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A Urinary Problem - The Cat

A cat may contract different types of urinary tract problems. The one that stands out is the feline lower urinary tract disease. This disorder may become fatal if not treated properly. This type of cat urinary health problem is also known as FLUTD. Other types of cat urinary tract infections are the non-obstruction and the urologic syndrome. The non-obstructive urinary infection is common, but does not happen often in cats.

FLUTD, a Cat Urinary Health Problem

This urinary tract disease affects the bladder and in some cases the urethral. Cats suffer a great deal of pain and a feeling of discomfort when experiencing a feline lower urinary tract disease. If this disease is not properly treated and corrected the cat may become totally disabled and unable to urine causing death.

Your Cat Display's Symptoms

One symptom that may cause you to seek medical help is the cat's inability to urine or has difficulties when trying to urinate. Because of the disease, the cat will only release a small amount of urine after long periods of trying to urine. Cats who are suffering a great deal are known to howl or cry while trying to pass urine. Blood in the urine along with a bout of vomiting might also accompany this disease.

Cat FLUTD Causes

No scientific information points to one specific reason for cat's getting feline lower urinary tract health problems. Some time's bacterial and a viral microorganism can cause this disease in older cats. Speculation about bladder stones and tumors may also cause this condition in cats. In many cases, cats do not receive adequate water intake and some time's stress may cause this along with a rich mineral diet.

How to Treat FLUTD

If the condition is a result of crystal formation, you may try changing the cat food diet for the cat to prevent any formations from occurring. Once you find the right diet, you need to continue the diet for the rest of the cat's life to prevent any more occurrences. This measure should be tried at the onset of problem urination from your cat. Early detection is vital to the cat's recovery and health.

Provide adequate water and encourage your cat to drink. Some cats may need some help with a commercial favoring to attract their sense of taste and smell. The water intake helps keep the bladder working properly and works the same as cranberry juice does for humans. This treatment and preventive measure provides the cat with a clean and healthy urinary tract for years of good companionship.

If your cat has a urinary tract infection caused by bacterial, your vet will prescribe an antibiotic to clear the infection along with plenty of water and a proper diet. Surgery to remove a tumor that may cause the problem should prevent the cat from suffering from this problem again. If the feline lower urinary tract disease affects the urethra, your cat may need some observation and a catheter to correct the blockage.

You can also find more information at Cat Ear Issues and Cat Eye is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cat health.

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