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Cat Behavior Problems Can Relate To Instincts

There are more cats in American homes these days than there are dogs. People have found that cats make unique little pets, each with their own little personality making them funny, mysterious, cuddly, and always puzzling. A cat owner who understands cat behavior problems will find it easier living with the little wildcat they've brought into their home.

Although cats have been considered domesticated animals for centuries, the bottom line is that domestic feline behavior remains similar in many ways to the behavior of cats in the wilds, such as lions and tigers. Our generally-docile house pets still have instinctive predator behaviors buried deep down inside. Many behaviors humans consider cat behavior problems are just some of these intrinsic behaviors surfacing even though they're no longer needed.

If you have previously raised kittens, you will know that they begin aggressive play as soon as they can walk. This aggression is natural as the skills they learn by this early play would help them be prepared to catch prey and feed themselves in the wild. You should channel this aggressive behavior into outlets that you find appropriate so that they do not see you toes as potential prey.

Remember to provide appealing toys for your kitten, especially tools that are tempting to bite and chase. Kittens offend grasp a toy with their front paws and use their back legs to scratch the toy, which puts on an entertaining display for observers as well as gives the kitten vigorous exercise. Toy mice with a furry texture entice kittens to jump and chew them. Nearly grown kittens and adult cats may respond more actively to toys containing catnip; however, not all cats are affected by catnip and some kittens may require a few weeks of exposure to feel the effects.

While your cat is at play, it's up to you to set limits for his behavior. Teach him not to bite, scratch, or chew on humans. Help him learn which of his behaviors aren't acceptable. In so doing, however, never strike your cat. Instead of stopping cat behavior problems, hitting may well cause more. With one slap you can destroy the trust your pet has in you making him angrier and more aggressive. When kitty is misbehaving, tell him "No" sharply and move him away from the problem area. Offer him another, more appropriate activity, or reward good behavior by saying "Good kitty!" or with an occasional treat.

Scratching trees and other rough surfaces is the natural way for cats to control the growth of their claws. Their instincts drive them to do this. To avert having your cat scratch your furniture or other indoor valuables, provide a cat scratcher. A cat scratcher can be purchased at a pet store. A cat scratcher can also be made at home. To make a traditional cat scratcher, attach carpet scraps to scrap wood. If you do not have wood, you can use strips of cardboard in a box. If you do not have room for a traditional cat scratcher, you can buy a cat scratcher that hangs from a doorknob. You can entice your cat to use use the cat scratcher by spraying it with catnip spray.

Even though cats have been domesticated for ages, their feline behavior has remained much like that of a lion or a tiger. Cat behavior problems only reflect their genetic brain formation for the life they were originally meant to lead. Kittens begin aggressive play as soon as they can walk. Provide toys for your kitten that are tempting to bite and chase. You need to teach the cat not to bite things that are off limits while it is playing. Cats limit the growth of their claws by scratching trees. You need to provide cat scratchers to keep cats from using your furniture for the same purpose.

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