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My Cat Will Not Eat

If you are reading this, most likely you've become worried about your cat's eating behaviors. Perhaps your cat seems fussy about food, eating little amounts at a time. Or maybe your cat is refusing to eat at all and doesn't seem concerned in much of anything.

It will be easier to work out what is making changes in your cat's eating habits if you're acquainted with its normal eating routine. Are you sure your cat hasn't always acted this way? If so, realize that simple changes in the surroundings can cause anxiety for your pet. Even switching the furniture around can be upsetting to a cat.

If you've recently been away and left the cat at a kennel or had a friend stop in to feed him, this sudden food indifference could be a mild case of depression that will be quickly relieved now that you're back. Be sure to provide some extra attention and tasty treats.

Yummy treats or a taste of your cat's preferred food can be good ways to coax your pet into eating more normally again. This is also a fine way of deciding if he's just turning away what you're serving him because he doesn't like the taste of it.

If you have recently attempted a switch to healthier cat chow, your cat may be showing a taste for his former diet. He may be trying to wear you down in the hopes that you'll return back to what you were giving him previously. If you are trying to feed your cat a diet of low carbohydrate food, he could decline to eat for days. This could cause serious liver troubles, so it is best to try and rectify the situation rapidly.

Additional reasons for not eating could include a problem with your cat's jaw or teeth that's causing pain during meals. Digestive problems, such as stomach irritation or intestinal infections, would also cause pain while eating. If your cat hasn't eaten for a few days, it could mean he has one of these or another inherent health issue. Consult your veterinary surgeon for advice on treatment. Have a look at the following information about cat marking as it may happen when some of the above situations occur.

There are a number of reasons why cats mark:

- Territoriality: the cat is letting other cats know that the marked area is "his" territory
- To communicate sexual availability
- Out of stress or anxiety
- A change of location: some cats will begin to mark when their owners move house
- If a new animal or human is introduced to the house
- Because of overcrowding (too many other cats in the house)
- The cat is receiving less attention than normal
- A significant change in lifestyle or routine (for example, the owner gets a full-time job; someone moves out of home; the house is renovated)

Max Young is an information researcher whom presents working information to be used for every day experiences. To get the inside word on preventing and dealing with problem behaviors like aggression and dominance in your dog, click now on the following link.

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