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A Male or Female Cat?

Ok you have decided to take care of a cat, and the most obvious choices like which color , what race etc have probably crossed your mind. But not to many people stand still to think about what gender you should choose for. There are some obvious and some less obvious problems with choosing a female or male cat.

Usually when you get a new cat, he/she is only a few weeks old. At this age its very difficult to see if the kitten is female or male. So if you want to make absolutely sure, ask an expert. Female cats usually have more different colors in their pelt. Sometimes it is like a big mix. Male cats have mostly 2 colors or just one color. However you cant use this as a rule of thumb.

Male cats when they reach adolescence will start to mark their territory. They do this by spraying urine in the area where they live. This is pretty harmless if the cat can go outside often, however if you plan on keeping your cat in doors at all times. Then he is going to mark your house as his territory. The smell of repeatedly spraying cats a horrible smell and nearly impossible to remove. Neutering decreases this effect.

Female cats when they reach sexual maturity will get "in heat" which means that she is ready to have sex. And she will make you very aware of this. This can be sometimes embarrassing or annoying. Neutering will remove this behavior completely.

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