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How To Groom Your Cat And Why Grooming Is Important

Cats are well equipped to groom themselves with their tongue, teeth, claws and paws all able to do an excellent wash and brush up. In fact the cats tongue is especially designed to brush through fur with its rough barbed covered surface, which is excellent at removing dirt and grit. However even the most agile and flexible cat cannot always reach every part of its body adequately enough to remove every last particle of dirt.

It is important that a cat's fur be kept well groomed all year round; this is especially true at times when the coat is being shed. This normally happens in the spring when the thick winter coat is shed and is replaced with a new lighter summer coat. Although a cat will quite happily groom itself, problems arise when they digests large amounts of loose fur which become lodged in the cat's throat, these are known as fur balls. Fur balls will normally be regurgitated by the cat, but in some extreme cases my become too large and have to be removed by a Vet. Too prevent this from happening regular grooming by the owner will remove the loose fur and prevent the cat from digesting too much.

Longhaired cats require much more frequent grooming by their owners, at least two or three times a week. The fur of a longhaired cat is very thick and has several layers, which is what it them that fluffy look. The cat although able to groom the upper layer easy cannot reach the much finer layers of fur nearest the skin. This is the fur that if left unattended will begin to mat together, causing painful clumps. These clumps or mats of fur get larger and larger if not dealt with promptly and begin to pull and tear the cat's skin. When the fur is at this stage the only solution is to have the mats cut out by a professional cat groomer, who will shave the affected fur away using special grooming tools. To avoid this situation regular grooming by the owner will prevent these mats from forming.

There are many types of cat combs and brushes on the market especially designed for owners to painlessly and easily be able to groom their cats. Always make sure that the equipment is suited to the type of cats fur, as short haired and longhaired cats require different types of brush. Using the wrong one may cause pain and distress to your cat and not be able to adequately groom the fur.

The following steps will take you through the common process for grooming your cat:

1. Settle your cat down by gently stroking them and getting them in a relaxed frame of mind.

2. Gently part the fur and look for any injuries, lumps or parasites.

3. Check the feet and press the toes gently to see if there are any foreign bodies caught between the toes or in the fur.

4. Clip any long claws using special nail clippers. (Remember not to go near the pink quick of the nail)

5. Gently brush the cat's fur in the opposite direction to its growth, making sure to get down into the fur closest to the skin.

6. Pay particular attention to the fur around the back legs especially in longhaired cats, as this is one of the areas most prone to matting.

7. Check inside the cat's ears for any signs of wax of ear mites and clean with a small damp piece of cotton wool if necessary.

8. Wipe eyes with damp cotton wool if there are any signs of discharge.

The more often you groom your cat the more confident you will become and the more excepting your cat will be of the process.

It is generally not necessary to give a cat a bath. However if something gets on the fur that cannot be brushed out, like oil or paint then washing the cats fur is the only option. Remember most cats don't like water and so bathing your cat may be quite a traumatic experience for you both. Try to keep the situation as calm as possible and always keep water away from the cats face. A cat should never be submerged in water, use jugs of warm water or a light flow from a shower head. Use only special cat shampoos, as it is important not to wash away oils from the cats fur that help to keep the coat in top condition.

More cat health and cat care tips can be found at our site A feline friendly community full of helpful advice and fun things to do to make sure you have a happy cat and a happy you.

Copyright 2007 Kate Tilmouth

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