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Why Does My Cat Avoid the Litter Box?

A litter box is one of those necessities that every cat owner has to have around, and cleaning it regularly can be quite a chore. However, it is perhaps useful for reasons other than being the place where your pet relieves herself. Pet owners may have encountered problems with their pet's litter box habits and noticed that their pet's behaviour around the box has changed. This is one if the clear indicators that their pet may be suffering from a feline urinary tract infection (Feline UTI).

Cats usually show no obvious signs of discomfort when they are going through the burning and itching sensation that is associated with Feline UTI. Your pet may behave quite normally otherwise at first, purring and being affectionate, eating her usual food and so on. However, if the owners at all suspect that there may be something amiss, the litter box would be one place where they should first observe their pet.

One of the earliest noticeable signs of discomfort is when the cat moans or 'cries' when urinating. You may notice that the cat is hardly able to produce a few drops of urine or it may be that it is completely unable to urinate.

Another sign of an existing problem appears when the pet shows a unusual tendency to groom its genital area excessively, licking and nibbling the region again and again.

One of the likely problems that will come up next will be puddles of cat urine found around the house. At this point, owners may also be able to spot blood in the urine that wasn't previously visible or noticeable when the pet was still using the litter box normally. This is because the colour and composition of the cat litter may have disguised the blood when you checked earlier.

These signs of illness in your pets are easily explained. Feline UTI causes inflammation and blockage in the urethra, the urinary tube that carries urine from the bladder. Further, kidney stones that are often associated with Feline UTI can cause further distress. This explains the cat crying while urinating. Affected animals stop using the litter box because they fear the pain that comes on whenever they use the box, and attempting to escape the pain start urinating away from it.

Once UTI is diagnosed in your pet, it can be easily treated with a course of antibiotics. This may entail a visit to the vet who will be able to advise you in detail about what steps to take as well as prescribe the recommended drug. Once the infection is tackled, your pet will likely go back to using the litter box as before. Occasionally however, owners may have to re-train their pets before re-introducing the litter box.

Owners who can keep an eye on their cat's litter box habits on a regular basis can make sure their pet stays on top of her game. Moreover, Feline UTI is actually quite preventable with effecting a change in your cat's diet. Vets will be able to advice you on the sort of changes that would help you keep your pet safe and UTI-free.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

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