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Cat Spraying Problems - Stop Cat Spraying Behavior Before It Starts!

In order to stop cat spraying behavior, you must first get to the root of your cat's problem. The reasons your cat is spraying in the house can depend on numerous things and is therefore an issue that must be dealt with on a case by case basis. This article details some scenarios you might have encountered.

For example, have you recently moved into the place of your dreams, just to find out that your cat thinks he is living in a nightmare? It happens all the time, people move into a new place and their well behaved cat suddenly acquires a behavior problem. Issues such as spraying in the house can happen when your cat is faced with new surroundings.

When cats spray, it is mainly because of a territorial instinct that they are acting on. This spraying behavior can be recognized by your cat turning and re-positioning their rear end toward an upright surface. This is different from regular cat urination.

Is important to distinguish cat spraying behavior from urinating on the floor, which can often be tied to a medical problem. Seek the advice of your veterinarian if your cat suddenly starts urinating on the floor. Urinary tract infections in cats can be a serious health problem and can be life threatening if not treated.

Keep in mind that cats can sense the animals that were previously living in your new place, months or even years from now. A cat's sense of smell is highly developed and several times stronger than that of a human. Even though your new home feels clean and fresh to you, it may be "filthy" to your feline!

It is likely that your cat is reacting to the left-over smells of previous occupants. Try hiring a professional carpet cleaner. You can also do it yourself by using a specialized carpet cleaner for pets. Specially formulated cat urine cleaners are available that break down enzymes that are left behind.

In summary, there are many scenarios that can trigger cat spraying behavior. If your cat is spraying in your new house, it is often a reaction to the leftover scents of the animals that lived there previously. Have your new home professionally cleaned and disinfected or do it yourself with a dedicated pet cleaner. Hopefully this will solve your cat spraying problems.

For a great tip on an unusual cleaning product that will remove cat urine from your carpet, read the article on how to clean cat urine [] at

Wait! Don't give up on your cat! A good behavior program may be all your kitty needs. Bad cat behavior [] can often be stopped with the simple methods described in this downloadable e-book.

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