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Santa Knows You Love Cats

Just a few words for humans who are "card-carrying" cat people. You are doing your friends a major favor. Santa knows you love cats, and he knows what to get you!

Santa certainly has got my number. Cat sweatshirts, t-shirts, kitten calendars, one-cat-a-day calendars, mugs, jewelry, stationery, pictures and frames featuring cats, cat joke books and sentimental cat stories. All things feline! If you're known to be a cat lover, your friends and relatives have an easy time figuring out what you might like and on any and all occasions. Oddly enough, I'm not complaining. I've received almost all of these gifts and enjoyed every one. Okay, so maybe some of those people who get me cat gifts think I'm a little nuts on the subject. (Maybe?)

Part of being tuned in to cats is enjoying and learning from their spirit of not caring "what people think" about their desires. Do you think that your cat spends one fraction of a second pondering anyone's opinion of his or her food, sleeping place, toys or behavior? They may be concerned about the amount, timing and quality of these things, but only as regards to their own needs and comfort. Cats just honestly react to whatever presents itself in the moment. That is a major lesson I have learned from cats. They may be anxious, even neurotic, but never about "what someone will think."

If you put up pictures of your cat or cats on your desk at work, the office Secret Santa will never be at a loss for what to give you. Your co-workers will thank you for sparing them hours of possibly frustrated shopping, thereby making happier holidays for everyone. Soon you will have an entire cupboard filled with kitty mugs!


Lynne Murray
Survival Skills for Cohabiting with Cats

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