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Stop Cat Behavior Problems - Scratching Problems

Just about every cat owner has cried about this problem, there's just no way of getting out of the experience. For those who do not have a cat I encourage you to read on, and for those who do have cats read on as well. This is going to stop all the annoyance and frustrations of having a cat ruin all of your beautiful furniture.

But in order for us to stop cat behavior problems like scratching, we need to understand why they do scratch...

Why does my cat scratch?

Cats our not on a mission to destroy your favorite drapes or your expensive furniture just because, but they do it to satisfy certain innate needs. Scratching is health for the cat because it removes the covering over the claws and it is also do to animals marking behavior. Along with the claw marks left behind, it may also serve as a display of confidence.

How to stop cat behavior problems like scratching?

Cat scratching is a innate behavior, so it is very difficult to stop or even curb. Its like trying to make your cat stop grooming, or burying its waste. Its just what cats do but cats can be taught to scratch on more appropriate things like scratching posts and tree stumps. Follow these three tips that will redirect your cats scratching behavior:

1. Find out what your cat likes to scratch

What I mean by this is observe your cat carefully and see what they like to scratch and how do they like to scratch. Example: Does your cat prefer to scratch on carpets, drapes, wood, or some other surface? Does she scratch vertically, with her paws stretched out above her head, or does she prefer horizontal surfaces? Once you have figured out your cats preferred scratching materials and orientation, you will have no problems finding a scratching post that will fit your cat needs.

2. Provide items that match these preferences

Scratching posts of all shapes, sizes, and textures are available at most pet stores. If your cat likes to scratch on carpets, a carpet-covered post would be a good choice. But if your cat prefers couches and other nubby surfaces, a post covered in sisal or some other rope-like material might be your best bet. The scratching post should also match your cat's preferred orientation for scratching. A cat that climbs and scratches on drapes would probably prefer a post tall enough for a long stretch, such as those that mount on a wall or door.

The proper placement of the scratching post is an important part of redirecting your cat's scratching behavior. First place the post in the area in which your cat likes to scratch, then move it gradually to another location.

3. Make items in the house unavailable or less attractive to your cat

The only guaranteed way you can't stop your cat from scratching up everything is to lock your cat in a room or lock the room where they like to scratch. You can also set up little booby traps for your cats. Example set up a tower of plastic cups that topples over when you barely touch it; this will startle your cat and you can do other things as well.

Bonus: Does punishment teach a cat to stop scratching?

Short and simple, cats do not respond well to punishment, because they see no link between the punishment and their "crime." DON'T yell either, because that will make your cat fearful, just use a firm tone.

More cat owner tips

WAIT! Don't put your cat up for adoption just yet. A well crafted training plain is all you need to a well behaved cat. FIND OUT HOW - click here

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