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Cat Training Aids Made EASY in 4 Steps!

First thing you must know is that the Cat Training Aids are much more different then the dog training Aids.

Step # 1: The Basics.

"Some important things to keep in mind before using this Cat Training Aids"

A cat or kitten has her own way of living and sitting down is not one of them. They will always move around, eat, litter, play with you and basically have fun. But a dog on the other hand can be trained to do chores, be a good boy, and other fun stuff. If you are looking for super obedience, go get a dog.

Since you decided to bring a cat home, here are some of the things they will do and you must know this beforehand to properly train her. She will do many things to get your attention. In fact they tear up furniture, wake you up in the morning and litter nearby you just to get your attention. In order to rid of her bad habit and teach her the proper way of living in your house, you will have to adopt patience and teach him through experience.

Yes, a cat learns through experience. If you put her through a good experience she will repeat it but if it is a bad one she will avoid it. An experience that is good to her is when she wakes you up 5 in the morning. Normally you would find it cute,and praise her. Give her food, water and play with her. But in her mind, she's thinking "Oh Awesome, to get more good, and love I have to wake my dad up early in the morning." So, don't fall for this trap. If she bothers you early in the morning, don't wake up or wake up but don't show her too much affection.

Step # 2: Cat Litter Training Aids.

If you have just gotten a new kitten, chances are it's already litter box trained. This is because cats who have been raised by mothers who use litter boxes themselves have already been taught to use a box by their mothers. If the mother is trained, then the kitty, too, is going to be trained to use a box. If not, though, the kitten will need to be taught cat litter training.

If your kitten was raised by a mother in the wild or is an orphan, chances are you're going to get a kitten that is not trained. Not to worry, however. By nature, cats are very clean creatures, and would prefer to have one special place to go to the bathroom. Therefore, even though your little guy (or girl) may "do his business" in indiscriminate locations throughout your house when you first get him, it's very easy to train a kitten how to use a box if he does not know how to do so already.

Remember that if the kitten is very tiny (less than six weeks old) and/or has been orphaned, then it may not have had a mother to show it how to use litter properly. It's very easy to show him how, though. First, get a box or container with low enough sides that even a very tiny kitten can climb in. One of the best containers to use is an old dishpan with one side cut out so that it's only a couple of inches high. This is low enough that even the tiniest of kittens can climb in easily.

The box must be easy to get into for your kitten to be able to use it. Immediately after you've set up the pan, put just a small amount of litter (no more than half an inch or so) on the bottom and put your cat in. Instinctively, even tiny kittens will usually like to scratch around even if they don't exactly know what it's used for.

Step # 3: Scratching & Spraying.


"This Cat Training Aids are going to help you with this issue."

If your cat does not have at least one scratching post, get one or two. This should solve most of the inappropriate scratching problems. Ideally, each cat in the household should have his own scratching post, and it should be in a place he can easily find it.

If you have a scratching post, examine it. Is it worn or all scratched out? If so, it is time for a new post. If the post is new and your cat does not want to use it, rub some catnip along the sides and top.

This will attract him to the post, and he will associate the pleasant scent of catnip with scratching. You also can dangle toys off the top of the post or place treats at the top. The more appealing the scratching post is, the more your cat will use it.

If you catch him scratching something he should not, correct him with a loud "No" and clap your hands. This will startle him and he will stop what he is doing. Pick your cat up and move him to the scratching post.

Place his front paws on the post and make scratching movements. If he does not seem to understand, run your fingernails down the post and pretend to scratch the post yourself. Praise your cat whenever he uses the post, and give him a treat afterward. He will make the connection that when he scratches the post he gets rewarded.

To prevent your cat from scratching things when you are not home, cover the edges or corners of the furniture with plastic strips or double sided sticky tape. Pet product manufacturers sell transparent, non toxic strips or double sided tape designed to repel cats without harming them.

Declawing is not an appropriate solution for a scratching problem. Pet supply stores sell little plastic caps that fir over a cat's nails. You can also trim the tips of your cat's nails every few weeks, which will prevent him from clawing anything.


Both males and females spray urine to mark their territory, although the behavior is much more common in males. One way to address this is to spay or neuter the cat. Generally cats will exhibit this type of behavior when they feel their territory is threatened, such as bringing a newcomer onto the scene.

Consult with your veterinarian about possible health problems that may be causing this behavior.

Step # 4: Cat Nutrition.

Read these Cat Training Aids very carefully: nutrition is one of the most important factors in any pets life.

You need to consider what cats will need in the wild to determine the best food sources for them. In the wild, cats will eat mice and birds, and drink water. Obviously this is a diet high in protein and it is essential that your cat gets sufficient protein to maintain a good healthy diet.

What many people don't realize is that cats can get diabetes from having a diet that is too high in carbohydrates. By constantly feeding your cat carbohydrates it can become insulin resistant and unable to keep its blood glucose levels at a suitable level. Some signs that your cat is becoming diabetic include drinking a lot of water and eating considerably more than they usually do. You might also notice a sign of weakness in the back legs as they tend to wobble a bit when walking.

Dry biscuits are particularly bad for cats as they are generally very high in carbohydrates and even though your cat might love eating them, because of the additives that have been put into these dry foods, it certainly won't do their health a lot of good. The reason why these dry biscuits are so popular is because of the convenience and the fact that cats are very fussy eaters. Most cats like dry biscuits except possibly those that have been found straying in the wild.

There are some Cat Training Aids that personally helped me a lot!

You will find all of them here:

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