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How To Treat A Kitten Old About 2-4 Weeks

A young kitten can eat only milk. But if you have to feed it by yourself, you have to find some tools to help you feed them. You must find a small Syringe [size about 1 ml.] you can find in pets shop or Pharmacy. Why I suggest you to use the smallest Syringe, because it's will help you feed milk to them very slowly, very young kitten need to eat slowly, if they eat to fast they will get choke. About milk, you must find a kitten dried milk. You can buy from pet shop. e

But please remember this phrase "Don't feed them by normal milk, cow milk". I refer Goat milk, because it easy to find. And mix goat milk with water by 1 milk with ½-1 water. After try milk, you can start try to feed him by liquid food for kitten. If they can eat you can give them both between milk and liquid food. But about liquid food don't give them too much, because kitten digests system is still very new and can't take on a lot of food. And after their meal you must watch them to see when they go to stool. If they didn't do that may be they have some problem about suffer from constipation. If this problem happens you should mix more water with milk, but if they still continued had this problem. You must take him to see vetrinarian.

And still have other things to be careful. First things is, Do not bathing them even you get him from a dirty dustbin or every dirty place. All you can do is clean them by using a wet fabric to wipe their body, and after that use dry fabric to wipe them too. And second thing is if weather is cold, you need to give them warm. Because if these kitten stay with their mom. Their mom will make them warm enough to survive. All you need is a standard lamp, it can help kitten to feel warmer. Place it high about 1-1.5 meter and shine into a kitten basket. You can open about 2 hours and after that turn off about 1 hour in the night, continued doing this can help kitten fell warmer and good for their health. But if kitten got illness, absolutely don't warm them by lamp. And a last thing is, if your kitten got illness please brings him to see veterinarian instantly. Don't use human medicine with kitten, it can kill them.

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