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Health Problems in Cats

Many health problems in cats can stem from something simple and preventable. By looking after your cat well and on a daily basis is a good start as you get to know your cats little habits. Once you know these, you can tell if everything is ok.

But there are other steps to prevent health problems in cats.
Having a regular check up at the vets is very important. Your vet will check the heart of your cat and its general well being. As your cat gets older, other things may be checked. Blood samples will be checked to see if there are any problems and the stools of your cat will be looked at for worms. Any test like these will be able to detect any early signs of developing illnesses.

On a yearly basis, your cat will need to be vaccinated by the vet. A distemper shot will be given every year and a rabies shot will be given every two years. This is due to the number of wild and homeless cats who wander round and may come into contact with your pet. These vaccinations are important as many cats are known to die every year from distemper and rabies. Never try to administer the vaccine yourself and always allow the vet to do it as you could cause more problems.

Why is your cat always licking? We all know that this is how the cat keeps itself clean but what if the licking becomes excessive? If you notice that your cat is licking more than usual, then it may have a skin irritation or it may be stress. Cats that are stressed lick to calm themselves down. You can prevent this by making sure your cat has its own quiet place and make sure this place is kept very clean. If all the licking keeps going, consult your vet to run further tests.

It is not just long haired cats which suffer from hairballs. Even short haired cats can suffer. Daily grooming with a soft brush from you can limit the build up of cat hair which may go into the throat and stomach. It is easier to groom than it is to clean up cat vomit!

Ear mites can also cause health problems in cats. These are tiny parasites which may be found in the ear of the cat and can cause a distinctive smell. If you can get these mites at an early stage before they go right into the ear, you will be able to treat your cat at home. By checking on a weekly basis and keeping the ears of your cat nice and clean will make sure this risk is kept to a minimum.

Trying to find the best health care for your cat?

There are so many medications and advice available so how do you decide what is for your cat?

For more free advice, tips and suggestions, visit Feline Heath Care

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