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How to Treat Ringworm on Your Cat and What to Look For

Ringworm in the cat appears in the form of little round spots from the size of a ten-cent piece to the size of a quarter-dollar. Sometimes the various spots run into each other and form irregular-shaped spots, the edges of which, however, always assume the rounded form. In these spots the hairs are broken off, leaving little bristling points only protruding from the roots. The surface of the skin itself is covered by a crusty scab, which, if peeled or rubbed off, shows a slight discharge below.

If not attended to, the disease keeps spreading to new parts of the body as fast as the older spots heal. Ringworm is due to a vegetable parasite. The cat is probably one of the most common sources of spreading of this disease to the human being, especially children.

It is highly contagious to both people and pets and is important to treat your pet before they get the nasty ring. A cat with ringworm should be isolated for a few days from the children and from other cats, until the spots have been treated.

The hair should be trimmed around the affected area. This will slow the spread and allow any topical medication you use to be more effective. Some choices you could use to help with ringworm.

- Calendula and Aloe Vera are herbs that are effective at giving relief to the inflamed skin it comes in a tincture or cream and can be applied twice daily.

- Vinegar, okay this smelled bad but it is as effective antifungal treatment. Wipe the affected area twice a day.

- Neem is also an herb with antifungal and antiseptic traits. To speed up the healing it can be applied twice daily.

- Topical antiseptic scrub like Hibitane that you can purchase at any pharmacy is a very effective antiseptic for cleaning the affected area.

- Echinacea is a good herb for stimulating the immune system.

- Your pet should be watched daily for the next week or two for the appearance of fresh spots, which should be treated the instant they appear.

Do not forget you will also have to clean the areas of your house where your cat has been so your cat does not get re-infected and other pets and you and your children are not exposed either. Make sure to wipe down the counters and floors with bleach and wash your pets bedding with bleach as well. (Yours to if your pet sleeps with you.) Make sure to vacuum the house thoroughly.

Ringworm often occurs in pets with a suppressed immune system. Giving your cat healthy safe cat food and supplements that is rich in the additional nutrients your cat may need to meet his or her unique requirements will help with a depress immune system. Giving your cat healthy safe cat food and supplements that is rich in the additional nutrients your cat may need to meet his or her unique requirements will help with a depress immune system.

This information is intended as an informational guide only. This is not to be substituted for professional veterinarian care. Always ask your Veterinarian for advice and have them explain why they have chosen that treatment and what the side affects are.

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