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Cat Urine Cleaner!

Cat urine emits a real foul odor and can make your house stink. It can be a real nuisance if the cat urinates on your carpet because it will just seep through the fibers in the carpet and cause mold. So you are now faced with two foul smelling problems instead of on. But your problems worsen if the cat urinates on a wooden floor, because it will sink right through and cause a stench that will just not go away even after you have rubbed the surface off.

While it is best to clean the wet urine, sometimes you may not notice the 'accident' until the smell hits you. In such an event, you might like to try some of these tried and tested methods that will help you to quickly and easily get rid of the cat urine odor and the ungainly stains.

1. Use absorbent cloths to soak up the urine wet area.

2. If you are trying to clean a wooden floor, wipe away the residue with a slightly damp cloth, and then dab dry.

3. Next, use either a household cleaner to remove the stain. Alternately, you can use:

a. A solution of hydrogen peroxide that is diluted to about 3%. Simply spray this over the stained area. Wait for around 5 minutes and blot dry.

b. A mix of baking soda and hand soap to work out the stains and the smell of cat urine.

c. White vinegar that has been diluted to around 25-30%. Just spray it on the affected area and blot after a few minutes.

d. Baking soda to remove cat urine odors from carpets and upholstery. But it doesn't work on cat urine that has seeped through wooden floors.

e. NOTE: Before even attempting to do this on a large area, it would be best to first test it out on a smaller area to be safe just in case it goes horribly wrong.

If you are not looking for home remedies, you may want to try out cat urine cleaners that available in pet stores. Most such products contain ingredients that destroy the bacteria in the urine, and this helps to get rid of the annoying stains or odors.

To find out more information on cat urine cleaner and how to avoid cat urine in general please visit:

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