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First Aid For Cats

If your cat becomes injured or stops breathing, would you know what to do? Every owner should be prepared to assist her pet in the case of an injury or medical emergency. While minor cuts and scrapes can be treated at home, use first aid to keep your cat alive until you can get him to the vet for medical treatment.

Take your feline to the vet immediately if he is hit by a car, poisoned, shot, has any serious burns or bites, is attacked by an animal, or has any of the following:

- a deep cut or wound that will not stop bleeding
- A pus filled wound and a fever
- a temperature over 105 degree Fahrenheit
- an eye injury
- bloody diarrhea or vomit
- broken bones or tail
- paralysis

Your vet can recommend a book devoted to first aid care for cats that covers any possible scenario (such as how to set a broken bone or what to do if your cat is choking), but here are some first aid basics for all pet owners:

- Keep a well stocked first aid kit in an accessible location in your home. The kit should include adhesive tape, gauze pads, cotton balls or swabs, a rectal thermometer, petroleum jelly, mineral oil, topical antibiotic ointment, tweezers, hydrogen peroxide, and a small thick towel.

- Put the name, address, phone number, and directions to the vet's office or 24 hour emergency clinic near the telephone. Make sure that all family members know where it is.

- Learn how to perform CPR and mouth to mouth resuscitation on a cat (and kitten). Ask your vet to do this safely so that you do not accidentally harm your pet.

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