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How to Choose a Good Cat Scratching Post

Cats are very interesting creatures, they are excellent companions and give us happiness throughout our days, so after all cats give to us we need to also give back to them in ways that will make them happy as well. One of those ways we can give back to them is to supply them with a proper cat scratching post to satisfy their scratching needs, cats need to scratch, it is part of their nature but the cat posts they are scratching does not necessarily satisfy their scratching urges.

Believe it or not but not all scratch posts are created equal, maybe to a human we think who cares what kind of scratch post the cat uses, but to the cat it is a completely different story, their scratch post is part of their livelihood and is an absolute necessity for a cat to have a good scratch post.

A few things to look for when choosing a proper post for your cat would be first of all the height of the post, The height should be high enough for your cat to fully stretch out while using the post, at least 30 inches tall, if your cat is fairly large in size and he or she is using an 8 inch scratch post, that will not be sufficient for your cat and they will probably look for more adequate scratching solutions such as your couch.

With that said lets move on to the second most important factor in choosing a cat post which is stability, why do you think your cat scratches your couch, because it feels good? Yes, and also because your couch is stable, it does not move or wobble while your cat is scratching it which makes your cat more satisfied, but the whole point to having a scratch post is to avoid from having your cat from destroying your furniture in the first place. That is why you must supply your cat with a stable post.

A third important factor in choosing a good scratch post would be the actual scratching surface, some posts use a carpet covered surface, some posts use bare wood as their scratching surface and some posts use plain untreated sisal rope, every cat is different, some prefer carpet or wood but most prefer sisal rope as their scratching surface and besides that sisal rope will outlast all other scratching surfaces when it comes to shredding. Cats like sisal over any other scratching surface because sisal is more rough to the touch and cats like a rough post to scratch which makes sisal the obvious choice.

One more important factor in choosing a cat post will not necessarily make any difference to your cat but it will to you, and that is the quality and appearance of the post, cats will scratch anything you put in front of them being a good quality post or a cheap low quality post but we as humans know that we would rather choose a post that will last and will also be pleasing to look at because lets face the facts, most cat posts are not to pleasing to look at.

That's where our cat posts differ from most cat posts, our posts are not just cat posts but we like to consider them as quality cat furniture as well and we have one simple goal in mind when we build our cat posts and that goal is simple, we want to make your cat happy.

We love animals and they deserve only the best, they give so much to us as people that we tend to take for granted sometimes, pets are truly a gift to us and we should only give the best in return to them.

If you would like more information on our posts please visit our website at and if you have any questions about our products you can contact us through our website and we will get back to you a.s.a.p. In the end the choice is yours but whatever cat scratching post you choose for your cat just let it be a safe and smart choice.

Steven Dybka is owner and operator of Demesco at

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