We hope that the information that we have provided for you will help with making the house really a lot more safer for the new cat It will be time well spent in the long run so to speak:
(A) You must keep the household chemicals in a closed cabinet or closet, out of the reach of the new cat. If he should get into these supplies his life will be at risk if you are not watching. These products are deadly to him when he gets into cleaning supplies, fertilizer, poisons of all type, Mothballs, any medications you may have, also anti freeze.
(B) This one will upset the people with a "green thumb" sorry but, there are many varieties of houseplants that are poisonous so the cat wont chew on them. Cat just like to chew on greens sometime and Planets like English ivy, narcissus, with the holidays coming mistletoe, and even philodendron.
(C) This one is really one of the hardest things to get use to; you have to check whenever you close things like drawers and closets, as well as the Refrigerator, look in the stove, washer as well as the dryer before you close them. Believe me you are really gong to be surprised when you see were they can hide. The cat will love to hold up in some of the craziest places. It is in there nature to explore so watch out!
(D) This one is for the warm days cat love to sit in windows. It does not matter to the cat he will get up high so make sure your window screens are in tightly so that the kitty cat wont fall out of the window and hurt themselves. If you live in an apartment the balconies are "off limits" at all times. A quick move and the cat might forget were he is at and he might run the wrong way.
(E) When you are using the stove do not to leave the kitchen unattended watch having a burner on even if you think you trained him not to get up their, you just dont know. Cats will always want to investigate to see whats going on. Cats love heat and keeping warm, but they have no idea how that works.
(F) We all want our cats to have a nice warm bed to sleep in right? Well lining the cat bed with an electric blanket or even a heating type pad is diffidently wrong. Cat love to kneed when they are resting and if he claws and should hit one of the wires he wont like getting electrocuted that for sure.
(G) For those who like to sew, and do needle point and embroider you will have to keep the sewing supplies out of his reach, like buttons, needles, pins and even the thread as well. These things can hurt the cats mouth or his internal organs if swallowed. You would not like a trip to the vets. to have something removed he swallowed.
NOTE: This article is for information only. See your veterinarian for medical advice.
We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun.
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