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Preventing and Treating Cat Urinary Tract Infection

Cat urinary tract infection refers to a group of symptoms that indicate a bacterial infection in a cat's urinary tract. Some of the most common symptoms are bloody urine, difficulty in urinating (such as straining or minimal urination evident), urinating outside the litter box and an excessive licking of the genitals. This condition might also be known as cystitis or inflamed bladder. This is a potentially serious condition, just as it is potentially a benign condition that will take care of itself. You don't know how severe the condition is until a veterinarian can diagnose the animal.

What causes this disease? Bacteria are usually not present in the urinary tract, so a proliferation of bacteria is what is causing the infection. What causes harmful bacteria to appear? It is often the result of another disease or condition altogether. It could be caused by bladder stones, a chemical urethral blockage, urinary tract cancer, urinary tract trauma, kidney failure, or even from an unknown cause. Cat urinary tract infection is most common in middle-aged cats.

What are the most common symptoms for feline urinary tract infection? Most owners know when their cat is acting strangely and so naturally becomes more observant of the cat's lifestyle, behavior and eating habits. Two of the most telling habits include urinating outside the litter box and showing unusual thirst. Why does your cat, ordinarily a housebroken animal, start suddenly failing to reach the litter box? This is because the cat is associating the litter box with pain, as it is having difficulty urinating because of the condition. Unfortunately for kitty, the only thing that will alleviate its pain is getting antibiotic treatment and changing its eating and drinking habits. You are the perfect person to convince kitty of this needed lifestyle change! (And it's unlikely that kitty will resist your all-powerful arm)

After taking note of the cat's history and any observations you have stated, the vet will be interested in getting a urine sample. Based on this information he or she will instruct you further, perhaps advising you to give the cat antibiotic drugs or even holistic alternatives, if the cat may be too sensitive to stronger medications. However, even if your cat recovers in record time after treatment, there is still much work to be done.

Caring For Kitty After the Vet Visit

After your cat returns home you must watch it and make sure that recovery is not only fast but also for the long-term. You will also be responsible in making some lifestyle and dietary changes. Cats who suffer from feline urinary tract infection will require a higher quality of food, perhaps even a carefully blended diet of necessary nutrients. These may be available at the veterinarian's office or from an online retailer.

A cat will also require lots of water if it is going to recover from this condition. Cats are not as active as dogs and so do not naturally drink as much water. Furthermore, cats are a hunting species that are almost camel-like in their ability to retain just enough water to survive. In fact, ancient hunting felines actually acquired most of their water from hunting prey.

You may have difficulty teaching your cat to drink more water. You have to use your imagination here. Create more opportunity for the cat to drink, whether it is setting up multiple dishes throughout the house, buying a kitty fountain, or giving the cat lots of wet cat food as well as fish or chicken flavored broth along with dry food.

For more help with cat urinary tract infection, including information on treatment and diagnosis, visit

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