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How to Care For a New Kitten

Many kids when they get to a certain age want a pet of some sort. This is very common among children, but it is important to know that it is not always such an easy task. Although, it is a good idea to get a child a pet, specifically a kitten as this will teach them about responsibility from a young age. Responsibility to a certain extent, let the child take care of the easier tasks like making sure the kitten has water at all times and getting them to help you clean the litterbox.

Any cats, full grown or kittens, like to play and they are very active animals. The only problem with this is that many of the things they like to play with can be dangerous, such as certain plants, cords, wires other related items.

Before you get the kitten, make sure you have a litterbox and litter, this is the most important. Also, before you take the kitten home, you should take it to the nearest veterinary and have it tested for any diseases and make sure that they are not carrying any parasites. This is even more important if you have any other pets at home, as they could catch what the kitten has and then your problems will be doubled.

Once the cat has been checked and you have the go ahead to take it home, it needs to be put in a separate room from any other animals. (This is only temporary) the kitten should have its own food bowl, water bowl, sleeping space and litterbox in its room. You may open the door to the kitten's room slightly so that the other animals can get used to his/her presence. For a bit of assistance in helping the animals get to know one another, take a towel and gently rub it on the other animals back and put the towel by the kitten's bed and do the same with the kitten and put the towel by the other animal's bed. This is to get both parties to recognize the other's scent.

The animals will soon be getting along fine. When they first meet, you can expect some hissing or growling, but they will get over that and become friends after a short while.

Kittens are generally well-behaved. The only thing they might do that can be annoying is playing with plants and other items. This is only natural but can be overcome by giving them toys to play with. You can also tie a piece of string to something of a medium height and let it dangle in the air. They will love this and play with it often and they might even leave your plants alone!

Dry food is often best for kittens, but a treat like a sachet of a wet meaty meal once every now and then is fine for them. It is important that you keep your kitten healthy if you want it to grow into beautiful, fit cats. Remember that the kitten's litterbox needs to be cleaned normally every second day, if it stays dirty, it is going to start using your plants, floors and furniture as their litterbox.

Lauren a.k.a "The Pet Step Lady" has had her new kitten Kingston for about 3 months. She found it difficult in the beginning to care for him and wrote this article to help future cat owners. Lauren always strives to make the life of pets and their owners easier and one way for this to happen is with dog and cat stairs. To discover how your pet can move easily up and down a couch or bed visit

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