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Bad Cat Behavior - Stop Your Cat From Getting on the Counter!

There are several effective techniques to stop your cat from getting on the counter tops. The key to correcting this bad cat behavior is to either catch them in the act or have devices in place that are designed to catch them. Your cat will eventually learn to stay off the counter top through negative reinforcement techniques.

When your cat associates negative conditions as a result of a certain behavior, they naturally learn to avoid that behavior. It may take a while but eventually your cat will get it. You must catch them in the act so it is important to use various methods for this.

To prevent your cat from getting on the counter tops, try laying several mousetraps on the surface, facing down. When a trap activates as a result of your cat sniffing or moving it, the abrupt sound and action is startling. If your cat associates this sudden scare with getting on the counter, they will eventually stop!

Another method you may want to try is putting aluminum foil on your counter top. Most cats hate the feeling of walking on aluminum foil. Crumple the foil up first and then unfold it so that the result is a bumpy surface texture.

If you are around to immediately discipline your cat when he jumps up on the counter, try yelling "NO" and nudging them off with your arm. You can also try using a can filled with coins that you can shake at them. Cats hate this loud noise and will usually run.

You can also use a squirt bottle full of water or a can of compressed air. Once again make sure you catch them on the counter when you spray it at them. Be careful not to spray either item too close to your cat, both will work very well from a distance.

So there you have it, some effective ways to stop your cat from getting on the counter top. Correcting many types of bad cat behavior will take time and persistence. Try multiple combinations of these simple techniques and you will soon have success in correcting your cat's bad behavior.

Wait! Don't give up on your cat! A well planned behavior program may be all your kitty needs. Go here for simple tips to help you get your feline inline! []

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