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Your Guide to Kitten and Cat Care

When you are looking for information to take care of a cat versus a kitten do not worry too much about it as kitten and cat care are very similar. The biggest difference you will find is that when you own a kitten they will have to have a booster after their first set of shots and you will have to decide if you are going to spay or neuter the kitten at the recommended age of six months.

Another difference in kitten and cat care is the stage of food you provide. When you are browsing the food choices for cats, you will see that each brand is available for different stages of a cat's life and other characteristics such as a light diet, food for older cats, or a formula that promises to reduce hairballs. Use the kitten stage of your food choice until your cat reaches one year and then transition to the next appropriate stage. If you have a female cat that become pregnant and then nurses - switch them back to the kitten formula for the additional nutrients she is going to need.

When you take your cat to the veterinarian as part of your kitten and cat care routine, the doctor will conduct an identical exam regardless of your cat's age (unless there are items of special concern). Some of the things you can expect to occur during a check-up are an oral exam, an ear exam, eye exam, the cat will be weighed and the vet or a technician will check the cat's temperature and heart rate. Chances are your kitten or cat will be sent home with a clean bill of health and another visit to the doctor will not have to happen for a year.

For More Information on Cat Care Please Visit Kitty Cat Care

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