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How To Groom Your Cat With Items You Already Have On Hand

Our two cats love it when I approach them with one of their grooming brushes or combs! Our female cat is petite, and her fur is quite thin, so grooming her is easy, although she is a little hesitant to let me groom her tummy-fur.

Our male cat is quite a bit larger, and his fur is thicker, so grooming him is a little more work, but he is rather fond of having his fur brushed and combed, so when I groom him, he is inclined to lay still and enjoy it. In fact, he often rolls over a few times to let me groom him on all sides.

Grooming a cat is not difficult, unless your cat is the skittish type. Some cats do not like too much stimulation, and may become a little agitated if brushed too long or too rough. In fact, some cats may lash out and scratch after being brushed or combed for even just a few minutes. Seems that they love it, but it becomes too much for them.

So, if you know your cat well enough, try these simple steps to help remove some of that shedding fur. He will thank you, because otherwise he would be licking all that fur, swallowing most of whatever comes loose on his tongue, then vomiting up massive fur-balls. And that cannot be very comfortable!

Most people have an old hair brush and comb around the house (clean ones, of course!), and those items work quite well for home-grooming of cats.

Begin by using a hair brush (one that has bristles that are not too stiff or too sharp). Brush the cat from the top of his head to the tip of his tail, in smooth, light strokes. Do not bear down too hard, as this may cause his skin to become irritated.

Usually, he will let you know by his response to the brushing. If he leans into it for more, he's appreciating it. If he seems to try ducking away, he is probably not!

Clean the brush periodically to keep already removed fur from being re-deposited back onto the cat. Brush lightly all around his body, or as much as you can access without forcing him into positions he may not appreciate.

Continue brushing until you feel you have removed most of the easily-removed fur.

Next, use the comb-preferably one with fairly fine teeth. Hold the comb at a fairly flat angle against the cat's body, and lightly stroke from head to tail. You will notice that the comb may become stuck at some points. This usually means there is thicker fur under the top layers which is holding the comb back.

Do not pull too hard, as that may cause pain and irritation. Instead, try to lift the comb a little and pull through that area with several light strokes to remove any fur loose enough to come out with light pressure. We don't want to strip the fur off the cat!

As you carry out these grooming steps, your cat may let you know that she has had enough by simply trotting away. Some cats may let you groom them for hours; however, cats do need to keep their fur-coats intact, so use discretion!

Some cats will actually roll-over for you to get at their underside, but please use extreme caution there! Cats are quite sensitive to tummy-tickling, but most cat owners already know that! If you are grooming her tummy, stroke very lightly to avoid over-stimulation or injury.

Once you have finished your grooming, it is a good idea to stroke your hand along the cat's body to help lift any remaining loose fur that may have settled back onto her. Plus, she will appreciate your warm touch against her where you've just been brushing. Her newly-groomed fur coat should feel smooth and silky.

Your cat will thank you many times over for your attention to her grooming needs. After all, I would think she may get a little tired of doing it all with her tongue! Cats are normally very fastidious about personal hygiene, so you must also respect that as you groom her.

Do not brush or comb against the normal lay of the fur, and don't pull too hard, as these may aggravate her. Be as gentle as you can, and, most of all, be sure to talk with your cat while grooming her. She will normally respond with those unmistakable love-eyes, which will reassure you that she appreciates what you are doing for her!

Good luck-and happy grooming!

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