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Symptoms of Cat Rabies

Not many would ever think a cat be inflicted with rabies as well. Yes, cats do, not just dogs. When do you know your cat is manifesting symptoms of cat rabies? For all you know, rabies is a lethal health treat caused by virus. This rabies may bring unfavorable situations to your beloved meowing pet.

You need to fully understand the symptoms of cat rabies before you give her some medical attention. Symptoms come in three stages: prodromal, furious and dumb or paralytic stage. If you notice your cat is being anxious, apprehensive, tensed and fevered for two days, then she might be inflicted with rabies. If your cat is acting restless, irritable, defocused, extremely responsive to visual excitations and vicious, then she may be manifesting the furious phase of cat rabies.

Symptoms of cat rabies are also detected when seizures attack. If your cat shows no interest in eating or perhaps unable to munch in food, she may have rabies. Worse case is that she may execute deep breathing and her jaws start to drop due to paralyzed facial muscles. Prolonged weakness of muscles and nerves will lead to respiratory failure which may cause death.

When a cat is bitten by an animal, she may possibly develop cat rabies which will result to destruction of the central nervous system. Cat rabies can also cause respiratory infections, urinary tract troubles, feline distemper, diabetes, flu, vomiting, kidney disease and conjunctivitis. Although rabies rarely attack cats, it's still extremely cat the owners must be aware of the symptoms of.

Keeping an eye on your cat's health is primary. Symptoms of cat rabies should be prevented from worsening as early as possible. If any of the indicators is noticeable in your dearest feline, do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian. Not only is rabies transmitted by an infected animal, it is also brought through aerosol infection or ingestion of carrier animal. You must note that rabies lingers most likely in an animal's saliva. So, if your cat is bitten by a dog or any rabies-bearing animal, she will be infected with rabies as well.

Symptoms usually scatter through the nerves toward the brain. The virus will gradually spread through your cat's body in 2 to 6 weeks. As soon as it reaches the brain, it will dwell on the salivary glands. But before it could even reach the salivary glands, your cat will start to manifest any of the three phases of rabies symptoms. A few early indicators can be detected when your cat is roaring loudly and bumping on any object she sees. Lack of bodily coordination is also an early symptom you have to act upon. Have your cat diagnosed by the most proximate vet.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about rabies symptoms [], please visit Your Friendly Pets [] for current articles and discussions.

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