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Cat's Health

A cat cannot tell its pet owner when it feels ill, so the only way to know is by owner's observation.This will reveal an illness in one of two ways. Either the cat will display clinical signs of a problem, or its behavior will not be normal. To appreciate the latter, we must be aware of what normality is for the cat in question. The greedy eater may suddenly show lack of interest in its food. The energetic cat will be less so. All ill cats will tend to seek quiet spots where they can lay down and sleep.

Clinical signs of ill health are any or all of the following:

1. A discharge from the eyes or nose.

2. Dull eyes, with the haw becoming very visible.

3. Dull and staring coat. A very dry coat.

4. A cat that constantly coughs or makes a wheezing sound when breathing. All cats cough now and again, but
this is different from the continual coughing of the ill cat.

5. Vomitting. Cats will often vomit after eating grass, eating a food that is too rich for their stomach, or simply
because they have eaten too much. This is totally different from the cat that is repeatedly sick, especially
a few times during any 24-hour period.

6. If the cat scratches a great deal, this too would indicate a problem- such as parasites. Yet again, it must
be appreciated that all cats like a good scratch every so often.

7. The bowel movements of a cat are normally reasonably firm in texture, so if they become loose, this would suggest
a minor tummy upset or the first signs of something more serious. If they became more liquid, and maybe
streaked with blood, this would definitely be abnormal.

8. If a cat suddenly starts to lose weight, something is not right.

9. If a cat suddenly starts to drink a lot of water, yet its diet has not changed, then there is a problem.

10. Bleeding. Any cat that bleeds from the mouth, the anus, the vulva, or the penis clearly has something
wrong with it.

There are a considerable number of diseases that a cat can suffer from, but only a limited number of ways
that many of the clinical signs can cover a number of diseases. There is no way that an unqualified person
can diagnose the problem-thus the treatment.

1st Cat Care is to provide information and guidance to pet cat lovers in taking care of their cats' health, cat toilet training, tips on using the cat litter box, vaccinations, pregnancy and more on pet cat and kitten care ....

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