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Cat Ear Health And Ear Mites

Cat ear health and ear mites are common occurrences in outside and inside cats. The cat that spends time outdoors can infest other cats it meets. This includes all cats inside that never see the outdoors. Almost fifty percent of ear problems in cats come from ear mites. Herbal treatments work well on the external part of the cat's ear. More serious infestations of this parasite require medications to rid the ear of this problem, before further damaged is done to the cat's ear. If the ear mite reaches the inner and middle ear, a vet needs to treat this condition to minimize any ear damage.

A blackish/brownish discharge gives you a sign that the feline ear health required immediate attention. A cotton swab inserted into the ear may come out dirty and filled with ear mites. Because ear mites cause irritation to the cat as well as the owner, relieving the irritation immediately requires proper ear health treatments. Ridding your cat of ear mites takes up to three weeks and has to be done everyday to effectively treat the cat ear health problem. One treatment effective against the ear mite population is natural oil that blocks the respiratory spores of the annoying ear mites.

Because ear mite infestation spreads from cat to cat, all cats in contact with ear other needs diagnosis and treatment. Dogs in the household have treatments as well. Both ears need treatment even if one ear has the ear mites present. Ear mites travel on the cats head and can reach the other ear while you treat only one ear, therefore, you need to give treatment to both ears. Cat ear health requires some dedication to rid the cat of this annoying parasite.

It takes twenty-one days for ear mite eggs to hatch and this is why the treatment needs to continue for twenty-one days to kill the newly hatched ear mites. If you keep the treatments, going for this length of time you will eliminate the parasite problem before it spreads to the inner and middle ear and causes hearing problems or more.

A Preventive Measure against Ear Mites

A home remedy against the infestation of ear mites is mullein mixture. This formula consists of mullein flowers and olive oil cooked in a crock-pot for about six hours on a low setting. After cooking for six hours strain the mullein flowers and place the liquid into a jar for about one month in the refrigerator. When you need to use the liquid, warm to body temperature and use an ear dropper to apply to the cats ear to prevent ear mites from infesting your cat.

When you practice good cat ear health, your cats stay free from the annoying ear mites and do not need to have any special care to rid them from the ear mites. This remedy sounds funny, but it does work on cats and dogs in the prevention of parasites such as ear mites.

You can also find more information at Cat Claws and Cat is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cat health.

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