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Is Your Cat Being Threatened by Cat Urinary Symptoms?

Cat urinary symptoms can be scary. You can tell something is wrong with your furry little friend but unless you have extensively read about cat urinary tract infection symptoms, you really might not have a clue about what's bothering the animal. One of the most common conditions in cats that reach middle age (though it can happen even before that time) is urinary tract infection, or feline lower urinary tract disease. This is when a bacterial infection occurs in the urethra or the bladder. However, the broad term can refer to many problems of the feline urinary tract area, including stones and cystitis. While this condition is not the same thing as blocked cat syndrome (in which the penis becomes plugged) it is closely related to this and other conditions. Needless to say, this condition spreads throughout the body leading to further infection and inflammation; if left untreated, UTI can be fatal. It is important that you look for cat urinary symptoms and then inform a veterinarian who will deduce whether or not the cat has UTI. The first thing you must realize about cat urinary symptoms is that this condition affects males and females in a slightly different manner. For one thing UTI is usually more dangerous in male cats than female cats. Male cats are more susceptible to this condition because they obviously have a longer and narrower passageway through the urethra.

What are the most common cat urinary symptoms to look for? UTI in cats concerns the bladder and urethra so obviously any cat urinary symptoms would be related to urination. If you notice your cat squatting and straining during urination, or meowing in pain, then you should be concerned. At the same time, if you notice excessive urination or under-urination, then this could be a problem. Note that cats will usually not urinate excessively if they have UTI problems; however, they will make more trips to the litter box and perhaps will be reluctant to leave. If you see any blood in the urine or notice the cat meowing excessively then this can be cause for concern. Essentially, whatever pain the cat is feeling is resulting from painful bladder distension because the organ is filled with waste that needs to be released. If this condition is not treated then it could lead to more serious conditions like kidney failure or uremia. Cats have a great threshold for pain so you might not always notice that they are in pain. Therefore if you notice that they are not eating like usual, are vomiting frequently or are avoiding contact with you, then this is a sign that something is very wrong.

How Do Cat Urinary Symptoms Develop?

How do cat urinary tract infection symptoms develop? While it's not precisely known why they occur, scientifically speaking, urinary problems develop because of inflammation of the urinary bladder or constriction of the urethra. Some cases are genetically influenced (as in congenital malformation) and some cats are more susceptible to recurrence than others. Crystal formation is a common cause of this condition, as well as trauma, dehydration, obesity, tumor and intentional urinary retention. The last of these is particularly interesting as it involves inadequate litter box provisions. A cat will only use the litter box if it is clean and easily accessible.

In conclusion, you can see that a negligible pet owner can be a risk to a recovering cat. Therefore, do everything in your power to make sure your cat has an abundance of healthy food, fresh water, clean provisions and immediate professional treatment if it is needed.

If you want to learn more about cat urinary symptoms then visit

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