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Introducing Cats

Introducing cats to one another can be a little tricky. It should be a slow and gradual process in which both cats are first introduced by sight and scent. Once they are aware of each others presence, it is then time for them to meet face to face.

The amount of time it takes your cats to get used to each other will depend on the personalities of your cats. The typical sight and scent introduction period should last for a couple days.

Allow your new cat to have his or her own room for a little while. The new cat should be able to explore the house if they are inclined to do so, but again, do not allow direct interaction with your other cats until they are comfortably aware of one another.

A few things you can do to help improve the results from the sight and scent period can be to switch rooms with the other cats. Exchange items such as toys and beds. Allow them to sniff each other under the door and let your present cats explore the new animals home room, while the new cat explores the rest of the house.

After a while, your cats should be able to interact. Gauge whether or not your cats will have a good introduction by how they respond during the sight and scent period. When it is time to officially meet each other, choose an open space in your house and keep a close eye on their interaction.

It is a good idea to have several plates of fresh chopped cat nip or other treats for the meeting occasion. Watch the body postures of your cats and be aware of any problem signs. Arched backs, twitching tails and sideways postures. These are all signs of aggression! If this behavior occurs, take your new cat back to their home room and continue with the scent and sight period.

It is always possible for your cats to get into a fight so have a broom handy just in case! Do not attempt to break a fight up with your hands or you may get a nasty cat bite. If you get the feeling that a fight may occur while introducing your cats, separate them immediately.

Remember that some cats are more territorial than others so the adjustment period will depend on the personalities of your cats. A gradual "sight and scent" introduction is usually best among new arrivals because it gives cats a chance to get used to one another. Always watch your cats closely during their initial introduction and be ready to deal with any problems that may occur when introducing your new cats.

Wait! Don't give up on your cat... A well planned behavior program may be all your kitty needs. Visit catutah for some advice and resources on how to deal with cat behavior problems [] and more advice on introducing cats.

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