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Common Cat Health Skin Problems

Cats have internal health problems that cause skin conditions in cats. Pruritus affects the skin of cats because of the nerve fibers that control sensations such as pruritus, pain, temperature and touch. In cats, pruritus affects the grooming habits and some scratching is associated with this skin condition. When a cat has excessive grooming habits it may lead to hairballs, military dermatitis, changes in color of the fur and alopecia.

Different Pruritus Lesions That Cause Cat Health Skin Problems

Alopecia is a systematic disease that comes from allergies, malassezia, fungal infections and demodex. Hypereosinophilic syndrome has no known causes, but does have signs such as vomiting, weight loss and diarrhea along with anorexia and eosinophilia. Eosinophilic dermatitis comes from hypersensitivity and mosquito bites. This usually affects the ears, feet and face of the cat.

Ulcers and erosions due to trauma, affects the neck and head of the cat and comes from food allergies, parasites, ringworm, tumors and atopy. Military dermatitis affects the back, neck and the tail. This condition is caused by allergies, infections and parasites. Nodules, affects Siamese cats and is very rare but comes from mast cell tumors. The last pruritus lesion that affects cat health skin conditions is crusting and scale lesions. This comes from ringworm, immune disorders and SLE.

If the pruritus is severe, medications can only relieve the pain temporarily. Once the treatment is finished, the itching reoccurs and causes pain to the cat. It is best to eliminate the problems causing the pruritus than it is to keep a cat on continued medication. If your cat has an allergy, tests can determine what is causing the problem, then treatments will help prevent further pruritus on the cat. Some methods of treating pruritus are topical treatments and antihistamines along with prostaglandins and antimicrobials and in some cases corticosteroids, which are not as safe for cats because of the side effects.

Topical Treatments And Antihistamines for Pruritus

Shampoos and moisturizers that contain anti-inflammatory medication help to reduce environmental allergies and alleviate the pruritus lesions. In some cases, hydrotherapy works for environmental allergies as well. An antihistamine prevents the release of histamines. When given before the release of histamines, antihistamines block impurities from causing pruritus. In some cases, antidepressants are given with the antihistamine treatment for further prevention. Antihistamines are only about thirty percent effective in treating pruritus on cats. Because they are safer than corticosteroids, they are still prescribed to treat cat health skin problems.

Corticosteroids such as prednisone may cause side effects, but are used as a last resort if the cat does not respond to other medications that are safer. Some of the side effects may cause hunger and thirst, which could result in an overweight cat with kidney failure.

Prostaglandins and Antimicrobials

Prostaglandins help to stop the itching as an anti-itch medication. This type of relief works well after the onset of pruritus. Antimicrobials are anti-fungal and anti-bacterial medications that protect the cat health skin from pruritus if the underlying cause is from bacterial or fungal infections.

You can also find more info on Cat Eye Health and Cat Fleas. is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cat health.

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