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Cat Breeding Cycle - What Every Cat Owner Should Know About the Frequency of Seasons

The excitement of breeding a cat to meet its standard is addictive and can last for a lifetime. Be warned, though, that very few, if any, breeders actually make a profit. When a female cat, or queen, is ready to mate, she is said to be in season, in estrus or in heat.

When she comes in season, she will emit loud cries, or calls, to attract a tomcat. She will also crouch down and creep about the floor on shortened legs, and may even spray. As her season progresses she will rub against you or an article of furniture, raise her rear end into the air and make alluring little noise.

You may also notice that her vulva is swollen and some clear discharge may be visible. Although the outdoor queen may come in season in spring and again in early fall if the weather turns clement, the indoor queen may cycle in and out of season every few weeks throughout the entire year until she is bred.

This is because of the more or less constant temperature in the home or cattery and the artificial light similar to the sun in spring and summer. Frequent seasons pose dangers for your queen. Many females will not eat when in season and can become dangerously thin.

They also have a greater chance of deploying pyometra. Frequent seasons can also present a problem for your queen if she already has a litter of kittens and should not be bred for some time.

Yes, she will come in season even while she is nursing and very often when the kittens are as young as three weeks. Another pregnancy at this early stage may really wear her down. If you do not want your queen to fall pregnant at a particular time, but want her to remain intact for future breeding, you must either confine her or the stud cat so they cannot gain access to each other.

You can also try to induce ovulation in the queen which may take her out of season in a few days instead one week. Apply petroleum jelly to the end of a clean rectal thermometer and gently insert it into her vagina. Twist slowly and gently and she should soon let out a shriek.

This is a sure sign you have achieved the same result as a tomcat. Immediately withdraw the thermometer and then repeat the procedure ten minutes later and again later that day.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Cat Pet Supplies [] and Reader Sunglasses []

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