cat gets the proper nutrition and care, make sure to visit where I'll show you how you can get your hands on one of the cheapest cat insurance available and with very little effort from you.

Vacationing Without Your Kitty - Steps to Make it Easier While Home Alone

With an atlas on the table, and vacation time scheduled just around the corner, the week you've been waiting for is almost here! All of your plans are coming together beautifully, but one thing has your scratching your head-what should I do with my cat?

Many cat owners find that their cat does not like to travel in the car, and do not like to visit other people's homes. A boarding place seems too terrifying for your cat. What options are left?

It is possible to leave your kitty at home, and have peace of mind in doing so! What should you do?

1. Be sure to turn off all alarm clocks in the house before you leave. You won't have to worry about the cat having to listen to an annoying beeping sound all week while you are gone.

2. Don't forget to leave plenty of food and water out for your cat.

3. Turn a radio on, and turn to a station that plays comforting music. Softer music styles are the way to go-nothing that sounds like chaos and noise. If you have a large home, you may want to turn on two radios. Keep the volume at a normal range. This will keep sounds in the house. The deafening silence will cause your cat to feel lonely and scared. Remember, they are used to regular activity in the home on a daily basis.

4. Leave a few pieces of clothing or blankets out that have your family's familiar smells on them. A bathrobe, a child's soft blanket, a worn shirt-this gives them a small piece of you while you are away.

5. Have a trusted friend or family member stop by your home for one or two hours each day, and if possible, twice a day. Have the friend spend time petting the cat, and just being in the home so that it is not completely empty every day. The friend can bring a book or newspaper with them, or do a few errands around your home so that there is movement everyday, like the cat is used to. If you cannot get one friend to commit each day, or twice a day, ask a few friends to take turns.

6. Upon returning home, enter your home in a calm manner. It you have an entire family returning home, the sudden loud commotion will scare your kitty, and make it harder to adjust to your returning. Within a few hours or a day, your cat will begin to act like his or her normal self. They will soon be enjoying your attention and company all over again. And you won't feel guilty when you are planning your next vacation.

Josanne Anthony is a married mother of 3 who enjoys working on her website, You can also visit her light-hearted blog at

Calico Cats - The Beautiful Tricolor Felines

Calico cats are known for their beautiful, tapestry-like, tricolor coats. But what makes a cat a calico cat? First of all, calico is not a breed and it's not a color either. Calico is a color pattern. To be a true calico, a cat's coat must have mostly white, which is the predominant color, and then it must have distinct patches of orange and black. A calico sporting these colors is said to be a non-diluted calico. A diluted calico, by contrast, will have a coat of white, cream and blue (sort of like a bluish gray). The washed out colors are caused by the dilution gene.

Talking about genes, calicos are mostly females. The cause of this lies in the chromosome X, which contains the code responsible for fur coloring in cats. The Y chromosome, on the other hand, contains no code associated with color. Now, two X chromosomes are needed to produce a calico. Male cats have a set of XY while female cats have a set of XX, so most calicos happen to be female. However, though rare, there are male calicos. Usually, these male calicos are sterile.

Interestingly enough, many people confuse calicos with tortoiseshell cats. At first glance, they may look similar, but they're not. The main difference is that tortoiseshell cats have very little to no white fur. Some people confuse the two because some tortoiseshells have more white fur than usual, but this is mostly mixed in with the other colors. By the way, that is the other significant difference - the two other colors are also blended. Unlike tortoiseshell cats, calicos have three distinct patches of color, white being the most prominent.

© Claudia Escobar is a cat lover who loves anything cat-related. For more on calico cats and gift ideas for cat lovers visit her site at If you would like to reproduce this article please feel free to do so, provided that you publish the article in its entirety and include this resource box.

What to Do When You See Blood in Cat Urine

If you've seen blood in cat urine, you have cause to be alarmed. Since the delicate tissues of the bladder system are bleeding, you need to get your pet to the vet right away. Before you do, read this quick article, so you'll be informed about what causes this symptom and what you can do.

Cat urine with blood is a symptoms that is associated with a number of different medical issues including the following:

  • A urinary tract infection (which is caused by bacteria)
  • Ingestion of a household poison
  • Side effects from medication
  • Physical trauma (such as being hit by a car)
  • Parasites
  • Congenital abnormalities
  • Bladder stones
  • An infection in the vaginal area
  • A clotting disorder
  • Cancer

If left untreated, bleeding can worsen and cause anemia. If your cat has a serious condition, it can get worse with time. Taking your cat to the vet will insure that the vet will determine why your pet has blood in cat urine. In addition to taking X-rays, your vet will run a battery of tests and give you a conclusive diagnosis and treatment plan.

Cat urine with blood is usually the result of a urinary tract infection. If this is the case, your vet is likely to prescribe antibiotics. Be forewarned that antibiotics only suppress the symptoms and the side effects may actually make your cat's condition worse. Using antibiotics can lead to recurring infections which can create scarring in the bladder.

Rather than consenting to give your cat harsh antibiotics, consider giving your pet a natural remedy instead. Natural remedies work better than antibiotics because they heal the problem and the situation that gave rise to it. Since they are inexpensive and gentle, they can be used to treat and prevent recurring infections. They are very effective in supporting bladder health, restoring the pH level of the urinary tract and your cat's overall immunity to disease.

When choosing a natural remedy to stop blood in cat urine, be aware that some remedies are better quality than others. Look for clinically proven ingredients like uva ursi, berberis, cantharis and staphysagris.

In summary, if you see blood in cat urine, take your cat to the vet immediately. Follow your vet's instructions, except in the case of administering harsh antibiotics. If your cat does have a urinary tract infection, you can safely give your pet a natural remedy instead.

Laura Ramirez is a passionate researcher of natural remedies which heal disorders, extend longevity and improve quality of life. Find out more about safe, effective ways to maintain your pet's urinary tract and colon health at

Tabby Cats

The tabby cat is the best known type of cat. Indeed, tabby cats are the most common of domestic cats. In fact, the tabby pattern is believed to be the pattern of the cat's wild ancestors.

Tabby is not a cat breed. It is not a color either. In fact, the tabby pattern occurs in different cat breeds and it comes in different colors. Tabby is a pattern.

Tabby patterns

The tabby pattern may include swirls, stripes, whorls, and spots. There are four tabby patterns: the classic, the mackerel, the ticked, and the spotted.

Classic (or blotched) tabbies are one of the most common. This type of tabby will have swirls and clearly defined stripes all over the body. Usually, a thick band or stripe will run all the way from the neck to the tail.

Mackerel tabbies are also very common. Many in fact believe that this is the original pattern dating back to the wild African cats. The mackerel pattern will display vertical stripes at the sides of the body and rings around the legs and tail.

The spotted pattern is said to be a different version of the mackerel pattern. In this pattern, the stripes are broken into big spots all aligned in a single file.

Ticked tabbies are very interesting. At first glance they don't seem to be tabby cats at all. They don't come with the usual whorls, swirls and stripes. They would appear to be of a solid color. Upon a closer look, however, you will see that the fur of ticked tabbies has stripes and swirls.

Tabbies also come in different color variations: you will find red tabbies, silver tabbies, and brown tabbies - to name a few. The tabby pattern also occurs in different cat breeds, including the Bengal, the Bombay and the Egyptian Mau.

© Claudia Escobar is a cat lover who loves anything cat-related. For more on tabby cats and gift ideas for cat lovers visit her site at If you would like to reproduce this article please feel free to do so, provided that you publish the article in its entirety and include this resource box.

Pet Proof the House

We hope that the information that we have provided for you will help with making the house really a lot more safer for the new cat It will be time well spent in the long run so to speak:

(A) You must keep the household chemicals in a closed cabinet or closet, out of the reach of the new cat. If he should get into these supplies his life will be at risk if you are not watching. These products are deadly to him when he gets into cleaning supplies, fertilizer, poisons of all type, Mothballs, any medications you may have, also anti freeze.

(B) This one will upset the people with a "green thumb" sorry but, there are many varieties of houseplants that are poisonous so the cat wont chew on them. Cat just like to chew on greens sometime and Planets like English ivy, narcissus, with the holidays coming mistletoe, and even philodendron.

(C) This one is really one of the hardest things to get use to; you have to check whenever you close things like drawers and closets, as well as the Refrigerator, look in the stove, washer as well as the dryer before you close them. Believe me you are really gong to be surprised when you see were they can hide. The cat will love to hold up in some of the craziest places. It is in there nature to explore so watch out!

(D) This one is for the warm days cat love to sit in windows. It does not matter to the cat he will get up high so make sure your window screens are in tightly so that the kitty cat wont fall out of the window and hurt themselves. If you live in an apartment the balconies are "off limits" at all times. A quick move and the cat might forget were he is at and he might run the wrong way.

(E) When you are using the stove do not to leave the kitchen unattended watch having a burner on even if you think you trained him not to get up their, you just dont know. Cats will always want to investigate to see whats going on. Cats love heat and keeping warm, but they have no idea how that works.

(F) We all want our cats to have a nice warm bed to sleep in right? Well lining the cat bed with an electric blanket or even a heating type pad is diffidently wrong. Cat love to kneed when they are resting and if he claws and should hit one of the wires he wont like getting electrocuted that for sure.

(G) For those who like to sew, and do needle point and embroider you will have to keep the sewing supplies out of his reach, like buttons, needles, pins and even the thread as well. These things can hurt the cats mouth or his internal organs if swallowed. You would not like a trip to the vets. to have something removed he swallowed.

NOTE: This article is for information only. See your veterinarian for medical advice.

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.

Best House Cat Care

Why Your Cat Won't Eat

If your cat won't eat, keep in mind that stress can be a large cause of a cat's loss of appetite. Just as stress in humans can lead to loss of appetite, the same can happen in cats. Felines can be very sensitive animals and your cat may be under more stress than you are aware of. Your cat can become stressed for a wide variety of reasons, most usually reasons involving some sort of change.

For instance, if you should move, its possible that the stress of the move might have thrown the cat off of its food. A sudden change in food will sometimes cause your cat to lose its appetite. Stress may also be caused by conflict with another cat especially when a new cat is introduced into your home. Cats are very territorial creatures, and if your cat spends some time outdoors, territorial disputes may occur. Territorial disputes can also occur for indoor cats. You need to remove the problem, if not health related, in order to get the cat to eat.

Pets with poor appetite may also be sick, and if you wait until the appetite is completely gone it may be too late for recovery. This is particularly true for cats. Veterinarians worry about a cat not eating for a long period of time, and that this could result in liver failure. Another situation you may need to be aware of is that when a cat is overweight and is on diet food, the overweight cat that stops eating is very prone to developing something called hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver).

If the cat wont eat, talk to him and let him come to you for attention. If the problem is stress related, this one-on-one with him may help. If he still wont eat after a couple of days, talk with your vet and ask what options there are. If a visit to the veterinarian is advised and your cat cannot leave the house because he is stressed out by that, find a vet who will make house calls. Many do and even your regular vet may come to your house.

Veterinary care and advice costs money, occasionally a lot of money, but this should not prevent you from using a vets services when you have to. At some point your cat will need the attention of a veterinarian; its a fact of life, even if it is just for shots or for neutering.

Remember that veterinarians often disagree about the best treatments for pets. There are often several perfectly acceptable ways to treat the same condition.

When your cat wont eat, it may be something as simple as the fact that he preferred what you gave him for dinner last night over what you gave him for dinner tonight. Or he could be stressed because there is a new cat in the house or some other change he really does no like. Or he really could be truly ill. Sometimes you can figure out what the problem is simply by being observant and other times you will need a veterinarian to help.

We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.

Best House Cat Care To visit our blog.

Cat Urinary Infection - A Simple 5-Step Plan to Stop Repeats of a Cat Urinary Tract Infection

Its not unusual for cats to have repeat incidents of a cat urinary infection. If you are frustrated with repeat bouts of a feline urinary tract infection, you can take action to stop the problem for good. There are a number of factors that contribute to cat urinary problems like diet, stress and environmental factors. When you are done reading this article you'll know exactly what to do to remove the very causes of a cat urinary infection.

Your cat's urinary tract problems may also be referred to as a Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) or Feline Urinary Syndrome (FUS). This means your cat as an infection in his bladder or urethra. The most lethal situation is when stones form in the bladder and eventually block the passage of urine from his body. Unfortunately, if you don't quickly recognize a cat urinary infection, your cat's condition can quickly turn into a life threatening emergency.

Here's how to spot a cat urinary infection:

Your cat is urinating in all the wrong locations;
You notice urine on the tile or in the bathtub;
His urine may have blood in it;
He licks his genital area a lot;
His urine is smellier than normal;
He fusses with the litter box and may repeatedly squat, but very little urine passes.

An easy 5-step program to prevent a cat urinary infection.

First, have your vet rule out any tumors or congenital defects. These can cause cat urine problems and require a surgical procedure to reverse the disorder.

Second, help reduce the stress in your cat's world. Stress has a proven connection to the onset of cat urinary problems. If you can't remove the person, thing or condition causing the stress, consider using an herbal remedy to reduce the impact of the stress factor on your cat.

Third, give your cat plenty of opportunity to drink fresh water. Place 2-4 bowls of fresh water around the house. Refresh them every day. If your cat loves toilet water, don't scold him, but let him indulge. Just make sure you flush after every use to keep the water fresh and give the toilet a good scrub every week.

Fourth, help your cat get 20 minutes of good activity each day. Fat cats are far more likely to have a cat urinary infection. Take a look at his diet too as you may need to supplement with natural minerals or vitamins.

Fifth, give your cat the best chance to maintain a proper pH level in his bladder. Steps 1-4 help maintain the proper pH, but your cat may just need a little extra boost to get over an infection and improve pH level in his bladder. This is where homeopathic remedies can give him that extra help.

So there you have it. Five simple steps to stop the repeating cycle of cat urinary problems. You may need a little help boosting his mineral intake and balancing his bladder's pH level. This is easy to remedy with some homeopathic compounds added to his diet twice a day.

Your next step? Put out the fresh water bowls and locate these natural compounds that are proven to help prevent future cat urinary infection in your best feline friend. And don't forget to flush the toilet.

Kate Rieger is partnered with the Kentucky S.N.I.P clinic and together they provide affordable spay/neuter services to pet owners. She also shows pet owners how using natural alternatives for pet care can reduce vet bills and keep there pets out of the sick room. Visit Kate's site today to find more options for treating pet ailments and help for a cat urinary infection. Start protecting your best 4-legged friend and naturalize your pet health care today at

Cat Furniture - It is Something That a Feline Needs

Your family has made the decision to get a new pet. So, all of you have made plans to go to a local animal shelter and adopt a feline, yet before you do anything, you are going to need to purchase some supplies with cat furniture being on that list of things that you are going to need to purchase.

Cat furniture is important because it will help your new furry friend feel right at home in its new surroundings. There are actually quite a few different options that you should get with the first being a kitty condo. This will provide your companion with a nice place where he or she can go to sleep, rest, and just get away from people if he or she needs to. Typically one will be cylindrical in shape and will sit about three feet off the ground. There are compartments where your feline can go inside. If you have a cat that has problems getting around, then you can get one that lies flat on the floor where the compartments actually are side by side instead of being stacked on top one other. This furnishing will be made out of some sturdy material like wood and covered in a plush, yet durable fabric with carpeting being the most common option used.

Another cat furniture selection that is also a must have is a litter box. Your feline is going to need a place to do his or her business and if you want to prevent him or her from doing it all over your floor, you have to get it. Along with that, some of the other things you could purchase that are not necessary something that your kitty needs, but it would be nice for him or her to have include a cat tree or a kitty gym so your feline has somewhere it can play, a scratching post so the little guy or gal can keep his or her claws in check, and a window perch because he or she is going to want to look out the window.

In addition to cat furniture, there are also other cat supplies your feline will need. They include food, kitty litter, shampoo, hairball products to both prevent and get rid of hairballs, and toys to play with. One fast and effortless way to look into all the cat furniture options that you could get is by hitting the Internet to do some online shopping. This really is the way to go since you do not have to actually go anywhere to do it. All you have to do is plop down in front of your computer and start browsing all the online stores and they products that they have. When you do make a decision on something and purchase it, it will then be shipped right to you so no wasting time or money on a trip to the store.

So, if you are going to adopt a feline, make sure that you purchase some cat furniture for the little guy or gal. It is just one of the necessary items your new kitty will need in order for him or her to feel at home.

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of a wide variety of online specialty shops including that offer both items and information on pets. Whether it is cat supplies for your furry friend, or even puppy supplies [] for your new dog, there are many tips you can use to help you make your home a better place for your pet.

Cat Care - The Importance of Teeth Care

Being a responsible pet owner, ensuring your pet's health is the most basic requirement. Like human, taking care and regular cleaning your cat's teeth is essential to ensure oral hygiene. Even the American Veterinary Medicine Association joins forces with the American Veterinary Dental Society on the month of February each year to create the awareness of taking good care of pets and their teeth. On this Pet Dental Health Month, both organizations aim at helping pet owners like you and me on the everyday care of pets' dental needs.

Organizing the activities on February does not mean that dental care for your pets is only for that single month. The two organizations actually would like all pet owners to make dental care for pets a regular practice for every month. So, why wait only till February to take care of their oral hygiene.

There are some issues pertaining to pets' dental problems which should be highlighted here.

Studies have shown that approximately 85% of the old pets suffer from dental problems. And dental problems are one of the most common factors that lead to a cat's health problems. When dental diseases of your feline are left untreated, you may have to face more problems sooner or later. How? Harmful bacteria coming from the cavity may develop and spread via bloodstream to other parts of the body. The spreading of these bacteria may infect major organs and cause them to fail. When such complication happens, it would cost your pet's life.

So are you eager to learn how to care for your cat's teeth?

Most feline will not like the process of having their teeth clean. But being a responsible owner to take care of your cat's dental hygiene, there is no other more effective way than to clean its teeth daily. The process may not be as easy as it sound, so you may need another person to help open your little fur ball's mouth for you to clean the teeth thoroughly.

In order to make your task easier, you may go to any pet shop and get for your pet's the toothpaste which has fish flavor. If you go through this process everyday, your cats will soon get use to it.

To further ensure the teeth are as clean as a new pin, a daily check on the teeth and the gums is necessary. Floss its teeth if need be. In addition, visit your vet regularly to do check ups on you feline's dental health.

Taking care of your cat's teeth is crucial. You should start the process once you bring it home. You love your feline and I am definite that you would not want it to suffer from such excruciating pain. Just imagine how helplessly your pet would feel when you don't even understand its conditions.

Take good care of the dental health of your cat is significant. It is very important for you to learn the above tips if you want your lovely feline to have a long and comfortable life. Dental health is not an area which you could afford to overlook.

Any responsible cat owner will provide the best care [] for his or her feline. Learn more about the caring of pet cats from the experts at []

How to Treat Feline Bloody Stool at Home

Feline bloody stool is something to be concerned about. This can be a sign of a number of medical problems, so it is important to take your cat to the vet. Before you do, you should have a list of the symptoms you have noticed, which will help your vet make a conclusive diagnosis. Beyond that, knowing the best way to treat these symptoms and cure the underlying cause will prevent your cat from having to endure this condition in the future. In the article you'll learn the symptoms, causes and treatments for blood in cat stool and how to help your cat.

Symptoms of Feline Bloody Diarrhea & Blood in Stool

Beyond seeing blood in your cat's stool or diarrhea, you may also notice one or more of the following symptoms. Since noting these symptoms will be helpful to your vet, make sure to write them down:

  • Sudden weight loss
  • Drinking excessive water
  • Loss of appetite
  • Frequent bowel movements (more than usual)
  • Decrease in activity, lethargy
  • Exertion or pain during defecation

Causes of Feline Bloody Diarrhea

The causes of blood in diarrhea can include one or more of the following:

  • Bacterial infection
  • Bowel inflammation or colitis
  • Parasites
  • Ingestion of household poisons or foods that cause allergic reactions
  • Antibiotics

Treating Feline Blood Stool

Since blood in diarrhea or stool can be indicative of digestion problems, make sure to feed your cat quality food. Many pet owners do not understand that canned cat food and kibble are processed foods. Some of these food contain dyes, fillers, additives and preservatives. These are not healthy for your cat. Feed your cat natural food that is high in fiber, low in fat and has good quality protein. Refrain from giving your cat table scraps.

If your cat has worms, use a de-worming medication to get rid of them, but do your research before considering the use of other medications or drugs. One of the causes of feline bloody diarrhea is antibiotics, so administering them to treat a symptom that is caused by them is obviously not a smart course of action. Antibiotics have side effects and suppress symptoms, but do not cure the problem. This is why pet owners around the world are turning to homeopathic remedies to treat and prevent problems in the colon and urinary tract.

These remedies contain ingredients that work as effectively as antibiotics, but have no side effects. They work at the cellular level to heal symptoms like feline bloody stool and the conditions that gave rise to it. They will fortify your cat's immunity and since they are gentle and affordable, they can be used daily to prevent problems from recurring. Best of all, they are convenient: you just sprinkle them on your cat's food or put a few granules in your cat's mouth.

Since all natural remedies are not created equal, be sure to do your research. Look for remedies that contain proven ingredients like berberis, cantharis and uva ursi.

Laura Ramirez is a passionate researcher of natural remedies which heal disorders, extend longevity and improve quality of life. Find out more about safe, effective ways to maintain your pet's urinary tract and colon health at