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Signs, Treatments and Symptoms of Feline Leukemia

FeLV or feline leukemia is considered a retrovirus. This means that the RNA is changed into a c-DNA provirus, and can become a part of cells it has infected, making them able to spread the virus. This affects only cats, and is found worldwide. An infected cat can stop the disease on its own in the first stage only, but if the cancer makes it to second stage it is fatal.

Cats normally do not show symptoms of feline leukemia in the early stages, but some do manifest. These include low grade fever, general sickness and enlarged lymph nodes as well as blood disorders. Other forms of cancer such as anemia, tumor and leukemia develop in the second stage.

Not all cats are necessarily in danger of these symptoms after they are infected, as many felines have a hereditary immunity. Others can develop immunity after having the symptoms for a short time. Either way, immunity can lead to a life with nor risk of infection at all.

At this time there is no treatment for feline leukemia, but viruses infect on regular basis. So most cases of FeLV will result in the cat dying a death all its own, and not related to the feline leukemia. Healthy immunities will neutralize these infections, but this cat cancer is of a type different from all other feline cancers. It specifically attacks the immune system so that secondary infections are a bigger problem and threat to life than the original infection.

Treatments such as chemotherapy and other conventional methods are deemed ineffective for feline leukemia. If the cat responds to the treatment there is still a chance of relapse when the vigor returns. Owners are normally told the common outcome, and are given a chance to go on with treatment or to allow the cat to stay in the hospital with herbal and natural cat cancer remedies where the quality of life can be good for survival.

Janet Markowitz has been a German Shepherd Breeder for over 20 years. She has always been interested in using natural and holistic remedies for her Shepherds whenever possible. She has found that by using natural Remedies in conjunction with conventional medicine, she has achieved great success in the health and longevity in her dogs.

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