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Cat Health Claws, Should You Remove Claw

Many area rescue missions and animal shelters will not support the removing of the claws of a cat. It actually depends on the cat and your need for the procedure to be done. A veterinarian will remove the claws and does this at the same time of neutering or spaying. Cats can receive training to avoid using the furniture as a scratching post, but some cats are extremely stubborn requiring the removal of the claws.

Cats keep the claws hidden inside a skin pouch on the foot. When they walk or run, the claws remain hidden unless they are climbing or scratching. The claw has a hook to it to catch prey better and allow them to climb faster when needed. If the cat claws become to long a cat may walk differently because of the length. You need to keep these claws trimmed, which is not an easy task. Cat health claws and problems with clipping them are cats protect their claws from everyone.

A vet can perform this service as well as some groomers who work with cats. Although clipping the cat's claw helps with their walking and running, they still will scratch at the furniture or a scratching post. This reason leads people to have the claws removed. Cat health claws issues arise from groups that say cat's need claws to protect themselves.

If you take a household with two cats, one has no front claws and one does, they have back claws, but the cat that has front claws, will scratch and knead anywhere they want. A cat with no claws still kneads, but they have no claws to scratch furniture even though they still try. This issue has become controversial over the years as many groups feel cats need claws. If they remain inside, the choice does not matter.

If you choose to keep the cat with claws, you need to start early with claw clipping or the cat will not grow accustom to this health practice. Cat health claws require weekly trimming if you choose to leave the claws intact. You will need to press the pads and make the claws appear and then clip down to the tip of the pinkish park of the nail. If you clip them past this point, bleeding and pain will result.

If you choose to remove the claws, a vet does the procedure and the cat remains overnight. Cat health claws removal is completed, you need to use newspaper in the litter box for about a week or so until the paws heal. The litter may get into the area where the claws where and cause infection. It also causes pain for the cat to step on the little pieces of litter. The cat needs to remain indoors as well until the paws are healed to prevent infection and possible ripping of the stitches. Either way you choose for your cat depends on your own personal need as well as the happiness of your cat.

You can also find more info on Cat Eye Health and Cat Fleas. is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cat health.

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