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The Benefits Of The Catit Drinking Fountain For Your Pets

The pleasures of having animals share your house and life are many. Anybody that owns a pet knows the feeling of coming home on a late winters night cold and tired after work only to be greeted with such happiness by their pet. Studies have long shown that living with animals provides us with quite a variety of physical and emotional benefits. In today's fast paced life stress and depression have become big business and unfortunately common place. It has been shown that living with a pet or pets reduces our likelihood of suffering from depression. The least we can do for our animals in return for the love and good health they give us is to give them plenty of love, shelter, food and a plentiful supply of clean water.

The pet drinking fountain is a revolutionary development that provides pets with a fresh long lasting water supply. As any keen outdoor enthusiast will tell you, if you are stuck for water never drink from still stagnant water, always try and find a source of flowing water. It has been stated that most animals seem to prefer to drink from flowing water than still water. Have you ever seen a cat go to take a drink from it's bowl only after it has checked the surface gently with its paw just to check it really is water? You wont see a cat doing this with flowing water, because it can see by the movement that it is water. This is where the pet fountains come in.

The benefits for the cat of this type of drinking fountain are many. Firstly a drinking fountain has a small filter between the dome fountain and the bowl, so that when water is circulated back into the pump it is first filtered by a carbon filter insert. This makes for clean water all the time and eliminates the problem of insects or other foreign objects falling into the water and making it undrinkable. Because a fountain provides a large surface area for the water to flow down the water is kept cool and oxygenated all the time. Even in summer the water seems to stay nice and cool, much cooler than if it were sitting still in a bowl. Providing your pets, cats in particular, with enough fresh drinking water is essential to the long term health of your pets, especially their kidneys.

The only real downside of pet drinking fountains is the noise the pumps make sometimes. But this usually only happens when the water is almost empty and takes a quick fill-up to fix. Some fountains have at least a 3 litre capacity and can last for 5 or 6 days without needing a refill. When the fountain has a normal water level the it actually makes quite a peaceful and relaxing running water sound.

One great example for a pet drinking fountain is the Catit Drinking Fountain, for more details on such a fountain please Click Here [].


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