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Cat Health Food To Stay Healthy

Cat food health requires some knowledge of what a cat needs in their diet and how much they need in one day. When a cat receives the proper food, they tend to stay healthier and livelier as they grow up. Different cat foods have different ingredients and many manufacturers make cheaper brands that might not meet the daily-recommended needed nutrition.

Back in 2004 the total sales for pet food was over fourteen billion dollars. The industry supplies food for over one hundred and forty-seven dogs and cats in the United States alone. This alone allows many different pet food manufacturers to produce different varieties of cat food with or without the proper nutrition's required.

Feline health food depends on the quality of the food and what the food contains as far as nutritional values to determine if it is healthy or not. Who controls what cat food needs to have in it? The industry falls under control of the government with voluntary compliance to the standards. The labeling of the food falls under the AAFCO rules. This organization sets the standards for what the food must contain, but does not enforce this regulation like the FDA does with human food for consumption. Officers of the AAFCO consist of universities, the FDA and the department of chemistry and agriculture.

Labeling, manufacturing and the sale of cat, dog and livestock food falls under the watchful eye of the officers of the AAFCO. Officers from different agencies unite to safeguard the pets health by developing polices that need enforcement in the manufacturing of pet food. This organization upholds the standards of quality of cat health food policies, making the market safe for pets and provides the needed nutrition.

The part of the FDA in pet food manufacturer industries is because they monitor the food, drug and cosmetic manufacturers and pet food does fall under this heading. The CVM falls under the FDA because they are a center for veterinary medicine. The CVM sets the standards for pet food and medicines or drugs. Cat health food needs monitoring to ensure the proper manufacturing of these foods and drugs follow the proper guidelines. All pet food must meet the standard of pure and wholesome to be considered healthy for pets to consume.

Although, the sad truth about cat and dog food is it has additives such as diseased animal meat, road kill meat and dog and cat meat from euphonized dogs and cats. This does not sound like cat health food, but the practice continues. To add to this truth, downer cow meat finds its way into the mix of pet food as well. If a company makes a new type of cat food, no guidelines are set to that say they need approval before selling to the consumer. More guidelines need to curb the use of such additives that are harmful for pets and may lead to health problems and create cat health food pets can safely eat.

You can also find more information at Cat Domestic Health Problem and Cat Health Heart is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cat health.

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