Whenever a cat becomes ill from any disease which is more than trivial, whether it is a fever, an inflammation of one of the organs, or an injury which is somewhat serious, it shows that it is ill more decidedly than any other animal. It appears sicker with troubles of the same severity than do other animals. With the commencing illness the cat loses its appetite, and seeks a dark corner, where it wants to remain out of sight.
The nose becomes hot, there is a total loss of appetite, the coat becomes dry and harsh, and the animal lies quiet, sleeping most of the time, unless there is any degree of pain, when it gives evidence of it by constant crying.
At the first symptoms of digestive troubles, and even in fevers and other troubles, if the cat can reach a grass-plot it immediately eats a quantity of grass, which it swallows and retains until the stomach is irritated, producing vomiting, and acting as a laxative to the intestines.
A cat may take cold in the head just as a "baby" might do, with inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose, the pharynx or larynx. The symptoms are a discharge from the nostrils, more or less difficulty of breathing, due to the obstruction of the nostrils, which are filled with matter, and choking of the throat, due either to the inflammatory condition of it or to the discharge accumulating in the throat. In the former case pressure on the throat will produce a spasmodic cough, and show that there is a tenderness of this organ.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the tubes leading from the lungs to the exterior. In this the cough is more violent; there is a discharge from the nose and throat, but the amount of phlegm is increased after an attack of coughing. By auscultation, or examining the chest-sounds by the ear, a mucus respiratory sound characterized by fine crackles can be heard as the air passes through the matter which partially fills the bronchi.
Simple colds and bronchitis do not require much treatment. The cat should be placed in a quiet, darkened corner, and be protected from drafts. It should not have food forced upon it, although it should have a small saucer of water, in which can be placed a little bicarbonate of soda and a small saucer of fresh milk, which it can take if it wants. It is better to place only a small quantity of milk at a time, as the owner can then judge how much the cat is taking, and there is no chance of the milk souring.
If there seems much fever, a drop or two of aconite can be placed in two tablespoonfuls of water in the saucer, and renewed when the water is finished. Of course as with giving any medication always consult your vet.
Each and every cat has unique nutritional needs which can be affected by life stage (kitten, adult or senior), differences in personality (high-strung or laid-back), living conditions. Premium Health Food and Supplements can provide your cat with excellent nutrition, every single day.
Most cats spend a good portion of their waking hours grooming themselves and often loose hair is swallowed, which can lead to an accumulation in the stomach commonly known as hairballs. A stronger coat will result in less hair being swallowed during normal grooming, giving your cat supplements will help.
This information is intended as an informational guide only. This is not to be substituted for professional veterinarian care. Always ask your Veterinarian for advice and have them explain why they have chosen that treatment and what the side affects are.
Providing healthy alternatives for people and pets with natural health products and natural health solutions without harmful side effects. Alice Gines, http://www.peopletopets.com
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