Let me tell you a quick story. My cat once stopped urinating altogether. I got really worried because he had a fever and was acting very lethargic.
I rushed him to the hospital and it turned out that he was suffering from a cat urinary tract blockage. The doctor told me that if I had brought him in any later, he would have died.
Blockages are detrimental to cat urinary health. If left untreated for 3-6 days, they can be fatal. That's why it is important to learn to spot the early signs of urinary problems in your cat and treat it at home.
Neutered male cats most commonly suffer from cat urinary tract blockage, which is the accumulation of mucous and minute crystals in the urethra. A female cat's urethra is relatively wide so that's why it is less common of a problem in female cats.
You may notice your cat squatting to urinate, crying out in pain, and urinating blood-tinged urine. Sometimes he may not be able urinate at all. He may also make frequent trips to his litter box and his abdomen may be tender and painful to the touch.
A blockage can be dangerous to cat urinary health because the bladder can rupture. Your cat will probably start acting lethargic after a while due to the altered level of electrolytes.
Medical attention is absolutely essential if your cat is already exhibiting symptoms such as a tender abdomen and lethargy, which are indicative of a cat urinary tract blockage in its late stages.
Take your cat to the vet to get some tests done. If the urethra is completely blocked, your vet will empty the bladder. He may prescribe antibiotics.
Intravenous therapy may be necessary to restore cat urinary health and hydration. If the cat urinary tract blockage has been a problem for a day or longer, hospitalization will probably be necessary in order for him to be monitored and receive fluid therapy.
Otherwise, most of the work is going to be for you the pet owner. To treat the cat urinary blockage and prevent it from recurring, you need to change your cat's diet and make sure he gets enough water to drink.
Make sure your cat always has access to fresh, filtered water. A cat water fountain may encourage your cat to drink more water. You can also give your cat more wet food or soak dry foods in water or broth to make sure he is getting enough fluids for good cat urinary health.
If your cat has a certain kind of stones, your vet will probably recommend a special diet in order to acidify the pH level of your cat's urine. The best foods for this are raw, unprocessed foods. Cranberry juice is also helpful in acidifying the urine.
The most helpful step in treating and preventing a cat urinary tract blockage is by giving your cat a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic remedies contain all natural ingredients that are very effective in dissolving blockages and preventing them from recurring.
Instead of just suppressing the symptoms, homeopathic remedies help your cat achieve permanent recovery.
Your goal? Take this information and keep it in mind for the next time your cat suffers from a cat urinary tract blockage.
Urinary blockages can become fatal if not treated in time so it's important that you make some changes to your cat's diet and lifestyle and give him a homeopathic remedy. By doing so, you will help your cat achieve permanent recovery and an overall good state of health.
If you want to make sure you are giving your pets the best health care available, please take time to read more about the many natural alternatives at my site: http://www.natural-pet-treatment.com
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