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Cat Behavior - Changing Your Cat's Behavior Early

Many people have cat behavior problems, and it is often the most common reason cats are given up to shelters. People often don't seek help for cat behavior problems until after weeks or months of the problem.

Most cat behavior experts will tell you that the longer a certain behavior goes on the harder it is to change it. Normally most people don't realize this until it is too late. One of the first things you should do if you notice an acute behavior change in your cat is to seek veterinary guidance in case there is a medical cause to it.

Many feline medical problems are manifested as behavior problems. Often times if a cat is not using a litter box and urinating around the house it could be due to a urinary tract infection. Sometimes the problem could be as simple as the cat is getting too old to use the litter box and a different litter box with lower sides will do the trick.

Even after the medical problem has been resolved, a cat behavior problem can persist due to the learned behavior during their illness. If a cat learned to urinate around the house will it has a urinary tract infection, it may continue to do so out of simple conditioning.

By getting on top of cat behavior problems early you can make your life and the life of your cat easier. Remember changing your cat's behavior often comes down to consistency. Remember a good veterinary exam can rule out a possible medical cause of a behavior problem.

Cat Behavior 101

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