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Are You Feeding Your Cat a Healthy Diet?

Changing Your Cat's Unhealthy diet

If you have read any of my previous articles, you know how essential it is to feed your cat a diet that promotes good health. If your cat remains on a commercial cat food diet, he/she will develop a diet-related disease or worse.

So you've finally realized that the current diet your cat's eating is unhealthy and a change is in order, what should you do to address this issue? The first thing to keep in mind is not to over-complicate this task - use common sense.

o Changing your cat's diet
Changing your cat's diet can be a tricky, challenging and yet necessary undertaking. The transitioning time will depend on two major factors; your approach and your cat's personality.

Remember that when humans decide to change their diets, it's not always easy. That thinking can also apply to cats particularly when you consider that one year in the life of a human is equivalent to approximately seven years in the life of a cat. No matter what happens, changing your cat's diet is essential to their health.

Your objective is to change your cat's diet from commercial dry bag food - meaning a diet that's high in carbohydrates, low in moisture and contain toxic preservatives - all of these ingredients are deadly to cats and you should change your cat's diet to one that is filled with healthy nutrients.

o What ingredients should be avoided?
Although canned cat foods are better than dry because of it's high moisture content but many still contain toxic ingredients to cats such as; fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates - this too has to be changed to a species-appropriate diet. Then you will be changing your cat's diet to a beneficial one.

Most young cats will adjust rather quickly to the change but older cats can be a bit more difficult.

Many cat caregivers realize that changing their cat's diet is extremely important and they take on a firm approach by putting all the new species-appropriate food into their cat's dish and if the cat doesn't eat, the caregiver refuses to consider another approach.

Sometimes this hard-line approach can do more harm than good because if a cat goes more than forty eight hours without food, he could develop Hepatic Lipidosis (fatty liver disease) which is very serious and often fatal.

o What approach should you use?
The first approach is to put all the new species-appropriate food into their serving dish and see what happens. If your cat doesn't eat, try sprinkling a very small amount of the juice from canned tuna. Please use this sparingly because your cat should never eat tuna for long periods of time because it greatly reduces vitamin E and causes a painful condition known as Steatitis.

Another method to use is to sprinkle liver flakes or Parmesan cheese on top of the new food with a small amount of their old food added in.

The best diet for cats is raw meat (rabbit, chicken or turkey) at room temperature that's cut into bite-size pieces. Changing your cat's diet to this is good.

Note: Many cats will take to the raw diet with little or no resistance. Younger cats, especially seem to take to the new food quickly and even the older cats will often eat the food with no protest.

In many cases, they seem relieved that you've finally figured out how to feed them fresh, real food that's much closer to what Mother Nature intended than anything you serve out of a can or a bag.

Finally, be mindful that some cats do better trying to eat a new food if you try feeding them in a new place that's quiet, private and away from other cats in the house.

o What if my cat is stubborn?
Even if you have a more stubborn cat, exercise patience and your cat will eventually come around and eat the new food and he/she will be much healthier and you will have enhanced their life and eliminated the possibility that they will face a premature death due to a diet-related illness or disease.

Regardless of which approach you apply, remember that many cats are resistant to change but you can't allow your cat to dictate to you what to feed them. They are like children, cats like what taste good. By now, you know what's good for them and you need to exert your authority and in doing so you will have a healthier cat.

  Ike Lowe is a Researcher and an Authority on cat nutrition.  His unsurpassed nutritional knowledge boldly comes alive in his revealing must read book.  He goes for the juggler of the commercial cat food industry exposing the horrible truth.  Read more about proper cat nutrition and save your cat's life []


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