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Cats - Owners of Humans

A human can own a dog, or a dog can own a human. Not so with a cat! There are no two ways about it. Wherever cats are kept, they rule the roost. Of course cats can be very loving pets, as cat people will tell you. But it is on the terms of the cat! Some facts about our feline friends:

  • A cat's heart beats twice as fast as a humans at rest. Between 110 to 140 beats per minute.
  • Giving a cat a bath is no joy ride, but 25 percent of 'owners' that do bathe them blow dry them afterwards.
  • Cats usually wag their tails when they are in a state of inner conflict.
  • When cats are content they will knead their humans or any other creature they won with their paws. This is thought to be a carry over from their kitten days, as kneading Mama while nursing stimulates milk flow.
  • One of the most brilliant persons of history, Sir Isaac Newton, not only enriched the world of physics and mathematics. He also invented the cat door.
  • If your cat insists on scratching on your furniture, try putting lemon or orange scent on the area. Cats hate citrus odors.
  • Cats, along with giraffes and camels, are the only animals that move both their left feet, then both their right feet when walking.
  • A cat needs only about 17 percent of the amount of light humans need to see in the dark
  • A cat can see up to 120 feet, and have peripheral vision of about 280 degrees.
  • A group of adult cats is called a clowder, a group of kittens is called a kindle.
  • For proper nutrition and health, a cat needs 5 times more protein than a dog.
  • 21 per cent of U.S. homes have at least one cat.
  • On a yearly average, human pets of cats spend $2.5 billion on cat food and $295 million on kitty litter.

Alan Beggerow is a free lance writer. Visit his writing services website, Ghostwriter, at

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