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Understanding Cat Potty Training

Owning a cat can be a wonderful experience. Whilst they have a reputation for being selfish and arrogant, most cats are in fact very loving and they can bring their owners a lot of joy. However, there is one thing which many owners become frustrated about and that is cat potty training.

Now cat potty training may not be as difficult as housetraining a dog, but it can still be really challenging. Many cats pick up very quickly the fact that they are supposed to relieve themselves in their litter tray, however there are some who can be a little more stubborn!

What You Should Know About Cat Potty Training

The main thing to remember with cat potty training is that patience and persistence pays off. You need to carefully keep an eye on the cat so that you know when they need to relieve themselves and you can then place them into the litter tray. However, cat potty training is not always that simple.

It could be that your cat is relieving themselves everywhere but where they are supposed to. Many cat owners become increasingly frustrated when they have provided a perfectly good litter tray, yet the cat refuses to use it. Now there could be many reasons why your cat is refusing to use the litter tray. You have to remember that with cat potty training you need to provide them with a clean litter tray in a quiet area. So if the litter tray is dirty and it is placed in the wrong area, your cat will not want to use it.

Another reason why cat potty training does not always go so well is if there is something new in the cat's environment. Usually when you bring a cat home for the first time, everything is new and so potty training could take a while. They need to get familiar with their surroundings and they need to feel secure before they can get into any type of routine. If your cat has been with you for a while and they have already undertaken cat potty training in the past, then the problem could be if there is anything new in the house. Has there been a recent addition to the family? Have you purchased another cat?

If you have purchased another cat then your older cat may be feeling a little threatened. This would mean that they start to urinate everywhere in order to mark their territory.

Overall there are many reasons why your cat potty training may not be going so well. You need to get to the bottom of those reasons if you want to solve the problem completely. Generally though it is all just a matter of patience and persistence and of watching out for when your cat may want to relieve themselves.

So if you want to get over with the frustration caused by your cat relieving itself just anywhere and everywhere in your home then get some good, handy tips on cat potty training here:

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