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10 Tips on Preventing Feline Urinary Tract Infections

Let's face it. Feline urinary tract infections are very common and they can become fatal if not treated in time. That's why it's important to make preventive treatment a regular part of your cat's routine. Preventing feline urinary tract infections is a lot easier than you think.

Here are 10 tips you can follow to ensure that your cat's urinary infections become a thing of the past along with those expensive visits to the vet.

1.Make sure your cat gets plenty of water to drink. Dehydration is one of the primary causes of feline urinary problems. You can't force your cat to drink water so try soaking his food in water or broth. Also make sure that his water bowl is always full.

2. Just giving your cat water is not enough for preventing feline urinary tract infections. You need to make sure the water is clean. Give your cat fresh, filtered water. Tap water is full of contaminants that can be harmful to your cat's health due to bacteria.

3. If you want to prevent cat urinary tract problems, you need to change your cat's diet completely. Make sure to give him only raw, unprocessed, and home cooked food.

Commercial cat food contains lots of artificial ingredients that can weaken your cat's immune system. Moreover, commercial cat food contains too many carbohydrates, which can alter the pH level of your cat's urine and make it easier for bacteria to flourish.

4. Make sure your cat lives a stress-free lifestyle.? You can do this by spending quality time with your cat and playing with him regularly. Also, if you have to leave him alone, leave him some toys to play with.

5. Give your cat Vitamin C every day. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system. Furthermore, Vitamin C is an anti-inflammatory and prevents bacteria from adhering to your cat's bladder lining. Your cat will probably need 250mg to 500mg but you can adjust the dose depending on your cat's size.

6. Cranberry juice is very effective for both treating and preventing feline urinary tract infections. It acidifies the urine and prevents bacteria from adhering to the lining of your cat's bladder and urinary tract. Make sure you give your cat 100% cranberry juice and not the kind that contains artificial additives and sugar.

7. Another way you can prevent cat urinary tract problems, is to keep your cat's genital area clean so bacteria doesn't have the chance to flourish. You can do this by washing it with soap and water every day.

8. Make sure your cat's litter box is clean and easily accessible. Preventing feline urinary tract infections is difficult if your cat is constantly holding his urine in for too long.

9. Take your cat to the vet for a proper diagnosis. Many pet owners fail to realize that there is an underlying cause to their cats' recurrent urinary problems. Serious diseases like diabetes or birth defects can be the cause of your cat's recurrent urinary infections. Rule out these major problems first before your try to prevent your cat's infections at home.

10. If you want to know how to prevent cat urinary tract problems, give your cat a homeopathic remedy every day. Homeopathy is the hands down best treatment and prevention method for urinary infections.

Homeopathy restores balance at a cellular level and helps to maintain a healthy bladder, healthy urinary tract, healthy urine flow, and strong immune system. Best of all, homeopathic remedies are affordable, 100% safe, and side effect free.

In conclusion, follow these steps for preventive treatment and make them a part of your cat's regular routine. Taking your cat to the vet over and over for recurrent infections is as inconvenient as it is expensive.

Furthermore, urinary problems are very uncomfortable and painful for your cat so you would do well preventing feline urinary tract infections in the first place. By making these simple changes to your cat's lifestyle you will also help him achieve an overall state of good health.

Jeremy R. Fleming is a health enthusiast and has done many years of research on natural remedies as a safe and effective alternative for your pet. Find out more about safe, effective ways to maintain your pet's urinary tract health at

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