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Four Causes of Feline Kidney Disease

Feline kidney disease is a common problem for older cats. However, it can affect cats of any age. There are many different reasons why your cat could develop this disease. Let's take a look at some of the most common causes.

Toxins are one of the leading causes of feline kidney disease. Cats will readily lick antifreeze if they come across it on the ground. It will quickly destroy your cat's kidneys if treatment isn't sought immediately.

Other toxins that can cause this disease include solvents, pesticides, and heavy metals. Also, medications that your cat may be taking can cause problems with the kidneys. Medications for humans such as aspirin and antibiotics are also common culprits.

One of the next causes of feline kidney disease is cancer. Cancer rarely originates in your cat's kidneys. In most cases, the disease has spread from another organ. Older cats are most often affected by cancer of the kidneys. However, cats of any age can develop it.

Blood Flow
Another cause of feline kidney disease is inadequate blood flow. If blood doesn't flow properly through the kidneys, they won't be able to remove wastes effectively. This will allow toxins to accumulate in the bloodstream. Inadequate blood flow through the kidneys can be caused by drugs, dehydration, or heart disease.

Cysts are one of the final common causes of feline kidney disease. These cysts can occur in both kidneys and will enlarge over time. As they grow, they will begin to put pressure on kidney tissue. This will reduce the kidney's ability to filter waste products.

As a cat owner, you want to keep your special friend as healthy as possible. To learn more about various cat health problems such as feline distemper, stop by

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